• Title/Summary/Keyword: reconstituted tobacco

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Evaluation of the Extraction Process in the Recycling of the Biological Waste (폐생물자원 활용에서 추출공정의 특성 평가)

  • Sung, Yong-Joo;Han, Young-Lim;Kim, Kun-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.38 no.3 s.116
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2006
  • The extraction properties of the biological waste originated from the Tobacco industry were evaluated. The biological waste have been recycled and transformed into a valuable material, so called a reconstituted tobacco sheet(Recon) by the papermaking process. In this process, The mechanical extraction process, which divides the mixed raw material slurry into the soluble stock and the insoluble stock, could affect not only the quality of final Recon product but also the productivity of whole Recon making process. This study investigated the effects of the extraction process on the slurry properties in detail. In order to quantify the amounts of the solubles which resided in the insoluble fibers, the washing treatment of the stock before and after squeezing process was applied. The amounts of the residual solubles showed little changes according to each stage of the extraction process. The fractionation of the slurry showed the difference in the amount of soluble in the stock depending on the size of the biological waste. After the extraction process, the bigger size fiber portion contained about 19%(by weight) in soluble after pressing but the smaller size fiber portion 9% in soluble. The fractionation ratio of the stocks also was changed by the screw press process, which could demonstrate the physical effects of the mechanical extraction.

Investigation of Relative Humidity and Storage Time of Blended Tobaccos on Total Blending Silo (순엽싸이로 상대습도 및 퇴적 시간 연구)

  • Yang Burm-Ho;Chung Han-Ju;Han Jung-Ho;Kim Yong-Ok;Rhee Moon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the effects of the relative humidity and storage time of blended tobaccos at total blending silo on cut tobacco equilibrium moisture contents, leaf moisture contents and migration of casing materials of tobacco types were investigated. To maintain the cutting moisture content(21 $\pm$ 1 %), it is necessary to keep 75 % relative humidity at 28 $^{\circ}C$ at total blending silo. The moisture content of reconstituted tobacco sheet was changed from $13{\sim}14$ % to $19{\sim}21$ % within 2 h after preblending. The contents of glycerin and fructose of tobacco types followed by storage time after preblending were not changed significantly. From these results, it is suggested that 2 h storage time after preblending was sufficient to maintain physical properties of cut tobaccos and tobacco taste and fragrance.

Study on the Mechanical Extraction Properties of Tobacco Stem Biomass (담배 주맥 바이오매스의 압착추출특성 연구)

  • Sung, Yong-Joo;Han, Young-Lim;Rhee, Moon-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2008
  • This work evaluated the extractability of tobacco stem biomass for the papermaking type Reconstituted Tobacco Sheet(RTS). The effects of the soaking conditions on the hydration of stem biomass and the effects of the hydrated state on the mechanical extraction were investigated. In order to simulate the mechanical expression process of a papermaking type RTS mill, for example, the screw press process, the novel mechanical pressing analyzer was developed for this study. The hydration of stem biomass by soaking process was greatly affected by the soaking time and the soaking temperature. The longer soaking time and the higher soaking temperature resulted in the higher hydrated stem biomass. Since the higher hydrated stem had more combined water in the inner structure and resulted in the more flexible structure, the higher hydrated stem leaded to the more compressed filter cake and the higher water contents in the filter cake after the mechanical pressing. The pilot pulping experiments showed the difference in hydration and extractability between burley and bright tobacco stem. The bulkier structure of the burley stem resulted in the faster hydration by pilot pulping and leaded to the larger reduction in water soluble components. And the hydration process showed the major influence on the separation efficiency of water soluble components.

Desalting of papermaking tobacco sheet extract using selective electrodialysis

  • Li, Chuanrun;Ge, Shaolin;Li, Wei;Zhang, Zhao;She, Shike;Huang, Lan;Wang, Yaoming
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2017
  • The inorganic components in tobacco sheet extract have significant influence on the sensory taste of the cigars and the harmful component delivery in cigarette smoke. To identify the contributions of the divalent inorganic components on harmful components delivery in cigarette smoke, a self-made selective electrodialysis was assembled with monovalent ion-selective ion exchange membranes. The influences of current density and extract content on the desalination performance were investigated. Result indicates that the majorities chloride, nitrate, and sulfate ions were removed, comparing with 50-60% of potassium and only less than 10% of magnesium and calcium ions removed in the investigated current density. The permselectivity of the tested cations across the Selemion CSO cation exchange membranes follows the order: $K^+>Ca^{2+}>Mg^{2+}$. A current density of $15mA/cm^2$ is an optional choice by considering both the energy consumption and separation efficiency. When the extract contents are in the range of 7%-20%, the removal ratios the potassium ions are kept around 60%, while the removal ratios of the calcium and magnesium ions fluctuate in the range of 16-27% and 8-14%, respectively. The tobacco smoke experiments indicated that the divalent metal ions have dual roles for the harmful component delivery in cigarette smoke. The divalent potassium and calcium ions were unfavorable for the total particulate matter emission but beneficial to decrease the HCN delivery in the mainstream cigarette smoke. The selective electrodialysis is a robust technology to decrease the harmful component delivery in cigarette smoke.

The Grades Classification of Burley Stems and Scraps using Cluster Analysis by Nicotine and Nitrate Contents (버어리주맥과 엽설의 니코틴과 nitrate함량에 의한 등급별 군집분석)

  • Han, Young-Rim;Sung, Yong-Joo;Kwon, Young-Ju;Kim, Sam-Kon;Lee, Kyeong-Ku;Kim, Kun-Soo;Rhee, Moon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2006
  • The grades of burley tobacco stems and scraps were classified followed by the nicotine and nitrate contents by using the cluster analysis. The chemical components of the burley tobacco stems and scraps gathered from 2002 to 2005 were analyzed with auto analyzer. According to the nicotine contents and the nitrate contents, the burley stems and scraps could be classified three groups, respectively. In case of the burley scraps, the AB3T, AB4TR, B1T and B2T grades belonged to the $1^{st}$ a group. The C1W and C2W grades belonged to the $2^{nd}$ group and the CD3W and CD4TR belonged to the $3^{rd}$. In case of the burley stems, the AB3T and AB4TR grades belonged to the $1^{st}$ group. The B1T, B2T, C1W and C2W grades belonged to the $2^{nd}$ group and the CD3W and CD4TR belonged to the $3^{rd}$ group. This classification of raw materials depending on the similarity in the chemical components might be helpful to control the properties of the Reconstituted Tobacco sheet.

Study of The Relation between Smoke Component and Sensory Evaluation of Cigarettes with the Different Leaf Blending (엽배합 특성에 따른 담배 연기성분과 관능특성과의 상관관계 구명)

  • 황건중;이문수;나도영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.144-153
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to determine the relationship between smoke components and sensory evaluation by changes tobacco leaf blending. Seven different cigarettes were made by adding different types of oriental, reconstituted and expanded tobacco leaves. 62 kinds of smoke components which were 6 of general components, 34 of semi-volatile and volatile components, 9 of acid components, and 13 of phenolic components were analyzed. Eight kinds of sensory item were evaluated and also electronic nose system data was collected. All smoke components and sensory characteristics of mainstream smoke were changed by the different blending. To determine the relationship between smoke components and sensory test, the correlation and regression analysis were carried out by using SPSS statistical program. Tar, pH, and CO showed a high correlation with sensory evaluation item. As tar related to hotness, CO have a high correlation with offensive aroma. Semi-volatile and volatile components of smoke related to sensory characteristics such as aroma, taste, irritation, hotness and smoothness. When propylene, l,3-butadiene, butane, isoprene, and 2-methylfuran showed a high correlation with aroma; methyl chloride, methanol, toluene, ethyl benzene showed a high correlation with irritation. Some acidic components and phenolic components of smoke also had a high relation to smoke volume. Especially the acidic components such as 2-furoic acid, 2-hydroxybutyric acid, phenylacetic acid and palmitic acid; the phenolic components such as 4-vinyl phenol, pyrocatechol, 3-methyl catechol, hydroquinone showed a high correlation with smoke volume. As using regression analysis, it was possible to estimate the results of sensory evaluation from the smoke analysis data. From the results of electronic nose system analysis, we can find the different pattern by adding expanded tobacco leaf.

A Comparison of Menthol Migration from Fillers to Filters and Mainstream Smoke in Leaf Tobaccos

  • Baek, Shin;Kim, Kun-Soo;Kwag, Jae-Jin;Jo, Si-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.98-103
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    • 2007
  • This study compares menthol migration from fillers to filters and mainstream smoke in a type of leaf tobacco and according to the moisture content differences at the range of $11{\sim}15\;%$. The leaf tobacco used in this study consisted of Korea flue cured upper leaves B1O (KFUB1), A40R (KFUA4), lower leaves C1L (KFLC1), CD4L (KFLCD4), burley upper leaves A3T (KBUA3), lower leaves D3W (KBLD3), Orient Basma I/III (OB), Orient Izmir BIG (OI), expanded tobacco (KET), and reconstituted sheet (KRC). Menthol migration to the filter and mainstream was measured under constant conditions for 80 days with intervals of 20 days. In the comparison between flue cured types, there were significant differences in the filter parts, as follows. KFUB1(34.4 %) KFUA4(37.4 %), KFLC1(43 %) and KFLCD4 were 55.7 %. In the comparision between other types of leaf tobaccos, KFUB1 was 34.4 % and KET was 52.6 % at filter parts. In the methol transfer to mainstream smoke was $16.5{\sim}24.2\;%$. The menthol migration to filters was measured based on the moisture content of $11{\sim}15\;%$ for the KFUB1 after storing it for 80 days. The menthol migrations were $36{\sim}40\;%$ at the moisture content of $11{\sim}15\;%$, respectively. The transfers to mainstream smoke were $12.8{\sim}15.8\;%$.

One mg Tar Cigarettes-From the components point of view (초저타르 담배의 설계-요소별 분석)

  • Baskevitch, Nicolas
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.91-113
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    • 1997
  • One mg tar cigarettes represent a growing segment of the market, in various parts of the world but specially in the Far East. Cigarette design of ultra low tar cigarettes is not easy to manage: a simple extension of the techniques used in the design of the low tar segment will usually lead to tasteless cigarettes. A detailed analysis of the design of commercial ultra low tar cigarettes in different countries shows that no 《dominant design》 has yet been adopted. Blend composition, blend density, filter design, degree of filter ventilation all vary in a large range from cigarette brand to cigarette brand, and will influence the puff number, the tar concentration in each puff and ultimately the taste. We will report and comment on the detailed analysis of 17 commercial brands of ultra low tar cigarettes. We will then review the specific influence of tobacco chemical composition, introduction of reconstituted tobacco, influence of cigarette paper characteristics, selection of filter ventilation components on the burn characteristics and tar delivery; to conclude that the commercial success of an ultra low tar cigarette is linked to a very delicate balance between this techniques and... good marking of course!

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Effects of added sugars and organic acid on the quality of reconstituted tobacco leaves (당과 산류가 담배 판상엽의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 이종원;이태호;심기환;김대종
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 1991
  • (A series of cigarettes made from) RTL containing different leveles of added sugars (2.0. 5.0 and 8.0%) and acids(0.4, 0.8 and 1.2%) have been examined. Compared to the control cigarette there was reduced in the delivery of tar and nicotine in smoke on 5.0% addition of glucose there was a signification reduced the delivery of nicotine the addition of glucose or fructose decreased the delivery of nicotine tar and co. However, tar in smoke was an increased in the delivery of tar and nicotine was observed, when sucrose and lactose were the added sugars. The smoking taste by the addition of glucose and fructose on R.T.L. was found to be milder than by the others sugars. Tar and nicotine deliveries showed a decreasing trend with the addition of organic acid and tartaric acid among the organic acid described above had greater effect than the others acids 1.2% addition of tartaric acid gave some 11-31% reduction in tar and nicotine delivery and a fall of smoke pH from 4.49 was found. Smoking taste by the addition of lactic acid and tartaric acid had milder than the others and heat treatment for 10 minutes at 13$0^{\circ}C$ gave also better on smoking: taste. The addition of mixture of sugars and organic acid (glucose 5% + lactic acid 0.6% + tartaric acid 0.6%) and then the successive heat treatment for 10 minutes at 13$0^{\circ}C$ improved greatly the Quality of R.T.L. and nicotine were reduced to 11-28% and pH was changed from 5.40 to 3.89.

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Effects of Salicylate on the Activity of Isoperoxidase $A_3$ from Tobacco Callus (Salicylate가 담배 미분화세포 isoperoxidase $A_3$의 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • 이미영
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2001
  • Salicylate is involved in the induction of pathogen-related proteins and plant defense response. The effects of salicylate on the activity isoperoxidase $A_3$ from tobacco callus (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and the protection against the enzyme inactivation by salicylate in the presence of $Fe^{2+}$ were examined. About 20% and 85% activity losses of peroxidase occurred at 0.48 mM and 0.6 mM salicylate, respectively, showing that isoperoxidase $A_3$ was inactivated by salicylate. The inactivation occurred depending on pH and showed noncompetitive inhibition mode. Moreover, inactivation of the enzyme by salicylate was completely protected in the presence of $Fe^{2+}$. Apoperoxidase without heme moiety was constructed and the effects of various metal ions on the recovery of enzyme activities were investigated. More than 80% of the activity was reconstituted by the addition of $Fe^{2+}$ or hemin. However, the enzyme activity was not recovered by $Cu^{2+},\;Zn^{2+},\;Co^{2+},\;or\;Mn^{2+}$.

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