• Title/Summary/Keyword: process variable

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Incremental Ensemble Learning for The Combination of Multiple Models of Locally Weighted Regression Using Genetic Algorithm (유전 알고리즘을 이용한 국소가중회귀의 다중모델 결합을 위한 점진적 앙상블 학습)

  • Kim, Sang Hun;Chung, Byung Hee;Lee, Gun Ho
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2018
  • The LWR (Locally Weighted Regression) model, which is traditionally a lazy learning model, is designed to obtain the solution of the prediction according to the input variable, the query point, and it is a kind of the regression equation in the short interval obtained as a result of the learning that gives a higher weight value closer to the query point. We study on an incremental ensemble learning approach for LWR, a form of lazy learning and memory-based learning. The proposed incremental ensemble learning method of LWR is to sequentially generate and integrate LWR models over time using a genetic algorithm to obtain a solution of a specific query point. The weaknesses of existing LWR models are that multiple LWR models can be generated based on the indicator function and data sample selection, and the quality of the predictions can also vary depending on this model. However, no research has been conducted to solve the problem of selection or combination of multiple LWR models. In this study, after generating the initial LWR model according to the indicator function and the sample data set, we iterate evolution learning process to obtain the proper indicator function and assess the LWR models applied to the other sample data sets to overcome the data set bias. We adopt Eager learning method to generate and store LWR model gradually when data is generated for all sections. In order to obtain a prediction solution at a specific point in time, an LWR model is generated based on newly generated data within a predetermined interval and then combined with existing LWR models in a section using a genetic algorithm. The proposed method shows better results than the method of selecting multiple LWR models using the simple average method. The results of this study are compared with the predicted results using multiple regression analysis by applying the real data such as the amount of traffic per hour in a specific area and hourly sales of a resting place of the highway, etc.

Seasonal Variation of the Quantity and Quality of Seston as Diet Available to Suspension-Feeders in Gosung and Kangjin Bays of Korea (고성만과 강진만에서 현탁물 섭식자에 유용한 입자물질 양과 질의 계절 변동)

  • LEE Pil-Yong;KANG Chang-Keun;CHOI Woo-Jeung;YANG Han-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.340-347
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    • 2001
  • Seasonal variation of the elemental and biochemical composition of the suspended particulate matter (SPM) was investigated in terms of quantity and quality of diets for suspension feeders from July 1999 to August 2000 in two coastal bay systems of Gosung and Kangjin Bays in Korea. No clear patterns in the seasonal variations of SPM concentration were found in these two bay systems. The results indicated that the seasonal variation of SPM could not be considered the variation of food available to suspension-feeders. The simultaneous peaks in chlorophyll a and biochemical components in summer indicated that the quantity of the particulate organic matter primarily depended on phytoplankton productivity. However, no correlation between chlorophyll a and biochemical components [particulate protein (PPr), carbohydrate (PCHO) and lipid] were found, indicating that other processes might also contribute to the particulate organic matter in the period when the phytoplankton biomass was low. High C: Chl a and C:N, and carbohydrate peaks during the autumn to spring period suggested that resuspension of surface sediments was a probable process to supply the particulate organic matter. The food material, represented by summing up the total quantity of three biochemical components, was highest in spring with minor peaks during the period from autumn to the next spring, The food index, calculated as the ratio of food material to total SPM, did not generally exceed $6\%$ with short peaks during the year. Therefore, nutritional quality of SPM in the bays are relatively poor than in other more productive coastal waters in the world. Our results confirm that the measurement of a single chemical variable cannot describe fully the nutritive value of the seston available to suspension-feeders as previously proposed, and the biochemical composition of SPM can provide effective information on its origin and nutritive Quality.

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Characteristics of $CO_{2}$ Absorption and Degradation of Aqueous Alkanolamine Solutions in $CO_{2}$ and $CO_{2}-O_{2}$ System ($CO_{2}$$CO_{2}-O_{2}$ 시스템에서 알카놀아민류 흡수제를 이용한 $CO_{2}$ 흡수 및 흡수제 열화 특성)

  • Choi, Won-Joon;Lee, Jong-Seop;Han, Keun-Hee;Min, Byoung-Moo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2011
  • Amine can undergo irreversible reactions by $O_{2}$ and high temperature in amine scrubbing process and these phenomena are called "degradation". Degradation causes not only a loss of valuable amine, but also operational problems such as foaming, corrosion and fouling. In this study, using various chemical absorbents(MEA; monoethanolamine, AMP; 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol, DAM; 1,8-diamino-p-menthane), we examined the following variable. I) loading ratio of $CO_{2}$ at $50^{\circ}C$ and $120^{\circ}C$, ii) concentration variation and initial degradation rate constant of absorbent in $CO_{2}$ and $CO_{2}/O_{2}$ system, and iii) effect of degradation by $O_{2}$. The $CO_{2}$ loading of 20 wt% DAM was 400% and 270% higher than that of 20 wt% MEA and AMP at 50, respectively and was the largest the difference of $CO_{2}$ loading between absorption $(50^{\circ}C)$ and regeneration $(120^{\circ}C)$ condition. The initial degradation rate constant of 20 wt% DAM was $2.254{\times}10^{-4}cycle^{-1}$ which was slower than that of MEA $(2.761{\times}10^{-4}cycle^{-1})$ and AMP $(2.461{\times}10^{-4}cycle^{-1})$ in $CO_{2}$ system. Also, it was increased 30% by $O_{2}$ that effects on the degradation by $O_{2}$ was less than 100% increased. these degradation reactions was able to identify by formation of new peak in GC and FT-IR spectrum analysis.

Consumer expectation and consumer satisfaction before and after health care service (의료이용 전.후 기대와 만족수준 비교)

  • Park, Jang-Soon;Yu, Seung-Hum;Sohn, Tae-Yong;Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.112-134
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the consumer's expectation before the health care service and the consumer's satisfaction after it. The participants of the study are inpatients in a general hospital located in Seoul. The resources were collected from the self-administration questionnaire survey run parallel with face to face interview. In order to measure the degree of the consumer's expectation, 349 samples were collected from the first questionnaire survey on the date of admission to the hospital. The second questionnaire survey was carried out on the date of discharge to the hospital with the participants responding to the first questionnaire survey. There are 154 samples collected from this survey. The results from the analysis of these resources are as follow. First, the survey shows that one of the highest consumers' expectations was about the generosity, kindliness and sincerity from the staff at the hospital, specially from doctors. Second, according to the analysis of the factors affecting the expectations of the consumers, with regard to path of admission to a hospital relating to patient's features, outpatient who gets into a hospital expected good medical care much more than the other patients. In regard of doctor's features, patients usually and highly expect good medical care from doctors who have good carrier and much experience. Third, according to the second questionnaire survey, what patients are satisfied most with is about the generosity and sincerity from staff at a hospital, especially from doctors and their gem attitudes. The results from survey show that the differences among the degree of consumers' satisfaction are very variable, depending on surrounding environments and facilities. The only fact that expectation didn't meet with satisfaction appeared to the case about technology and skill of medical care and the case about updated medical skills and equipments. Fourth, comparing the degree of expectation with the degree of satisfaction of consumers, correlative analysis was concerned significantly and specifically about the part of overall cleanliness relating to facilities and surrounding environments, the items about medical examination and test plan procedure relating to skill of medical care, professional specialties and convenience for procedure, and the items about satisfying explanations and concern about patients from doctors relating to staff's generosity and sincerity. Fifth, the analysis of the factors affecting the degree of how much patients are satisfied with shows that relating to sociodemographical features, patients are not satisfied with the case when the time and process of medical treatment are getting longer. It is surveyed that consumer were satisfied with the motivation to visit a hospital and the insurance type in patient's feature and so were the medical department and the factor of the degree of the expectation in disease's feature. Sixth, according to analysis based on the survey, patients would join again a hospital when they get satisfaction from the medical care and also they want to come again regarding to doctor's capability. For example, when doctors are old, have a good carrier and much experience, patients would come again. As seen from the above, consumers are usually satisfied with the medical treatment more than that they expected before. They would intend to use again when they get satisfaction from the medical care provided at a hospital. Patients and consumers highly expect good attitude as well as capacity from medical doctors and they are also generally satisfied with those things. Therefore, in order to increase the degree of consumer's satisfaction and their intention to come again, the hospital staff would have to commit themselves to achieve high quality service continuously and would have to make an effort to offer the finest quality service.

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Analysis of Slope Stability Considering the Saturation Depth Ratio by Rainfall Infiltration in Unsaturated Soil (불포화토 내 강우침투에 따른 포화깊이비를 고려한 사면안정해석)

  • Chae, Byung-Gon;Park, Kyu-Bo;Park, Hyuck-Jin;Choi, Jung-Hae;Kim, Man-Il
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2012
  • This study proposes a modified equation to calculate the factor of safety for an infinite slope considering the saturation depth ratio as a new variable calculated from rainfall infiltration into unsaturated soil. For the proposed equation, this study introduces the concepts of the saturation depth ratio and subsurface flow depth. Analysis of the factor of safety for an infinite slope is conducted by the sequential calculation of the effective upslope contributing area, subsurface flow depth, and the saturation depth ratio based on quasi-dynamic wetness index theory. The calculation process makes it possible to understand changes in the factor of safety and the infiltration behavior of individual rainfall events. This study analyzes stability changes in an infinite slope, considering the saturation depth ratio of soil, based on the proposed equation and the results of soil column tests performed by Park et al. (2011 a). The analysis results show that changes in the factor of safety are dependent on the saturation depth ratio, which reflects the rainfall infiltration into unsaturated weathered gneiss soil. Under continuous rainfall with intensities of 20 and 50 mm/h, the time taken for the factor of safety to decrease to less than 1.3 was 2.86-5.38 hours and 1.34-2.92 hours, respectively; in the case of repeated rainfall events, the time taken was between 3.27 and 5.61 hours. The results demonstrate that it is possible to understand changes in the factor of safety for an infinite slope dependent on the saturation depth ratio.

Analytical studies of bovine mastitis management by standard plate counts(SPC) and somatic cell counts(SCC) (젖소 유방염 관리에 따른 세균 및 체세포수 등급 실태 조사 분석)

  • 허정호;정명호;박영호;조명희;이주홍
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.285-300
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    • 1998
  • 1. The number of average milking cows, clinical forms of mastitis, mastitis-developing cows, and cows killed by mastitis a year were 25.7, 1.8(7%), 6.3(26%), and 2.7(10.1%)heads, respectively. The annual grade changes of standard plate counts(SPC) and somatic cell counts(SCC) showed the grade 1A of SPC diminished sharply from April to August, we think it was due to the lack of proper management in farming season and the grade 3 of SCC indirectly influenced increased in huge during August. 2. The average number of parturitions of farms was 2.3, but 50% of below 1 parturition were 22 farms(31%), 50% of above 3 parturitions were 16(23%) out of 71 farms. According to grades of the number of parturitions of milking cows per each farm, the farms' grades recording 3 parturitions and 50% were little bit excellent. 3. The actual situation research of foremilking CMT revealed 35 out of 74 farmer didn't do CMT Among them(35 out of 74 farmers), 80% did not test thanks to the troublesome process of the CMT. SCC grade 3, among farms who did foremilking CMT once or twice a month and who did not were 29% and 40% respectively and SPC grade 1A were 55% and 9%, respectively. 4. The research of actual situation on milking management let us know 29 farms(39%) did not do lastmilking, 37 farms(49%) usually did overmilking, and 34 farms(46%) did milking for 4 or 5 minutes. Grades according to average requiring times of milking showed SCC grade 1 of farms milking within 7 minutes was 11% and SPC grade 1A was 34%, on the other side, farms milking more than 7 minutes were 0% in SCC grade 1 and 13% in SPC grade 1A. Grades according to the starting time of milking after rubbing teats showed SPC grade 1A of farms starting milking at about 1 minute and over 2 minutes were 50% and 20%, respectively. 5. The research of actual situation on hygienic milking management uncovered 65 farms(88%) were using one towel which was used in washing teats and udders to wash more than 3 to 4 cows, and 53 farms(72%) were using one dried towel to dry udders not for each cow but for more than 3 to 4 cows after washing. Also, on milking turns disclosed 30 farms(40%) were milking cows in the order of incoming without isolation of a dominant group. According to grades of towels used in washing teats and udders, farms using a towel for each cow were 56% and a towel for over 3 cows were 31% in SPC grade 1A. According to using-or-not grades of dried towels after washing udders, farms using a towel for each cow were 79% and a towel for over 3 cows were 21% in SPC grade 1A. 6. Farms doing teat-dipping before milking were 7(10%), not doing teat-dipping after milking, or doing sometimes were 9(12%), and doing right after milking were 57(77%). And farms doing teat-dipping after dry cows and before delivery were 21(28a ). Farms using bethadine as an antiseptic solution were 70(95%), 40 farms(59%) diluted it with water as weak as 5 to 10 times, and on drying cows 64 farms(87%) slowly did it more than 2 days. Grade 1A of SPC of farms doing teat-dipping at every milking was 38%, farms doing occasionally or not was 33%, and farms doing it right after milking was 37% and doing after milking more than 5 cows was 20%. Grade 1A of SPC among farms diluting bethadine 5 times and diluting 5 to 10 times with water were 36% and 33%, respectively, and Grade 3 of SCC were 35% and 32%, respectively. 7. Studies on nonlactating period medical treatment, as the cows were on dry, 54 farms treated with their own hands.73 farms(98%) had bovine mastitis treated for themselves. And on applying medicines against mastitis, 55 farmers chose them on the basis of their own experience, 42 farms(57%) were treated more than 3 days. 41 farms(55%) dumped away the mastitis infected milk separately, 24 farms(32%) were feeding and milking at the same time. 8. Fifty-six farms(76%) always washed and disinfected milking machines after milking. Farms using the milking machines at low, or variable vacuum pressures, or at the vacuum pressure, set at the moment of its installation were 31(42%), and farms that did not know pulsation ratio were 27(37%). Farms changing liners when they were torn 8(11%), 58 farms(78%) said they checked milking system when there were wrong with them, 31 farms(42%) changed milking hoses when they found out problems, and 42 farms(57%) cleaned vacuum and milking systems when they felt dirty. The SPC grade 1A of farms washing and sterilizing milking machines was 38% and farms only washing was 28%.

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  • Choe, Byong-Hee
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.2
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 1962
  • The purpose of this treatise is to prove the presence of cystine in silk fiber through wide sampling throughout all the sericultural processes of Bombyx mori.; also to show that disulfide cross linkages exist in the silk fiber. The conclusions reached were as follows: 1. Crystalline cystine was obtained from silk fibroin using Folin's Method. 2. Analytical data showing the cystine content of silk fiber and its related materials were obtained using Sullvan's Method as follows: Material Percent Cystine A. Mulberry leaf protein 0.175 B. Silkworm egg 0.33 C. Silkworm Body, matured, fat extracted, without silk gland 0.41 D. Silk gland, matured 1.23 E. Silkworm feces none F. Silkworm pupa, fat extracted 0.30 G. Silkworm moth, fat extracted 0.60 H. Raw Silk 0.22 I. Fibroin 0.175 J. Sericin 0.30 3. The presence of cystine in the silkworm was substantiated the existence of 0.175 % methionine in mulberry leaves and 0.12% methionine in the silk gland. 4. Part of the sulfhydryl compounds in the silk gland is believed to transfer to serine and methionine, with the former being secreted into the liquid silk finally as silk fiber and the latter used for nutritive purposes in the growing of silk gland tissue. 5. The cystine content is variable by mulberry species, silkworm species, sex, breeding process, and other culturing environments. 6. Hybrid silkworms require more nutritive amino acids for effective growth than the original parents, and secrete less of them as silk fiber. 7. From such an observation, the amino acid composition of silk fiber is believed to be fairly flexible. Cystine if included in the amorphous part of the fiber, especially in sericin. 8. The result from enriching the silkworm diet with pure cystine or wool cystine did not result in any advantage, therefore it is believed that the natural cystine and methionine contents in the mulberry leafaregoodenoughforsilkwormnutrition. 9. The disulfide cross linkage in silk fiber was verified by using the Harris Method. Contraction took place following the treatment of the fiber with various salts and acids. Comparisons were made with wool fiber. 10. During these experiments, the fibrious structure of silk fiber and the net-globular liquid form were photographed microscopically. It is believed that the globules of liquid silk are net-formed by the inter attraction of the OH ion of the globular peptide and the H ion of water as shown by the hair cracking behavior of the film. The net-globular protein precipitation from the mulberry protein solution showed that mulberry is a proper diet for the formation of fibrous protein in the silk fiber. 11. The significance of the presence of cystine in silk fiber as emphasized in this paper should result in modification of the general conception that cystine is absent from this fiber. NOTICE: A part of this treatise was presented at the annual Korea Sericultural Society meeting held in 1961.

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The Prediction of DEA based Efficiency Rating for Venture Business Using Multi-class SVM (다분류 SVM을 이용한 DEA기반 벤처기업 효율성등급 예측모형)

  • Park, Ji-Young;Hong, Tae-Ho
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2009
  • For the last few decades, many studies have tried to explore and unveil venture companies' success factors and unique features in order to identify the sources of such companies' competitive advantages over their rivals. Such venture companies have shown tendency to give high returns for investors generally making the best use of information technology. For this reason, many venture companies are keen on attracting avid investors' attention. Investors generally make their investment decisions by carefully examining the evaluation criteria of the alternatives. To them, credit rating information provided by international rating agencies, such as Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch is crucial source as to such pivotal concerns as companies stability, growth, and risk status. But these types of information are generated only for the companies issuing corporate bonds, not venture companies. Therefore, this study proposes a method for evaluating venture businesses by presenting our recent empirical results using financial data of Korean venture companies listed on KOSDAQ in Korea exchange. In addition, this paper used multi-class SVM for the prediction of DEA-based efficiency rating for venture businesses, which was derived from our proposed method. Our approach sheds light on ways to locate efficient companies generating high level of profits. Above all, in determining effective ways to evaluate a venture firm's efficiency, it is important to understand the major contributing factors of such efficiency. Therefore, this paper is constructed on the basis of following two ideas to classify which companies are more efficient venture companies: i) making DEA based multi-class rating for sample companies and ii) developing multi-class SVM-based efficiency prediction model for classifying all companies. First, the Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is a non-parametric multiple input-output efficiency technique that measures the relative efficiency of decision making units(DMUs) using a linear programming based model. It is non-parametric because it requires no assumption on the shape or parameters of the underlying production function. DEA has been already widely applied for evaluating the relative efficiency of DMUs. Recently, a number of DEA based studies have evaluated the efficiency of various types of companies, such as internet companies and venture companies. It has been also applied to corporate credit ratings. In this study we utilized DEA for sorting venture companies by efficiency based ratings. The Support Vector Machine(SVM), on the other hand, is a popular technique for solving data classification problems. In this paper, we employed SVM to classify the efficiency ratings in IT venture companies according to the results of DEA. The SVM method was first developed by Vapnik (1995). As one of many machine learning techniques, SVM is based on a statistical theory. Thus far, the method has shown good performances especially in generalizing capacity in classification tasks, resulting in numerous applications in many areas of business, SVM is basically the algorithm that finds the maximum margin hyperplane, which is the maximum separation between classes. According to this method, support vectors are the closest to the maximum margin hyperplane. If it is impossible to classify, we can use the kernel function. In the case of nonlinear class boundaries, we can transform the inputs into a high-dimensional feature space, This is the original input space and is mapped into a high-dimensional dot-product space. Many studies applied SVM to the prediction of bankruptcy, the forecast a financial time series, and the problem of estimating credit rating, In this study we employed SVM for developing data mining-based efficiency prediction model. We used the Gaussian radial function as a kernel function of SVM. In multi-class SVM, we adopted one-against-one approach between binary classification method and two all-together methods, proposed by Weston and Watkins(1999) and Crammer and Singer(2000), respectively. In this research, we used corporate information of 154 companies listed on KOSDAQ market in Korea exchange. We obtained companies' financial information of 2005 from the KIS(Korea Information Service, Inc.). Using this data, we made multi-class rating with DEA efficiency and built multi-class prediction model based data mining. Among three manners of multi-classification, the hit ratio of the Weston and Watkins method is the best in the test data set. In multi classification problems as efficiency ratings of venture business, it is very useful for investors to know the class with errors, one class difference, when it is difficult to find out the accurate class in the actual market. So we presented accuracy results within 1-class errors, and the Weston and Watkins method showed 85.7% accuracy in our test samples. We conclude that the DEA based multi-class approach in venture business generates more information than the binary classification problem, notwithstanding its efficiency level. We believe this model can help investors in decision making as it provides a reliably tool to evaluate venture companies in the financial domain. For the future research, we perceive the need to enhance such areas as the variable selection process, the parameter selection of kernel function, the generalization, and the sample size of multi-class.

Exploration of optimum conditions for production of saccharogenic mixed grain beverages and assessment of anti-diabetic activity (잡곡당화음료 제조 최적 조건 탐색 및 항당뇨 활성 평가)

  • Lee, Jae Sung;Kang, Yun Hwan;Kim, Kyoung Kon;Yun, Yeong Kyeong;Lim, Jun Gu;Kim, Tae Woo;Kim, Dae Jung;Won, Sang Yeon;Bae, Moo Hoan;Choi, Han Seok;Choe, Myeon
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to establish the production conditions through optimization of the production process of beverages using Aspergillus oryzae CF1001, and to analyze volatile compounds and antidiabetic activity. Methods: The optimum condition was selected using the response surface methodology (RSM), through a regression analysis with the following independent variables gelatinization temperature (GT, $X_1$), saccharogenic time (ST, $X_2$), and dependent variable; ${\Delta}E$ value (y). The condition with the lowest ${\Delta}E$ value occurred with combined 45 min ST and $50^{\circ}C$ GT. The volatile compounds were analyzed quantitatively by GC-MS. Results: Assessment of antidiabetic activity of saccharogenic mixed grain beverage (SMGB) was determined by measurement of ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibition activity, and glucose uptake activity and glucose metabolic protein expression by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and western blot analysis. Results of volatile compounds analysis, 62 kinds of volatile compounds were detected in SMGB. Palmitic acid (9.534% ratio), benzaldehyde (8.948% ratio), benzyl ethyl ether (8.792% ratio), ethyl alcohol (8.35% ratio), and 2-amyl furan (4.826% ratio) were abundant in SMGB. We confirmed that ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibition activity, glucose uptake activity, and glucose-metabolic proteins were upregulated by SMGB treatment with concentration dependent manner. Conclusion: Saccharogenic mixed grain beverage (SMGB) showed potential antidiabetic activity. Further studies will be needed in order to improve the taste and functionality of SMGB.

Minor Physical Anomalies in Patients with Schizophrenia (정신분열병 환자에서 신체미세기형에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Eun-Jeong;Jeong, Seong Hoon;Maeng, So Jin;Yoon, Se Chang;Kim, Jong Hoon;Kim, Chul Eung;Shin, Youngmin;Kim, Yong Sik
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.140-151
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    • 2002
  • Object and Method:Minor physical anomalies(MPAs) are frequently seen in patients with schizophrenia. MPAs are considered to arise from the anomalous development of ectoderm-originated tissues in the developing fetus. Since the central nervous system originates from ectoderm, MPAs can be regarded as externally observable and objective indicators of the aberrant development which might have taken place in the central nervous system. To investigate whether MPAs are more frequent in schizophrenic patients, the frequencies of MPAs were compared between schizophrenic patients and normal controls. Total 245 schizophrenic patients diagnosed with DSM-IV(male : 158, female : 87), and 418 normal control subjects(male : 216, female : 202) were included in this study. The MPAs were measured using the modified Waldrop scale with fifteen items in six bodily regions; head, eye, ear, mouth, hand, and foot. Result:The total scores of Waldrop scale were $4.40{\pm}1.93$($mean{\pm}standard$ deviation) in patients and $3.43{\pm}1.68$ in controls for females, and for males, $4.58{\pm}1.75$ in patients and $4.28{\pm}1.59$ in controls. For females, the excess of MPAs in schizophrenic patients was statistically significant(t-test : p<0.001). For males, schizophrenic patients also showed more MPAs than normal controls, but this tendency did not reach statistical significance (t-test : p=0.094). When the modified Waldrop total scores excluding head circumference were compared, the total scores in schizophrenic patients were significantly higher for both male and female subjects(t-test : male p<0.001, female p=0.001). The individual anomaly items included in Waldrop scale were also investigated. The items of epicanthus, hypertelorism, malformed ears, syndactylia were significantly more frequent in schizophrenic patients. In contrast, the items of adherent ear lobes, asymmetric ears, furrowed tongue, curved fifth finger, single palmar crease and big gap between toes did not show any differences in frequency between schizophrenic patients and normal controls. Since a lot of statistical analyses showed different results between male and female subjects, it seems to be necessary to consider gender as an important controlling variable for the analysis, however only the item of head circumference showed statistically significant gender-related difference according to log-linear analysis. Conclusion:With a relatively large sample size, the frequencies of MPAs enlisted in Waldrop scale were compared between schizophrenic patients and normal controls in this study. MPAs were more frequently seen in schizophrenic patients and, especially, several specific items in the Waldrop scale showed prominent excess in schizophrenic patients. Although definite conclusions cannot be drawn due to the inherent limitation of the study using Waldrop scale, these results seem to support the possibility that aberrant neurodevelopmental process might be involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia in some of the patients.

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