• Title/Summary/Keyword: oligotrophic zone

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A Synecological Description of Ohmi Moor with Sphagnum Islet in Jeju, Korea (물이끼섬을 포함하는 제주도 오미 습원의 군락생태)

  • Kim, Jong-Won;Lee, Gyeong-Yeon;Kim, Yun-Ha;Eom, Byeong-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.174-183
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    • 2018
  • In the Sumeunmulbaengdui Wetland Protected Area of Jeju Island, there exists a unique pond, a so-called 'Ohmi', which is likely to be an oasis supporting the wildlife and escaped-livestock. We exquisitely described the diversity and distribution of plant community of the Ohmi. Despite its small area, six syntaxa were identified: Sphagnum community of peat bog type, Nymphoides coreana community of the floating-leaf limnetic vegetation, Scirpus triangulatus community and Schoenoplectus hotarui community of the littoral zone vegetation, and Deinostema violacea-Eleocharis congesta community and Eriocaulon atrum-miquelianum community of the ephemeral vegetation. A zonal distribution of plant communities along the water depth was recognized. The Sphagnum islets regarded as a typical component of peat bog, in Korea were first described at the center of the Ohmi. We conclude that the Ohmi is a primeval keystone habitat of the Sumeunmulbaengdui intermediate moor with a less oligotrophic ombrotrophic environment.

Distribution of Phytoplankton and Bacteria in the Environmental Transitional Zone of Tropical Mangrove Area (열대 홍수림 주변 해역 환경 전이대의 식물플랑크톤 및 박테리아의 분포)

  • Choi, Dong Han;Noh, Jae Hoon;Ahn, Sung Min;Lee, Charity M.;Kim, Dongseon;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Kwon, Moon-Sang;Park, Heung-Sik
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.415-425
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    • 2013
  • In order to understand phytoplankton and bacterial distribution in tropical coral reef ecosystems in relation to the mangrove community, their biomass and activities were measured in the sea waters of the Chuuk and the Kosrae lagoons located in Micronesia. Chlorophyll a and bacterial abundance showed maximal values in the seawater near the mangrove forests, and then steeply decreased as the distance increased from the mangrove forests, indicating that environmental conditions for these microorganisms changed greatly in lagoon waters. Together with chlorophyll a, abundance of Synechococcus and phototrophic picoeukaryotes and a variety of indicator pigments for dinoflagellates, diatoms, green algae and cryptophytes also showed similar spatial distribution patterns, suggesting that phytoplankton assemblages respond to the environmental gradient by changing community compositions. In addition, primary production and bacterial production were also highest in the bay surrounded by mangrove forest and lowest outside of the lagoon. These results suggest that mangrove waters play an important role in energy production and nutrient cycling in tropical coasts, undoubtedly receiving large inputs of organic matter from shore vegetation such as mangroves. However, the steep decrease of biomass and production of phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria within a short distance from the bay to the level of oligotrophic waters indicates that the effect of mangrove waters does not extend far away.

Nutrients and Chlorophyll Dynamics Along the Longitudinal Gradients of Daechung Reservoir (대청호에서 종적구배에 따른 영양염류 및 엽록소의 역동성)

  • Bae, Dae-Yeul;Yang, Eun-Chan;Jung, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Hoon;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2007
  • The study was to determine zonal characteristics of nutrients and chlorophyll and evaluate their trophic relations in Daechung Reservoir. For this study, we compared longterm water quality data among three zones along with trophic state using 1993 to 2002 dataset, obtained from the Ministry of Environment, Korea. Total phosphorous (TP), Secchi depth (SD) and chlorophyll (CHL) showed typical longitudinal declines from the riverine to lacustrine zone, but total nitrogen (TN) was not evident. Largest seasonal variations in TP and CHL occurred during the summer monsoon from July to August. In the reservoir, ambient TN averaged 1.67 mg $L^{-1}$ and ratios of TN : TP averaged 88.04, indicating that nitrogen is not likely limited but phosphorus limitation was evident. Trophic State Index (TSI), based on CHL, TP, and SD, varied depending on the zones and seasons. Mean TSI (TP) in the riverine zone was 62 during the monsoon, indicating a hypertrophic condition, whereas the mean was 40 in the lacustrine, indicating a nearly oligotrophic. Values of TSI (CHL) showed maximum in the transition zone during the monsoon. The deviation analysis of TSI showed that about 65% of TSI (CHL)-TSI (TP) and TSI (CHL)-TSI (SD) values were less than zero and the lowest values were -42, indicating an effect of inorganic turbidity on algal growth in the reservoir. Correlation analysis of CHL vs. SD shewed greater correlation coefficient (p<0.001, r=-0.47) in the transition than other two zones (p<0.001, $r{\leq}-0.40$). Correlation analysis of TP vs. CHL was greatest in the lacustrine and TP was minimum in the lacustrine zone, indicating a lowest yield of algal biomass in the lacustrine. Overall data suggests that zonal response of chlorophyll yield at a given nutrient unit is clearly differed among the longitudinal gradients, so the management strategy such as cross sectional modelling should be provided in each zone.

Characteristics of chemical environment by changing temperature at the surface layer in the northeast Equatorial Pacific (북동적도태평양 표층 수온변화에 따른 화학적 환경 특성)

  • Son Seung-Kyu;Hyun Jung-Ho;Park Cheong-Kee;Chi Sang-Bum;Kim Ki-Hyune
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2001
  • Physical and chemical properties of the northest Equatorial Pacific between 5° and 12° N along 131.5 °W wore investigated in association with changes in water column structures during the summer seasons of 1998 and 1999. Climatic disturbances such as El Nino and La Nina, should have affected this area during the study Period. In 1998, a thermocline where temperature rapidly decrease with depth, was formed at 90~110 m water depth. Nutrient depicting areas, specially for nitrate+nitrite and phosphate, or oligotrophic regions were extended down to approximately 100 m depth, which coincided with the surface mixed layer depth. However, in 1999, a very fluctuating thermocline was observed with latitudes. As a result of changes in the water column structures, nutrient concentrations also showed fluctuation parallel to the changes in other physical parameters. In the photic zone, depth integrated nitrogen and phosphorus values were 34 gN/m², 7 gP/m² in 1998 and 130 gN/m², 18 gP/m² in 1999, respectively. The results indicated that nitrogen (96 gN/m²) and phosphorus (11 gP/m²) are supported by up-welling and down-welling phenomena with convergence and divergence in the study area.

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Regeneration Processes of Nutrients in the Polar Front Area of the last Sea IV. Chlorophyll a Distribution, New Production and the Vertical Diffusion of Nitrate (동해 극전선역의 영양염류 순환과정 IV. Clorophyll a 분포, 신생산 및 질산염의 수직확산)

  • MOON Chang-Ho;YANG Sung-Ryull;YANG Han-Soeb;CHO Hyun-Jin;LEE Seung-Yong;KIM Seok-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 1998
  • A study on the biological and chemical characteristics in the middle last Sea of Korea was carried out at 31 stations in October $11\~18$, 1995 on board the R/V Tam-Yang. The chlorophyll a concentration, new and regenerated production, and the vertical diffusion of nitrate from the thermocline structure were investigated. From the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a, subsurface maxima were observed near the thermorline at most stations including the frontal zone, except at the southern stations where the maximum chloropyll a concentration occurred at the surface, The nanophytoplankton was the most dominant fraction comprising $83.5\%$ of total phytoplankton cell numbers, but netphytoplankton were common at the southern stations where the dominant species were Rhizosolenia sp. Nitrogenous new production and regenerated productions were measured using the stable isotope $^{15}N$ nitrate and ammonia uptake method. The vertically integrated nitrogen production varied between 8.470 and $72.945\;mg\;N\;m^{-2}\;d^{-1}$. The f-ratio, which is the traction of new production from primary production, waried between 0.03 and 0.72, indicating that $3\%$ to $72\%$ of primary production was supported by the input of nutrients from below the euphotic zone and the rest are supported by ammonia recycled within the euphotic layer. This range of f-ratio encompasses from extremely oligotrophic to eutrophic area characteristics. The differences in productivity and f-ratio among stations were related to frontal structure and the bottom topography. The values were high near the frontal zone and low outside of it, and the station near Ulleng Island showed the highest f-ratio. Vertical diffusion coefficients were calculated from both the water column stability (Kz-1) of King and Devol's equation (1979) and new nitrogen requirement (Kz-2). The values of Kz-2 ($0.11\~0.55\;cm^2/s$) were relatively low compared to the values reported previously.

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Difference in Shoreline Flora According to the Usage of Reservoirs in Korea (우리나라 저수지의 용도에 따른 호안 식물상 차이)

  • Cho, Hyunsuk;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.339-347
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    • 2015
  • Differences in characteristics of flora and environmental factors of geomorphology, hydrology, water quality and soil were investigated in the shoreline of total 35 reservoirs according to their usages of waterpower generation, agricultural water supply, residential and industrial water supply and flood control in Korea. The number of plant species, floral structure and characteristics of species traits in the shoreline of reservoirs were different according to their usage. From the results of stepwise regression analysis, the total number of vascular plant species was increased at the environment of the higher flood frequency at the median water level and the longer exposure duration of the shoreline. The results of principal coordinates analysis and cluster analysis showed that the shoreline flora was classified as the 3 types of 1) flood control and residential and industrial water supply, 2) agricultural water supply and 3) waterpower generation reservoirs. The water level fluctuation, flood frequency at the median water level, lake water quality index and exposure duration of the shoreline were selected as important environmental factors affected on the characteristics of shoreline flora. The species richness of total flora and hydrophytes, especially submerged macrophytes, were much higher in the reservoirs for the purpose of the waterpower generation in which mesotrophic water quality and stable water levels were maintained. Annual or biennial ruderals were established on the ephemeral drawdown zone of flood control, residential and industrial water supply reservoirs which have oligotrophic or mesotrophic water quality and wide range of water level fluctuation. The floating hydrophytes were differentially dominated in the littoral zones of the agricultural water supply reservoirs with a mesotrophic or eutrophic water quality and a medium water level fluctuation. In conclusion environmental factors related to water level fluctuation and water quality were different and then the floral characteristics of shoreline were distinguishable according to usage of Korean reservoirs.

Dynamics of Phosphorus-Turbid Water Outflow and Limno-Hydrological Effects on Hypolimnetic Effluents Discharging by Hydropower Electric Generation in a Large Dam Reservoir (Daecheong), Korea (대청호 발전방류수의 인·탁수 배출 역동성과 육수·수문학적 영향)

  • Shin, Jae-Ki;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2017
  • Daecheong Reservoir was made by the construction of a large dam (>15 m in height) on the middle to downstream of the Geum River and the discharge systems have the watergate-spillway (WS), a hydropower penstock (HPP), and two intake towers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the limnological anomalies of turbid water reduction, green algae phenomenon, and oligotrophic state in the lower part of reservoir dam site, and compared with hydro-meteorological factors. Field surveys were conducted in two stations of near dam and the outlet of HPP with one week intervals from January to December 2000. Rainfall was closely related to the fluctuations of inflow, outflow and water level. The rainfall pattern was depended on the storm of monsoon and typhoon, and the increase of discharge and turbidity responded more strongly to the intensity than the frequency. Water temperature and DO fluctuations within the reservoir water layer were influenced by meteorological and hydrological events, and these were mainly caused by water level fluctuation based on temperature stratification, density current and discharge types. The discharges of WS and HPP induced to the flow of water bodies and the outflows of turbid water and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. Especially, when hypoxic or low-oxygen condition was present in the bottom water, the discharge through HPP has contributed significantly to the outflow of phosphorus released from the sediment into the downstream of dam. In addition, HPP effluent which be continuously operated throughout the year, was the main factor that could change to a low trophic level in the downreservoir (lacustrine zone). And water-bloom (green-tide) occurring in the lower part of reservoir was the result that the water body of upreservoir being transported and diffused toward the downreseroir, when discharging through the WS. Finally, the hydropower effluent was included the importance and dynamics that could have a temporal and spatial impacts on the physical, chemical and biological factors of the reservoir ecosystem.