• 제목/요약/키워드: private air law

검색결과 66건 처리시간 0.029초

바르샤바협약상(協約上) Wilful Misconduct의 개념(槪念) (The Role of the ICAO in Implementing the FANS and its Applications in Air and space Law)

  • 최준선
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.191-215
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    • 1994
  • The concept of 'wilful misconduct" was initally used in article 25 of the Warsaw Convention of 1929. The concept was defined in the Hague Protocol, 1955, as having the following two differing concepts: i) "with the intent to cause damage" and ii) "recklessly and with the knowledge that damage would probably result." The concepts contained in the Hague Protocol were used in various international Conventions on carriage by sea, such as Article 2(e) and Article 3(4) of the Protocol adopted at Brussels on Feb. 23, 1968 to amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels, Aug. 25, 1929(Hague-Visby Rules), Article 13 of the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, Dec. 13. 1974, Article 4 of the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976, Article 8(1) of the U.N. Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978(Hamburg Rules) and Article 21 (1) of the U.N. Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods, Geneva, 1980. The same concepts were also adopted in Article 746, 789-2(1), 789-3(2) of the Korean Maritime Commercial Law, revised in 1991. As of yet, the legal system of Korean Private Law recognizes only the concepts of "Vorsatz" and "grobe Nachlassigkeit", as is the case with German Private Law. The problem is that the concepts in the Convention do not coincide precisely with the concepts of "Vorsatz" and "grobe Nachlassigkeit". The author has conducted a comparative analysis of the treatment of the concepts of wilful misconduct and its varied interpretations, that is, "with the intent to cause damage" and "recklessly and with the knowledge that damage would probably result" in the Anglo-American law and in the continental European law in the following manner: 1. Background in which the concept of wilful misconduct was introduced in the Warsaw Convention. 2. The concept of "dol" in French private law. 3. The concepts of "Vorsatz" and "grobe Nachlassigkeit" in Korean private law. 4. Analysis of the concept of wilful misconduct in Anglo-American case law. 5. Analysis of the cases interpreting the concepts of "with intent to cause damage" and "recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result" in various jurisdictions. 6. The need to incorporate the concepts of "with the intent to cause damage" and "recklessly and with the knowledge that damage would probably result." 7. Faute inexcusable in French private law. Based upon the comparative analysis, the author points out the difference between the concepts of "wilful misconduct" or "with the intent to cause damage" and "Vorsatz", and between the concepts of "recklessly and with the knowledge that damage would probably result" and "grobe Nachlassigkeit" in the Convention and that of the Korean Private Law system. Additionally, the author emphasizes the importance of the unification in the interpretation of the provisions of the Conventions world wide.

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Current Issues & Prospects of International Space Law

  • Zwaan, Tanja Masson
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.237-259
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    • 2010
  • This paper first gives a brief overview of the history of space law making in the international geopolitical context and recalls some of the main principles as elaborated in the framework of the United Nations. Next, several topics are discussed that will require the attention of space lawyers in the near future. They are the International Space Station, space debris, exploitation of space resources, space tourism, private property rights in space, and militarization and weaponization of space. The paper raises some questions in each of these areas that need to be addressed and concludes that the general legal framework for space activities under public international law as contained in the UN treaties is in place, and is sufficiently general and flexible to enable and encourage states to carry out space activities in an orderly manner. However, as demonstrated by the examples discussed in the paper, the time has come for the international community to agree on the further development of these general principles, starting perhaps with space debris, imminent 'new' uses of space such as space tourism, or some of the 'age old' issues such as the weaponisation of outer space that will continue to require our attention and vigilance. Whether such rules can be in the form of non binding guidelines, codes of conduct and the like, or should be embodied in solid legal instruments creating rights and obligations remains to be seen.

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항공교통업무증명제도 도입과 운영 방안에 대한 연구: 소규모 비행장을 중심으로 (A study on introduction and operation plan of air traffic services operating certification system: Centered on small airfields)

  • 임재환;김영록;최연철
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.154-160
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    • 2017
  • In the former aviation law, only the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has to provide air traffic services, In the case of providing aviation transportation service from civilian, such as aviation special education institution, private airfield installer, it was possible to carry out only by receiving a private contract from the government. But at the time of private consignment, the fact that the government has to bear the cost through the contract act. It is pointed out that it is a factor that hinders efficiency in the operation sector. Accordingly, in Article 85 of the Aviation Safety Act, which was enforced in March 2017, legal grounds were established to provide air traffic services excluding the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. At the same time, we have introduced the air traffic services operating certification system, which enables the air traffic services to meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in order to secure the safety of air traffic. In this study, we examine the major issues and problems of the small private control tower operated by the private institute in Korea. The effect of introduction of the air traffic services operating certification system which can introduce all the institutions which do not belong to the control agency in the former aviation law into the institutional system and the operation plan were examined.

일반 국제법상 민간기업의 우주활동에 대한 국가책임의 성립요건 (The Constituent Elements of State Responsibility Regarding Space Activities of Private Entities from the Perspective of General International Law)

  • 정영진
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.121-146
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    • 2018
  • 전통 국제법에 따르면 국제법의 유일한 주체인 국가만이 국제법상 국가책임을 질 수 있었다. 그러나 국제법의 주체가 점차 다양화되고 국가 활동의 범위가 확대됨에 따라 개인 및 민간 기업의 행위에 대해서도 국가가 국제책임을 부담하는 것이 국제 판례와 국가 관행을 통해 인정되어 왔다. 이를 성문화한 것이 유엔 국제법위원회의 2001년 '국제 위법행위에 대한 국가책임 초안'이다. 그러나 민간 기업 등 사인에 의한 인공위성, 우주발사체 등의 발사 및 운영 등에 관한 국가책임은 일반 국제법상 국가책임의 예외로써 다루어져 왔다. 즉, 민간 기업의 우주활동에 대한 국가책임은 항상 우주조약 등 국제우주법의 체계 내에서만 논의되어 왔다. 2018년 2월 6일 미국의 민간 기업인 스페이스엑스의 팰컨 헤비 발사에서 보는 바와 같이, 민간 기업의 우주활동은 통신위성 등의 제조와 운영, 우주발사체의 발사 등에 국한되지 않고 화성 등의 심우주탐사로 확대되고 있다. 다시 말하면, 일반 국제법상 국가의 국제책임의 예외로써 다루기에는 민간 기업이 매우 광범위한 우주활동을 하고 있다. 그러므로 우주활동에서 민간 기업에 대한 국가의 국제책임을 국제우주법의 관련 규정을 훼손하지 않고 일반 국제법의 시각에서 해석해 보는 것도 의미가 있다. 이 논문은 '국제 위법행위에 대한 국가책임 초안'에 기초하여 사인의 우주활동에 대한 국가책임의 성립 요건을 분석해 보고자 한다.

국제법상 항공법과 우주법의 비교연구 (A Comparative Study of Air Law and Space Law in International Law)

  • 김한택
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.83-109
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    • 2008
  • 항공법과 우주법은 상호 관련성이 많으면서도 각자의 영역에서 꾸준하게 발전하여 왔다. 특히 국제법분야에서 두 분야의 발전은 괄목할 만하다. 항공법은 '항공공법'(public air law)과 '항공형법'(criminal air law) 그리고 '항공사법'(private air law)을 총칭하는 분야이다. 간혹 '항공운송법'(air transportation law)이라는 용어가 항공법을 대신하는 것처럼 사용되기도 하나 이것은 항공시점의 일부이다. 항공법 분야를 이해하기 위해서는 일반적인 법이론, 국내법, 유럽연합(EU)법, 학자들의 이론과 사례를 연구해야 하는 반면, 우주법의 경우는 우주조약을 비롯한 우주관련협약의 연구에만 제한되는 한계가 있다. 최근에 와서야 우주에 관한 국내법들이 제정되기 시작하였고, 우주법관련 사례들도 항공법에 비해 매우 적은 편이다. 본 연구는 이러한 두영역을 상호 비교하면서 차이점을 발견하고 21세기 항공법과 우주법의 발전과제들을 점검하고자 하는데 그 의의가 있다. 항공법과 우주법의 몇 가지 주제별 차이점에 관하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있다. 첫째, 항공분야에서는 공기구인 ICAO뿐만 아니라 사기구인 IATA도 제반 항공업무를 원활하게 하도록 하고 있는데 반해, 우주법은 COPUOS라고 하는 일종의 UN내의 위원회를 통하여 주로 법제정이 이루어지는 면에서 항공법보다는 매우 미흡한 단계에 있다. 우주활동이 활발해짐에 따라서 우주문제를 보편적으로 다룰 국제우주기구(International Space Organization)의 설립을 준비할 필요가 제기된다. 둘째, 항공법이 국가항공기 내지는 군용항공기를 제외하고 민간항공기에만 적용되고 있는 반면, 우주법은 모든 우주활동에 적용시키므로 민간우주선 뿐만 아니라 국가 우주선에 모두 적용되고 있다는 점에 큰 차이점이 발견된다. 이 문제도 우주활동이 점차 상업화함에 따라 민간우주선에만 적용되는 우주법제정이 필요한 시기가 도래할 것이다. 셋째, 국가주권면에서 볼 때 항공법에서는 영공주권이 매우 배타적으로 행사되고 있는 반면에 우주법에서는 국가들이 달과 모든 천체에 관한 우주활동에 관하여 자유를 가질 뿐만 아니라 천체를 전유할 수 없음을 천명하고 있고, 심지어는 1979년 달조약에서는 달과 다른 천체를 인류공동유산영역으로 선언하고 있다. 그러나 영공과 우주의 경계획정은 아직 확립되지 못한 상황은 서로 다른 법영역을 이해하는데 상당한 혼선을 빚고 있다. 마지막으로 책임문제에 관한 항공법과 우주법의 접근법은 항공법의 경우 항공운송이 활발해지고 발전됨에 따라 승객을 보호하는 법체제가 점차 발전되고 있고 지상손해에 관한 법규도 점차 발전되어 가고 있는 반면에 우주법에서는 우주운송법이 탄생되기에는 아직도 멀다고 할 수 있는데, 최근 러시아와 미국에서 우주관광객을 모집하여 우주산업을 마케팅화하고 현 시점에서 우주승객보호를 위한 국제법제정준비를 할 단계라고 생각한다. 우주활동에서의 책임문제는 항공법에서 절대책임원칙을 적용하는 지상손해에 대한 책임문제에 상당히 접근하고 있다.

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The legal regime of air charter in china

  • Cheng, Chia-jui
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.163-186
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    • 2007
  • Charter flight in international air law has, from very beginning, not precisely defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (lCAO) since 1947 when it came into being. By practice, the operation of charter traffic is, in its very beginning, the subject to the regulations of national rules and bilateral charter agreements (charter annex clause) within the framework of normal bilateral agreement of international air services. Taiwan had signed a series of bilateral air service agreement under the name of the Government of the Republic of China when Taiwan was recognized by the United Nations and major members of international community as the sole legal government representing China before 1971, but that situation was changed since then. Taiwan has only maintained diplomatic relations with 25 States, but maintained semi-official relations with major powers of the world. The former agreements were signed within the framework of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 while the latter agreements were signed within the framework of administrative and civil law of two countries which were not in the form of bilateral treaty signed by two sovereign States in its proper sense of international law. The legal regime of charter flights between Taiwan and Mainland China is regulated by special arrangements negotiated by delegated airlines and airlines association or private law institutions.

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한국의 공항운영 현황과 민영화에 대한 법적 고찰 (A Review on the legal aspects of Airport Operation and Privatization in korea)

  • 홍순길;이강석
    • 항공산업연구
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    • 통권49호
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    • pp.3-40
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, the types of airport operation are categorized four groups in context of ownership and operational management; full government ownership and operation; government ownership with privatization of selected service; government ownership and private management; private ownership and operation. The term,"Privatization" has a different definition when it is used in different contexts and cultures. In this paper, the definition of"Privatization" in the context of airport, is that the movement of an entity from the government sector to the private sector. To keep pace with the remarkable growth in the air traffic volume of passengers and cargo, more and more mega-international airports have been built or are under construction. As the air transport demand is expected to increase at an even greater rate in the 21st century, the need for new conception airport is merging to solve the current problems such as airport congestions and flight delays which will be essential factors to decide whether the competitive airports or not. Presently, we researched the type of the operational management to strengthen the competitiveness for Korea's airports. Specifically, It is focused on the government ownership with privatization of selected services. It seems to be evaluated as government ownership and private management when it is actively utilized within Korea Airport Authority's law or Inchon International Airport's public corporation law. To make more competitive airport in 21st Century, however, it is desirable to seek for the method to gradually evaluate to private ownership and operation.

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Liability in the context of space tourism

  • Leon, Pablo Mendes De
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제spc호
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    • pp.225-246
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    • 2007
  • This article is dedicated to my colleague and friend Professor Soon-Kil Hong, Ph.D, who is the famous President of the Korean Association of Air and Space Law and distinguished teacher at the prestigious Hankuk Aviation University. I had the honour and pleasure to teach there a few years ago - upon his gracious invitation. Professor Soon-Kil Hong has made a long, outstanding and impressive career in aviation and space activities, both from a practitioners and academic perspective. That is why I have tried to find a subject which addresses these facets of his personality although this humble article cannot do justice to the great merits of Professor Soon-Kil Hong. This article discusses the liability aspects for damages and injuries to passengers on suborbital flights, by examining: 1. Recent developments regarding space tourism 2. Suborbital flights in relation to the Chicago Convention 3. The application of space law treaties to space tourism 4. Potential candidates for liability regimes applying to space tourism 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Liability under international space law 4.2.1 The Outer Space Treaty (1969) 4.2.2 The Liability Convention (1972) 4.2.3 Conclusions 4.3 Liability under international private air law 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 The Warsaw Convention (1929), as variously amended 4.3.3 The Montreal Agreement (1999) 4.3.4 Conclusions 5. Final observations

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