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  • 제목/요약/키워드: pot

검색결과 2,105건 처리시간 0.022초

The Politics of the Pot: Contemporary Cambodian Women Artists Negotiating Their Roles In and Out of the Kitchen

  • Ly, Boreth
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.49-88
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    • 2020
  • Two utilitarian and symbolic objects associated with womanhood in Cambodian culture are the stove and the pot. The pot is a symbol of both the womb and female sexuality; the stove is a symbol of gendered feminine labor. This article argues that the sexist representations of the Khmer female body by modern Cambodian male artists demonstrate an inherited legacy of Orientalist stereotypes. These images were formed : under French colonialism and often depict Khmer women as erotic/exotic native Others. Starting in the 1970s, however, if not earlier, Cambodian women began to question the gendering of social roles that confined them to domestic space and labor. This form of social questioning was especially present in pop songs. In recent years, contemporary Cambodian woman artists such as Neak Sophal and Tith Kanitha have made use of rice pots and stoves in their art as freighted symbols of femininity. Neak created an installation of rice pots from different households in their village, while Tith rebelled against this gendered role by destroying cooking stoves as an act of defiance against patriarchy in her performance art.

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Study on the Renal Anemia - Experimental Study in Acute Renal Anemia - (신성빈혈(腎性貧血)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 급성신성빈혈(急性腎性貧血)의 실험적(實驗的) 고찰(考察) -)

  • Yoon, Zo-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1969
  • The double tracer study on erythrokinetics was carried out experimentally with radioactive iron (59Fe) and chromium (51Cr) in rabbits. The 0.1% canthalidin solution and 1% pot. perchlomate solution was given subcutaneously to 20 rabbits respectively. 3 and 6 days after injection, the blood chemistry, urine examination, ferrokinetics and apparent half survival time of RBC were (51CrT12)determined. Following were the results: 1) Red blood cell hematocrit and hemoglobin values were moderately reduced and B.U.N. and serum creatinine values were slight]y inercased in the canthalidin group, while B.U.N. and serum creatinine values were within normal limits in the pot. perchlomate group. Reticulocyte values were slight]y increased in the canthalidin group, while was normal range in the pot. perchlomate group. 2) Blood chemistry finding was not significant statistically in both experimental groups, but serum iron value was moderately reduced in both group. 3) Plasma volume was unchanged in both group, but red cell volume and whole blood volume were slightly reduced in both groups. 4) Results of ferrokinetics were as follows: i) The plasma iron disappearance rate was delayed in both groups. Plasma iron turnover rate, red cell iron utilization and red cell iron turnover rate were decreased in both groups, and then red cell iron turnover rate was more decreased than plasma iron turnover rate in both groups. Circulating red cell iron was slight]y increased in canthalidin group and red cell iron concentration was within normal range in both groups. ii) P.I.T.R.-R.C.I.T. value was moderately increased in the canthalidin group and slightly increased in the pot. perchlomate group. Reticulocyte index, red cell iron turnover index, plasma iron turnover index and effective erythropoiesis index were whole]y reduced in both groups. iii) The red cell life span was slightly shortened in the canthalidin group while was within normal range in pot. perchlomate group. The pathologic finding of renal biopsy of the canthalidin group shows a selective damage in glomerulus, while shows almost normal range or slight damage in tubules. And that of the pot. perchlomate group shows a selective damage in tubules with slight damage of glomerulus.

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Estimation of Car Insurance Loss Ratio Using the Peaks over Threshold Method (POT방법론을 이용한 자동차보험 손해율 추정)

  • Kim, S.Y.;Song, J.
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2012
  • In car insurance, the loss ratio is the ratio of total losses paid out in claims divided by the total earned premiums. In order to minimize the loss to the insurance company, estimating extreme quantiles of loss ratio distribution is necessary because the loss ratio has essential prot and loss information. Like other types of insurance related datasets, the distribution of the loss ratio has heavy-tailed distribution. The Peaks over Threshold(POT) and the Hill estimator are commonly used to estimate extreme quantiles for heavy-tailed distribution. This article compares and analyzes the performances of various kinds of parameter estimating methods by using a simulation and the real loss ratio of car insurance data. In addition, we estimate extreme quantiles using the Hill estimator. As a result, the simulation and the loss ratio data applications demonstrate that the POT method estimates quantiles more accurately than the Hill estimation method in most cases. Moreover, MLE, Zhang, NLS-2 methods show the best performances among the methods of the GPD parameters estimation.

Octopus fisheries in the coastal waters of Gangneung - I - Pot fishery - (강릉시 연안 문어어업에 관한 연구- I - 통발어업 -)

  • An, Young-Il;Park, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2005
  • In order to study the catch situation of the octopus pot fishery in the coastal waters of Gangneung, catch quantities and weight per month and depth, the soaking time & loss of fishing gear were studied based on 62 fishing times (1 set consisted of 150 pots which is equivalent to 1 fishing time) over a period of 10 months from February to December 2003 using commercial fishing vessels and training ships. The monthly CPUE was generally high in the months of june - September, and during this period July showed the highest quantity (134g/pot, 19.21kg/haul). In consideration of the fact that octopus below the weight of 2kg is protected in foreign countries, the majority of the catch was small with 76% (486 octopuses) below 1kg. The octopus catch quantity was high in depth of more than 40m, and the average catch number per set of pots in depths of over 50m was the highest with 13 octopuses. CPUE(g/pot) was the highest at a depth of over 60m recording 101. In terms of catch quantity per soaking time (4-18 days) the highest was on the 7th day, and 13-18 days also recorded high catches, and this suggests the possibility of ghost - fishing with the loss of fishing gear. Loss of fishing gear was the highest in terms of loss frequency and amount at depths of 20-30m. Consequently, it seems that octopus pot fishing at depths of more than 30m would relieve friction with other types of fishing and increase fishing efficiency.

On The Hydrodynamic Resistance of the Sablefish Pot in Hauling-up (은대구 통발 권양중의 유체저항에 관하여)

  • 이병기
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1977
  • The author determined the relationship between the hauling veloicty and the hydrodynamic resistance of the sablefish pot shaped conic frustum like, and induced the formulae to determine the diameter of the main line and the net horse power of the pot hauler. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The maximum hydrodynamic resistance (with its weight in water) of the pot T(kg), when the bottom webbing is covered by a cloth to imitate the catches are scattered on the bottom, is eatimated as T=120v1.1(0.3v0.8) where v denotes the hauling velocity of the pot in m/sec. 2. When P. P. 3 strand rope is used as main line, the diameter d(mm)is recommended to satisfy the formula $$ d=72 \frac{D}{H} V^{1.1} where H denotes the depth of the fishing ground and D the intervals of the pots linked to the main in m respectively. 3. The pot hauler must displace the net horse power p(ps) of P=75120DHv2.1

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The Effects of Containerized Landscape Tree Production Methods on Post-tansplant Strees (컨테이너에 의한 조경수 생산방식이 이식 후 활착에 미치는 영향)

  • 김태진;김학범
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.152-160
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    • 2001
  • This study is conducted to evaluate the effects of containerized landscape tree production methods on post-transplant stress. Two types of container such as plastic pot(pot), fabric growing bag(bag) were adopted to restrict tree roots. Each types of containers was divided into seven sub-types. One traditional production method was included as comparison. Two landscape woody plants species (Magnolia denudata, Albizzia julibrissin) were implanted in the 7 sub-types of container. After one or two growing season in the container, each types of container trees was transplanted. Half of the trees were transplanted in the mild spring season, and another half of trees were transplanted in the improper summer season. The data were collected on the crown wilting ratio and trunk die-back ratio. The result of the analysis based on these data were as follows; 1) The container production methods were lower than the traditional production methods by 3 times in the average wilting ratio of summer season's transplanting point. 2) Post-transplant stress was more successfully mitigated, in case the "pot" type as was the "bag" types of container. 3) The effective and economic way of mitigating post-transplant stress by container production methods was selecting container plants of vigorous and deep root systems. 4) The "pot" type of container was to restrict tree roots more successfully, But, winter chilling and low temperature attacked the "pot" type tree's twigs and suckers. These results indicated that "pot" grown container plants should managed carefully during the winter after transplanting. Based upon the results of this study, a subsequent research on the development of container material, growth type of the container trees, and other maintaining method will be, and other maintaining method will be required.

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Design and Implementation of Home IoT Cultivation System with iOS Interface (iOS 인터페이스를 지원하는 가정용 IoT 재배 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Jeong, Seung Gyun;Kim, Gyu Dong;Kim, Byeong Chang
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2023
  • Demand for "pet plants" and "planteriers" is increasing due to the increase in COVID-19 and fine dust. In this paper, Smart pots for planterior should be small in size while providing the functions for cultivation without any problems. They should provide a user interface for long-range control for user's convenience. We implemented smart pots by incorporating IoT into pots. In response to the growing number of iPhone users, we developed an iOS app for user interface and UX/UI design. By communicating with the smartphone app and a home pot server over the Internet, users can check and control the state of the pot anytime, anywhere. The server and the pot module were separated to reduce the size of the pot itself. By locating a water bottle at the bottom of the pot, we expect that it is suitable for a "planterier" because it adopts a circulating structure in which drainage flows down to the water bottle as it is.

Photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll of Vitex rotundifolia in coastal sand dune

  • Byoung-Jun Kim;Sung-Hwan Yim;Young-Seok Sim;Yeon-Sik Choo
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study analyzed the physiological adaptations of a woody plant, Vitex rotundifolia, in Goraebul coastal sand dunes from May to September 2022. Environmental factors and physiological of plants growing under field and controlled (pot) conditions were compared. Results: Photosynthesis in plants growing in the coastal sand dunes and pots was the highest in June 2022 and July 2022, respectively. Chlorophyll fluorescence indicated the presence of stress in the coastal sand dune environment. The net photosynthesis rate (PN) and Y(II) were highest in June in the coastal sand dune environment and July in the pot environment. In August and September, Y(NPQ) increased in the plants in the coastal sand dune environment, showing their photoprotective mechanism. Chlorophyll a and b contents in the pot plant leaves were higher than those in the coastal sand dune plant leaves; however, chlorophyll-a/b ratio was higher in the coastal sand dune plant leaves than in the pot plant leaves, suggesting a relatively high photosynthetic efficiency. Carotenoid content in the coastal sand dune plant leaves was higher in August and September 2022 than that in the pot plant leaves. Leaf water and soluble carbohydrate contents of the coastal sand dune plant leaves decreased in September 2022, leading to rapid leaf abscission. Diurnal variations in photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in both environments showed peak activity at 12:00 hour; however, the coastal sand dune plants had lower growth rates and Y(II) than the pot plants. Plants in the coastal sand dunes had higher leaf water and ion contents, indicating that they adapted to water stress through osmotic adjustments. However, plants growing in the coastal sand dunes exhibited reduced photosynthetic activity and accelerated decline due to seasonal temperature decreases. These findings demonstrate the adaptation mechanisms of V. rotundifolia to water stress, poor soils, and high temperature conditions in coastal sand dunes. Conclusions: The observed variations indicate the responses of the V. rotundifolia to environmental stress, and may reveal its survival strategies and adaptation mechanisms to stress. The results provide insights into the ecophysiological characteristics of V. rotundifolia and a basis for the conservation and restoration of damaged coastal sand dunes.

Pot Life of Structural Adhesives for FRP Composite Used in Strengthening RC Members (구조보강용 FRP 함침·접착수지의 사용가능시간 분석)

  • Choi, Ki-Sun;You, Young-Chan;Kim, Keung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2008
  • Pot life of two-component adhesives such as epoxy resin used in saturating FRP composite is defined as a certain time periods which can guarantee the bond performance and workability of epoxy resin. Therefore, adhesion procedure in strengthening RC members should be completed before chemical hardening is going on at job site. It has been known that there are two types of test method to evaluate the pot life of structural adhesive based on apparent viscosity or temperature change. This study is to verify the test methods how to assess pot life of structural adhesive for FRP composites by means of changing in apparent viscosity and means of exothermic reaction temperature proposed in existing test standards. Results of each test method were compared and analyzed, and reasonable test and evaluation method were suggested.