• Title/Summary/Keyword: pushover analysis

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Analysis of seismic behavior of composite frame structures

  • Zhao, Huiling
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.719-729
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    • 2016
  • There are great needs of simple but reliable mechanical nonlinear behavior analysis and performance evaluation method for frames constructed by steel and concrete composite beams or columns when the structures subjected extreme loads, such as earthquake loads. This paper describes an approach of simplified macro-modelling for composite frames consisting of steel-concrete composite beams and CFST columns, and presents the performance evaluation procedure based on the pushover nonlinear analysis results. A four-story two-bay composite frame underground is selected as a study case. The establishment of the macro-model of the composite frame is guided by the characterization of nonlinear behaviors of composite structural members. Pushover analysis is conducted to obtain the lateral force versus top displacement curve of the overall structure. The identification method of damage degree of composite frames has been proposed. The damage evolution and development of this composite frame in case study has been analyzed. The failure mode of this composite frame is estimated as that the bottom CFST columns damage substantially resulting in the failure of the bottom story. Finally, the seismic performance of the composite frame with high strength steel is analyzed and compared with the frame with ordinary strength steel, and the result shows that the employment of high strength steel in the steel tube of CFST columns and steel beam of composite beams benefits the lateral resistance and elasticity resuming performance of composite frames.

Structural identification and seismic performance of brick chimneys, Tokoname, Japan

  • Aoki, T.;Sabia, D.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.553-570
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    • 2005
  • Dynamic and static analyses of existing structures are very important to obtain reliable information relating to actual structural properties. For this purpose a series of material test, dynamic test and static collapse test of the existing two brick chimneys, in Tokoname, are carried out. From the material tests, Young's modulus and compressive strength of the brick used for these chimneys are estimated to be 3200 MPa and 7.5 MPa, respectively. The results of static collapse test of the existing two brick chimneys are discussed in this paper and composed with the results from FEA (Finite Element analysis). From the results of dynamic tests, the fundamental frequencies of Howa and Iwata brick chimneys are estimated to be about 2.69 Hz and 2.93 Hz, respectively. Their natural modes are identified by ARMAV (Autoregressive Moving Average Vectors) model. On the basis of the static and dynamic experimental tests, a numerical model has been prepared. According to the European code (Eurocode n. 8: "Design of structures for earthquake resistance") non-linear static (Pushover) analysis of the two chimneys is carried out and they seem to be vulnerable to earthquakes with 0.25 to 0.35 g.

Analytical Study of the Effect of Full and Partial Masonry Infills on the Seismic Performance of School Buildings (조적채움벽 및 허리벽이 학교 건물 내진 성능에 미치는 영향에 대한 해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Wan;Min, Chan Gi
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.197-207
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    • 2013
  • The seismic performance of school buildings has been a matter of common interest socially and academically. The structural system of the school buildings is representative of the domestic low-rise reinforced concrete moment resisting frames, which apply extensively infills in their masonry walls. The masonry infilled walls are divided into full masonry infill in the transverse direction and partial masonry infill in the longitudinal direction. The masonry infilled walls are usually not included in structural analysis during the design process, but affect significantly the seismic performance because they behave with surrounding frames simultaneously during earthquakes. Many researchers have studied the effect of the masonry infilled walls, but several issues have been missed such as the increase of asymmetry by adding the full masonry infill, the size of the mean strength of the full masonry infill, and short column effect by the partial masonry infill. The issues were analytically investigated and the results showed that they should be checked at least by nonlinear pushover analysis in the seismic performance evaluation process. The results also confirm the weakness of the guideline of Korean Educational Development Institute where the seismic performance is basically assessed without structural analysis.

Comparison of the seismic performance of existing RC buildings designed to different codes

  • Zeris, Christos A.;Repapis, Constantinos C.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.505-523
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    • 2018
  • Static pushover analyses of typical existing reinforced concrete frames, designed according to the previous generations of design codes in Greece, have established these structures' inelastic characteristics, namely overstrength, global ductility capacity and available behaviour factor q, under planar response. These were compared with the corresponding demands at the collapse limit state target performance point. The building stock considered accounted for the typical variability, among different generations of constructed buildings in Greece, in the form, the seismic design code in effect and the material characteristics. These static pushover analyses are extended, in the present study, in the time history domain. Consequently, the static analysis predictions are compared with Incremental Dynamic Analysis results herein, using a large number of spectrum compatible recorded base excitations of recent destructive earthquakes in Greece and abroad, following, for comparison, similar conventional limiting failure criteria as before. It is shown that the buildings constructed in the 70s exhibit the least desirable behaviour, followed by the buildings constructed in the 60s. As the seismic codes evolved, there is a notable improvement for buildings of the 80s, when the seismic code introduced end member confinement and the requirement for a joint capacity criterion. Finally, buildings of the 90s, designed to modern codes exhibit an exceptionally good performance, as expected by the compliance of this code to currently enforced seismic provisions worldwide.

Applied methods for seismic assessment of scoured bridges: a review with case studies

  • Guo, Xuan;Badroddin, Mostafa;Chen, ZhiQiang
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.497-507
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    • 2017
  • Flooding induced scour has been long recognized as a major hazard to river-crossing bridges. Many studies in recent years have attempted to evaluate the effects of scour on the seismic performance of bridges, and probabilistic frameworks are usually adopted. However, direct and straightforward insight about how foundation scour affects bridges as a type of soil-foundation-structure system is usually understated. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of applied methods centering around seismic assessment of scoured bridges considering soil-foundation-structure interaction. When introducing these applied analysis and modeling methods, a simple bridge model is provided to demonstrate the use of these methods as a case study. Particularly, we propose the use of nonlinear modal pushover analysis as a rapid technique to model scoured bridge systems, and numerical validation and application of this procedure are given using the simple bridge model. All methods reviewed in this paper can serve as baseline components for performing probabilistic vulnerability or risk assessment for any river-crossing bridge system subject to flood-induced scour and earthquakes.

Evaluation of seismic collapse capacity of regular RC frames using nonlinear static procedure

  • Jalilkhani, Maysam;Manafpour, Ali Reza
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.68 no.6
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    • pp.647-660
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    • 2018
  • The Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) procedure is currently known as a robust tool for estimation of seismic collapse capacity. However, the procedure is time-consuming and requires significant computational efforts. Recently some simplified methods have been developed for rapid estimation of seismic collapse capacity using pushover analysis. However, a comparative review and assessment of these methods is necessary to point out their relative advantages and shortcomings, and to pave the way for their practical use. In this paper, four simplified pushover analysis-based methods are selected and applied on four regular RC intermediate moment-resisting frames with 3, 6, 9 and 12 stories. The accuracy and performance of the different simplified methods in estimating the median seismic collapse capacity are evaluated through comparisons with the results obtained from IDAs. The results show that reliable estimations of the summarized 50% fractile IDA curve are produced using SPO2IDA and MPA-based IDA methods; however, the accuracy of the results for 16% and 84% fractiles is relatively low. The method proposed by Shafei et al. appears to be the most simple and straightforward method which gives rise to good estimates of the median sidesway collapse capacity with minimum computational efforts.

Investigation of seismic performance of a premodern RC building typology after November 26, 2019 earthquake

  • Marsed Leti;Huseyin Bilgin
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.491-505
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    • 2024
  • This study evaluates the seismic performance of a premodern six story reinforced concrete building typology designed during the communism period of Albania and build throughout the country. During the November 26, 2019 Earthquake in Albania, the most affected reinforced concrete buildings were among the old templates, lacking shear walls and inadequate reinforcement details which suffer from concrete aging. The mathematical model of the selected building is done in the environments of ZeusNL software, developed especially for earthquake engineering applications. The capacity curve of the structure is gained using the conventional static nonlinear analysis. On the other hand, the demand estimation is utilized using one of the recent methods known as Incremental Dynamic Analysis with a set of 18 ground motion records. The limit states in both curves are defined based on the modern guidelines. For the pushover, immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS) and collapse prevention (CP) are plotted in the same graph with capacity curve. Furthermore, on each IDA derived, the IO, CP and global instability (GI) are determined. Moreover, the IDA fractiles are generated as suggested by the literature, 16%, 50% (median) and 84%. In addition, the comparative assessment of the IDA median with capacity curve shows good correlation points. Lastly, this study shows the approach of determination of LS in IDA fractiles for further vulnerability assessment based on the local seismic hazard map with 95 and 475 return period.

Pushover Analysis of an Unbraced 5-Story Steel Framed Structure for Arrangement of Semi-Rigid Connection (반강접 접합부 배치에 따른 비가새 5층 철골골조구조물의 비탄성 정적해석)

  • Kang, Suk-Bong;Kim, Sin-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.325-334
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    • 2010
  • In this study, an unbraced five-story steel-framed structure was designed in accordance with KBC2005 to understand the features of structural behavior for the arrangement of semi-rigid connections. A pushover analysis of the structural models was performed, wherein all the connections were idealized as fully rigid and semi-rigid. Additionally, horizontal and vertical arrangements of the semi-rigid connection were adopted for the models. A fiber model was utilized for the moment-curvature relationship of the steel beam and the column, and a three-parameter power model was adopted for the moment-rotation angle of the semi-rigid connection. The top displacement, base-shear force, required ductility for the connection, sequence of the plastic hinge, and design factors such as the overstrength factor, ductility factor, and response modification coefficient were investigated using the pushover analysis of a 2D structure subjected to the equivalent static lateral force of KBC2005. The partial arrangement of the semi-rigid connection was found to have secured higher strength and lateral stiffness than that of the A-Semi frame, and greater ductility than the A-Rigid frame. The TSD connection was found suitable for use for economy and safety in the sample structure.

Behaviour factor and displacement estimation of low-ductility precast wall system under seismic actions

  • Tiong, Patrick L.Y.;Adnan, Azlan;Hamid, Nor H.A.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.625-655
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    • 2013
  • This paper investigated the seismic behaviour of an innovated non-ductile precast concrete wall structural system; namely HC Precast System (HCPS). The system comprises load-bearing precast wall panels merely connected only to column at both ends. Such study is needed because there is limited research information available in design codes for such structure particularly in regions having low to moderate seismicity threats. Experimentally calibrated numerical model of the wall system was used to carry out nonlinear pushover analyses with various types of lateral loading patterns. Effects of laterally applied single point load (SPL), uniformly distributed load (UDL), modal distributed load (MDL) and triangular distributed load (TDL) onto global behaviour of HCPS were identified. Discussion was focused on structural performance such as ductility, deformability, and effective stiffness of the wall system. Thus, a new method for engineers to estimate the nonlinear deformation of HCPS through linear analysis was proposed.

Performance based design optimum of CBFs using bee colony algorithm

  • Mansouri, Iman;Soori, Sanaz;Amraie, Hamed;Hu, Jong Wan;Shahbazi, Shahrokh
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.613-622
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    • 2018
  • The requirement to safe and economical buildings caused to the exploitation of nonlinear capacity structures and optimization of them. This requirement leads to forming seismic design method based on performance. In this study, concentrically braced frames (CBFs) have been optimized at the immediate occupancy (IO) and collapse prevention (CP) levels. Minimizing structural weight is taken as objective function subjected to performance constraints on inter-story drift ratios at various performance levels. In order to evaluate the seismic capacity of the CBFs, pushover analysis is conducted, and the process of optimization has been done by using Bee Algorithm. Results indicate that performance based design caused to have minimum structural weight and due to increase capacity of CBFs.