• Title/Summary/Keyword: oxygenation

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Clinical Feature of Submersion Injury in Adults (성인 익수 손상의 임상적 특성)

  • Jung, Chi Young;Cha, Sung Ick;Jang, Sang Soo;Lee, Sin Yeob;Lee, Jae Hee;Son, Ji Woong;Park, Jae Yong;Jung, Tae Hoon;Kim, Chang Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.287-296
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    • 2003
  • Background : Drowning represents the third most common cause of all accidental deaths worldwide. Although few studies of submersion injury were done in Korea, the subjects were mainly pediatric patients. The purpose of this study is to describe the clinical feature of submersion injury in adults. Methods : The medical records of 31 patients with submersion injury who were >15 years of age and admitted to Kyungpook National University Hospital from July 1990 to March 2003 were retrospectively examined. Results : The most common age-group, cause, and site of submersion accidents in adults were 15-24 years of age, inability to swim, and river followed by more than 65 years of age, drinking, and public bath respectively. The initial chest radiographics showed bilaterally and centrally predominant distribution of pulmonary edema at lung base in about 90% of patients with pulmonary edema represented by submersion injury but at only upper lung zone in 10%. Eventually, 25 patients (80.6%) survived without any neurologic deficit and 2 patients (6.5%) with significant neurologic deficit, and 4 patients (12.9%) died. Age, arterial gas oxygenation, and mental status among baseline variables showed significant difference for prognosis. Conclusions : More than 65 year of age, drinking, and occurrence in public bath were relatively important in submersion injury of adults, and the successful survival of 80.6% of patients suggests that cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be intensively done in even adults.

The Clinical Outcomes of Marginal Donor Hearts: A Single Center Experience

  • Soo Yong Lee;Seok Hyun Kim;Min Ho Ju;Mi Hee Lim;Chee-hoon Lee;Hyung Gon Je;Ji Hoon Lim;Ga Yun Kim;Ji Soo Oh;Jin Hee Choi;Min Ku Chon;Sang Hyun Lee;Ki Won Hwang;Jeong Su Kim;Yong Hyun Park;June Hong Kim;Kook Jin Chun
    • Korean Circulation Journal
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.254-267
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    • 2023
  • Background and Objectives: Although the shortage of donor is a common problem worldwide, a significant portion of unutilized hearts are classified as marginal donor (MD) hearts. However, research on the correlation between the MD and the prognosis of heart transplantation (HTx) is lacking. This study was conducted to investigate the clinical impact of MD in HTx. Methods: Consecutive 73 HTxs during 2014 and 2021 in a tertiary hospital were analyzed. MD was defined as follows; a donor age >55 years, left ventricular ejection fraction <50%, cold ischemic time >240 minutes, or significant cardiac structural problems. Preoperative characteristics and postoperative hemodynamic data, primary graft dysfunction (PGD), and the survival rate were analyzed. Risk stratification by Index for Mortality Prediction after Cardiac Transplantation (IMPACT) score was performed to examine the outcomes according to the recipient state. Each group was sub-divided into 2 risk groups according to the IMPACT score (low <10 vs. high ≥10). Results: A total of 32 (43.8%) patients received an organ from MDs. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was more frequent in the non-MD group (34.4% vs. 70.7, p=0.007) There was no significant difference in PGD, 30-day mortality and long-term survival between groups. In the subgroup analysis, early outcomes did not differ between low- and high-risk groups. However, the long-term survival was better in the low-risk group (p=0.01). Conclusions: The outcomes of MD group were not significantly different from non-MD group. Particularly, in low-risk recipient, the MD group showed excellent early and long-term outcomes. These results suggest the usability of selected MD hearts without increasing adverse events.

Severe Human Rhinovirus Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Young Children

  • Doo Ri Kim;Kyung-Ran Kim;Hwanhee Park;Esther Park;Joongbum Cho;Jihyun Kim;Hee Jae Huh;Kangmo Ahn;Nam Yong Lee;Yae-Jean Kim
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Human rhinovirus (HRV) infections can result in lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). We aimed to investigate the characteristics of severe HRV LRTI in young children. Methods: Medical records were reviewed retrospectively in patients who were hospitalized for HRV LRTIs from 2016 to 2020 at the Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, Korea. Patients aged 90 days or older and younger than 5 years were included. Patients with co-infections with other respiratory pathogens were excluded. Severe HRV LRTI was defined as the following: the need for high-flow oxygenation, mechanical ventilation, or intensive care unit admission. Results: A total of 115 cases were identified. The median age was 17 months (range, 3-56 months) and the median hospital days were 4 days (range, 2-31 days). Of the 115 cases, 18 patients (15.7%) developed severe HRV LRTI. The median age was younger in the severe group compared to the non-severe group (9.5 months vs. 19.0 months, P=0.001). Of 18 patients with severe HRV LRTI, 11 (61.1%) had underlying diseases - chronic lung diseases accounted for the largest proportion (63.6%). Six patients (33.3%) required mechanical ventilation. Of note, 7 previously healthy children were diagnosed with severe HRV LRTI. Of those 7 children, 4 of them were diagnosed with asthma later. When the 115 cases were divided into previously healthy (n=60) and underlying disease (n=55) groups, severe courses of HRV LRTI were observed in 11.7% and 20.0% of children, respectively (P=0.219). Conclusions: HRV can cause severe LRTI even in previously healthy children as well as in children with comorbidities.

Relationship of Compliance and Oxygen Transport in Experimental Acute Respiratory Failure during Positive End-Expiratory Pressure Ventilation (실험적 급성호흡부전에서 호기말양압에 의한 폐유순도와 산소운반의 변화 및 상관관계 - 호흡부전의 기전에 따른 차이 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Do;Yoon, Se-Jin;Lee, Bok-Hee;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo;Kim, Keun-Youl;Han, Yong-Chol
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.6-15
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    • 1993
  • Background: Positive end, expiratory pressure (PEEP) has become one of the standard therapies for adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Total static compliance has been proposed as a guide to determine the size of PEEP ('best PEEP') which is of unproven clinical benefit and remains controversial. Besides increasing functional residual capacity and thus improving oxygenation, PEEP stimulate prostacyclin secretion and was proposed for the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism. But little is known about the effect of PEEP on hemodynamic and gas exchange disturbances in acute pulmonary embolism. Methods: To study the validity of total static compliance as a predictor of 'best PEEP' in ARDS and acute pulmonary embolism, experimental ARDS was induced in mongrel dog with oleic acid and acute pulmonary embolism with autologous blood clot. Then hemodynamic and gas exchange parameters were measured with serial increment of PEEP. Results:In ARDS group, total static compliance and oxygen transport were maximal at 5 cm$H_2O$, and decreased thereafter (p<0.05). With increment of PEEP, arterial oxygen tension ($PaO_2$) and arterial carbon dioxide tension ($PaCO_2$) increased and cardiac output and physiological shunt decreased. In pulmonary embolism group, total static compliance, oxygen transport, physiological shunt and cardiac output decreased and $PaO_2$ and $PaCO_2$ increased with increment of PEEP (p<0.05). Comparing the change induced by increment of PEEP by 1 cm$H_2O$ in ARDS group with that in pulmonary embolism group, there was no significant difference between two groups except cardiac output which decreased more in pulmonary embolism group (p<0.05). In ARDS group, oxygen transport and total static compliance increased after PEEP application, and total static compliance was maximal at the PEEP level where oxygen transport was maximal. However in pulmonary embolism group, oxygen transport and total static compliance decreased after application of PEEP. There was significant correlation between change of total static compliance and change of oxygen transport in both groups. Conclusion: In both ARDS and acute pulmonary embolism, it can be concluded that total static compliance is useful as a predictor of 'best PEEP'.

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The Effect and Safety of Alveolar Recruitment Maneuver using Pressure-Controlled Ventilation in Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (급성폐손상과 급성호흡곤란증후군 환자에서 압력조절환기법을 이용한 폐포모집술의 효과와 안정성)

  • Chung, Kyung Soo;Park, Byung Hoon;Shin, Sang Yun;Jeon, Han Ho;Park, Seon Cheol;Kang, Shin Myung;Park, Moo Suk;Han, Chang Hoon;Kim, Chong Ju;Lee, Sun Min;Kim, Se Kyu;Chang, Joon;Kim, Sung Kyu;Kim, Young Sam
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.63 no.5
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2007
  • Background: Alveolar recruitment (RM) is one of the primary goals of respiratory care for an acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The purposes of alveolar recruitment are an improvement in pulmonary gas exchange and the protection of atelectrauma. This study examined the effect and safety of the alveolar RM using pressure control ventilation (PCV) in early ALI and ARDS patients. Methods: Sixteen patients with early ALI and ARDS who underwent alveolar RM using PCV were enrolled in this study. The patients data were recorded at the baseline, and 20 minutes, and 60 minutes after alveolar RM, and on the next day after the maneuver. Alveolar RM was performed with an inspiratory pressure of $30cmH_2O$ and a PEEP of $20cmH_2O$ in a 2-minute PCV mode. The venous $O_2$ saturation, central venous pressure, blood pressure, pulse rate, $PaO_2/FiO_2$ ratio, PEEP, and chest X-ray findings were obtained before and after alveolar RM. Results: Of the 16 patients, 3 had extra-pulmonary ALI/ARDS and the remaining 13 had pulmonary ALI/ARDS. The mean PEEP was 11.3 mmHg, and the mean $PaO_2/FiO_2$ ratio was 130.3 before RM. The $PaO_2/FiO_2$ ratio increased by 45% after alveolar RM. The $PaO_2/FiO_2$ ratio reached a peak 60 minutes after alveolar RM. The Pa$CO_2$ increased by 51.9 mmHg after alveolar RM. The mean blood pressure was not affected by alveolar RM. There were no complications due to pressure injuries such as a pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and subcutaneous emphysema. Conclusion: In this study, alveolar RM using PCV improved the level of oxygenation in patients with an acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Moreover, there were no significant complications due to hemodynamic changes and pressure injuries. Therefore, alveolar RM using PCV can be applied easily and safely in clinical practice with lung protective strategy in early ALI and ARDS patients.

Evaluation of Parameters of Gas Exchange During Partial Liquid Ventilation in Normal Rabbit Lung (토끼의 정상 폐 모델에서 부분액체환기 시 가스교환에 영향을 주는 인자들에 대한 연구)

  • An, Chang-Hyeok;Koh, Young-Min;Park, Chong-Wung;Suh, Gee-Young;Koh, Won-Jung;Lim, Sung-Yong;Kim, Cheol-Hong;Ahn, Young-Mee;Chung, Man-Pyo;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2002
  • Background: The opitmal ventilator setting during partial liquid ventilation(PLV) is controversial. This study investigated the effects of various gas exchange parameters during PLV in normal rabbit lungs in order to aid in the development of an optimal ventilator setting during PLV. Methods: Seven New-Zealand white rabbits were ventilated in pressure-controlled mode with the following settings; tidal volume($V_T$) 8 mL/kg, positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP) 4 $cmH_2O$, inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio(I:E ratio) 1:2, fraction of inspired oxygen($F_TO_2$) 1.0. The respiration rate(RR) was adjusted to keep $PaCO_2$ between 35~45 mmHg. The ventilator settings were changed every 30 min in the following sequence : (1) Baseline, as the basal ventilator setting, (2) Inverse ratio, I:E ratio 2:1, (3) high PEEP, adjust PEEP to achieve the same mean inspiratory pressure (MIP) as in the inverse ratio, (4) High $V_T$, $V_T$ 15 mL/kg, (5) high RR, the same minute ventilation (MV) as in the High $V_T$. Subsequently, the same protocol was repeated after instilling 18 mL/kg of perfluorodecalin for PLV. The parameters of gas exchange, lung mechanics, and hemodynamics were examined. Results: (1) The gas ventilation(GV) group showed no significant changes in the $PaO_2$ at all phases. The $PaCO_2$ was lower and the pH was higher at the high $V_T$ and high RR phases(p<0.05). No significant changes in the lung mechanics and hemodynamics parameters were observed. (2) The baseline $PaO_2$ for the PLV was $312{\pm}$ mmHg. This was significantly lower when decreased compared to the baseline $PaO_2$ for GV which was $504{\pm}81$ mmHg(p=0.001). During PLV, the $PaO_2$, was significantly higher at the high PEEP($452{\pm}38$ mmHg) and high $V_T$ ($461{\pm}53$ mmHg) phases compared with the baseline phase. However, it did not change significantly during the inverse I:E ratio or the high RR phases. (3) The $PaCO_2$ was significantly lower at high $V_T$ and RR phases for both the GV and PLV. During the PLV, $PaCO_2$ were significantly higher compared to the GV (p<0.05). (4) There were no important or significant changes in of baseline and high RR phases lung mechanics and hemodynamics parameters during the PLV. Conclusion: During PLV in the normal lung, adequate $V_T$ and PEEP are important for optimal oxygenation.