• 제목/요약/키워드: political geography

검색결과 142건 처리시간 0.026초

Looking for More Space-sensitive Korean Studies (한국학 연구에서 사회-공간론적 관점의 필요성에 대한 소고)

  • Park, Bae-Gyoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.37-59
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    • 2012
  • Korean studies are in crisis because they have fallen prey to the territorial trap associated with methodological territorialism and methodological nationalism. In order to overcome this situation, this paper suggests the studies on Korea to be more active in accepting the socio-spatial perspective that emphasize the inseparability of society and space. In particular, paying special attention to the 4 important dimensions of socio-spatial relations, such as place, territory, network and scale, it examines the ways in which these 4 dimensions are overlapped, interconnected and dynamically interacting with one another from the perspective of "multi-scalar networked territoriality". In conclusion, I argue that the Korean studies need to understand the variegated and multi-scalar nature of Korea, a place, which is constituted through complex interactions among diverse political, social, economic and cultural forces and processes that operate in various places and at diverse geographical scales.those days, such as agriculture, crops, and transportation of goods. Fifth, the bibliography and citations explaining all instances reveal that China (Qing) is a great civilization of the advanced world and that the scholarship of Joseon relied on and accepted it. Sixth, except for horse raising and management, farming implements for rice transplantation, sericulture, and natural dying of cloth, most of the topics are useful even today. In short, theres is a profound aspect to the content that makes it possible to estimate the "geographical thinking". In general, the focus of the content of this book directly linked to the practical agricultural economy of the common people.

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Evaluating Monitoring Condition for Forest Carbon Offset Project to Demonstrate CSR in North Korea (대북 사회공헌형 산림탄소상쇄사업 모니터링 여건평가)

  • Joo, Seung-Min;Heo, ManHo;Kim, Jong-Dall;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2015
  • Abstract Monitoring is the most critical element in implementing "forest carbon offset project" to enhance the visibility of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in North Korea. This study is intended to explore monitoring potential in terms of forest carbon offset project using satellite image for Baekdu mountain of North Korea. The permanent record of standard satellite remote sensing system demonstrated its capability of presenting area-wide visual evidences of monitoring conditions in Mt. Baekdu mountain of North Korea (site suitability, carbon stock by forest biomass growth, carbon emission by forest biomass loss, deforestation and degradation, environmental, social and economic impact specified in the Carbon Sequestration Law). It doesn't seem very difficult to comply with monitoring requirements for "the forest carbon offset project" due to the probative value of satellite data. Therefore, it could be considerable or realistic approach to utilize CSR based forest carbon offset project as a point of reform and open-door in North Korea. It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference for Korea-based enterprises to ensure monitoring potentials using satellite image in exploring forest carbon offset project sites in North Korea.

Revealing "difference" for Space of Hope: A Comparative Study of Harvey and Gibson-Graham on Spatiality of Capitalism (희망의 공간을 만들기 위한 "차이" 드러내기: 자본주의 공간성에 대한 Harvey와 Gibson-Graham 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2010
  • For a shift to a new paradigm that allows restoring solidarity among class, gender, and race, it is necessary to closely investigate the differences between Marxist view and poststructuralist view which provide theoretical basis for labor movement and for feminist movement, respectively. However, little effort has been devoted to this task. This paper critically compares two best wellknown geographers; Harvey's class-centered theory and Gibson-Graham's post-structuralist feminist approach by focusing on their understandings of "difference". David Harvey argues that racial/gender discrimination is another form of class-exploitation and puts priority on the solidarity based on the commonality of labor. On the contrary Gibson-Graham argues that the privileging of class above all else marginalizes other political dimension, and proposes the deconstruction of hegemonic discourse of capitalism and the construction of "community economies", Based on the critical survey of both theories, I propose that understanding the role that spatiality plays in capital accumulation process is the key to compromise two different approaches.

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Conceptualizing the Engagement of Universities in Regional Development in a Knowledge-based Society (지식기반사회에서 대학과 지역발전의 관계: 진화론적 관점)

  • Nam, Jae-Geol;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2010
  • Following the emergence of a knowledge-based economy, the role of universities in regional development has been re-evaluated through considering localized interactive learning processes. This paper tries to identify the role of universities for regional development and the variables effecting on their localized engagement in regional development. We argues that universities cannot be viewed as a single angle, because the behaviors of a university are influenced by the degree of their independence from regional and national governments. Likewise, the contributions of universities to their regional development can be differential depending on the organizational characteristics of individual universities, the social, political, and economical contexts of a given region and nation, and complex relations between and within universities and other regional stakeholders. These variables can be both the drivers and barriers when each university responds to regional needs. Based on the literature review, we suggest that the explanatory factors of shaping the engagement of universities in regional development can be classified into four categories: the characteristics of individual universities, the national context, the local and regional context, and the policy context.

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The Spatial Characteristics of Network in Zhongguancun Cluster - Focus on the Corporate Activities - (중관촌(中關村) 클러스터 네트워크의 공간적 특성 - 기업 활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Zhan, Jun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.298-309
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    • 2012
  • This paper studies the characteristics of the network of the Zhongguancun Cluster, the most representative innovative cluster of the high-tech industry in China at present. For this study, Zhongguancun Cluster was the first high-tech cluster created in China in 1988, the current Zhongguancun Cluster plays a leading role in the development of the high-tech industry in China. In addition, the Zhongguancun Cluster has attracted global attention and helped elevate China as a key region in terms of research development in relation to the high-tech industry. With regard to the spatial characteristics of the network belonging to the companies in Zhongguancun Cluster, purchase and producer services and information and R&D network have a strong tendency to be local, while on the other hand the product sales network has a strong tendency to be non-local. It is because the political support supplied by the government, institutional base that provides high-tech companies, producer services and information regarding producer services is relatively well prepared and managed in Zhongguancun Cluster. The spatial characteristics of the R&D network have a very strong local character is due to the location of the Zhongguancun Cluster where companies, universities and research centers with outstanding research development capacity as well as various support organizations for technology innovation within the cluster are included. On the other hand, because the high-tech products produced in this area are sold all across China as well as in foreign countries, the product sales network has a strong non-local character. Strengthening the local network in terms of the main agents of the cluster is the most important aspect in order to develop a certain industrial cluster into an innovative cluster. In this respect, if the Zhongguancun Cluster is seen from the perspective of a network, it has a basic network foundation. However, to strengthen international competitiveness, not only the local network but also the international network should be strengthened.

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Multi-Cultural Space and Glocal Ethics : From Cultural Space of Transnational Capitalism to Space of Recognition Struggle (다문화공간과 지구-지방적 윤리 : 초국적 자본주의의 문화공간에서 인정투쟁의 공간으로)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.635-654
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    • 2009
  • Recently, concepts of multicultural society and/or multiculturalism have been not only widely discussed across several disciplines, but also actively promoted in government's policy, as the in-flow of foreign immigrants has increased rapidly. This paper suggests the term 'multicultural space' instead of multicultural society in a sense that both international migration of immigrants and their accommodation to a certain locality presuppose a spatial dimension. This paper also points out that the term multiculturalsim should be used very carefully, because this term includes a normative character implied in a sense of recognition of ethnic and cultural diversity and difference on the one hand, and an ideological one reflected on strategic policies of capital and the state on the other. On the basis of recognition of these problems, this paper tries to reformulate spatially the concept of muticultural society which has been supposed to be constructed due to rapidly increasing foreign immigrants, emphasizing some usefulness of multi-scalar approach. It then analyzes economic and political contexts of transnational migration, providing a criticism of multiculturalism as an ideological logic of capital and the state in transnational captialism. Finally it put a stress upon importance of struggle for spaces of recognition as a new glocal ethics in the age of post-globalization.

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Urban Development and Social Circulation of Water in Daegu (대구의 도시 발달과 물의 사회적 순환)

  • Choi, Byung Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.75-96
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    • 2013
  • This paper is to conceptualize the urban social circulation of water from the social constructivism and political ecology, and to analyze the history of development of social circulation of water, that is, the modernization process of water in Daegu. The development of social circulation system of water in Daegu can be divided into 4 stages, that is, the beginning stage of modernization of water mainly during the period of Japanese colonization, the take-off stage from the 1960s to the mid-1980s, the stage of reflexive modernization from the late 1980s to the 1990s, and that of neoliberalization of water since the 2000s. It can be seen that the development of social circulation system of water in Daegu has contributed the increasing urban population and economic development, especially supporting the spatial expansion of the city and the way of modern way of urban life. But the social circulation system of water in Daegu seems to meet with a lot of problems such as relocation of the water intake station, over-equipment of filtration plants, distrust on tap water, inequality of water use, readjustment of water charge, liquid waste from industrial complexes within the urban area, creative destruction of waterfront environment, and privatization of water.

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Review on the Regional Cooperative Activities for Marine Environmental Conservation in Northeast Asia: with Special Reference to the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) (동북아시아 해양환경보전을 위한 국제협력활동의 현황과 발전방향: 북서태평양보전실천계획(NOWPAP)을 중심으로)

  • Kang Chang-Gu;Kang Seong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2003
  • The geography, circulation pattern, and ecology show that the semi-closed seas of Northwest Pacific be managed as one complete system. Ongoing multilateral cooperative efforts relevant to marine environmental protection in the Northwest Pacific area, include the Working Group for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) established under the auspices of WNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commissions, the UNDP/GEF Programme on Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in East Asian Seas (PEMSEA), the North Pacific Marine Science Organization(PICES), and the United Nations Environment Programme(WNEP)'s Northwest Pacific Action Plan(NOWPAP). The present report firstly describes the current situations on the existing regional cooperative regimes for marine environmental conservation in the Northwest Pacific region, with a special respect to the Northwest Pacific Action Plan(NOWPAP) which was adopted in 1994 by Japan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation. Then, problems of the existing regimes are also discussed, together with the suggestion of the possible solutions, focusing on NOWPAP. Suggestions include: 1) the Northeast Asian countries should understand the importance of legally-binding regional convention, and should build up any legally-binding instrument which can function as a big umbrella for real regional cooperation without prejudice to the rights of the States, 2) At present stage, it will be possible to make a regional convention flexible without prejudice to the sovereign right of the States or territorial issues; 3) taking into account that the region often faces many generic political problems that often inhibit the effective collective actions on environmental issues, the leadership from UNEP or other international organizations is required; 4) strong institutional and financial framework should be made, and 5) multilateral efforts to respond to the new marine environmental threats should be taken at the regional level in order to protect the coastal and marine environments in the Northwest Pacific.

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A Convergence Research Study of Southern Fujian Region in China during the Song Dynasty analyzing the Export of Ceramics (송(宋)대 민남(閩南)지역의 수출 도자기 융합현상 분석)

  • Lim, Chun;Kun, Yue;Zheng, Zheng;Park, Jungwon;Kim, Won-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2019
  • A Convergence Research Study of Southern Fujian Region in China during the Song Dynasty analyzing the Export of Ceramics During the Song Dynasty in China ceramics made in the Southern Fujian (also known as Minnan) region were exported to different countries in Southeast Asia including the Philippines, Thailand and more. They were even exported to Korea, Japan and through trade they traveled as far as Africa. Ceramics was one of the three main sea route export item of China at the time and there were active commercial trading between Korea as well as other countries, enabling ceramics to develop rapidly. The harmonious reciprocal relationship between the geographical, political, cultural, economical characteristics of Southern Fujian enabled a unique type of celadon ware widely recognized to develop. Ceramics of this region is one of a kind in terms of history when we relate it to research on integrating different elements. It suggests a unique convergence of culture when we study its forms and its industrial characteristics. The study attempts to analyze the influence of geography, politics, economy and culture on the different phenomena found in ceramics. Different paradigms associated with changes of environment reflect on continued development in the field of ceramics.

South Korean Society and Disciplined Travel Fantasy in the 1960s -Focusing on Kim Chan-Sam's 『世界一周無錢旅行記』(1962) (규율된 여행 판타지의 60년대적 구성 -김찬삼의 『세계일주무전여행기(世界一周無錢旅行記)』(1962)를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Tae-Hun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.289-319
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    • 2019
  • Kim Chan-sam's 『世界一周無錢旅行記』 was released in 1962. This was a time when the general public was strongly restricted from traveling abroad. Most of the people lived in 'domestic'. Low development and political upheaval continued. The readership wanted a fantasy, which came out of a desire to escape from the peninsula. So was to become more popular around the popular characters called 'Kim Chan-sam'. Kim Chan-sam had to be a pushover to the public. This figure had to be secular and de-politicized. Above all, ideological bias had to be removed. The book's imaginary geography is the "world as a non-communist state" with a high purity. The Cold War ideology was prevalent throughout South Korean society. Kim Chan-sam knew exactly what he could and could not tell the South Korean reader. He couldn't tell you the reality of my readers not being able to travel abroad. Not to mention a society locked up 'domestic' on the Korean reality. The study analyzes Kim Chan-sam's storytelling strategy. Looking at the meaning of the travel fantasy,agenre of the 1960s, I would like to ask why travel writing in our time is still bound by its past limitations.