Using Sirognathograph Analyzing System, the patterns of chewing movement were analyzed into opening phase and closing phase, each phase to frontal plane, horizontal plane, and sagittal plane by maruyama's classification. In opening phase, the chewing patterns of frontal plane were classifed into Chopping Opening, Grinding Opening, Concave Opening, Lateral Shift Opening, Vertical Guide Opening, Convergence Opening. Those of horizontal plane were classified into Chopping Opening, Grinding Opening, Concave Opening, Protrusive Shift Opening, Posterior Guide Opening, Convergence Opening. Those of sagittal plane were classified into Normal Opening, Protrusive Shift Opening, Vertical Guide Opening, Convergence Opening. In closing phase, the chewing patterns of frontal plane were classified into Normal Closure, Concave Closure, Lateral Shift Closure, Lateral Guide Closure, Vertical Guide Closure, Convergence Closure, Those of horzontal plane were classified into Normal Closure, Concave Closure, Lateral Shift Closure, Protrusive Shift Closure, Lateral Guide closure, Posterior Guide Closure, Convergence Closure. Those of sagittal plane were classified into Normal Closure, Protrusive Shift Closure, Vertical Guide. Closure, Convergence Closure. Results were summarized as follows : 1. Opening phase in chewing movement The Normal Openings in 3 planes(frontal, horizontal, sagittal), the Concave Openings in frontal plane and horizontal plane, the Vertical Guide Opening in frontal plane and the Posterior Guide Opening in horizontal plane were many observed. 2. Closing phase in chewing movement The Concave Closure in frontal and horizontal plane, the Normal Closure in 3 planes (frontal, horizontal, sagittal), the Concave Closure in horizontal plane were many observed.