• 제목/요약/키워드: quality information & degree of use

검색결과 132건 처리시간 0.025초

A Study on the Degree of Self-monitoring, Situation and the Appeal Type of Advertising Impact on Inner (자기-감시, 상황, 광고소구유형이 속옷 구매행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 김미정;황선진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of self-monitoring (SM), the task situation and the appeal type of advertising impact on consumer behavior: in inner wear purchase. Information for the study was obtained with the use of experimental design. the experimental materials for the study were two-type inner wear advertisements (image appeal Ad/product appeal Ad). The subjects were 270, who were randomly sampled women undergraduate students in Korea, and main-test subjects (70 high SM subjects/69 low SM subjects) were assigned to the cells of 2 (self usage/gift-giving)x2 (quality appeal Ad/image appeal Ad). According to the 2x(2$\times$2) mixed factorial design, the level of SM score, the type of task situation score and the level of appeal type of advertising score were compared and tested by analysis of ANOVA. The results of experiment were as follows: 1. Experimental 1. the results showed the product preference on inner wear was the significant 3-way interaction effects among the degree of SM, the task situation, and the appeal type of advertising as well as the significant main effects of the appeal type of advertising. That is, the situation impact differs from the appeal type of advertising according to the degree of SM. 2. Experimental ll. the results showed the purchase intention on inner wear was the significant 2-way interaction effects between the appeal type of advertising and the task situation as well as the significant main effects of the appeal type of advertising and the task situation. That is, there is considerable difference in gift-giving situation rather than in self- usage situation according to the appeal type of advertising.

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A Study on Annoyance of Interior Noise on Town-Bus

  • Park, Hyung Woo;Kim, Sung Han
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2017
  • In these days, the size of urban is growing and the function of city becomes complicated. And also, in city, people lives a lot. The life of urban is getting closer and linked with neighboring people in many parts. Especially, when peoples are exposing during using public transportation, even though does not be known, in they were living. Seoul is the most crowded place in Korea. In Seoul,The village buses have been serviced to the narrow streets. And people who use this bus, wants to seek the comfort of the ride, air quality and noise during in vehicle. In this paper, we determine the degree of annoyance with the noise inside the town bus in dB scale. And, such a situation was confirmed annoyance see their effect. The Interior noise did not see a big difference in the new car and the old car. Annoyance but also according to the skill of the bus driver remains the difference was confirmed.

The effect of the improvement of nursing productivity in Hospital Information System;A Case study on Kwangju Patriots' and Veterans' Hospital (병원정보시스템내의 간호생산성향상효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.237-251
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest successful strategies through which the effect of the information system of a hospital can be forecasted at the nursing department. In order to set up successful strategies, in the first place, both the methods of CSF(Critical Success Factor: Rockart, 1979) and ULD(User-Led Development) method and the method suggested by the Korea Productivity Center were applied. In order to measure the improvement of nursing productivity, the Dissonance theory was used. The data were collected from 100 employees serving at the clinic department of Kwangju Patriots' and Veterans' Hospital from July 4 to July 25, 1998 with reference to all 222 cases, for sampling work; then the part of the efficiency of the treatment or management of hospital business - simplification of the process of the treatment of hospital business and reduction of the time of the treatment of hospital business were measured; and in order to forecast organizational behavior, 100 cases of organization behavior were analysed, based on the well structured, questionnaires. In order to forecast the user's organizational behavior, a tool(Ronald. 1988; Stephen, 1982: Senn, 1992: Olsen, 1980: Anderson, 1988: Kim. 1992: Cho. 1994) to measure the extent or degree of the user's recognition or understanding whose reliability coefficient is 0.63 was used: and regarding the items expected by the users concerning the convenience of the system, a tool created by Bernadett, Szajna and Richard W. Scamell(1993) whose reliability coefficient is 0.88 was used. And finally, those data were analysed, utilizing the statistical package of SPSS/PC 6.0. successful strategies are suggested as follows: 1. In order that the Kwangju Patriots' and Veterans' Hospital's purpose can be successful through its strategic, information system, the quality of its services should be elevated. and for elevating the quality of medical services, elevation of the quality of medical expertism or specialty is an important factor in determining such quality. 2. In order to make the hospital information system to be successful, the hospital's top manager should participate in the effort making it successful with helping hands of the members or personnel of the hospital. 3. In order to make users participate in the hospital information system, it is prerequisite that all nurses in a hospital should voluntarily participate in the system 4. In order to reduce the expense, the time in coping with business per duty should be reduced by 10${\sim}$33.23%. The time of the direct nursing care which added value is relatively high should be elongated in order to elevate the quality of hospital services. 5. Since the introduction and spread of the hospital information system are influenced by the duration in the experience of computer use, the user of the hospital information system should have a plan to receive well-planned computer education. Finally it is suggested that the forecast of long-term productivity through a review of the user's expectation of the system should be inspected and tested through continuous studies of its effectiveness.

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The roles of public libraries on the cultural development of Korea (한국의 문화발전에 대한 공공도서관의 역할)

  • 박인웅
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • 제21권
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    • pp.291-323
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    • 1994
  • The Result of the study can be summarized as follows : (1) Korean culture and public library look extremely wasted equally. Judging from this fact, I believe that it is impossible for public library can contribute to development of Korean culture. (2) But, public library can contribute to development of culture in the cultural environment that mental desire is prior to physical wants. This cultural environment can be built up with reading of good books. Therefore, if class to reading education and diverse reading education programs can be activated in a large portion of the nationwide public libraries and the majority of a local resident are capable of improving their creativity power, thinking power and imaginative faculty, public library can contribute to produce such cultural circumstances. (3) Quality, culture, a human and mind receive mu6 respect in Korean Society as advanced civil, democratic and industrial society in the future. The Society will be influenced by reason and rational culture will be suitable to this society. Creativity power, thinking-power, imaginative faculty, intelligence and power of information management are demanded to the greatest degree for the development of idea and new technology in the society under the control of rational culture. So, lifelong education with library use is the most fruitful and inexpensive way for the improvement of these powers.

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Design of a Motion Adaptive LCD controller for image enlargement (영상 확대를 위한 움직임 적응형 LCD 제어기 설계)

  • 이승준;권병헌;최명렬
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2003
  • In this paper. we Propose an UXGA class LCD controller for controlling the LCD panel. The proposed controller supports the full screen display using GCD between input and output resolutions. The proposed LCD controller includes the motion detector based on median filter which can detect the motion of input image for the enhancement of a image quality. Also, it divides the motion into 3 stages such as still, semi-moving and moving, and uses the different interpolation algorithms according to the degree of motion. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed interpolation algorithm, we use PSNR method and compare the conventional algorithm by using computer simulation. For the proposed motion detection algorithm, we use a visual verification and the estimation of pixel changes. The proposed LCD controller has been designed and verified by VHDL. It has been synthesized using Xilinx VirtexE FPGA.

Information Analyses of Child Who Needs Protection in Busan (요보호아동의 정보화 실태 분석: 부산지역을 중심으로)

  • 김옥희
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.149-166
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    • 2002
  • In this study, 1 have analyzed the state of the use of information technology by the at-risk children who are residing in Husan metropolitan area. The ultimate goal of this study is to help ensure the healthy development of the children and improve the quality of their lives in this information-oriented society. For this research, 1 surveyed 183 children living in an institution or a low-income family in Busan metropolitan area. The survey questionnaire was designed to obtain information on the respondents, socio-demographic characteristics, computer-related conditions of the immediate and social environments, patterns of computer and Internet use, their experience and degree of so called, Net-generation syndrome, Internet addiction disorder, changes in social and familial life caused by Internet use, and exposure to pornographic materials. The results show that 95.9 % of at-risk children in Husan own a computer, 60.9 % of those computers being Pentium Ⅲ. A majority of the children (74.9 %) are connected to Internet at a high-speed, using such devices as LAN, ADSL or cables. About seventy-six percent of the children have used a PC and Internet less than two years. In other words, a majority of them have not used those for a long period of time. The main results of the research are summarized in the following: There is a significant difference among at-risk children in terms of experiences in computer and Internet use according to their grade levels. There is a gender difference in the amount of time spent on computer and Internet. Boys spend more time every week on computer and Internet than girls do. There is a significant difference in the pattern of computer and Internet use, according to the type of their risk, and grade level. The so-called 'Net Generation Syndrome' is not serious in this group. A majority of the at-risk children think that Internet is more interesting than TV. They hardly shop on Internet, and they don think the advertisements on Internet are a serious problem. Also, unlike many people assumptions, their desire to communicate through on-line chatting was very low. They do not tend to buy computer game programs, and Internet Addiction Disorder was not pronounced among them. The at-risk children rarely had an exposure to pornographic materials in the cyber space. However, the exposure was more frequent for institutionalized children than children in low-income families. These results point to a need for a policy to improve the welfare of at-risk children and guarantee their right to information.

Content aware Internet Application Traffic Measurement and Analysis for Precise Accounting and Billing (정밀 과금을 위한 컨텐츠기반 인터넷 응용 트래픽 측정 및 분석)

  • 최태상;박정숙;윤승현;김형환;김창훈;정형석;이병준;정태수
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • 제40권10호
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    • pp.138-149
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    • 2003
  • As the Internet is quickly evolving from best-effort networks to business quality networks, billing based on the precise traffic measurement becomes an important issue for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Billing settlement is necessary not only between ISP and customers but also between ISPs. Currently, most ISPs use a flat rate charging policy. Besides the degree of difficulty in deriving appropriate charging policies agreeable by a concerned party, there are substantial technical challenges to come up with a good usage-based accounting system. Usage-based accounting depending on IP packet header information only is not sufficient anymore due to highly dynamic nature of the development and the use of the Internet applications such as peer-to-peer and network games. They are using port numbers dynamically and even several applications can use the same port number. Thus, more precise means of classifying them and accounting their traffic usages are required. In this paper, we propose a high performance, adaptable, configurable, and scalable content-aware application traffic measurement and analysis system which can achieve very accurate usage-based accounting.

The Interactive Factors of Ubiquitous Media Affected on the Intention of Convergence Service Adoption (유비쿼터스 미디어의 수용의도에 영향을 미치는 상호작용성 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-An
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.19-40
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    • 2007
  • In recent, T-commerce is widely dispersed as alternative type of commerce. It is forecasted that t-commerce system is used more than e-commerce system. Therefore more and more t-commerce-related industries are also recognizing that t-commerce is a critical business model. It is needed to understand the concept of t-commerce and develop the t-commerce marketing strategy. CEO analyses consumer's behaviors according to the data about buyers and applies the advantage of t-commerce to the communication with customers. This t-commerce system plays an important role in maximizing customer satisfaction and affecting their intention to reuse it. Therefore this paper attempts to identify T-commerce critical success factors and divide between use-intention group and unuse-intention group by taking out a discriminant function by the discriminant analysis. This lays a foundation in developing T-commerce strategy. According to the discriminant function extracted, convenience factor, amusement factor, system quality factor, product perception factor are significant in the sequence of influential degree. However, usefulness factor and speedy connection factor are not significant. In result, the target hitting rate is 77.9% in the first unuse-intention group and it is 95.2% in the second use-intention group. The total discriminant target hitting rate is computed to higher value, 86.55%. The statistic package, SPSS 12.0, is used to survey and analyse data and test the hypothesis. The validity and reliability of variables are verified by both reliability analysis and factor analysis. The discriminant analysis is used to tell the difference between use-intention group and unuse-intention group.

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Research on the Usage of Electronic Information Resources of the Humanities Scholars in Korea (인문학자의 전자정보원 이용행태에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.5-28
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of the electronic information resources of humanities scholars in Korea and propose the planning of academic library and information services to serve their needs. To collect data, a postal survey was conducted during the period of November 2007 through January 2008. Out of 799 humanities scholars sampled from 25 universities, 132 responded with a completion rate of 16%. The major findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, the majority of humanities scholars distribute their time equally between research and education, and conduct independent research. Secondly, they use, to a certain degree, electronic information resources largely in text format, and depend upon the electronic collection of their academic libraries. Thirdly, with the exception of a couple of sources of electronic journal resources, the electronic resources that these humanities scholars regularly use vary so widely that none could be considered to be a common resource. Fourthly, they value the convenience of accessing and using electronic resources, but worry about the quality and scope of the contents. It is suggested that academic libraries (1) become the gateway for the electronic information that is available both inside and outside the library, (2) provide integrated search feature for and a 'single sign on' access to electronic resources, and (3) plan customized user education for specific subject fields in the humanities.

Internet Addiction and Life Satisfaction of Chinese Students in Korea (중국 유학생의 유학생활 만족도와 인터넷 중독에 관한 연구)

  • Fu, Wen Wen;Kim, Min Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.557-569
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    • 2014
  • As the number of Chinese students in Korea has significantly increased, the problems of students' life and academic achievement has appeared obviously. Utilizing an analysis on the relationship between the life satisfaction of Chinese students in Korea and the degree of internet addiction, the purposes of this research are to improve the quality of Chinese students' life and to contribute to the growth of Chinese students in Korea. A questionnaire-type survey was conducted on 350 Chinese college students in Daegu. The results of this study are as follows: First, the used time on internet games, chat and on-line TV differs from gender, the duration of internet games and their academic performance. Second, there are significant differences by gender, Korean ability, and academic performance in the life satisfaction of Chinese students in Korea. Third, Chinese college students in Korea are more addicted in the internet than Korean or Chinese college students at their own country. Fourth, the longer playing online game, the longer watching online TV, the less communicating with the Koreans, and the less satisfying with non -study related activities, the more Chinese college students of studying in Korea are addicted in the internet.