• Title/Summary/Keyword: pinostrobin

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Studies on Biological Activity of Wood Extractives(VI) - Flavonoids in heartwood of Prunus sargentii - (수목추출물의 생리활성에 관한 연구(VI) - 산벚나무 심재의 Flavonoids -)

  • Lee, Hak-Ju;Lee, Sung-Suk;Choi, Don-Ha;Kato, Atsushi
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2001
  • The structures of six flavonoids isolated from heartwood of Prunus sargentii(Rosaceae) were analyzed by Mass and NMR spectrometry. These flavonoids were grouped into dihydroflavonol, flavanone, and flavanone glycoside, and identified as follows : 3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavanone(taxifolin) as a dihydroflavonol, 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone(pinostrobin), 4',5,7-trihydroxyflavanone(naringenin), 3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavanone(eriodictyol), 5,7-dihydroxyflavanone(pinoccmbrin) as a flavanone and 7-hydroxyflavanone 5-O-${\beta}$-D-glucopyranoside(verecundin) as a flavanone glycoside.

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Studies on Biological Activity of Wood Extractives(VII) - Antimicrobial and Antioxidation Activities of Extractives from the Heartwood of Prunus sargentii - (수목추출물의 생리활성에 관한 연구(VII) - 산벚나무 심재 추출성분의 항균 및 항산화활성 -)

  • Lee, Sung-Suk;Lee, Hak-Ju;Choi, Don-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.140-145
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    • 2001
  • Antimicrobial and antioxidative activities on heartwood extractives of domestic species were investigated to develop a natural fungicide or preservative. Six flavanones including pinostrobin, eriodictyol, naringenin, pinocembrin, taxifolin and verecundin were isolated from Prunus sargentii which has been selected due to its high antimicrobial and antioxidative activities among the tested species. According to the results of antifungal test, pinocembrin was evaluated as the highest antifungal compound among the test compounds, which showed 80% of hyphal growth inhibition rate. Antifungal activity of pinocembrin was similar to hinokitiol(${\beta}$-thujaplicin), strong antimicrobial compound isolated from Thujopsis dolabrata. Naringenin followed pinocembrin in its antifungal activity. However, verecundin did not show any antifungal activity. No compound was effective in antibacterial activities. As a result of the measurement of free radical scavenging activity, antioxidative activities of taxifolin and eriodictyol were 2 times that of ${\alpha}$-tocopherol, and antioxidative index of these compounds were even superior to that of ${\alpha}$-tocopherol. In this regard, it could inferred that high antifungal and antioxidative activities of extractives of P. sargentii were derived from pinocembrin, taxifolin and eriodictyol, respectively.

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Cytotoxic Constituents from Boesenbergia pandurate (Roxb.) Schltr

  • Ching, Amy Yap Li;Lian, Gwendoline Ee Cheng;Rahmani, Mawardi;Khalid, Kaida;Sukari, Mohd Aspollah
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.110-113
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    • 2007
  • Five flavonoid derivatives, pinostrobin (1), pinocembrin (2), alpinetin (3), cardamonin (4) and boesenbergin A (5) were isolated from the rhizomes of Boesenbergia pandurata. All compounds were elucidated based on its spectroscopic data and by the comparison with the previous works. 2D NMR technique was used for the structure elucidation of boesenbergin A to complement the data reported previously. The extracts and pure compounds were screened for cytotoxic activity against HL-60 cancer cell lines (human promyelocytic leukemia). Cytotoxic screening showed most of the extracts and pure compounds isolated from the rhizomes of Boesenbergia pandurata were active against HL-60 cancer cell line. The chloroform extract and boesenbergin A showed the most potent cytotoxic activity.

Antiamoebic activities of flavonoids against pathogenic free-living amoebae, Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba species

  • Huong Giang Le;Tuan Cuong Vo;Jung-Mi Kang;Thu Hang Nguyen;Buyng-Su Hwang;Young-Taek Oh;Byoung-Kuk Na
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 2023
  • Free-living amoebae (FLA) rarely cause human infections but can invoke fatal infections in the central nervous system (CNS). No consensus treatment has been established for FLA infections of the CNS, emphasizing the urgent need to discover or develop safe and effective drugs. Flavonoids, natural compounds from plants and plant-derived products, are known to have antiprotozoan activities against several pathogenic protozoa parasites. The anti-FLA activity of flavonoids has also been proposed, while their antiamoebic activity for FLA needs to be emperically determined. We herein evaluated the antiamoebic activities of 18 flavonoids against Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba species which included A. castellanii and A. polyphaga. These flavonoids showed different profiles of antiamoebic activity against N. fowleri and Acanthamoeba species. Demethoxycurcumin, kaempferol, resveratrol, and silybin (A+B) showed in vitro antiamoebic activity against both N. fowleri and Acanthamoeba species. Apigenin, costunolide, (-)-epicatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin, rosmarinic acid, and (-)-trans-caryophyllene showed selective antiamoebic activity for Acanthamoeba species. Luteolin was more effective for N. fowleri. However, afzelin, berberine, (±)-catechin, chelerythrine, genistein, (+)-pinostrobin, and quercetin did not exhibit antiamoebic activity against the amoeba species. They neither showed selective antiamoebic activity with significant cytotoxicity to C6 glial cells. Our results provide a basis for the anti-FLA activity of flavonoids, which can be applied to develope alternative or supplemental therapeutic agents for FLA infections of the CNS.