• 제목/요약/키워드: pot and trammel net

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.016초

태안 연안에서 통발과 삼중자망에 어획된 수산생물의 종조성 및 계절변동 (Species Composition and Seasonal Variation of Aquatic Organism Caught by Pot and Trammel Net in the Coast Waters of Taean, Korea)

  • 윤병일;최동혁;고수진;김맹진;권대현
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.313-324
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    • 2023
  • 2018년 태안 연안에서 계절별로 통발과 삼중자망으로 수산생물의 종조성과 계절변동을 조사하였다. 두 종류의 어구에서 총 78종, 4,501개체, 373,474.0 g으로 둥근성게가 우점하였다. 통발에서는 52종, 3,059개체, 81,546.8 g으로 갑각류가 가장 많았고, 둥근성게 다음으로 그라비새우가 우점하였다. 삼중자망에서는 57종, 1,442개체, 291,926.9 g으로 어류가 가장 많았으며, 그중 홍어가 가장 높게 나타났다. 군집분석 결과, 2개의 뚜렷한 그룹으로 구분되었는데 해양환경 변화에 따라 수산생물의 종 구성이 달라지는 것으로 나타났다.

어구의 분류 (Classification of Fishing Gear)

  • 김대안
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 1996
  • In order to obtain the most favourable classification system for fishing gears, the problems in the existing systems were investigated and a new system in which the fishing method was adopted as the criterion of classification and the kinds of fishing gears were obtained by exchanging the word method into gear in the fishing methods classified newly for eliminating the problems was established. The new system to which the actual gears are arranged is as follows ; (1)Harvesting gear \circled1Plucking gears : Clamp, Tong, Wrench, etc. \circled2Sweeping gears : Push net, Coral sweep net, etc. \circled3Dredging gears : Hand dredge net, Boat dredge net, etc. (2)Sticking gears \circled1Shot sticking gears : Spear, Sharp plummet, Harpoon, etc. \circled2Pulled sticking gears : Gaff, Comb, Rake, Hook harrow, Jerking hook, etc. \circled3Left sticking gears : Rip - hook set line. (3)Angling gears \circled1Jerky angling gears (a)Single - jerky angling gears : Hand line, Pole line, etc. (b)Multiple - jerky angling gears : squid hook. \circled2Idly angling gears (a)Set angling gears : Set long line. (b)Drifted angling gears : Drift long line, Drift vertical line, etc. \circled3Dragged angling gears : Troll line. (4)Shelter gears : Eel tube, Webfoot - octopus pot, Octopus pot, etc. (5)Attracting gears : Fishing basket. (6)Cutoff gears : Wall, Screen net, Window net, etc. (7)Guiding gears \circled1Horizontally guiding gears : Triangular set net, Elliptic set net, Rectangular set net, Fish weir, etc. \circled2Vertically guiding gears : Pound net. \circled3Deeply guiding gears : Funnel net. (8)Receiving gears \circled1Jumping - fish receiving gears : Fish - receiving scoop net, Fish - receiving raft, etc. \circled2Drifting - fish receiving gears (a)Set drifting - fish receiving gears : Bamboo screen, Pillar stow net, Long stow net, etc. (b)Movable drifting - fish receiving gears : Stow net. (9)Bagging gears \circled1Drag - bagging gears (a)Bottom - drag bagging gears : Bottom otter trawl, Bottom beam trawl, Bottom pair trawl, etc. (b)Midwater - drag gagging gears : Midwater otter trawl, Midwater pair trawl, etc. (c)Surface - drag gagging gears : Anchovy drag net. \circled2Seine - bagging gears (a)Beach - seine bagging gears : Skimming scoop net, Beach seine, etc. (b)Boat - seine bagging gears : Boat seine, Danish seine, etc. \circled3Drive - bagging gears : Drive - in dustpan net, Inner drive - in net, etc. (10)Surrounding gears \circled1Incomplete surrounding gears : Lampara net, Ring net, etc. \circled2Complete surrounding gears : Purse seine, Round haul net, etc. (11)Covering gears \circled1Drop - type covering gears : Wooden cover, Lantern net, etc. \circled2Spread - type covering gears : Cast net. (12)Lifting gears \circled1Wait - lifting gears : Scoop net, Scrape net, etc. \circled2Gatherable lifting gears : Saury lift net, Anchovy lift net, etc. (13)Adherent gears \circled1Gilling gears (a)Set gilling gears : Bottom gill net, Floating gill net. (b)Drifted gilling gears : Drift gill net. (c)Encircled gilling gears : Encircled gill net. (d)Seine - gilling gears : Seining gill net. (e)Dragged gilling gears : Dragged gill net. \circled2Tangling gears (a)Set tangling gears : Double trammel net, Triple trammel net, etc. (b)Encircled tangling gears : Encircled tangle net. (c)Dragged tangling gears : Dragged tangle net. \circled3Restrainting gears (a)Drifted restrainting gears : Pocket net(Gen - type net). (b)Dragged restrainting gears : Dragged pocket net. (14)Sucking gears : Fish pumps.

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제주도 서부연안 어류군집의 종조성 및 계절변동 (Species Composition and Seasonal Variation of Fish Assemblage of the Western Coastal Waters of Jeju Island, Korea)

  • 이승종;고준철;유준택;임양재;김병엽;김주일
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2009
  • 제주도 서부 연안에서 출현하는 어종들의 군집구조와 계절변동을 알아보기 위해 2008년에 홑자망, 삼중자망 그리고 통발을 이용하여 어획물의 종조성 및 계절변동을 분석하였다. 조사기간 동안 총 13목 45과 81종이 출현하였으며 농어목과 쏨뱅이목 어종이 전체 출현종수의 69.1%를 차지하고 있었다. 시기별 출현종수는 고수온기인 7월에 54종으로 가장 많이 출현하였고 저수온기인 4월 42종으로 가장 적게 출현하였다. 시기별 출현개체수와 생체량은 9월에 895 개체, 135 kg으로 가장 높았으며 12월에 450 개체, 52 kg로 낮았다. 조사어구 중 어획량이 가장 빈약했던 홑자망을 제외한 삼중자망과 통발의 다양도 지수를 구한 결과 각각 2.88~3.22, 1.31~1.87의 범위로 변화하였고 두 어구 모두 9월에 가장 높은 값을 나타냈다. 주요 우점종은 쏨뱅이, 쥐치, 호박돔, 황놀래기 등으로서 이 어종들은 계절에 상관없이 조사해역 내에서 우점 출현하고 있었다.