• Title/Summary/Keyword: planning techniques

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A Study on the Wind Ventilation Forest Planning Techniques for Improving the Urban Environment - A Case Study of Daejeon Metropolitan City - (도시환경 개선을 위한 바람길숲 조성 계획기법 개발 연구 - 대전광역시를 사례로 -)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol;Park, Soo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.28-41
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    • 2023
  • The objective of the study was to develop an Urban Windway Forest Creation Planning Technique for the Improvement of the Urban Environment using the case of Daejeon Metropolitan City. Through a spatial analysis of fine dust and heat waves, a basin zone, in which the concentration was relatively serious, was derived, and an area with the potential of cold air flow was selected as the target area for the windway forest development by analyzing the climate and winds in the relevant zone. Extreme fine dust areas included the areas of the Daejeon Industrial Complex Regeneration Business District in Daedeok-gu and Daedeok Techno Valley in Yuseong-gu. Heat wave areas included the areas of Daedeok industrial Complex in Moksang-dong, the Daejeon Industrial Complex Regeneration Business District in Daehwa-dong, and the high-density residential area in Ojeong-dong. As a result of measuring the wind speeds in Daejeon with an Automatic Weather System, the average wind speeds during the day and night were 0.1 to 1.7 m/s,, respectively. So, a plan of for a windway forest that smoothly induces the movement of cold air formed in outer forests at night is required. The fine dust/heat wave intensive management zones of Daejeon Metropolitan City were Daejeoncheon, Yudeungcheon, Gapcheon-Yudeungcheon, and Gapcheon. The windway forest formation plan case involved the old city center of Daejeon Metropolitan City among the four zones, the Gapcheon-Yudeungcheon area, in which the windway formation effect was presumed to be high. The Gapcheon-Yudeungcheon area is a downtown area that benefits from the cold and fresh air generated on Mt. Gyejok and Mt. Wuseong, which are outer forests. Accordingly, the windway forest was planned to spread the cold air to the city center by connecting the cold air generated in the Seosa-myeon forest of Mt. Gyejok and the Namsa-myeon forest of Mt. Wuseong through Gapcheon, Yudeungcheon, and street forests. After selecting the target area for the wind ventilation forest, a climate map and wind formation function evaluation map were prepared for the area, the status of variation wind profiles (night), the status of fine dust generation, and the surface temperature distribution status were grasped in detail. The wind ventilation forest planning concept and detailed target sites by type were identified through this. In addition, a detailed action plan was established according to the direction of creation and setting of the direction of creation for each type of wind ventilation forest.

A Study on the Individual Issue and Organizational Issue of Organizational Innovation (개인혁신과 조직혁신의 이슈에 관한 연구)

  • Song Kyung-Soo;Kim Hye-Jung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.16
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2005
  • The inner and outer environment surrounding companies becomes more insecure and unpredictable due to sudden changes. Because the change of environment surrounding companies can deeply affect the existence of companies, continuous innovation of organization is required to develope management ability. Also, to conquer insecure present and future of companies effectively, organizations of companies have voluntarily coped with insecurities and intense competitions through endless organization innovation. Externally, globalization, openness, and relaxed regulation intensify competitions; consumers' requests get varied; consciousness of members of organizations have changed. Due to those factors, companies are placed in a situation that they should practice endless inner innovation. Internally, competitive power has weakened due to decline in productivity and inefficiency of indirect parts of company has increased. From those factors, managers increasingly request inner innovation and pursue organization innovation for the purpose of effective usage of extra resources and being prepared for the future. The managers who operate organization innovation think that systematized approach to organization innovation is the most practical, and actually operate the thought. However, the negative side of the thought is not neglectable. To minimize inner and outer resistance and to operate organization innovation successfully, some innovation strategies that properly reflect several issues related to organization innovation should be prepared. Another words, organization innovation should be operated differently by cases that if it focuses on personal perspective or on organization's. For many cases of our country, several techniques of organization innovation have been adopted in a short time and operated without making its original use. Therefore, this study looks into major Issues that should be considered for more successful operation of organization innovation, from both personal aspect and organizational aspect. When considering such aspects and operate organization innovation, there is more possibility to succeed on organization innovation. Now, Korean companies have overcame trial period and reborn as global companies. Take warnings by the ordeal under IMF administration, this is time to secure international competitive power by using developed innovation techniques and transform to superior company. Managers need to recognize that to try successful organization innovation is the shortcut to reborn as competitive company, and should take a continuous and profound search for decisive factors to succeed on organization innovation. To operate successful organization innovation, first, at the step of planning organization. innovation, the company should understand the company's capability, position in market and relationship with competitors. Then, the company should establish a distinguished innovation strategy which is of the whole company's aspect, so that the company can freely choose various technique of organization innovation that suits for the company's capability and needs, and unfold the organization innovation movement. Establishing strategy in the aspect of the total company is very important because it offers clear focus of the purpose of adopt, priority and distribution of resources. Second, at the step of operating organization innovation, the company should define concrete purpose and method to evaluate the results that are expected to obtain by adopting organization innovation in advance. While pushing forward, the company should set proper time of examination(milestone) and inspect if expected results are shown. Third, at the step of afterward management of operating organization innovation, the company requires a thorough afterwards verification if targeted results are obtained and of confirmation of successful or failure factors. Also, the company should cultivate specialists in the company who can accumulate and continuously spread the know-how learned during organization innovation promotion, so the know-how don't remain only in certain departments or to a few people in charge. The company should also give effort to maintain the accumulated innovation techniques to be continued.

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Development of Respiration Gating RT Technique using Moving Phantom and Ultrasound Sensor: a feasibility study (동 팬텀과 초음파 센서를 이용한 호흡운동 조절 방사선치료 기술 개발)

  • Lee, Suk;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Shin, Dong-Ho;Yang, Dae-Sik;Choi, Myung-Sun;Kim, Chul-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.122-125
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    • 2004
  • In radiotherapy of tumors in liver, enough planning target volume (PTV) margins are necessary to compensate breathing-related movement of tumor volumes. To overcome the problems, this study aims to obtain patients' body movements by using a moving phantom and an ultrasonic sensor, and to develop respiration gating techniques that can adjust patients' beds by using reversed values of the data obtained. The phantom made to measure patients' body movements is composed of a microprocessor (BS II, 20 MHz, 8K Byte), a sensor (Ultra-Sonic, range 3 cm ${\sim}$3 m), host computer (RS232C) and stepping motor (torque 2.3Kg) etc., and the program to control and operate it was developed. The program allows the phantom to move within the maximum range of 2 cm, its movements and corrections to take place in order, and x, y and z to move successively. After the moving phantom was adjusted by entering random movement data(three dimensional data form with distance of 2cm), and the phantom movements were acquired using the ultra sonic sensor, the two data were compared and analyzed. And then, after the movements by respiration were acquired by using guinea pigs, the real-time respiration gating techniques were drawn by operating the phantom with the reversed values of the data. The result of analyzing the acquisition-correction delay time for the three types of data values and about each value separately shows that the data values coincided with one another within 1% and that the acquisition-correction delay time was obtained real-time (2.34 ${\times}$ 10$^{-4}$sec). This study successfully confirms the clinic application possibility of respiration gating techniques by using a moving phantom and an ultra sonic sensor. With ongoing development of additional analysis system, which can be used in real-time set-up reproducibility analysis, it may be beneficially used in radiotherapy of moving tumors.

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Evaluation of Scattered Dose to the Contralateral Breast by Separating Effect of Medial Tangential Field and Lateral Tangential Field: A Comparison of Common Primary Breast Irradiation Techniques (유방암 접선조사 치료 방법에 대한 반대쪽 유방에서의 산란선량 평가)

  • Ban, Tae-Joon;Jeon, Soo-Dong;Kwak, Jung-Won;Baek, Geum-Mun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The concern of improving the quality of life and reducing side effects related to cancer treatment has been a subject of interest in recent years with advances in cancer treatment techniques and increasing survival time. This study is an analysis of differing scattered dose to the contralateral breast using common different treatment techniques. Materials and Methods: Eclipse 10.0 (Varian, USA) based $30^{\circ}$ EDW (Enhanced dynamic wedge) plan, $15^{\circ}$ wedge plan, $30^{\circ}$ wedge plan, Open beam plan, FiF (field in field) plan were established using CT image of breast phantom which in our hospital. Each treatment plan were designed to exposure 400 cGy using CL-6EX (VARIAN, USA) and we measured scattered dose at 1 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, 9 cm away from medial side of the phantom at 1 cm depth using ionization chamber (FC 65G, IBA). We carried out measurement by separating effect of medial tangential field and lateral tangential field and analyze. Results: The evaluation of scattered dose to contralateral breast, $30^{\circ}$ EDW plan, $15^{\circ}$ wedge plan, $30^{\circ}$ wedge plan, Open beam plan, FIF plan showed 6.55%, 4.72%, 2.79%, 2.33%, 1.87% about prescription dose of each treatment plan. The result of scattered dose measurement by separating effect of medial tangential field and lateral tangential field results were 4.94%, 3.33%, 1.55%, 1.17%, 0.77% about prescription dose at medial tangential field and 1.61%, 1.40%, 1.24%, 1.16%, 1.10% at lateral tangential field along with measured distance. Conclusion: In our experiment, FiF treatment technique generates minimum of scattered dose to contralateral breast which come from mainly phantom scatter factor. Whereas $30^{\circ}$ wedge plan generates maximum of scattered doses to contralateral breast and 3.3% of them was scattered from gantry head. The description of treatment planning system showed a loss of precision for a relatively low scatter dose region. Scattered dose out of Treatment radiation field is relatively lower than prescription dose but, in decision of radiation therapy, it cannot be ignored that doses to contralateral breast are related with probability of secondary cancer.

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A Dosimetric Evaluation of Large Pendulous Breast Irradiation in Prone Position (Large Pendulous Breast 환자의 방사선 치료에 있어서 엎드린 자세의 유용성 평가)

  • Hong, Chae-Seon;Ju, Sang-Gyu;Park, Ju-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To evaluate dosimetry results of three different techniques for whole breast irradiation after conservative surgery of large pendulous breast patient. Materials and Methods: Planning computed tomography (CT) scans for three techniques were performed on a GE Hi-speed advantage CT scanner in the supine (SP), supine with breast supporting Device (SD) and prone position on a custom prone mattress (PP). Computed tomography images were acquired at 5 mm thickness. The clinical target volumes (CTV), ipsilateral lung and heart were delineated to evaluate the dose statistic, and all techniques were planned with the tangential photon beams (Pinnacle$^3$, Philips Medical System, USA). The prescribed dose was 50 Gy delivered in 25 fractions. To evaluate the dose coverage for CTV, we analysed percent volume of CTV receiving minimum of 95%, 100%, 105%, and 110% of prescription dose ($V_{95}$, $V_{100}$, $V_{105}$, and $V_{110}$) and minimal dose covering 95% ($D_{95}$) of CTV. The dosimetric comparison for heart and ipsilateral lung was analysed using the minimal dose covering 5% of each organs ($D_5$) and the volume that received >18 Gy for the heart and >20 Gy for the ipsilateral lung. Results: Target volume coverage ($V_{95}$ and $V_{100}$) was not significantly different for all technique. The V105 was lower for PP (1.2% vs. 4.4% for SP, 11.1% for SD). Minimal dose covering 95% ($D_{95}$) of target was 47.5 Gy, 47.7 Gy and 48 Gy for SP, SD and PP. The volume of ipsilateral lung received >20 Gy was 21.7%, 11.6% and 4.9% for SP, SD and PP. The volume of heart received >18 Gy was 17.0%, 16.1% and 9.8% for SP, SD and PP. Conclusion: Prone positioning of patient for large pendulous breast irradiation enables improving dose uniformity with minimal heart and lung doses.

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Definition of Tumor Volume Based on 18F-Fludeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in Radiation Therapy for Liver Metastases: An Relational Analysis Study between Image Parameters and Image Segmentation Methods (간 전이 암 환자의 18F-FDG PET 기반 종양 영역 정의: 영상 인자와 자동 영상 분할 기법 간의 관계분석)

  • Kim, Heejin;Park, Seungwoo;Jung, Haijo;Kim, Mi-Sook;Yoo, Hyung Jun;Ji, Young Hoon;Yi, Chul-Young;Kim, Kum Bae
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2013
  • The surgical resection was occurred mainly in liver metastasis before the development of radiation therapy techniques. Recently, Radiation therapy is increased gradually due to the development of radiation dose delivery techniques. 18F-FDG PET image showed better sensitivity and specificity in liver metastasis detection. This image modality is important in the radiation treatment with planning CT for tumor delineation. In this study, we applied automatic image segmentation methods on PET image of liver metastasis and examined the impact of image factors on these methods. We selected the patients who were received the radiation therapy and 18F-FDG PET/CT in Korea Cancer Center Hospital from 2009 to 2012. Then, three kinds of image segmentation methods had been applied; The relative threshold method, the Gradient method and the region growing method. Based on these results, we performed statistical analysis in two directions. 1. comparison of GTV and image segmentation results. 2. performance of regression analysis for relation between image factor affecting image segmentation techniques. The mean volume of GTV was $60.9{\pm}65.9$ cc and the $GTV_{40%}$ was $22.43{\pm}35.27$ cc, and the $GTV_{50%}$ was $10.11{\pm}17.92$ cc, the $GTV_{RG}$ was $32.89{\pm}36.8$4 cc, the $GTV_{GD}$ was $30.34{\pm}35.77$ cc, respectively. The most similar segmentation method with the GTV result was the region growing method. For the quantitative analysis of the image factors which influenced on the region growing method, we used the standardized coefficient ${\beta}$, factors affecting the region growing method show GTV, $TumorSUV_{MAX/MIN}$, $SUV_{max}$, TBR in order. The result of the region growing (automatic segmentation) method showed the most similar result with the CT based GTV and the region growing method was affected by image factors. If we define the tumor volume by the auto image segmentation method which reflect the PET image parameters, more accurate and consistent tumor contouring can be done. And we can irradiate the optimized radiation dose to the cancer, ultimately.

Development of Respiration Gating RT Technique using Moving Phantom and Ultrasound Sensor: a feasibility study (동 팬텀과 초음파 센서를 이용한 호흡운동 조절 방사선치료 기술 개발)

  • Lee Suk;Lee Sang Hoon;Shin Dongho;Yang Dae Sik;Choi Myung Sun;Kim Chul Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.316-324
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : In radiotherapy of tumors in liver, enough planning target volume (PTV) margins are necessary to compensate breathing-related movement of tumor volumes. To overcome the problems, this study aims to obtain patients' body movements by using a moving phantom and an ultrasonic sensor, and to develop respiration sating techniques that can adjust patients' beds by using reversed values of the data obtained. Materials and Methods : The phantom made to measure patients' body movements is composed of a microprocessor (BS II, 20 MHz, 8K Byte), a sensor (Ultra-Sonic, range $3\~3$ m), host computer (RS232C) and stepping motor (torque 2.3 Kg) etc., and the program to control and operate it was developed. The program allows the phantom to move within the maximum range of 2 cm, its movements and corrections to take place In order, and x, y and z to move successively. After the moving phantom was adjusted by entering random movement data (three dimensional data form with distance of 2 cm), and the phantom movements were acquired using the ultra sonic sensor, the two data were compared and analyzed. And then, after the movements by respiration were acquired by using guinea pigs, the real-time respiration gating techniques were drawn by operating the phantom with the reversed values of the data. Results : The result of analyzing the acquisition-correction delay time the three types of data values and about each value separately shows that the data values coincided with one another within $1\%$ and that the acquisition-correction delay time was obtained real-time $(2.34{\times}10^{-4}sec)$. Conclusion : This study successfully confirms the clinic application possibility of respiration gating techniques by using a moving phantom and an ultrasonic sensor. With ongoing development of additional analysis system, which can be used in real-time set-up reproducibility analysis, it may be beneficially used in radiotherapy of moving tumors.

A Study on the Cultivation Processes and Settlement Developments on the Mangyoung River Valley (만경강유역의 개간과정과 취락형성발달에 관한 연구)

  • NamGoong, Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.37-87
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    • 1997
  • As a results of researches on the cultivation processes and settlement developments on the Mangyoung river valley as a whole could be have four 'Space-Time Continuity' through a [Origin-Destination] theory model. On a initial phases of cultivation, the cultivation process has been begun at mountain slopes and tributory plains in upper part of river-basin from Koryo Dynasty to early Chosun Dynasty. At first, indigenous peasants burned forests on the mountain slopes for making 'dryfield' for a cereal crops. Following population increase more stable food supply is necessary facets of life inducing a change production method into a 'wetfield' in tributory plains matching the population increase. First sedentary agriculture maybe initiated at this mountain slopes and tributory plains on upper part of river basin through a burning cultivation methods. Mountain slopes and tributory plains are become a Origin area in cultivation processes. It expanded from up to down through the valleys with 'a bits of land' fashion in a steady pace like a terraced fields expanded with bit by bit of land to downward. They expanded their land to the middle part of river basin in mid period of Chosun Dynasty with dike construction techniques on the river bank. Lower part of river cultivated with embankment building techniques in 1920s and then naturally expanded to the tidal marshes on the estuaries and river inlets of coastal areas. 'Pioneer fringes' are consolidated at there in modern times. Changes in landscapes are appeared it's own characters with each periods of time. Followings are results of study through the Mangyoung river valley as a whole. (1) Mountain slopes and tributory plains on the upper part of river are cultivated 'dryfields' by indigenous peasants with Burning cultivation methods at first and developed sedentary settlements at the edges of mountain slopes and on the river terrace near the fields. They formed a kind of 'periphery-located cluster type' of settlement. This type of settlement are become a prominant type in upper part of river basin. 'Dryfields' has been changed into a 'wetfields' at the narrow tributory plains by increasing population pressure in later time. These wetfields are supplied water by Weir and Ponds Irrigation System(제언수리방법). Streams on the tributory plains has been attracted wetfields besides of it and formed a [water+land] complex on it. 'Wetfields' are expanded from up to downward with a terraced land pattern(adder like pattern, 붕전) according to the gradient of valley. These periphery located settlements are formed a intimate ecological linkage with several sets of surroundings. Inner villages are expanded to Outer villages according to the expansion of arable lands into downward. (2) Mountain slopes and tributory plains expanded its territory to the alluvial deposited plains on the middle part of river valley with a urgent need of new land by population increase. This part of alluvial plains are cultivated mainly in mid period of Chosun Dynasty. Irrigation methods are changed into a Dike Construction Irrigation method(천방수리방법) for the control of floods. It has a trend to change the subjectives of cultivation from community-oriented one who constructed Bochang along tributories making rice paddies to local government authorities who could be gather large sums of capitals, techniques and labours for the big dike construction affairs. Settlements are advanced in the midst of plains avoiding friction of distances and formed a 'Centrallocated cluster type' of settlements. There occured a hierarchical structures of settlements in ranks and sizes according merits of water supply and transportation convenience at the broad plains. Big towns are developed at there. It strengthened a more prominant [water+land] complex along the canals. Ecological linkages between settlements and surroundings are shaded out into a tiny one in this area. (3) It is very necessary to get a modern technology of flood control at the rivers that have a large volume of water and broad width. The alluvial plains are remained in a wilderness phase until a technical level reached a large artificial levee construction ability that could protect the arable land from flood. Until that time on most of alluvial land at the lower part of river are remained a wilderness of overgrown with reeds in lacks of techniques to build a large-scale artificial levee along the riverbank. Cultivation processes are progressed in a large scale one by Japanese agricultural companies with [River Rennovation Project] of central government in 1920s. Large scale artificial levees are constructed along the riverbank. Subjectives of cultivation are changed from Korean peasants to Japanese agricultural companies and Korean peasants fell down as a tenant in a colonial situation of that time in Korea. They could not have any voices in planning of spatial structure and decreased their role in planning. Newly cultivated lands are reflected company's intensions, objectives and perspectives for achieving their goals for the sake of colonial power. Newly cultivated lands are planned into a regular Rectangular Block settings of rice paddies and implanted a large scale Bureaucratic-oriented Irrigation System on the cultivated plains. Every settlements are located in the midst of rice paddies with a Central located Cluster type of settlements. [water+land] complex along the canal system are more strengthened. Cultivated space has a characters of [I-IT] landscapes. (4) Artificial levees are connected into a coastal emnankment for a reclamation of broad tidal marshes on the estuaries and inlets of rivers in the colonial times. Subjectives of reclamation are enlarged into a big agricultural companies that could be acted a role as a big cultivator. After that time on most of reclamation project of tidal marshes are controlled by these agricultural companies formed by mostly Japanese capitalists. Reclaimed lands on the estuaries and river inlets are under hands of agricultural companies and all the spatial structures are formed by their intensions, objectives and perspectives. They constructed a Unit Farming Area for the sake of companies. Spatial structures are planned in a regular one with broad arable land for the rice production of rectangular blocks, regular canal systems and tank reservoir for the irrigation water supply into reclaimed lands. There developed a 'Central-located linear type' of settlements in midst of reclaimed land. These settlements are settled in a detail program upon this newly reclaimed land at once with a master plan and they have planned patterns in their distribution, building materials, location, and form. Ecological linkage between Newly settled settlemrnts and its surroundings are lost its colours and became a more artificial one by human-centred environment. [I-IT] landscapes are become more prominant. This region is a destination area of [Origin-Destination] theory model and formed a 'Pioneer Fringe'. It is a kind of pioneer front that could advance or retreat discontinously by physical conditions and socio-cultural conditions of that region.

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Basic Research on the Possibility of Developing a Landscape Perceptual Response Prediction Model Using Artificial Intelligence - Focusing on Machine Learning Techniques - (인공지능을 활용한 경관 지각반응 예측모델 개발 가능성 기초연구 - 머신러닝 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Pyo;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.70-82
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    • 2023
  • The recent surge of IT and data acquisition is shifting the paradigm in all aspects of life, and these advances are also affecting academic fields. Research topics and methods are being improved through academic exchange and connections. In particular, data-based research methods are employed in various academic fields, including landscape architecture, where continuous research is needed. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the possibility of developing a landscape preference evaluation and prediction model using machine learning, a branch of Artificial Intelligence, reflecting the current situation. To achieve the goal of this study, machine learning techniques were applied to the landscaping field to build a landscape preference evaluation and prediction model to verify the simulation accuracy of the model. For this, wind power facility landscape images, recently attracting attention as a renewable energy source, were selected as the research objects. For analysis, images of the wind power facility landscapes were collected using web crawling techniques, and an analysis dataset was built. Orange version 3.33, a program from the University of Ljubljana was used for machine learning analysis to derive a prediction model with excellent performance. IA model that integrates the evaluation criteria of machine learning and a separate model structure for the evaluation criteria were used to generate a model using kNN, SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Neural Network algorithms suitable for machine learning classification models. The performance evaluation of the generated models was conducted to derive the most suitable prediction model. The prediction model derived in this study separately evaluates three evaluation criteria, including classification by type of landscape, classification by distance between landscape and target, and classification by preference, and then synthesizes and predicts results. As a result of the study, a prediction model with a high accuracy of 0.986 for the evaluation criterion according to the type of landscape, 0.973 for the evaluation criterion according to the distance, and 0.952 for the evaluation criterion according to the preference was developed, and it can be seen that the verification process through the evaluation of data prediction results exceeds the required performance value of the model. As an experimental attempt to investigate the possibility of developing a prediction model using machine learning in landscape-related research, this study was able to confirm the possibility of creating a high-performance prediction model by building a data set through the collection and refinement of image data and subsequently utilizing it in landscape-related research fields. Based on the results, implications, and limitations of this study, it is believed that it is possible to develop various types of landscape prediction models, including wind power facility natural, and cultural landscapes. Machine learning techniques can be more useful and valuable in the field of landscape architecture by exploring and applying research methods appropriate to the topic, reducing the time of data classification through the study of a model that classifies images according to landscape types or analyzing the importance of landscape planning factors through the analysis of landscape prediction factors using machine learning.

Comparison of the Dose Distributions with Beam Arrangements in the Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Primary Lung Cancer (원발성 폐암에서 정위적 체부 방사선치료의 빔 배열에 따른 선량분포의 비교)

  • Yea, Ji Woon
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.110-115
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    • 2014
  • To compare 2 beam arrangements, circumferential equally angles (EA) beams or partially angles (PA) beams for stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) of primary lung cancer for intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) delivery techniques with respect to target, ipsilateral lung, contralateral lung, and organs-at-risk (OAR) dose-volume metrics, as well as treatment delivery efficiency. Data from 12 patients, four treatment plans were generated per data sets ($IMRT_{EA}$, $IMRT_{PA}$, $VMAT_{EA}$, $VMAT_{PA}$). The prescribed dose (PD) was 60 Gy in 4 fractions to 95% of the planning target volume (PTV) for a 6-MV photon beam. When compared with the IMRT and VMAT treatment plan for 2 beams, conformity index, homogeneity index, high dose spillage, D2 cm (Dmax at a distance ${\geq}2cm$ beyond the PTV), R50 (ratio of volume circumscribed by the 50% isodose line and the PTV), resulted in similar. But Dmax of the Organ at risk (OAR), spinal cord, trachea, resulted in differ between four treatment plans. Especially $HDS_{location}$ showed big difference in 21.63% vs. 26.46%.