• Title/Summary/Keyword: pathologic diagnosis

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Clinical Analysis of Bronchogenic Cyst (기관지성 낭종의 임상적 고찰)

  • 안재범;정성철;김우식;신용철;유환국;이정호;김병열;김인섭
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.585-590
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    • 2004
  • Bronchogenic cyst is a rare and benign disease. Because of its complication or associated disease, Bronchogenic cyst requires surgical treatment. Recently, with the development of diagnostic methods, its incidence has increased. So we reviewed our results from the past 30 years. Material and Method: We reviewed 27 cases surgically treated from March 1971 to March 2003. This investigation is designed to illustrate the peak age incidence, sex ratio, symptoms, anatomic location, radiologic imagings, associated diseases, operative methods, postoperative pathologic findings and postoperative complications. Result: The peak age incidence laid in the 1st to 3rd decade and the ratio of male and female was 1 : 1.5. The most common complaints were cough and dyspnea, but some had hemoptysis. There were 22 cases (81%) of Intrapulmonary bronchogenic cysts and 5 cases(19%) of mediastinal bronchogenic cysts. Thirteen cases (48.1%) showed cystic lesion in simple chest X-ray. Ten cases showed cystic lesion among 13 cases that had taken computed tomography. We found associated disease in 15cases (56%). The inflammatory diseases from infection were many in intrapulmonary bronchogenic cysts and especially, one case showed carcinosarcoma. Mitral regurgitation and Bronchial obstruction could be seen in mediastinal bronchogenic cysts. The 13 cases (48%) were managed by lobectomy, and cystectomy, pneumonectomy, and segemental resection were done in 7 cases (26%), 4 cases (15%), 3 cases (11%) respectively. Cystic contents were mucus in 9 cases, pus in 9 cases, blood in 2 cases, and carcinosarcoma in 1 case. Bronchotracheal communications were in 13 cases (48%). Five cases showed Postoperative complications, which were pneumothorax, empyema, bleeding. Postoperative death could not be found. Conclusion: Almost all patients had clinical symptoms. Severe complications could be associated with bronchogenic cysts. Recently, With the development of diagnostic methods, preoperatively accurate diagnosis is possible; therefore, invasive study has decreased. Bronchogenic cyst is a benign disease. However, because of its clinical symptoms, complications, and possibility of malignant change, immediate surgical treatment is needed.

Secondary Chondrosarcoma Arising from Osteochondroma(tosis) (골연골종(증)에서 발생한 속발성 연골육종)

  • Cho, Hyun-Min;Rhee, Seung-Koo;Kang, Yong-Koo;Chung, Yang-Guk;Lee, An-Hi;Park, Jung-Mi;Bahk, Won-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To analyze clinical, radiological and pathological features as well as clinical outcome after surgical treatment of patients with secondary chondrosarcoma arising from osteochondroma(tosis). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed clinical records, radiographs, pathologic slides of 14 patients. Nine patients were male and fi ve were female. The mean age was 34 years. The mean follow-up period was 54 months. Results: All patients had a history of previous mass since childhood or puberty. Preexisted osteochondroma was single in 3 patients and multiple in 10. Remaining 1 patient had multiple osteochondromatosis with enchondromatosis. MRI clearly provided thickness of cartilage cap, which was over 2 cm except in 2 cases. Chondrosarcoma was grade 1 in all except 1 case, which was grade 2. Wide excision was performed in 10 patients, marginal excision in 3 and amputation in 1. Twelve patients were doing very well without evidence of disease. Among 3 patients with marginal excision, 1 patient had local recurrence and 1 patient died of disease. Conclusion: Comprehensive understanding of clinical, radiological and pathological features of secondary chondro sarcoma is warranted for accurate diagnosis. The best result can be expected with early recognition of malignant change of osteohcondroma(tosis) and wide excision.

The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Allograft Transplantation after Curettage in Benign Bone Tumor (양성 골 종양의 소파술 후 실시한 동종골 이식에서 혈소판 풍부 혈장 투여의 효과)

  • Kim, Jae-Do;Kim, Ji-Youn;Jang, Su-Jin;Chung, So-Hak;Jung, Gu-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate the effi ciency of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for acceleration of bone healing process on allograft transplantation after curettage in benign bone tumor. Materials and Methods: From December 2007 to February 2009, twenty-one patients who had benign bone tumor and underwent allograft transplantation after curettage were evaluated. Mean follow-up period was 14.6 months (range, 12-26 months). We compared with 13 cases of PRP group and 8 cases of non-PRP group in terms of size of lesion, bone resorption, amount of applied PRP and complications. The mean age at surgery was 23.6 years (range, 4-73 years). The most common diagnosis was simple bone cyst (7) followed by enchondroma (4), giant cell tumor (3), undifferentiated benign bone tumor (3) and so on. Results: The mean size of lesion was 33.5 $cm^3$ (range, 2.3-181.9 $cm^3$) (29.4 $cm^3$ in PRP group and 40.2 $cm^3$ in non-PRP group). The mean volume of injected PRP was 7.4 cc (range, 3-12 cc). Bone union started at 3.0 months (range, 1.5-5.8 months) in PRP group and 5.3 months (range, 4-8 months) in non-PRP group. Three cases for each group were excluded due to recurrence and pathologic fracture. One patient had febrile episode 3 weeks later after surgery which subsided with antibiotics. Conclusion: The PRP could accelerate bone union in allograft transplantation after curettage of benign bone tumor. Furthermore, we expect that PRP can accelerate bone union in fracture or non-union.

Imaging Feature of Radiation Induced Lung Disease (방사선 폐손상의 방사선학적 소견)

  • Lee, Jae Gyo;Rho, Byeung Hak;Chang, Jae Chun;Kim, Myung Se
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.146-154
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    • 2000
  • Background and Purpose: Radioopaque lesions are commonly seen in patients who received thoracic radiotherapy for various kinds of thoracic neoplasm, But therir exact diagnos are sometimes uncertain. Patients and Methods: We examined simple chest radiograph and computed tomogram(CT) of 69 patients who received thoracic radiotherapy for lung cancer and were follow up at least 6 months in Yeungnam University Medical Center. Results: Of the 69 patients. thirty-eight patients showed radioopaque lesions in their chest radiographs except radiation fibrosis; radiation pneumonitis was witnessed in 24 patients. infectious pneumonia in 8 patients, and recurrence in 6 patients. In radiation pneumonitis patients, the pneumonitis occurred usually between 50 to 130 days after receiving radiation therapy, and interval between pneumonitis and fibrosis is 21 to 104 days. Simple chest radiographs of radiation pneumonitis(24 patients) represented ground glass opacities or consolidation in 4 cases(type I, 17%), reticular of reticulonodular opacities in 10 cases(type II, 42%), irregular patchy consolidations in 2 cases( type III, 8%), and consolidation with fibrosis in 8 cases(type IV, 33%), CT represent ground glass opacities or consolidation in 5 cases(type I, 29%), irregular nodular opacities in 3 cases(type II, 19%), irregular opacity beyond radiation fields in 3 cases(type III, 18%), and consolidation with fibrosis in 6 cased(type IV, 35%). The CT of four patients who represented type II on simple chest radiographs reveal type I and III, and CT of two patients with clinical symptoms who had no abnormal finding on simple radiograph revealed type I. Conclusions: In conclusion, computed tomogram is superior to the simple radiograph when trying to understand the pathologic process of radiation pneumonitis and provide confidence in the diagnosis of radiation induced lung disease.

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The Basic Data Analysis of Lupus Nephritis in Children (소아 루프스 신염에 대한 기초 조사)

  • Min Jae Hong;Paek Kyung Hoon;Park Kyung Mi;Kim Jung Sue;Ha Il Soo;Cheong Hae Il;Kim Joong Gon;Choi Yong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 1999
  • Purposes : Renal involvement is a potentially serious complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). There have been only few studies of lupus nephritis in pediatric age. In this study, the clinical manifestations, pathologic findings, response to treatment, and clinical course of lupus nephritis in children were analyzed. And the results will provide basic data for future nation-wide prospective multi-center study. Methods . The medical records of 46 children clinically and pathologically diagnosed to have lupus nephritis at Seoul National University Children's Hospital during 1986 to 1997 were analyzed retrospectively. Results : 1) The median age of diagnosis of lupus nephritis was 12.8 years ($2\;years\~\;15year$ 8months), and the sex ratio was 1:2.5. 2) FANA($85.7\%$), anti-ds-DNA antibody ($78.0\%$), and malar rash ($60.8\%$) were the most common findings among the classification criteria by ARA Decreased C3 was detected in $88.9\%$ of patients. 3) Hematuria ($87.0\%$) was the most common renal symptom, and WHO class IV lupus nephritis was identified in 41 cases by renal biopsy. 4) In most of patients, the disease activity was controlled relatively well with a single or combined therapy of prednisolone, azathioprine, or cyclophosphamide. The response revealed no difference according to the mode of treatment. 5) Infection, especially of Varicella-Zoster virus and candida, was the most common complication during the disease course. Conclusion : The renal involvement was noted in $87.0\%$ of childhood SLE, and $89.1\%$ of renal lesions was WHO class IV lupus nephritis known to associated with poor long-term prognosis. So, aggressive treatment using immunosuppressants in the early disease course may be helpful to increase long-term prognosis of lupus nephritis. A prospective multi-center study is necessary to analyze the therapeutic efficacy of various treatment modalities.

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Changes in Urinary Nitric Oxide in Pediatric Renal Diseases (소아 신장질환에서 소변 내 산화질소의 변화)

  • Kim, Jong-Hwa;Jung, Ji-In;Yim, Hyung-Eun;Hong, Young-Sook;Lee, Joo-Won;Yoo, Kee-Hwan
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Nitric oxide(NO) is a very potent vasodilator synthesized from L-arginine by endothelial cells. We investigated whether urinary NO excretion was altered in various renal diseases in children and whether urinary NO excretion could be used in predicting pathologic causes and fibrosis in renal diseases in children. Methods : We recruited 48 patients(32 minimal change nephrotic syndrome[MCNS] and 16 vesicoureteral reflux[VUR] patients from the pediatric renal clinic in Korea University Guro Hospital. We measured the concentration of nitrite$(NO_2)$ and nitrate$(NO_3)$ by Griess reaction and that of creatinine(Cr) by Jaffe method in randomized spot urines. We then analyzed the urinary$(NO_2+NO_3)/Cr$ ratios and compared the values between each patient group. Urinary $(NO_2+NO_3)/Cr$ ratios were also evaluated according to the recurrence and the degree of proteinuria at sampling in the MCNS group and compared according to the presence of renal scarring and the grade of reflux in the VUR group. Results : The ratios of urinary$(NO_2+NO_3)/Cr$ were significantly increased in the VUR and MCNS groups, as compared to the control group. In the MCNS group, a higher level of urine $(NO_2+NO_3)/Cr$ was observed In frequent relapse patients(relapse over four times within one year after first diagnosis) and the patients with severe proteinuria at sampling, respectively. The VUR group with renal scars also showed a higher level of urinary$(NO_2+NO_3)/Cr$ compared to that without scars. Conclusions : In summary, VUR may play a role in the pathogenesis of VUR and MCNS. NO also seems to affect proteinuria and renal scar formation. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2007;11:24-31)

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Role of Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Gastric Carcinoma Management (재발성 또는 국소진행된 위암의 방사선치료 -35예의 치료성적 분석)

  • Yoon Sei Chul;Oho Yoon Kyeoung;Shinn Kyeong Sub;Bahk Yong Whee;Kim In Chul;Lee Kyung Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 1988
  • Thirty-five patients with locally advanced gastric carcinoma were treated with combined modalities of external radiation therapy (RT) and 5-FU based chemotherapy at the Division of Radiation Therapy, Department of Radiology, Kangnam 51. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College from May 1983 to May 1987. The purpose of this retrospective study is for the evaluation of the palliative response to RT. There were 25 men and 10 women. The age ranged from 38 to 80 years (median: 56 years). The pathologic classification showed $14(40\%)$ poorly differentiated, $12 (34\%)$ moderately differentiated, $3(9\%)$ well differentiated adenocarcinomas, 2 mucinous cystadenocarcinomas, 1 signet ring cell and 3 not specified ones. The time intervals from the initial surgicopathologic diagnosis to the starting day of RT was within 1 year for $18 (51\%)$, 1 to 2 years for $8 (23\%)$ and 2 to 3 years for $5 (14\%)$, respectively. The major symptoms to be treated were pain in $30 (80\%)$, mass for $29 (83\%)$, obstruction for $11 (31\%)$ and jaundice for $9 (20\%)$ patients. The response rate (patient number of positive response/total patient number) according to treated radiation doses were observed as follows; $14/16(88\%)$ for $40\~50Gy,\;8/10(80\%)$ for over $50Gy,6/8 (75\%)\;for\;30\~40Gy\;and\;8/10(53\%)\;for\;20\~30 Gy$ in decreasing order. The over ail survival was 3.0 months and that of 5FU+RT, FAM+RT and RT alone groups were 4.6 months, 3.7 months and 2.5 months respectively. Complications induced by RT were nausea and vomiting in $16(46\%)$, diarrhea in $7(20\%)$, leukopenia in $6(17\%)$ and anemia and intercurrent pneumonia in each $3(9\%)$ patients in decreasing order.

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Surgical Treatment of Primary Lung Cancer (원발성 폐암의 외과적 치료)

  • 김성완;구본원;이응배;전상훈;장봉현;이종태;김규태;강덕식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 1998
  • Primary lung cancer has recently increased progressively in its incidence in Korea. It is clearly evident that surgical resection offers the best offortunity for cure of non-small cell carcinoma. This study was designed to analyse the clinical data of 100 primary non-small cell carcinoma patients who underwent lung resection surgery from January 1992 to July 1995 at the department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Sugery, Kyungpook National University Hospital. There were 86 males and 14 females(6:1). In the age distribution, the peak incidence was recorded in the seventh decade(43%). The methods of tissue diagnosis were bronchoscopic biopsy in 53 patients(50.5%), percutaneous needle aspiration in 17 patients(16.2%), transbronchial lung biopsy in 11 patients(10.5%), mediastinoscopic biopsy in 2 patients (1.9%), sputum cytology in 2 patients(1.9%), and thoracotomy in 20 patients(19.0%). Fifty-five lobectomies, 22 pneumonectomies, 15 bilobectomies, 2 segmentectomies, 4 sleeve lobectomies, a sleeve pneumonectomy, and a wedge pneumonectomy were performed. Operative mortality occured in 4 cases(sepsis in 2 cases, respiratory failure in 1 case, and acute myocardiac infarction in 1 case). The histologic types of tumor were 67 squamous cell carcinomas, 26 adenocarcinomas, 6 large cell carcinomas, and an adenosquamous cell carcinoma. Eighteen patients with N2 mediastinal lymph node metastases had 8 squamous cell carcinomas(11.9%), 9 adenocarcinomas(34.6%), and a large cell carcinoma(16.7%). The primary tumors in these patients were in the right upper lobe in 4 patients, the right middle and lower lobe in 9 patients, the left upper lobe in 3 patients, and the left lower lobe in 2 patients. With regard to pathologic stages, 45 patients had stage I disease; 13 patients, stage II; 36 patients, stage IIIa; 5 patients, stage IIIb; and 1 patient, stage IV. The overall actuarial survival rate was 77.5% at 12 months, 56.1% at 24 months and 43.7% at 43 months. The actuarial survival rates at 43 months were 81.3% in Stage I, 20.8% in Stage II, 27.9% in Stage IIIa, 25.0% in Stage IIIb and 33.3% in Stage IV. These facts suggest that early detection and surgical resection are recommended for favorable postoperative survival in non-small cell lung cancer.

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The Correlation between Bronchoscopic Morphology and Pathologic Type in Bronchogenic Carcinoma (폐암의 기관지 내시경 소견과 세포형의 연관성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyuk-Pyo;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo;Kim, Keun-Youl;Han, Yong-Chol
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 1994
  • Background : The two most important purposes of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in lung cancer patients are obtaining tissue diagnosis and staging. The direct sign of lung cancer on FOB includes visible tumor, with smooth or nodular surface, with or without necrosis and infiltration. Variant cell types of lung cancer have their characteristic biological behaviors respectively. For example, squamous cell carcinoma grows slowly, invades locally and has easy necrosis resulting in cavitation, whereas adenocarcinoma shows early metastasis, small cell carcinoma shows rapid growth and higher early metastasis rate. Based on this, it could be hypothesized that each cell type may have characteristic bronchoscopic finding. Method : To answer this question, we reviewed 106 cases which were diagnosed as primary lung cancer and had bronchoscopically visible specific cancerous lesions. Results : The results were as follows. 1) Squamous cell carcinoma accounted for 66 cases(62.2%), adenocarcinoma 15 cases(14.2%), large cell carcinoma 3 cases(2.8%). 2) The endobronchial tumor lesion was arbitrarily classified into 5 types according to gross characteristics. Type A, multilobulating mass with necrosis, accounted for 24.5%, type B, multilobulating mass without necrosis, 25.5%, type C, round beefy mass, 9.4%, type D, infiltration with mucosal irregularity, 6.6%, and type E, infiltration without mucosal irregularity, 34%. 3) The analysis of correlation between endobronchial tumor pattern and specific cell type revealed that squamous cell carcinoma had relation with the morphologic type B and small cell carcinoma had relation with the morphologic type E, but adenocarcinoma had no preponderance in morphologic type. The gross appearance had influence on the diagnostic yields of biopsies and the diagnostic yields of lobulating mass types(type A, B) were higher than those of other types. Conclusion : From the above observations, it could be concluded that squamous cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma have relations with specific types of bronchoscopic morphology, but not the case in adenocarcinoma.

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Comparison of Ultrasound with $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ Scintimammography in the Detection of Breast Cancer (유방암의 진단에서 유방초음파 검사와 $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ 유방스캔의 비교)

  • Seok, Ju-Won;Kim, Seong-Jang;Kwak, Hi-Suk;Lee, Jun-Woo;Kim, In-Ju;Kim, Yong-Ki;Bae, Young-Tae;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: Ultrasonography and $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ scintimammography were validated as useful diagnostic tools for primary breast cancer. However, ultrasound has the problem of low specificity. We compared the diagnostic usefulness of ultrasound with $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ scintimammography in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Materials and Methods: This study included 174 patients who had ultrasound and $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ scintimammography peformed on breast masses from 1999 to 2000. The pathologic results were obtained by surgery or FNAB. Results: Among the 174 patients, malignant breast disease numbered 117 and benign breast disease numbered 57. Ultrasound revealed 88 TP, 9 FN, 8 FP, 34 TN, and 35 indeterminate cases. $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ scintimammography revealed 91 TP, 25 FN, 9 FP, and 48 TN. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of Ultrasound were 66.7%, 44.2%, 67.2%, and 43.6% respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ scintimammography were 77.8%, 84.2%, 91%, and 64.9% respectively. Among the 35 indeterminate ultrasound cases, $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ scintimammography revealed 13 TP, 15 TN, and 7 FP Conclusion: $^{99m}-Tc-MIBI$ Scintimammography was more sensitive and specific than ultrasound for the detection of primary breast cancer and provided more useful information in cases of indeterminate ultrasound findings.