• 제목/요약/키워드: periodicity of impacts

검색결과 4건 처리시간 0.017초


  • 문홍규;민병희;김승리
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.269-282
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    • 2003
  • Grieve(1991), Moon et al.(2001), Earth Impact Database(2002; DB02) 등 세 가지 충돌구 DB를 이용해서 미행성 지구충돌 사건의 주기성 여부를 조사했다. 특히 DB02는 과거 사용됐던 데이터베이스들에 비해서 연령 측정오차가 크게 향상되었으며, 이를 이용한 주기분석 발표는 이번이 처음이다. DB02(나이 $t{\leq}250Myr$$t{\leq}150Myr$, 나이오차 ${\Delta}t{\leq}{\pm}10Myr$)에 대 한 Fourier 분석 결과, $D{\geq}5km$$D{\geq}20km$인 표본의 경우, 주기성이 검출되지 않았다. 그러나 $D{\geq}30km$인 표본인 경우 16.1Myr와 34.7Myr에서 두 개의 피크가 나타났고, $D{\geq}45km$인 표본은 16.1Myr부근에서 강한 파워를 보였다. 이로부터 우리는 $d{\geq}1.5km$인 천체의 주기적인 지구 충돌 가능성을 고려할 수 있으며, 충돌구 나이의 정밀도는 물론 t와 D의 범위, 그리고 데이터베이스의 선택이 미행성의 지구충돌의 역사를 재구성하는데 중요한 변수로 작용한다는 사실을 확인했다.

금강 주요지점에서의 환경 인자와 남조류 세포수의 배타적 인과성분석 (Analysis of Exclusive Causality between Environmental Factors and Cell Number of Cyanobacteria in Guem River)

  • 김연화;이은형;김경현;김상현
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제25권7호
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    • pp.937-950
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    • 2016
  • Algal blooming in 4 major rivers introduces substantial impacts to water front activity. Concentrations of algae are increasing at major points along the Geum River. Ecosystem food webs can be affected by algal blooming because blue-green algae release toxic materials. Even though there have been many studies on blue-green algae, its causality to environmental factors has not been completely determined yet. This study analyzed the exclusive correlation between various hydrometeorological, water quality, and hydrologic variables and the cell number of cyanobacteria to understand causality of blue-green algae in the Geum River. A prewhitening process was introduced to remove the autocorrelation structure and periodicity, which is useful to evaluate the effective relationship between two time series.

Phenomenology of nonlinear aeroelastic responses of highly deformable joined wings

  • Cavallaro, Rauno;Iannelli, Andrea;Demasi, Luciano;Razon, Alan M.
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.125-168
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    • 2015
  • Dynamic aeroelastic behavior of structurally nonlinear Joined Wings is presented. Three configurations, two characterized by a different location of the joint and one presenting a direct connection between the two wings (SensorCraft-like layout) are investigated. The snap-divergence is studied from a dynamic perspective in order to assess the real response of the configuration. The investigations also focus on the flutter occurrence (critical state) and postcritical phenomena. Limit Cycle Oscillations (LCOs) are observed, possibly followed by a loss of periodicity of the solution as speed is further increased. In some cases, it is also possible to ascertain the presence of period doubling (flip-) bifurcations. Differences between flutter (Hopf's bifurcation) speed evaluated with linear and nonlinear analyses are discussed in depth in order to understand if a linear (and thus computationally less intense) representation provides an acceptable estimate of the instability properties. Both frequency- and time-domain approaches are compared. Moreover, aerodynamic solvers based on the potential flow are critically examined. In particular, it is assessed in what measure more sophisticated aerodynamic and interface models impact the aeroelastic predictions. When the use of the tools gives different results, a physical interpretation of the leading mechanism generating the mismatch is provided. In particular, for PrandtlPlane-like configurations the aeroelastic response is very sensitive to the wake's shape. As a consequence, it is suggested that a more sophisticate modeling of the wake positively impacts the reliability of aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis. For SensorCraft-like configurations some LCOs are characterized by a non-synchronous motion of the inner and outer portion of the lower wing: the wing's tip exhibits a small oscillation during the descending or ascending phase, whereas the mid-span station describes a sinusoidal-like trajectory in the time-domain.

Sea Level Rise at the Southwestern Coast of Korean Peninsula

  • Oh Nam-Sun;Kang Ju-Whan;Moon Seung-Rok
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 2005
  • Sea level (MSL, MHWL, or MLWL) change has been main concern to scientists and engineers and it can be primarily due to both change of climate and vertical movement of land. This paper reports the intensive analysis of the sea level changes and broad discussion of the future at the southwestern coast of Korean peninsula. Regression analysis was conducted to investigate general tendency and periodicity of the sea levels at the six different study sites such as Gunsan-I(inner port), Gunsan-O(outer port), Mokpo, Yeosu, Heuksan and Jeju and the results were compared with global values. Besides the changes of sea levels due to global warming, the influence of the man-made structure such as seadike and seawall was attempted to quantify using the minimization of the Root Mean Square(RMS) error. The results show that it is a general tendency that the values of mean sea level rise at the southwestern coast of Korean Peninsula, especially at Gunsan-I and Jeju, are somewhat larger compared to global average values. There is also some evidence that tidal amplifications are found just after construction of man-made structure at Gunsan-I and Mokpo. However, both sites show different mechanism in relation to tidal choking, tidal flat and river discharge. The impact due to construction of man-made structure is considerably larger at Mokpo site, while the impacts due to man-made structure and the effect of sea level rise are relatively identical at Gunsan-I site. This study is expected to provide some intuition to future design.