• Title/Summary/Keyword: pedagogical technologies

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European Experience in Implementing Innovative Educational Technologies in the Training of Management Specialists: Current Problems and Prospects for Improvement

  • Tatiana, Voropayeva;Marina, Jarvis;Svitlana, Boiko;Hanna, Tolchieva;Nataliia, Statsenko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2022
  • The article highlights the European experience of innovative educational technologies of training management specialists. Based on existing strategies, relevant in the European educational space, the introduction of regulatory elements to maintain a balance between the traditional and innovative format of the educational process, which is typical for the Ukrainian education system is proposed. The article aims to single out educational and technological innovations into a separate cluster of managerial training at different levels in the context of the principles of the modern synergetic sociocultural paradigm. The main objectives of the work are to develop settings to ensure the effective functioning of innovative educational technologies. Among the synergetic principles of educational technologies, providing the formation of necessary competencies of future managers, are: self-organization, interdisciplinarity, nonlinearity, individuality, and technologization. The methods used in the scientific study can be attributed to the group of scientific synergetic methodology. So, the training of specialists in management, implemented in the European practice assumes the use of new educational strategies. These technologies provide both the necessary skills of different levels (hard-soft-digital skills) and the observance of value components (solidarity, ethics, inclusiveness, openness).

Use of Digital Educational Resources in the Training of Future Specialists in the EU Countries

  • Plakhotnik, Olga;Zlatnikov, Valentyn;Matviienko, Olena;Bezliudnyi, Oleksandr;Havrylenko, Anna;Yashchuk, Olena;Andrusyk, Pavlo
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2022
  • The article proves that the main goal of informatization of higher education institutions in the EU countries is to improve the quality of education of future specialists by introducing digital educational resources into the education process. The main tasks of informatization of education are defined. Digital educational resources are interpreted as a set of data in digital form that is applicable for use in the learning process; it is an information source containing graphic, text, digital, speech, music, video, photo and other information aimed at implementing the goals and objectives of modern education; educational resources on the Internet, electronic textbooks, educational programs, electronic libraries, etc. The creation of digital educational resources is defined as one of the main directions of informatization of all forms and levels of Education. Types of digital educational resources by educational functions are considered. The factors that determine the effectiveness of using digital educational resources in the educational process are identified. The use of digital educational resources in the training of future specialists in the EU countries is considered in detail. European countries note that digital educational resources in professional use allow you to implement a fundamentally new approach to teaching and education, which is based on broad communication, free exchange of opinions, ideas, information of participants in a joint project, on a completely natural desire to learn new things, expand their horizons; is based on real research methods (scientific or creative laboratories), allowing you to learn the laws of nature, the basics of techniques, technology, social phenomena in their dynamics, in the process of solving vital problems, features of various types of creativity in the process of joint activities of a group of participants; promotes the acquisition by teachers of various related skills that can be very useful in their professional activities, including the skills of using computer equipment and various digital technologies.

Formation of Resilience in the Context of Volunteer Activities Using Information and Communications Technology

  • Lazarenko, NataLiia;Sabat, Nataliia;Sabat, Nadiia;Sylenko, Nadiia;Rundong, Wang;Duchenko, Anna;Shuppe, Liudmyla
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2022
  • The article identifies and theoretically substantiates the trends of national resilience in the context of establishing the security of the country and its civilizational subjectivity. The strategy of development of the pedagogical university in the conditions of European integration into the European educational and scientific space based on certain characterological features of the personality of the volunteer in the context of allocation of personal resilience is developed. The analysis of both external and internal challenges and threats to the civilization of the country needs to be understood in the context of economic, socio-political, legal, military-political, spiritual-cultural, educational-scientific and network-information resilience. The concepts of "national resilience" and "national security" are quite close - at first glance, even identical. However, a deeper understanding clarifies the differences: national security is a state of protection of the country identity and its very existence, the realization of its national interests. In turn, resilience is a fairly effective strategy and a fundamental guarantee of national security. At the same time, it is extremely important to understand that both national security as a state and national resilience as a strategy are only means of achieving and developing a strong and humanistic civilizational subjectivity of the country. After all, such subjectivity opens for citizens the opportunity for development, dignified self-realization and a proper life. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The use of information and communication technologies in volunteering will contribute to the formation of resilience traits in the structure of personality formation. Directly to the personal traits of resilience should be included methodological competencies, which include methodological knowledge, skills and abilities (ability to define ultimate and intermediate goals, plan, conduct and analyze knowledge, establish and implement interdisciplinary links with disciplines of medical-psychological-pedagogical cycles, etc.). All these competencies form the professional resilience of the volunteer.

Modern Management Technologies in the System of Ensuring the Security in the Context of Socio-Economic Development and the Digital Economy

  • Panchenko, Vladimir;Dombrovska, Svitlana;Samchyk, Maksym;Mykhailyk, Nataliia;Chabaniuk, Odarka
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of the study is to determine the main aspects of the introduction of modern management technologies into the security system in the context of socio-economic development and digitalization of the economy. Socio-economic development and a high level of security include growth in income, labor productivity, production volumes, increased competitiveness, changes in the institutional environment, consciousness, activity, social security, the quality of the education system, healthcare, etc. Despite the root cause of economic development, it is not an end in itself, but a tool for ensuring social development. Gaining access for citizens to education, health care, observance of the principles of equality and justice, ensuring protection are directly dependent on the level of economic well-being, the level of economic potential of the country or regions. The research methodology involved the use of both theoretical and practical methods. As a result of the study, the key elements of the introduction of modern management technologies into the security system in the context of socio-economic development and digitalization of the economy were identified.

The Role of Fundamentalization of Education in Improving the Future Specialists Professional Training with Usage of Multimedia Technologies

  • Palshkov, Kostiantyn;Kochubei, Olena;Tsokur, Olga;Tiahur, Vasyl;Tiahur, Liubomyra;Filimonova, Tetiana;Kuzminskyi, Anatolii
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2022
  • The article considers the fundamentalization of education in improving the future specialists professional training with usage of multimedia technologies by various scientists. Various points of view and approaches to defining the concepts of fundamentalization of education and multimedia technologies are identified. The concept of fundamentalization of professional training of a future specialist is based on the goals and functions of fundamentalization and - on the ways and means of achieving it, etc. Most authors agree only in their views that the fundamentalization of education is aimed at improving the quality of education and the education of the individual. Others involve the formation of a culture and worldview, increasing the creative and intellectual potential, forming the professional competence of a specialist and the potential for further education, and so on. The term multimedia refers to interactive systems that provide processing of moving and still video images, animated graphics, high-quality audio and speech. It is found out that professional training of a specialist by means of multimedia technologies includes not only the activities of the teacher and student, which form the learning process, but also the independent activity of the subject, self-development, assimilation of experience by the subject through analysis, comprehension and transformation of the field of activity in which he is included. It is revealed through the implementation of which approaches to the fundamentalization of higher professional education, it becomes possible to fully present theoretical training courses and effectively pass practical training by students, which contributes to improving the quality of training of future specialists in higher education institutions. Theoretical analysis of scientific views indicates a fairly serious attention of scientists to the problem of professional readiness of specialists and the possibility of higher educational institutions in preparing for it. At the same time, professional readiness is considered from different positions: as an active state of a person, which manifests itself in activity; as a result of activity; as goals of activity; as a quality that characterizes the attitude to solving professional problems and social situations; as a prerequisite for purposeful activity; as a form of activity of the subject; as an integral formation of personality; as a component of socio-professional culture; as a complex professionally significant neoplasm of the individual.

Theoretical And Technological Aspects Of Intelligent Systems: Problems Of Artificial Intelligence

  • Frolov, Denys;Radziewicz, Wojciech;Saienko, Volodymyr;Kuchuk, Nina;Mozhaiev, Mykhailo;Gnusov, Yurii;Onishchenko, Yurii
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.35-38
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    • 2021
  • The article discusses approaches to the definition and understanding of artificial intelligence, research directions in the field of artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence in the anthropological dimension; the importance of the systems approach as a methodological basis for the design of intelligent systems; structural and functional components of intelligent systems; intelligent systems in the technological aspect; problems and prospects of relations in the system "man - intellectual system".

Information and Methodological Technologies of the Marketing Activity Management System in Higher Education Institutions

  • Fursykova, Tetiana;Boychuk, Inna;Baluk, Nadiia;Karpii, Olena;Korotka, Viktoriia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12spc
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2021
  • The main purpose of the study is to determine the features of the functioning of the university as a part of the state structure in the context of marketing management n the context of storing information technologies. Students were obtained due to the following theoretical methods: systems of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization, idealization and abstraction. It is advisable to study the essence and nature of educational services, as well as the role of education in economic development, relying on the methodology of institutional theory, the theory of stakeholders, which makes it possible to assess the contribution of education to the harmonization of public and individual interests, the formation of appropriate structures and subjects of development, ensuring the building of intellectual potential and quality of life. The specificity of the functioning of the university as a part of the state structure in terms of managing marketing activities was characterized.

Information Technologies of Accounting and Analysis in Modern Companies

  • Yaremenko, Liudmyla;Hevchuk, Anna;Vuzh, Tetiana;Vashchilina, Elena;Yermolaieva, Maryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2021
  • This article addresses the issue of finding optimal solutions using the information technologies of accounting and analysis in modern companies. The aim of the study is to reveal available information technologies for the needs of small, medium and large businesses operating in modern conditions. This goal is achieved by using systematization, comparison, and analysis of information, obtained under the survey and open management statistics. For the first time, the paper systematizes up-to-date information of 2021 about the most popular programs, online services, platforms and cloud services that are used to improve accounting and analytical processes in enterprises of various sizes. The main global trends in software development in terms of COVID-19 pandemic have been identified. In particular, the study defines the countries that occupy the leading positions in the informatization of business processes. An attempt was made to classify information technologies by their use by various volume of businesses. The analysis of research results of the Internet search query frequency regarding the use of information technologies enabled to determine the most popular software products worldwide. The peculiarities of information technologies, their advantages and disadvantages were examined and the common and distinctive features were compared. It was determined that for the new enterprises to implement information technologies, it is necessary to conduct a step-by-step study of all available software products. The software evaluation algorithm was described to help select the optimal software for the specific business processes. The paper also describes the way to solve the problem of using accounting and analysis software for the businesses of a specific kind of activity.

Hazelcast Vs. Ignite: Opportunities for Java Programmers

  • Maxim, Bartkov;Tetiana, Katkova;S., Kruglyk Vladyslav;G., Murtaziev Ernest;V., Kotova Olha
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.406-412
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    • 2022
  • Storing large amounts of data has always been a big problem from the beginning of computing history. Big Data has made huge advancements in improving business processes by finding the customers' needs using prediction models based on web and social media search. The main purpose of big data stream processing frameworks is to allow programmers to directly query the continuous stream without dealing with the lower-level mechanisms. In other words, programmers write the code to process streams using these runtime libraries (also called Stream Processing Engines). This is achieved by taking large volumes of data and analyzing them using Big Data frameworks. Streaming platforms are an emerging technology that deals with continuous streams of data. There are several streaming platforms of Big Data freely available on the Internet. However, selecting the most appropriate one is not easy for programmers. In this paper, we present a detailed description of two of the state-of-the-art and most popular streaming frameworks: Apache Ignite and Hazelcast. In addition, the performance of these frameworks is compared using selected attributes. Different types of databases are used in common to store the data. To process the data in real-time continuously, data streaming technologies are developed. With the development of today's large-scale distributed applications handling tons of data, these databases are not viable. Consequently, Big Data is introduced to store, process, and analyze data at a fast speed and also to deal with big users and data growth day by day.

Modelling and Factor Analysis of Pricing Determinants in the State-Regulated Competitive Market: The Case of Ukrainian Flour Market

  • Dragan, Olena;Berher, Alina;Plets, Ivan;Biloshkurska, Nataliia;Lysenko, Nataliia;Bovkun, Olha
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2021
  • The aim of the study is to implement a factor analysis of the determinants of pricing in a state-regulated competitive market using economic and mathematical modelling methods and to develop ways to improve the pricing environment of the market under study. The purpose of the work defines the main objectives: (i) to investigate the features of the competitive model of the Ukrainian flour market; (ii) to analyse the current price conjuncture of the flour market and the dynamics of the main determinants of pricing; (iii)to develop ways of improving the price situation on the flour market on the basis of the factor analysis on the results of economic and mathematical modelling. In order to ensure the reliability and validity of the research results, the following methods were applied: the logical-dialectical method of scientific knowledge in the study of the main theoretical aspects of flour market functioning, the method of logical generalisation and synthesis, comparison, factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis, the graphical method, etc. It has been shown that pricing in a state-regulated competitive market has its own characteristics. For example, in the flour market the price of goods cannot be influenced by producers (sellers) by any methods, therefore determinants of pricing by indirect influence have been taken into account. The five-factor power model of wheat flour price has been constructed. It was substantiated that the price of wheat flour in Ukraine is mostly influenced by consumer price index (0.92 %). The received complex model of wheat flour price may be used also for medium-term forecasting and working out the ways of price formation optimization in the flour market.