• Title/Summary/Keyword: reason for studying math

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On the Attractive Teaching Method of mathematics Using Living Mathematics (생활수학을 활용한 효과적인 수학교육 방안)

  • Park, Hyung-Bin;Lee, Heon-Soo
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.135-152
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we survey the thought of students for the reason of the study of mathematics, for mathematics, for the textbook of mathematics and the attitude appling mathematical knowledge in the real life and analyze that. We have a correct understanding how to study mathematics and that motivates study of mathematics to students. Student have a correct understanding how to use basic knowledge of mathematical theory in the real life and have for the study of mathematics. In this article, we investigate the reason for studying mathematics in the real life and analyze the way how to use basic knowledge of mathematical theories through actual examples. The reasons for studying math are divided into 3 categories: mathematics for obtaining common sense and wisdom, practical mathematics for application, and mathematics as a liberal art for promoting our characters and recreation. We investigate the reasons for studying mathematics in each category. By theses results, we make the effectual educational method for mathematics and investigate the effect.

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A Study on Formation of the Process-Object Perspective of Function Using Excel to Specialized High School Math Underachievers (특성화 고등학교 수학부진 학생들의 엑셀을 활용한 함수의 과정-대상 관점 형성에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jiyeon;Heo, Hye Ja
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.213-235
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the teaching activities which used EXCEL influence the specialized high school underachieved students. They have difficulties in making use of various representations for better understanding of function. EXCEL is helpful for learning function because it enables the students to use real life materials in math learning as well as formulates Tabular, Algebraic and Graphical which represent function. Furthermore, the students in specialized high school also have the experience of using EXCEL while studying other subjects. For that reason they have no burdens and fears on using EXCEL in learning activities. Utilizing EXCEL in the classroom gives an expectation that it helps to have interests on studying function and prepare for the next learning in the end. Research classes were conducted in a group of five students who have different hopes of career and a variety of mathematical interests. Though the students couldn't transfer Algebraic to Graphical in the diagnostic evaluation, they could resolve the problem of connections between Graphical, Tabular and Algebraic in the process perspectives, and could also express graphical representation by linking object perspectives with process perspectives. Therefore, they solved the connection problem of Tabular, Algebraic and Graphical in the object perspectives. As a result, the students could make transitions between Algebraic and Graphical in object perspectives through the classes applying EXCEL. Consequently, teaching the students with underachievement utilizing EXCEL enables them to recover their interests on math and it helps them to complete their following curriculum.

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