• Title/Summary/Keyword: reconstructive surgery

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Effects of Resistance Exercise Using Vibration Stimulation on Knee Muscle Strength and Balance after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (진동자극을 이용한 저항운동이 앞십자인대 재건술 후 무릎관절 근력과 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Chang-hwan;Lee, Jung-ho;Kim, Je-chun;Kim, Myeong-gwon;Kim, Seong-hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2017
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate how the resistive exercises with vibration stimuli could affect the strength of knee muscles and balance in patients with a history of reconstructive surgery. Methods: Thirty four subjects with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction were randomly divided into 3 groups; Resistive exercises with vibration stimuli group (n=11), Resistive exercises (n=11) and control group (n=12). The paired t-test was used to show the variation before and after exercise in all three groups. One way ANOVA was used to separate the total variation between groups. Results: The results showed that there was significant improve in the strength of knee muscles in all three groups and resistive exercise with vibration stimuli he group showed a better result in all area than the other two groups. Comparisons of sway distances with open and closed eyes showed a statistically significant decrease before and after treatment in all three groups, there was no statistically significant difference between groups. There was a significant difference only in the sway distance with the eyes closed. Conclusions: Applying the resistive exercise with vibration stimuli as a therapeutic exercise program resulted in a positive effect to the functional activity not only in rapidly recovering the strength the weaken muscles and lost of balance ability, but also expecting an earlier return to daily life by advancing the date of the process for the functional activity.

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5 Cases of Tracheal Reconstruction (기관성형술 5예)

  • 유홍균;임현호;김종민;신홍수
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1983.05a
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    • pp.14.3-14
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    • 1983
  • In recent years there has been considerable interest in reconstructive surgery of the trachea for cervical tracheal stenosis developed by complication of endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy, or trauma of the neck. The methods used to reconstruct the tracheal defects can be repaired with end-to - end anastomosis, cervical flaps, and autogenous graft materials. Since Grillo had undertaken tracheal reconstruction after circumferential resection in dogs, resection and end - to - end anastomosis was used in cases of circumferential stenosis. And, costal, nasal septal and auricular cartilage have been used for the autogenous graft materials. Since Caputo and Consiglio had undergone tracheoplasty with auricular cartilage, Morgenstein reported successful repair of a tracheal defect with a composite postauricular cartilage graft. The advantages of the auricular cartilage graft are its easy accessibility, availability and familiarity to the otolaryngologist. In past 2 years, We performed the tracheoplasty with auricular cartilage graft and end- to end an astomosis after segmental resection in 5 patients who had suffered from tracheal stenosis. And we obtained good results. So, we reported the cases with review of the literatures.

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Protective Effects of EGCG on UVB-Induced Damage in Living Skin Equivalents

  • Kim, So-Young;Kim, Dong-Seok;Kwon, Sun-Bang;Park, Eun-Sang;Huh, Chang-Hun;Youn, Sang-Woong;Kim, Suk-Wha;Park, Kyoung-Chan
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.784-790
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we evaluate the effects of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on ultraviolet B(UVB)-irradiated living skin equivalents (LSEs). Histologically, UVB irradiation induced thinning of the LSE epidermis, whereas EGCG treatment led to thickening of the epidermis. Moreover, EGCG treatment protected LSEs against damage and breakdown caused by UVB exposure. Immunohistochemically, UVB-exposed LSEs expressed p53, Fas, and 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), all of which are associated with apoptosis. However, EGCG treatment reduced the levels of UVB-induced apoptotic markers in the LSEs. In order to determine the signaling pathways induced by UVB, Western blot analysis was performed for both c-Jun $NH_2$-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), which are associated with UVB-induced oxidative stress. UVB activated JNK in the epidermis and dermis of the LSEs, and EGCG treatment reduced the UVB-induced phosphorylation of JNK. In addition, p38 MAPK was also found to have increased in the UVB-exposed LSEs. Also, EGCG reduced levels of the phosphorylation of UVB-induced p38 MAPK. In conclusion, pretreatment with EGCG protects against UVB irradiation via the suppression of JNK and p38 MAPK activation. Our results suggest that EGCG may be useful in the prevention of UVB-induced human skin damage, and LSEs may constitute a potential substitute for animal and human studies.

Levofloxacin and Torsades de Pointes (Levofloxacin과 Torsades de Pointes)

  • Kwon, Se-Ah;Kim, Cheol-Hong;Song, Won-Jun;Koo, Ja-Kyung;Lee, Soon-Jae;Park, Ji-Young;Hyun, In-Gyu;Ko, Jang-Hyu;Kim, Hyun-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.69 no.6
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    • pp.474-479
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    • 2010
  • Torsades de pointes associated with a prolonged QT interval is a life-threatening arrhythmia, which may be induced by any of the following: drugs, electrolyte imbalances, severe bradycardia and intracranial hemorrhage. Torsades de pointes is characterized by beat-to-beat variations in the QRS complexes in any ECG leads with rates of 200~250 per minute. Fluoroquinolones are widely used and well tolerated antibacterial agents. However, prolongation of the QT interval leads rarely to Torsades de pointes as a significant adverse effect. So, it should be used with caution in high-risk patients for developing Torsades de pointes. We report one case of 67-year old man with contact burns who experienced Torsades de pointes, which probably resulted from the use of levofloxacin, and no further episode occurred after its withdrawal.

The Treatment of Gynecomastia using Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction with Pull-Out Method or Excision through Periareolar Incision (다양한 술식을 이용한 여성형 유방증의 치료: 초음파 지방흡입술과 풀아웃법 또는 유륜절개를 통한 절제술)

  • Sim, Hyung Bo;Yoon, Sang Yub
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Gynecomastia is an abnormal increase in the volume of the male breast. Patients affected by gynecomastia with significant glandular enlargement may respond to suction alone and/or sharp dissection and excision. The purpose of this report is to introduce the indications and results of authors' two techniques. Methods: The diameter of parenchyme was determined by a pinch test after liposuction. For the parenchymal diameter less than 4 cm, ultrasound-assisted liposuction was performed, in conjunction with the "pull-out technique" to effectively remove the fibrofatty tissue of the male breast through a single 5-7 mm incision. For the parenchymal diameter more than 4 cm, ultrasound-assisted liposuction and excision were applied through 2.5 cm periareolar approach. Results: A total of 94 patients (185 breasts) underwent the operation from October 2000 to October 2003 and mean follow-up period was 12 months. The volume of aspirates ranged from 50 to 450 cc per breast. There were no major complications such as skin flap necrosis. Five reoperations were performed for 1 hypertrophic scar, 2 under-resected and 2 hematoma cases. The patient's satisfaction was high and most of them were pleased with the shape of the breasts and scars. Conclusion: These procedures can minimize scars and reduce the incidence of contour problem such as saucer deformity, and provides consistent results. Patients can return to full activities in 48 hours. It can be offered as an option for the treatment of gynecomastia.

The Comparison of Long-term Effect of Botox® injection on Lower Face Contouring after Single injection and Long-term Repeated injections by Standardized Photograph Analysis (Botox®를 이용한 하안면윤곽술에서 단일시술과 장기간 반복시술의 효과 지속 기간의 비교: 표준화된 사진 계측을 이용한 분석)

  • Park, Mee Young;Ahn, Ki Young
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.654-659
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: A botulinum toxin type A (BoNT - A) injection has been used as a noninvasive management for lower face contouring since 2000. The aim of this study was to compare reduction rate of lower face width for a longtime according to repeated Botox$^{(R)}$ injections on masseter muscles for lower face contouring procedure. Methods: Forty - five patients were analyzed for single session of Botox$^{(R)}$ injection and 13 patients were evaluated for repeated Botox$^{(R)}$ injections for over two years. Single injection group was tracked regular intervals at 1, 3, 6, 10, 12 months after injection, and repeated injection group was measured at every injection time. Twenty - five to thirty units of Botox$^{(R)}$ was injected into each masseteric muscle at five to six points at the prominent portions of the mandibular angle. Standardized frontal view of digital photographs were analyzed by Adobe Photoshop$^{(R)}$ (version CS3) to measure an reduction rate of lower face width. Results: Reduction rate was 3.7%, 6.9%, 6.2%, 4%, 4% at 1, 3, 6, 10, 12 months post injection each other in single injection group. However, more than 8% reduction rate was found in repeated injection group persistently for more than two years. Conclusion: This study shows that effective duration of Botox$^{(R)}$ injection for lower face contouring is expected to continue over one year clinically. Moreover, repeated injections maintained lower reduction rate consistently for a long time. Therefore, repeated injections on masseter muscles at regular intervals are most effective procedure for lower face contouring.

Sensory Bearing Scapular Free Flap (감각 유리견갑피판술)

  • Chung, Duke-Whan
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 1998
  • Among many kinds of introduced free flaps, scapular freeflap is one of the most popularly using modalities in fasciocutaneous defect coverage with minimal donor defect and easier procedure and constant vascular patterns of the donor. Many surgeons who had experience of this flap pointed out deficit of the reliable sensation of the transplanted flap is the main shortcoming of the scapular free flap. If we can subjugate that point, scapular free flap is the most excellent procedure in such a cases as heel pad reconstruction and hand reconstruction which are relatively important to have skin with protective sensation. Author performed anatomical literature review, 10 cadaveric dissections and 12 clinical dissections. In surgical anatomical aspect, the upper six dorsal rami of the thoracic nerves have medial branches which pierce Longissimus thoracis and Multifidus muscle with small cutaneous twigs which pierce Latissimus dorsi and Trapezius muscle. Among that cutaneous twigs, several twigs distribute to the skin of the back from midline to lateral aspect which territory is identical to scapular free flap. We analysed clinical experiences of that sensory bearing scapular free flap surgical anatomy and one year follow-up studies with several results. 1) Two to three cutaneous twigs which pierced from the Trapezius muscle over the scapular free flap region. 2) Each twigs has two to four nerve fascicles with small artery. 3) The nerve distributed to the ordinary scapular free flap and large enough size and pedicle length to neurorrhapy with various recipient site nerves. 4) The inconvenience of this procedure is the vascular pedicle and nerve pedicle have opposite directions, vascular pedicle of that comes from lateral direction from subscapular vessels, but nerve pedicle comes from medial direction from trapezius muscle. Author can found constant cutaneous nerve branches which come from piercing the Trapezius. This nerves are helpful for protective sensation in transplanted scapular free flap. We can't had enough follow-up and evaluation of the nerve function of this procedure, we need continuous research works to application of this procedure. The in conveniences come from directional differences of pedicle can solve with longer harvest neural pedicle and change direction of the neural pedicle.

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Evaluation of the Effects of Feedback and Remediation after Formative Assessment in the Introduction to Clinical Medicine (임상실습 입문교육에서 형성평가 후 되먹임 및 재시험의 효과)

  • Lee, Yong Jig;Choi, Son Hwan
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2016
  • The authors investigated the effect of feedback and remediation after formative assessment (FRFA) by comparing the FRFA score and that of summative assessment (SA) in a course on clinical skills. In March 2015, 33 subjects underwent evaluation of their ability to perform a complex clinical skill using a real-time ready-made mobile assessment form tool, and through e-mail they were supplied with their feedback and final score (the pass group earned 2 points; the intermediate group earned 1 point; the nonpass group earned 0 points) followed by their self-reflection. The nonpass group underwent a re-test and e-mail feedback again until they passed the test, given the ease of performance. In December 2015, the 33 subjects took a 10-item SA, and one of the 10 items addressed a similar clinical skill. The difference between the first score on the FRFA and the score on the SA was evaluated statistically (p=0.05) through data analysis, variance distribution, correlation analysis, and linear regression analysis using SPSS software ver. 16. The increase from the score on the SA to that on the FRFA was statistically significant ($4.5{\pm}9.29$) in the pass group and the intermediate group, and was $29.7{\pm}11.49$ in the nonpass group of the formative evaluation (p<0.001). Using an FRFA could decrease the range in the standard deviation of the score and increase the minimum score among the subjects.

Visualization of Epidermis and Dermal Cells in ex vivo Human Skin Using the Confocal and Two-photon Microscopy

  • Choi, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Wi-Han;Lee, Yong-Joong;Lee, Ho;Lee, Weon-Ju;Yang, Jung-Dug;Shim, Jong-Won;Kim, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2011
  • The confocal laser scanning microscopy and two-photon microscopy was implemented based on a single laser source and an objective lens. We imaged and compared the morphology of identical sites of ex vivo human skin using both microscopes. The back-scattering emission from the sample provided the contrast for the confocal microscopy. The intrinsic autofluorescence and the second harmonic generation were used as the luminescence source for the two-photon microscopy. The wavelength of the Ti:Sapphire laser was tuned at 710 nm, which corresponds to the excitation peak of NADH and FAD in skin tissue. The various cell layers in the epidermis and the papillary dermis were clearly distinguished by both imaging modalities. The two-photon microscopy more clearly visualized the intercellular region and the nucleus of the cell compared to the confocal microscopy. The fibrous structures in the dermis were more clearly resolved by the confocal microscopy. Numerous cells in papillary dermal layer, as deep as $100\;{\mu}m$, were observed in both CLSM and two-photon microscopy. While most previous studies focused on fibrous structure imaging (collagen and elastin fiber) in the dermis, we demonstrated that the combined imaging with the CLSM and two-photon microscopy can be applied for the non-invasive study of the population, distribution and metabolism of papillary dermal cells in skin.

Ligamentoplasty with interposition of the proximal interphalangeal joint in the treatment of unicondylar osteochondral defects: a cadaveric feasibility study

  • Hery, Jean-Charles;Picart, Baptiste;Malherbe, Melanie;Hulet, Christophe;Lombard, Aude
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.635-640
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    • 2021
  • Background Injuries to the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint are common and complex. However, the treatment of osteochondral defects of the head of the proximal phalanx has rarely been described. Herein, we propose a new technique for the management of unicondylar defects of the proximal phalanx that can restore joint amplitudes and provide PIP stability. Methods In this cadaveric feasibility study, unicondylar defects were generated using striking wedges and chisels. First, a transverse tunnel measuring 2 mm in diameter passing through the head of the proximal phalanx was made. A second tunnel at the base of the middle phalanx with the same diameter was then created. The hemitendon of the flexor carpi radialis graft was passed through each of these tunnels. The proximal end of the graft was interposed in the area with a loss of bone substance. The ligamentoplasty was then tensed and fixed by two anchors on the proximal phalanx. Joint amplitudes and frontal stability were measured preoperatively and postoperatively. Results There was no significant change in the joint's range of motion: preoperatively, the mean mobility arcs were -2° to 113.80°, and they were -2° to 110° after the procedure (P=0.999). There was no significant difference in joint stability (P>0.05). Conclusions Ligamentoplasty with PIP interposition appears to be a possible solution for the management of unicondylar defects of the proximal phalanx. An evaluation of clinical results is planned in order to definitively confirm the validity of this procedure.