• 제목/요약/키워드: prosthetic replacement

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한국의 심장혈관수술 현황 (Cardiovascular Surgery in Korea)

  • 김형묵
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.371-382
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    • 1985
  • Over the past 4 decades after World War II a great deal of data and clinical experiences have been accumulated relating to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of congenital and acquired cardiovascular diseases in Korea. Clinical data on cardiovascular surgical cases performed in all 22 hospitals for open heart surgery in Korea was collected from it`s starting up to December 1984. The first recorded open heart surgery for a young adult atrial septal defect was performed by Young Kyoon Lee, M.D. on August 7, 1959, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea. And, some scattered reports on cardiovascular surgical cases in it`s early period have changed recently the number of hospitals for open heart surgery and clinical cases enormously in total amount of 13, 100 cardiovascular operations performed on 12, 990 cases up to December 1984. Of the total 13, 100 cardiovascular operations, congenital cardiovascular anomaly occupied 70%. Of the congenital cases, 6, 580 operations for acyanotic group [operative mortality 4.5%], and 2, 489 operations for cyanotic group [operative mortality 20%]. The incidence of congenital cardiovascular anomaly in order of frequency was ventricular septal defect [29%], patent ductus arteriosus [26%], Tetralogy of Fallot [22%], atrial septal defect [8, 6%], pulmonary valve stenosis [3.0%], and endocardial cushion defect [1.1%]. Of the 3, 412 valvular heart disease cases, which occupied 85% of total 4, 031 acquired cardiovascular disease, individual incidence was in mitral 2, 565 [63.5%], double valve 451 [11.1%], and simple aortic valve 351 [8.7%]. Total number of valve replaced, mechanical and tissue, was 2, 795, and 1, 884 for mitral, 808 for aortic, and 103 for tricuspid in position. Operative mortality for prosthetic valve replacement in total was 9.8%. Remained acquired cardiovascular cases chronic constrictive pericarditis [7.9%], cardiac tumor [1.9%], coronary artery bypass [1.8%], cardiac trauma [1.2%] and less than 1% of thoracic aortic aneurysm. Overall operative mortality for open and non-open cardiovascular surgical operation was 7.7% [congenital acyanotic group 3.2%, congenital cyanotic group 19.4%, and acquired group 7.8%]. In conclusion, present status of cardiovascular surgery in Korea is stabilized with accumulation of clinical cases and experiences, and the future in the field of cardiovascular surgery is promising, especially in the infant cardiac surgery and aortocoronary bypass surgery, with abrupt increase of specialized cardiac centers, trained specialists, and expanding social health insurance.

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인공심장판막의 개발 및 동물실 (Development and Animal Tests of Artificial Heart Valves)

  • 이재영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.458-472
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    • 1987
  • A heart supplies bloods of about 15, 000 liters to each human organ in a day. A normal function of heart valves is necessary to this act of heart. The disease of heart valve develops to a narrowness of a closure, resulting in an abnormal circulation of bloods. In an attempt to eliminate the affliction of heart valves, the operation method to repair with artificial heart valves has been developed and saved numerous patients over past 30 years. This replacement operation has been performed since early 1960`s in Korea, but all the artificial heart valves used are imported from abroad with very high costs until recent years. The artificial heart valve using pyrolytic carbon has been developed at KAIST, which was proved to be stable in the mechanical performance and durability. Therefore, the in viva performance of this valve was examined through animal tests. The artificial heart valves used in this study are tilting disc type valves, in which the disc were made of graphite coated with pyrolytic carbon and the cages were made of titanium. In viva testings of these valves were performed in 12 dogs, in which right ventriculo-pulmonary arterial [Croup I] or inter-aortic [Croup IV] valved conduit was implanted using polytetrafluoroethylene conduits containing KAIST valve and aortic valve [Group II] or pulmonary valve [Croup III] was replaced by a KAIST valve with a 21mm or 19mm tissue annulus diameter. In group I and II, pre-and post-operative transvalvular pressure gradient was measured and compared with other prosthetic valves. During post operative period laboratory examination was performed including hemoglobin, hematocrit, red cell count, white cell, lactic acid dehydrogenase and platelet. The eight surviving dogs were sacrificed and autopsy was performed at 2, 6, and 8 weeks. KAIST valve has low transvalvular gradient and relatively high orifice area. Average ventriculo-aortic peak systolic transvalvular gradient was 14 mmHg in 21 mm valve and 19 mmHg in 19 mm valve. The valve has slight intravascular hemolysis effect. Thrombogenic effect of low polishing quality and eddy currents around small orifice is high. The valve has vulnerability of disc movement. These animal tests suggest that the improvement of the heart valve design, surface polishing state and prescription methods.

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인공고관절 직선형 대퇴 stem과 곡선형 대퇴 stem의 미세운동비교 - FEM 3차원 모델을 이용한 분석 - (Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Micromotion of the Straight and the Curved Femoral Stem in Cementless Hip Arthroplasty)

  • 김성곤;채수원;정중환
    • 대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1997년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 1997
  • Excessive stress on the bone-stem interface may cause local micromotion that could produce midthigh pain, interface bone resorption and prevent bony ingrowth. It is important for clinician and prosthetic designer to develop an understanding of the load transfer mechanism, its associated stress pattern and its relationships with the particular mechanical characteristics of the femoral stem designs. Finite element method (FEM) is preeminently suited to provide information in this respect. The authors developed 3-dimensional numerical finite element models implanted with the straight stem which is composed of total 1170 elements of 8 nodes and with the curved stem which is composed of total 885 elements of 8 node, and analysed the relative micromotions between the straight stem and the curved stem in immediate postoperative stage of an uncemented total hip replacement in load simulating the single leg stance. The results showed that the rotational displacement was occupied over 90% of total micromotion in both types of stem and was peak at the proximal medial portion of the stem, but markedly less distally. The curved stem was more stable especially in terms of rotational stability. It is recommended that surgeons do not allow the patient weight bearing until bony ingrowth was achieved. In the future more attention should be drawn to increase initial rotational stability of the two types of femoral stem to prevent loosening from excessive micromotion.

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Systematic Review and Comparative Meta-Analysis of Outcomes Following Pedicled Muscle versus Fasciocutaneous Flap Coverage for Complex Periprosthetic Wounds in Patients with Total Knee Arthroplasty

  • Economides, James M.;DeFazio, Michael V.;Golshani, Kayvon;Cinque, Mark;Anghel, Ersilia L.;Attinger, Christopher E.;Evans, Karen Kim
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.124-135
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    • 2017
  • Background In cases of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) threatened by potential hardware exposure, flap-based reconstruction is indicated to provide durable coverage. Historically, muscle flaps were favored as they provide vascular tissue to an infected wound bed. However, data comparing the performance of muscle versus fasciocutaneous flaps are limited and reflect a lack of consensus regarding the optimal management of these wounds. The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of muscle versus fasciocutaneous flaps following the salvage of compromised TKA. Methods A systematic search and meta-analysis were performed to identify patients with TKA who underwent either pedicled muscle or fasciocutaneous flap coverage of periprosthetic knee defects. Studies evaluating implant/limb salvage rates, ambulatory function, complications, and donor-site morbidity were included in the comparative analysis. Results A total of 18 articles, corresponding to 172 flaps (119 muscle flaps and 53 fasciocutaneous flaps) were reviewed. Rates of implant salvage (88.8% vs. 90.1%, P=0.05) and limb salvage (89.8% vs. 100%, P=0.14) were comparable in each cohort. While overall complication rates were similar (47.3% vs. 44%, P=0.78), the rates of persistent infection (16.4% vs. 0%, P=0.14) and recurrent infection (9.1% vs. 4%, P=0.94) tended to be higher in the muscle flap cohort. Notably, functional outcomes and ambulation rates were sparingly reported. Conclusions Rates of limb and prosthetic salvage were comparable following muscle or fasciocutaneous flap coverage of compromised TKA. The functional morbidity associated with muscle flap harvest, however, may support the use of fasciocutaneous flaps for coverage of these defects, particularly in young patients and/or high-performance athletes.

심내막염 환자의 수술적 치료성적 (Result of Surgical Treatment for Infective Endocarditis)

  • 최순호;양현웅;이삼윤
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 1996
  • 1986년 1월 부터 1994년 7월까지 원광대학병원 흉부외과학교실에서는 23명의 감염성 심내막염 환자를 수술하였다. 남녀의 비는 13:5 이 었고 평균 43.7세 이었다. 분포는 고유판막 심내막염 21례, 인공판막 심내막염 2례이었고 승모판막을 치환한 경우가 16례로 가장 많았고 대동맥 판막 치환술 11례, 삼천판막 치환술 2례 순이었다. 가장 흔한 감염균주는 연쇄상포도구균 이었으나 배양이 않된 경우는 7례나 되었다. 수술대상은 조절되지 않는 심부전증, 거대식균 그리고 판막부전을 보이는 경우이었고, 술후 사망율은 13.4%로 만기사망은 없었다. 사망의 주 원인은 뇌경색증과 저심박출증이었다. 술전 기능등급이 III-IV 이었던 모든 환자는 사망 3례를 제외한 모든 례에서 I-II 등급으로 호전되었다. 결론적으로 조기 수술적 조작은 지속적이거나 진행성 심부전을 갖고있는 환자에서는 감염의 활동성 내지는 항생제 치료의 유무에 관계없이 생명을구할수 있는 방법이다.

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Angell-Shiley 판막의 임상적 평가 (Clinical Evaluation of the Angell-Shiley Porcine Xenograft Valve)

  • 김종환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 1986
  • The use of the Angell-Shiley porcine xenograft cardiac valve was limited in number at Seoul National University Hospital chiefly because of the cessation of supply from the manufacturer, Forty-eight Angell-Shiley valves along with the 5 other mechanical or tissue valves were used in 46 patients during the period from 1977 to 1980, and a total of consecutive cases was studied for their early and long-term clinical results. The operative mortality rate was 4.3%; no death after single and 2 deaths after double valve replacement within 30 days of surgery. The 44 early survivors were followed up for a total of 171.6 patient-years and a mean of 46.8$\pm$31.1 months. Four died during the follow-up period with a linealized late mortality rate of 2.33%/patient-year. Four patients had experienced 5 episodes of thromboembolism and one died; a linealized incidence of 2.91% emboli/patient-year. A single case each had a bleeding complication related to the anticoagulants, 0.58% bleeding/patient-year, and prosthetic valve endocarditis, 0.58% endocarditis/patient-year. The clinical improvement was excellent by 70% of the survivors having no cardiac symptoms at the end of the follow-up. The actuarial survival rates were 89.9$\pm$4.9% at 5 years and 69.2$\pm$15.0% at 9 years after surgery. The probabilities of freedom from thromboembolic complication were 92.3$\pm$5.5% and 80.9$\pm$9.0% at 5 and 9 years after surgery. And, the probability of freedom from overall valve failure was 83.4$\pm$6.3% at 5 years and it declined sharply down to 55.9$\pm$22.2% at 9th year of the follow-up. These results are comparable with those in the major reports, except a more accelerated and time-related increases in valve failure after 5 or 6 years after operation with the Angell-Shiley valve. The durability of the xenograft tissue valve remains as the most important debate and the need of more durable tissue valves was also discussed.

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개심술 180례에 대한 임상적 고찰 (Open Heart Surgery:Clinical Analysis of 180 Cases)

  • 나명훈
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.460-471
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    • 1994
  • Between Feb. 1990 and Aug. 1993, 180 cases of the open heart surgery were performed under cardiopulmonary bypass in the Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular surgery, Gil General Hospital. There were 83 cases with congenital heart diseases [CHD] and 97 cases with acquired heart diseases [AHD]. The CHD consisted of 78 acyanotic[mortality: 3.8 %] and 5 cyanotic cases with heart anomaly[mortality:l case]. The AHD were 97 cases, which contained 53 valvular, 27 ischemic heart diseases, 10 aortic diseases, 5 cases with myxoma, 1 case with post-infarct VSD, and 1 case with removal of infected pacing wire in right ventricle. In the 53 valvular heart diseases, there were 45 cases with valve replacement[MVR 27, AVR 9,MVR + AVR 9] and 8 cases with valvuloplasty. The number of the implanted prosthetic valves were 53. In MVR, 25 St. Jude, 6 Sorin, 3 Carpentier-Edward and 2 Intact medical valves were used. In aortic position, 13 St. Jude, 3 Sorin and 1 Intact medical valves were applied. The operative mortality was 5.6 % [3/53]. The annuloplasty applying artificial ring was performed in 17 patients[4 cases associated with MVR] and the number of the implanted ring was 19, which included 14 Duran ring[10 mitral, 4 tricuspid] and 5 Carpentier ring [3 mitral, 22 tricuspid]. In the 27 ischemic heart diseases, there were 9 cases with left main coronary artery lesions, 7 one vessel, 5 two vessels, and 6 three vessels. Average number of anastomosis was 2.8 per patient. The operative mortality was 14.3 % [4/27]. Among the 10 patients with aortic diseases, 7 cases were aortic dissection[type A: 5, type B: 2] and 3 cases were descending thoracic aortic aneurysm. The operative morality occurred in 3 cases. The overall mortality and the operative mortality of congenital and acquired heart disease was 7.8 %, 4.8% and 10.4%, respectively.

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동맥관개존증에 동반된 주폐동맥류의 수술치험 - 수술치험 1례 (Surgical Treatment of Main Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm with Patent Ductus Arteriosus -A Case Report-)

  • 김대식;이성주;권오우;김창회;채성수;오성철
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제29권11호
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    • pp.1270-1275
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    • 1996
  • 폐동맥류는 매우 드문 질환으로 일반적으로 폐혈류량을 증가시키고 폐성 고혈압을 초래하는 선천성 심결손과 동반되어 발생되는 경우가 대부분이다. 폐동맥류의 예후는 매우 치명적 일 수 있는데, 그 이유는 동맥류의 파열에 대한 가능성과 대부분의 경우 심한 폐성 고혈압이 동반되어 있기 때문이다. 40세 여자 환자가 교통사고후 두통을 주소로 본원에 입원하였다. 내원 당시 이학적 검사상 좌흉골연을 따라 2번째와 3번째 늑간에서 연속성 심잡음이 청진되었고, 단순 흉부 X-선 사진상 좌측 폐문부의 석회화된 낭성 종괴가 우연히 발견되었다. 심도자검사상 좌-우 단락이 주폐동맥에서 관찰되었고, 폐동맥압이 증가되어 있었다. 그리고 폐동맥조영술상 주폐동맥에서 좌폐동맥 기시부로 연장되는 폐동맥류의 소견을 보였다. 저자들은 동맥관개존증을 동반한 주폐동맥류로 진단하고, 심폐우회하에 동맥류 절제, 동맥관 봉합 및 Dacron 이식편 치환술을 시행하였다. 술후 경과는 양호하였으며, 환자는 건강한 상태로 퇴원하였다.

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Effectiveness of ultra-wide implants in the mandibular and maxillary posterior areas: a 5-year retrospective clinical study

  • So-Yeon Kim;Hyeong-Gi Kim;Pil-Young Yun;Young-Kyun Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: Ultra-wide implants may be used as a replacement if existing implants fail. This study was conducted to evaluate the factors influencing the prognosis and failure of ultra-wide implants. Patients and Methods: This study evaluated whether sex, age, site, diameter, length, additional surgery, implant stability (primary and secondary), and reason for ultra-wide implant placement affect the 5-year survival and success rates and marginal bone loss (MBL) of ultra-wide implants. Seventy-eight ultra-wide implants that were placed in 71 patients (39 males and 32 females) from 2008 to 2010 were studied. One-way ANOVA analysis was conducted to evaluate the statistical significance of MBL according to the patient's sex, implant site, and diameter. Independent sample t-tests were used to determine the statistical significance of MBL analysis which was used to determine the significance of the 5-year success and survival rates related to the variables. One-way ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the statistical significance of sex, implantation site, diameter, and MBL. Independent sample t-tests were used to evaluate the correlation between implantability and MBL for implantation reasons, while additional surgery, length, and Kaplan-Meier analysis were used to evaluate 5-year survival and success rates. Results: The mean age of patients was 54.2 years with a survival rate of 92.3% and a success rate of 83.3% over a mean 97.8-month period of observation. MBL averaged 0.2 mm after one year of prosthetic function loading and 0.54 mm at the time of final observation. Success rates correlated with primary stability (P=0.045), survival rates correlated with secondary stability (P=0.036), and MBL did not correlate with any variables. Conclusion: Ultra-wide implants can be used to achieve secure initial fixation in the maxillary and mandibular molar regions with poor bone quality or for alternative purposes in cases of previous implant failure.

Growth hormone treatment for children with mucopolysaccharidosis I or II

  • Minji Im;Chiwoo Kim;Juyoung Sung;Insung Kim;Ji-Hoon Hwang;Min-Sun Kim;Sung Yoon Cho
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Despite enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) and/or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, individuals with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) I or II often experience significant growth deficiencies. This study aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) treatment in children diagnosed with MPS I or II. Materials and Methods: A total of nine pediatric patients-four with MPS I and five with MPS II-underwent treatment with ERT and hGH at Samsung Medical Center. Results: The mean hGH dose administered was 0.26±0.03 mg/kg/week. In the MPS I group, three patients showed an increase in height Z-score from -4.09±0.83 to -3.68±0.43 after 1 year of hGH treatment, and to -3.10±0.72 by the end of the hGH regimen. In the MPS II group, while the height Z-score of four patients decreased according to standard growth charts, it improved from 1.61±1.79 to 2.71±1.68 based on the disease-specific growth chart through hGH treatment. Two patients discontinued hGH treatment due to lack of efficacy after 22 and 6 months each of treatment, respectively. No new-onset neurological symptoms or necessity for prosthetic or orthopedic surgery were reported during hGH treatment. Conclusion: This study provides insights into the impact of hGH on MPS patients, demonstrating its potential to reverse growth deceleration in some cases. Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects of hGH on changes in body composition, muscle strength, and bone health in this population.