• 제목/요약/키워드: phosphodiesterase 4C

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미생물(微生物)에 의(依)한 5'-Phosphodiesterase생산(生産)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 제1보(第一報) penicllium sclerotiornm의 5'-Phosphodiesterase에 대(對)하여 - (Studies on 5'-Phosphodiesterase produced by microoganisms - Part. I. On the 5'-Phosphodiesterase of Penicillium sclerotiorum -)

  • 김호식;이계호
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제4권
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 1963
  • Penicillium균(菌) 30주(株) Aspergillus균(菌) 52주(株)의 5'-Phosphodiesterase activity를 screen하여 강력(强力)한 Penicillium sclerotiorum 6321, Penicillium SP M-11 그리고 Penicillium citrinum UV-mutant 2032-72 선발(選拔)하였다. (2) 밀기울 배지(培地)호 $30^{\circ}C$ 10일(日)의 정치배양(靜置培養)에서 5‘-Phosphodiesterase생산(生産)이 강(强)했다. (2) Penicillium sclerotiorum 7321가 Penicillium SP M-11의 5‘-Phosphodiesterase 최적조건(最適條件)이 pH 4.0, $62.^{\circ}C$이고 Penicillium citrinum UV-mutant 2032-72 의 5'-Phosphodiesterase 최적조건(最適條件)은 PH5.0, $50^{\circ}C$이다.

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미생물 효소에 의한 핵산 및 그의 관련물질의 분해에 관한 연구 (Studies on Degradation of Nucleic acid and Related Compounds by Microbial Enzymes)

  • 김상순
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 1970
  • 핵산 및 그 관련물질 연구의 일환으로서 미생물 효소에 의하여 핵산을 분해하여 5'-mononucleotides 생성을 목적으로 미생물에서 5'-phosphodiesterase 생성균주를 얻기위하여 전국 각지 76개 지역에서 논, 밭, 산, 하천의 토양 그리고 퇴비, 누룩, 메주 등 시료 210종을 수집하였다. 이 수집 시료로 부터 dilution pour plate method 로서 Aspergillus속 240주, Penicillium속 232주, Neurospora속, 19주, Monascus속 16주, 그리고 Streptomyces속 265주로 총 758주를 순수 분리하였다. 분리된 모든 균주에 대하여 RNA-depolymerase 균의 crude enzyme 중에는 5'-AMP deaminase가 공존하고 있으므로 효소반응 중에 RNA 가 5'-mononucleotide로 분해 축적하는 동안에 5'-AMP의 adenine의 6위치에 붙은 $NH_2$기를 탈아미노하여 hypoxanthine으로 하기 때문에 5'-IMP 로 되는 것이라 생각된다. 분리 동정 된 Penicillium citreo-viride PO 2-11 strain과 Streptomyces aureus SOA 4-21 strain 이 생성한 5'-phosphodiesterase 로서 RNA를 효소 분해하여 5'-mononucleotide 의 정량한 결과는 Table 10과 같다. productivities를 1차 screening 하고 5'-phosphodiesterase productivities로서 2차 screening 하여 우수균주를 얻고 동정하였다. 우수균주의 5'-phosphodiesterase productivity에 대하여 배양상의 optimum condition을 검토하고 5'-phosphodiesterse activity에 미치는 여러 화합물의 영향과 효소반응의 최적 조건을 구명하였다. 우수균주가 생성한 5'-phosphodiesterase에 의하여 RNA 분해로 반응 최종 산물을 ion exchange column chromatography법으로 정량하고 최종 분해 산물엔 5'-mononucleotide를 paper chromatography, thinlayer chromatography, UV-absorption spectra, carbazole reaction 및 Schiff's reaction 등으로 동정한 결과는 다음과 같다. [1] 5'-phosphodiesterase productivity가 가장 우수한 두 균주를 선정하였고 이들은 토양에서 분리 되었으며 선정된 푸른 곰팡이는 Penicillium citreoviride PO 2-11로 동정되었고 방사선균은 Streptomyces aureus SOA 4-21로 동정되었다. [2] 분리 선정 된 Penicillium citreo-viride PO 2-11 strain은 배양상의 optimum condition 이 pH 5.0이고 temperature는 $30^{\circ}C$이었고 이 균이 생성한 5'-phosphodiesterase의 효소 반응상의 optimum condition 이 pH 4.2이고 temperature는 $60^{\circ}C$이었다. 그리고 5'-phosphodiesterase 생성에서 최적 탄소원은 sucrose이고 질소원은 $NH_4NO_3$이고 corn steep liquor나 혹은 yeast extract를 각각 0.01%씩 첨가한 구는 첨가하지 않은 control 구보다 20%의 5'-phosphodiesterase 생성 증가를 나타 내었다. 이 균이 생성한 5'-phosphodiestrase는 $Mg^{++},\;Ca^{++},\;Zn^{++},\;Mn^{++}$ 등 금속이온은 activator이고 EDTA, citrate, $Cu^{++},\;Co^{++}$ 등은 inhibitor 임을 알았다. 이 균이 생성한 5'-phosphodiesterase는 RNA를 분해하여 분해율 65.81%이었고 5'-AMP, 5'-GMP, 5'-UMP 및 5'-CMP를 생성하며 이때 축적되는 5'-mononucleotides중 5'-GMP 만이 정미성이 있음을 알았고 이균은 5'-AMP deamaminase가 없음을 확인하였다. 이 균의 효소에 의하여 RNA에서 정미성 5'-GMP 186.7 mg/RNA(g)를 생산할수 있음을 알았다. [3] 분리 선정된 Streptomyces aureus SOA 4-21 strain은 배양상의 optimum condition이 pH 7.0이고 temperature는 $28^{\circ}C$이었고 이 균이 생성한 5'-phosphodiesterase의 효소반응상의 optimum condition이 pH 7.3이고 temperature는 $50^{\circ}C$이었다. 그리고 5'-phosphodiesterase 생성에서 최적탄소원은 glucose이고 질소원은 asparagine이고 yeast extract 0.01%첨가구가 control 구보다 40%의 5'-phosphodiesterase 생성증가를 나타내었다. 이 균이 생성한 5'-phosphodiesterase는 $Ca^{++},\;Zn^{++},\;Mn^{++}$ 등 금속이온은 activator 이고 citrate, EDTA, $Cu^{++}$ 등은 inhibitor 임을 알았다. 또한 이 균은 5'-phosphodiesterase 뿐만 아니라 5'-AMP deaminase도 생성함을 확인하였다. 그러므로 RNA 분해율은 63.58% 이었고 RNA를 분해하여 5'-AMP, 5'-CMP, 5'-GMP 및 5'-UMP로 축적시키고 RNA가 효소 분해됨과 동시에 5'-AMP deaminase도 작용하며 생성된 5'-AMP 의 60% 상당을 5'-IMP로 전환시키는 특성이 있어서 정미성 5'-mononucleotide 생성이 전자의 균보다 두드러지게 증가함을 밝혔다. 이 균에 의하여 RNA에서 정미성 5'-IMP 171.8 mg/RNA(g) 및 5'-GMP 148.2 mg/RNA(g)생산할 수 있어 정미성 5'-mononucleotide 320mg/RNA(g)를 생산할 수 있음을 알았다.

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Rolipram, a Phosphodiesterase 4 Inhibitor, Stimulates Osteoclast Formation by Inducing TRANCE Expression in Mouse Calvarial Cells

  • Cho, Eun-Sook;Yu, Ja-Heon;Kim, Mi-Sun;Yim, Mi-Jung
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제27권12호
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    • pp.1258-1262
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    • 2004
  • Phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4 is an enzyme that degrades intracellular cAMP. In the present study, the effect of rolipram, a specific phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4 inhibitor, on osteoclast formation was investigated. Rolipram induced osteoclast formation in cocultures of mouse bone marrow cells and calvarial osteoblasts. This activity was not observed in the absence of calvarial osteoblasts, suggesting that calvarial osteoblasts are likely target cells of rolipram. Osteoclast formation by rolipram was completely blocked by the addition of osteoprotegerin (OPG), a soluble decoy receptor for the osteoclast differentiation factor, TNF-related activation-induced cytokine (TRANCE, identical to RANKL, ODF, and OPGL). Northern blot analysis revealed the effect of rolipram to be associated with the increased expression of TRANCE mRNA in mouse calvarial osteoblasts. Collectively, these data indicate that PDE4 inhibitor up-regulates the TRANCE mRNA expression in osteoblasts, which in turn controls osteoclast formation.

핵산분해효소에 관 연구 제 3보 새로운 Carrier에 의한 Phosphodiesterare의 고정화

  • 이정치;양한철
    • 한국미생물생명공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국미생물생명공학회 1979년도 추계학술대회 심포지움
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    • pp.244.2-244
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    • 1979
  • 고분자 기질을 분해하는 효소의 고정화 후의 활성 yield을 높히고자 Polysaccharide의 표면에 acrylamide 및 N-hydroxysuccinimidyl acrylate을 graft 공중합 시킴으로써 긴 측쇄에 활성 ester을 가지는 새로운 carrier에 phosphiesterase을 고정화 시켰으며 이 고정화된 phosphodiesterase의 몇가지 성질을 조사하여 본래의 phosphiesterase의 성질과 비교하였다. 1) 이 Carrier에 phosphodiesterase을 직접 고정화시킨 결과 52%가 고정화되었으며 고정화된 효소는 38%의 비활성을 나타내 주었다. 2) phosphodiesterase는 이상과 같이 고정화됨으로써 최적작용 pH는 8.0부근에서 9.0부근으로 최적작용온도는 $50^{\circ}C부근에서$ $60^{\circ}C부근으로$ KM치는 1.11mg에서 2.1mg/ml로 변하였으며 열안정성은 훨씬 증가하여 본래의 phosphodiesterase의 열불활성속도상수가 0.4인데 고정화된 효소는 0.03 이었다. 또 $5^{\circ}C에서$ 수용액상태(pH 8.0 Tris buffer)로 6개월 보관후의 관존 활성은 본래의 효소가 0.2%인데 고정화된 효소는 42%로 높은 치를 나타내주었다.

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흰쥐 대동맥에서 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 억제제들의 혈관 이완 특성 (Vasorelaxant properties of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors in rat aorta)

  • 강형섭;최철호;김진상
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.615-624
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    • 2003
  • Vascular smooth muscle relaxation is modulated by an increase in cGMP subsequent to nitric oxide (NO) production by endothelial cells. The effects of cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors were investigated in phenylephrine-precontracted rat aorta rings by using the specific inhibitors of PDE I, III, IV and V as relaxing agents (calmodulin-activated PDE inhibitors, IBMX and $W_7$, type I; cAMP-specific PDE inhibitors, milrinone, type IV; Ro 20-1724, type III and cGMP-specific PDE inhibitor, zaprinast, type V). All the PDE inhibitors produced a concentration-dependent relaxation in the ring with intact endothelium (+E). Except for milrinone, all the PDE inhibitors-induced relaxations were inhibited by removal of extracellular $Ca^{2+}$, $N^G$-nitro-L-arginine, $N^G$-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, methylene blue (MS) or nifedipine. The specific PDE I and PDE IV inhibitors both produced endothelium-independent relaxations which were inhibited by MS in -E rings. However, zaprinast had no effect in -E rings. Except for milrinone, sodium nitroprusside (a NO donor)-induced relaxation was significantly augmented by all PDE inhibitors in +E rings. The results suggest that I) the vasorelaxant properties of IBMX, $W_7$, Ro 20-1724 and zaprinast are dependent on endothelium or on interaction with $Ca^{2+}$ regulation, 2) each PDE is differently distributed in vascular tissues (endothelial and smooth muscle cells), 3) the vasodilations of PDE inhibitors are due to the increase of cAMP and cGMP formation through inhibition of cAMP- and cGMP-PDE and 4) the vasodilation action of milrinone does not involve in endothelial-cyclic nucleotide system.

핵산분해효소에 관한 연구 (제1보) Streptomyces속 균주가 생산하는 Phosphomono, diesterase (Studies on the Nuclease (Part 1) Phosphodiesterase and Phosphomonoesterase Producing by Streptomyces sp.)

  • 이정치;장효일;김혁일;양한길
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 1978
  • PDase의 생산하는 데에 탄소원으로 sucrose 3% 금속이온으로는 $Ca^{2+}$, Co$^{2+}$, $Mn^{2+}$ 이온등이 좋은 효과를 나타내 주었고 통기는 많을 수록 좋았으며 초기 pH 8의 배지에서 48시간 배양할 때 가장 좋은 결과를 나타내 주었다. 이렇게 하여 생산된 PDase는 pH 8 부근에서 작용온도 6$0^{\circ}C$일 때 최대효소 활성을 나타냈다.

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기니픽 심장에서 histamine H2-수용체 자극에 의한 Mg2+ 유리에 대한 phosphodiesterase 억제제의 효과 (Regulation of histamine H2-receptor mediated Mg2+ release by phosphodiesterase inhibitors in the guinea pig hearts)

  • 강형섭;김진상
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2000
  • Several recent studies demonstrate that receptor-mediated cAMP (adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate) production evokes marked change in magnesium ($Mg^{2+}$) homeostasis. The effects of dimaprit or/and phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors on the $Mg^{2+}$ release from perfused guinea pig heart and collagenase-dispersed myocytes was studied to clarify an association of $H_2-histaminergic$ receptor-mediated $Mg^{2+}$ regulation with intracellular cAMP-degradation system. $Mg^{2+}$ efflux was stimulated in perfused hearts and myocytes by IBMX (3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine), a calmodulin-sensitive PDE inhibitor, but not by RO 20-1724(4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone) or papaverine, cAMP-specific PDE inhibitors. $Mg^{2+}$ efflux was also be induced by dimaprit, a H-2-agonist. $Mg^{2+}$ effluxes induced by dimaprit were augmented by the presence of the PDE inhibitors. The augmentation of dimaprit-induced $Mg^{2+}$ effluxes by the PDE inhibitors were inhibited by ranitidine, a $H_2-antagonist$, and imipramine, a $Na^{+}-Mg^{2+}$ exchange inhibitor, in perfused hearts and myocytes and were also inhibited by amiloride in perfused hearts. These results suggest that the $H_2$-stimulated $Mg^{2+}$ effluxes from guinea pig heart can be regulated by the cytosolic nonspecific-dependent PDE systems and that it is induced by the $Na^{+}-Mg^{2+}$ exchanger stimulation.

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조골세포내 cAMP 농도 변화가 파골세포 형성에 미치는 영향 (Regulatory Effects of Cyclic AMP on Osteoclast Formation)

  • 전윤나;임미정
    • 약학회지
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 2005
  • In the present study treatment of IBMX, a phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor, alone induced osteoclast formation in co-cultures of mouse bone marrow cells and calvarial osteoblasts. However, treatment of IBMX in combination with prostaglandin $E_2\;(PGE_2)$ inhibited osteoclast formation in a dose-dependent manner. Among various isozyme-specific PDE inhibitors, a PDE4 specific inhibitor, rolipram, showed similar effects as IBMX on osteoclast formation. To address the involvement of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in osteoclast formation, cAMP concentration in calvarial osteoblasts was investigated. When calvarial osteoblasts were co-cultured with IBMX alone or in combination with $PGE_2$, the patterns of cAMP concentration in calvarial osteoblasts were differ each other suggesting that cAMP in calvarial osteoblasts subtly regulates osteoclast formation.

Inhibition of phosphodiesterase 4D decreases the malignant properties of DLD-1 colorectal cancer cells by repressing the AKT/mTOR/Myc signaling pathway

  • Dong Uk Kim;Jehyun Nam;Matthew D. Cha;Sang‑Woo Kim
    • Oncology Letters
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.3589-3598
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    • 2019
  • Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a complex disease involving numerous genetic abnormalities. One of the major characteristics of CRC is enhanced Wnt signaling caused by loss-of-function mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. Previously, it has been demonstrated that the majority of malignant phenotypes following APC deletion in adult murine small intestines could be rescued when Myc, a downstream target of the Wnt pathway, was deleted. This indicated that Myc is a critical regulator of CRC development following APC loss. Previous studies reported that cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) can influence the AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) survival pathway in cancer and Myc is a critical downstream molecule of AKT/mTOR signaling. Phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D), a member of the cAMP-specific PDE4 family, has been associated with drug resistance in CRC. However, the association between PDE4D and Myc remains unclear. To investigate the potential role of PDE4D in Myc regulation in CRC, the present study evaluated the expression levels of PDE4 subtypes in DLD-1 CRC cells. Additionally, the effects of PDE4 inhibitors on Myc expression and oncogenic properties were analyzed by western blot analysis, reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction, colony formation and soft agar assays. It was demonstrated that cAMP/PDE4D signals serve a critical role in regulating Myc expression in DLD-1 CRC cells. Furthermore, PDE4D was identified to be a main hydrolyzer of cAMP and suppression of PDE4D using selective inhibitors of PDE4 increased intracellular cAMP levels, which resulted in a marked decrease in the oncogenic properties of DLD-1 cells, including colony formation, cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. Notably, the current data imply that cAMP represses Myc expression via the downregulation of AKT/mTOR signaling, which was abolished by high PDE4D activities in DLD-1 cells. Additionally, a natural polyphenol resveratrol in combination with forskolin elevated the concentration of cAMP and enhanced the expression of Myc and the malignant phenotype of DLD-1 cells, reproducing the effect of known chemical inhibitors of PDE4. In conclusion, the present study identified that cAMP/PDE4D signaling is a critical regulator of Myc expression in DLD-1 and possibly other CRC cells.