• 제목/요약/키워드: nursing service

검색결과 2,153건 처리시간 0.027초

Development of cooking method for senior-friendly food using fruits suitable for older adults with masticatory dysfunction

  • Dasol Kim;Jihye Ryu;Hee-Sook Lim;Yong-Seok Kwon
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.223-238
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    • 2024
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to establish a fruit-cooking method suitable for older adults with masticatory dysfunction. MATERIALS/METHODS: Five types of fruits were selected to make fruit jelly and puree: apple, sweet persimmon, mandarin, Korean melon, and watermelon. Recipes were selected based on the Korean Industrial Standard (KS) for senior-friendly foods (KS H 4897), which classifies foods into 3 levels (L1-L3) based on their hardness and viscosity. RESULTS: In South Korea, senior-friendly foods are classified into 3 stages based on their hardness. Stage 1 is for foods that are able to eat with teeth (hardness greater than 50,000 N and less than 500,000 N), Stage 2 is for foods that are able to eat with gums (hardness greater than 20,000 N and less than 50,000 N), and Stage 3 is for foods that are able to eat with the tongue (hardness less than 20,000 N). As a result of measuring the hardness by varying the shape of the fruit, it was found that nearly all fruits could be eaten fresh by chewing with the teeth (L1) but did not meet the KS for mastication using the gums (L2) or tongue (L3), so the cooking method was selected as fruit jelly and fruit puree. Only sweet persimmon, which had a hardness of 61,624-496,393 N, was not suitable for consumption in fresh fruit, unprocessed form. Based on their hardness measurements, fruit jellies (27,869 to 36,343 N) and fruit purees (315 to 1,156 N) met the L2 and L3 requirements, respectively. The viscosity results of all fruit purees met the L3 requirement. CONCLUSION: These results offer a simple cooking method to prepare texture-modified fruits suitable for safe consumption by older adults living with masticatory difficulties in general households and nursing facilities.

The Role of Pharmacists' Interventions in Increasing Medication Adherence of Patients With Epilepsy: A Scoping Review

  • Iin Ernawati;Nanang Munif Yasin;Ismail Setyopranoto;Zullies Ikawati
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제57권3호
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    • pp.212-222
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: Epilepsy is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment and intervention from health workers. Medication adherence is a factor that influences the success of therapy for patients with epilepsy. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the role of pharmacists in improving the clinical outcomes of epilepsy patients, focusing on medication adherence. Methods: A scoping literature search was conducted through the ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases. The literature search included all original articles published in English until August 2023 for which the full text was available. This scoping review was carried out by a team consisting of pharmacists and neurologists following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Extension for Scoping Reviews and the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines, including 5 steps: identifying research questions, finding relevant articles, selecting articles, presenting data, and compiling the results. Results: The literature search yielded 10 studies that discussed pharmacist interventions for patients with epilepsy. Five articles described educational interventions involving drug-related counseling with pharmacists. Two articles focused on similar pharmacist interventions through patient education, both verbal and written. Three articles discussed an epilepsy review service, a multidisciplinary intervention program involving pharmacists and other health workers, and a mixed intervention combining education and training with therapy-based behavioral interventions. Conclusions: Pharmacist interventions have been shown to be effective in improving medication adherence in patients with epilepsy. Furthermore, these interventions play a crucial role in improving other therapeutic outcomes, including patients' knowledge of self-management, perceptions of illness, the efficacy of antiepileptic drugs in controlling seizures, and overall quality of life.

질병군에 따른 요양병원 노인 입원환자의 의료이용 현황: 건강보험심사평가원 고령환자데이터셋(HIRA-APS)을 이용하여 (Status of Medical use of Elderly Inpatients in Nursing Hospitals According to Disease Groups: Using HIRA-APS)

  • 장윤정;박초열
    • 보건의료생명과학 논문지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2023
  • 건강보험심사평가원 2018년 고령환자데이터셋(HIRA-APS)을 이용하여 요양병원 입원환자 33,821명을 주요 질병군별로 구분하여, 의료이용 현황과 특성을 파악하여, 요양병원의 기능정립에 효과적인 정책 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 첫째, 질병군에 따라 의료이용 특성에 차이를 보이고 있어, 환자의 질병군 특성에 맞는 치매 전문, 재활 전문, 호스피스 전문, 회복기 전문 등 특화된 요양병원 설립과 운영이 필요하다. 둘째, 요양병원 입원환자의 연간 입원일수에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 주상병별로는 마비군, 뇌혈관질환군, 치매군이 가장 길었으며, 환자분류군별로는 인지장애군이 가장 길어, 질병군별 장기 환자에 대한 의료 수요 및 질 관리가 필요하다. 셋째, 요양병원 입원환자의 치료결과 중 정상 퇴원에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 질병군별로는 근골격계질환군에서 가장 높았고, 마비군, 뇌혈관질환 순으로 퇴원 후 재가 프로그램 지원이 요구된다.

국내 호스피스 기관의 사별 관리 실태 (Bereavement Care of Hospice Services in Korea)

  • 노유자;안영란
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.126-135
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    • 2000
  • 목적 : 본 연구는 전국 호스피스 기관의 사별관리 실태를 파악하여 효율적인 사별관리 방안의 기초자료를 제공하기 위함이다. 방법 : 1차로 1999년 9월부터 10월사이, 2차로 2000년 11월부터 12월사이에 한국 가톨릭 호스피스협회와 가톨릭대학교 간호대학 호스피스 교육연구소를 통해 확인된 전국 55개 호스피스기관을 대상으로 하였으며, 본인과 연구원이 직접 전화를 걸어 조사목적을 설명한 후 기관의 책임자와 통화하여 면접조사를 하였다. 결과 : 1) 국내 호스피스 기관의 69.1%에서 사별관리를 시행하고 있었다. 2) 사별관리의 내용으로는 전화방문 28개 기관(74.5%), 사별가족 모임 26개 기관(68.4%), 가정방문 22개 기관(57.9%), 우편물 보내기 16개 기관(42.1%), 개별상담은 7개 기관(18.4%)이었다. 3) 사별가족 모임은 26개 기관(68.4%)에서 시행하고 있었고 그 빈도는 연 1회가 42.3%로 가장 많았으며 연2회가 6개 기관(23.1%), 월 1회가 6개 기관(23.1%), 월 2회가 3개 기관(11.5%)을 차지하였다. 4) 사별관리를 위해 사별사정도구를 사용하고 있는 기관은 4개 기관(10.5%)에 불과하였다. 5) 사별관리 운영상의 문제점으로는 사별가족을 모으기가 어렵다는 점이 가장 많았고 사별관리자의 전문적인 지식의 부족, 사별관리 인력의 부족, 호스피스 기관과의 지역적 거리가 먼 경우, 사별자에 대한 사회적인 관심 부족, 재정적인 어려움 등이 있었다. 6) 효율적인 사별관리 방안으로는 사별관리 프로그램의 개발, 사별관리 교육의 필요성, 전문가 양성, 인력충원, 재정 지원 등의 요구사항이 있었다. 결론 : 국내 호스피스 기관중에서 69%가 사별관리를 시행하고는 있으나, 사별관리 전문가와 인력이 부족하고 사별관리 프로그램도 다양하지 못한 실정이다. 또한 사별자의 개별적인 욕구 측면에서 사별관리 프로그램이 다양하지 못하였다. 그러므로 효율적인 사별관리를 위해 사별관리 프로그램이 개발되어야 하며 관리운영자의 전문적인 교육과 봉사자 교육 및 훈련이 있어야 하고 사별자의 개별성과 요구에 적합한 접근방법이 모색되어야 한다. 앞으로 한국실정에 맞는 토착화된 사별관리를 위한 다각적인 연구가 시도되어야 하며 이를 실무에 적용시켜야 한다.

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중학교 남학생들의 건강관리 실천과 이에 영향을 미치는 요인 조사 연구 (A Study OR Investigation of the Factors having Affect on Junior Highschool Boys관 Practice of Health Care)

  • 기경숙
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 1985
  • Accepting the health as the fundamental human right, the nation and society came to admit the duty to give it to all the people. Korean government is expanding the Primary Health Care as one of the policies for developing the people's health by the lead of community. Like this current situation the School Health Service which is the center of community Health Service schould be active to keep, promote and maintain the health of students and teachers. This investigation was attempted to help to establish the basis of the Health Education Program which would perform the health education efficiently and bring the reforming of student's health control, by measuring the degree of junior high school student's practice concerning health care and con-firming the relationship of knowledge, concern and level of health. The subjects for this study were made up 296 boys at the third grade in a school, located in Seoul. The tool for this study was questionaire. Data were collected for five days, September 22∼26, 1983. The investigators explained the students how to answer the questions of the survey questionaire and then collected the survey cards immediately. The data were analyzed by means of percentages, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of this study are as follows. 1. The subjects' reaction to the practice concerning Health Care; According to the average proportion of practice concerning health care, subjects' practice in the aspect of Infectious Disease Care is the highest 82.4% and they showed their practice in the aspect of the accident prevention by 77.5% and in the aspect of mental health by 74.8%. Their practice in the aspect of personal hygiene and daily lifehabit is the lowest 71.2%. 2. Health Knowledge; The whole mark distribution of health knowledge is ranged from the lowest 4 point to the highest, 30 point, therefore point range is 26.0. The Average point is 16.58. 11.2% of students solved more than two thirds of personal knowledge levels. 81.4% of students did more than one third of them. 7.415 of students did less than one third of them. 3. Health Concern; The Students of the average 3.99 point respond positively to the question about the health concern, ‘They think health is more important than money’, this is the highest rate. The students of the average 2.78 respond“when they are sick, they enter the appointed hospital where they own choose”, while it is the lowest. 4. Subjects' response to the health level are at follow: Very healthy 26.0%, healthy 47.0%, less healthy 10.5%, 34.9% of them have ever been sick within two weeks, the number of symptoms they reported amount to 114 and the number of cases poi one person is 0.35. 5. The hypotheses test about the practice concerning health care and the factor which effect on it. 1) The main first hypothesis:“The more knowledge of health the subjects have, the better they practice health care.”was accepted. (r=0.1582, p <0.05) 2) The minor first hypothesis:“The more interest in health subjects have, the better they practice”was accepted. (r=0.4354, p <0.001) 3) The minor second hypothesis;“The healthier subjects are, the better they practice health care”was accepted. (r=0.1069, p<0.05) As other test, partical correlation test is performed in other refine whether health knowledge, a fact influencing the students practice concerning health care, is associated with the practice after controlling the third variables. First, after controlling health concern, the correlation of health knowledge and practice concerning health care was kept. (r=0.1347, p <0.005) Second, after controlling health level, the correlation of health knowledge and practice concerning health care was kept. (r=0.1526, p <0.005) And finally, after controlling economic state, the correlation of health knowledge and practice concern-ing health care was kept. (r=0.1413, p <0.05) Additionally Stepwise Multiple Regression between practice concerning health care and variables. 1.6591 of compliance was explained with the know-ledge (F=5.584, p <0.05), 20.0% of compliance was explained with the health concern added to knowledge. (F=63,213, p <0.005) As the above, health knowledge obviously have effects on the practice about the health care. But, contrary to researcher's expectation, health concern has more affects than health knowledge. Therefore, we must grope the plan to enhance health concern through the regular curriculum and systematic health education for students. Besides, we must study further on, to find the factors which have affect on the practice concerning health care.

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간호사의 비정규직 고용실태 및 관련요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Nurses' Contingent Employment and Related Factors)

  • 최숙자
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.477-500
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    • 1999
  • Korean labor market has showed remarkable change of the increase in the amount of unemployment and contingent employment since IMF bailout agreement. There is a theoretical position to explain this increase in contingent employment at hospitals with the notion of flexibility. The high flexibility of employment due to the increase of contingent employees is becoming very important part in new business strategy of hospitals. The types of contingent employment of the nurse are part-time employment temporary employment, fixed-term employment, and internship which was introduced in early 1999. Recently, Korean health care industry managers have paid attention to the customer oriented service, rationalization of business administration, service quality control so that they can adjust their business to outer environment. Especially their efforts concentrate on the wage reduction through efficient and scientific control of man power because wage shares about 40% of total cost. This dissertation aims at verifying the phenomena of the contingent employment of the nurse and analyzing the related factors and problems. To rephrase these aims in ordinal: First, verifying the phenomena of contingent employment of the nurse. Second, verifying the problems of that phenomena. Third, analyzing the related factors of the contingent employment of the nurse. To accomplish these research goals, a statistical survey was executed. in which 384 questionnaires-66 for manager nurses, 318 for contingent nurses - were given to nurses working at 66 hospitals-which have at least 100 beds-in Seoul. Among them, 187 questionnaires-38 from manager nurses, 149 from contingent nurses'- 'were returned. Then, the data coded and submitted to T-test, $X^2$ -test, variance analysis(ANOVA), correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, Logistic Regression with SAS program. The research results of the contingent nurses are followings: 1. The average career term at the present hospital 8.4 months: duty-on days per month are 24.2 days: working time per day is 7.9 hours. These results showed little difference from regular nurses. 2. Their wage level is about 70% of regular nurses except for internship nurses whose wage level is 41% of regular nurses. To break down the wage composition, part-time nurses and internship nurses get few allowance and bonus. And contingent nurses get very low level of additional pay except for fixed-term nurses who are under similar condition of employment to regular nurses. These results show that hospital managers are trying to reduce the labor cost not only through the direct way of wage reduction but through differential treatment of bonus, retirement allowance, and other additional pay. 3. The problem of contingent employment: low level of pay; high level of turn-over rate: weakening of union; low level of working condition: heavy burden of work; inhuman treatment. The contingent nurses consider these problems more seriously than manager nurses do. What manager nurses regard problematic is the absence of feeling-belonged and responsibility of the contingent nurses. 4. The factors strongly related with the rate of the number of contingent nurses for the number of regular nurses; gross turn-over nurses; average in-patients per day; staring wage of graduate from professional college: the type of hospital ownership; the number of beds; the gap between gross newcomer nurses and gross turn-over nurses. The factors related with their gross wage per month; the number of beds; applying of health insurance; applying of industrial casualty insurance; applying of yearly-paid leave; the type of hospital ownership; average out-patients per day; gross turn-over nurses. The meaningful factors which make difference by employment type: monthly-paid leave; physiological leave. The logistic regression analysis using these two factors shows that monthly-paid leave is related with the type of hospital ownership; the number of beds; average out-patient per day, and physiological leave is related with the gross newcomer nurses; gross turn-over nurses; the number of beds.

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서울시내 중고등학교 결핵이환학생에 대한 결핵관리실태 및 지식에 관한 조사연구 (A Study on Knowledge and Disease Management of Tuberculosis by Themselves of Tuberculosis Patients Among the Middle and High School Students in Seoul.)

  • 도성숙
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.32-44
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    • 1987
  • The purpose of this survey was to find out the knowledge and the disease management of the Tuberculosis patients by themselves among the first grade middle and high school students in Seoul city during the period of June 15-July 19, 1986. Questionaires were used to collect the data and were analysed from answers of 188 students at the 113 schools. The results were as follows: 1. The ages of the students were distributed as follows: in middle school, 13 years old was $70.0\%$. 14 years old, $20.0\%$, and 15 years old, $6.7\%$. In high school, 16 years old was $66.5\%$, 17 years old, $18.4\%$, and 15 years old, $10.1\%$. 2. In X-ray mass examination by school, the rate of execution was $50.4\%$ in middle school and $96.7\%$ in high school, and in X-ray mass examination by student, it was $50.1\%$ in middle school and $97.3\%$ in high school. 3. The prevalence of Tuberculosis among the middle school students was $00.3\%$and high school students, $0.15\%$. 4. Of the total, $77.1\%$ of the respondents did not realized Tuberculosis bdore X-ray mass examination 5. The perfect cure rate of the respondents was $52.7\%$. 6. General characteristics of the respondents: a. The educational background was varied as follows: of the total $47.9\%$ of the fathers had the level of high school education and $37.2\%$ of the mothers had the level of middle school education. The educational background of the parents had no statistical significant to the medical cure rate of Tuberculosis. (P>0.05). b. The average monthly income of the family was as follows : above five hundred thousand won was $21.8\%$, three or four hundred thousand won was $22.9\%$, and below two hundred thousand won was $10.6\%$. The most frequent family size was 5-6 persons. $(59.6)\%$. 7. The actual situation of Tuberculosis control and the variables related to the treatment: a. $69.1\%$ of the respondents wanted mental support from their surroundings. $48.7\%$ of the respondents answered that their parents or the other family helped treatment as mental supporter, b. As a medical service, $53.2\%$ of the respondents were treated at Health Center, $38.8\%$ were treated at a hospital. A medical service was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.01). c. Family members of $61.7\%$ of the respondents had checked chest X-ray. A X-ray examination of family was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.005). d. $73.9\%$ of the respondents had taken the Anti-Tuberculosis-drugs regularly. Regular taking of Anti-Tuberculosis drugs was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.005). e. $89.4\%$ of the respondents had received a regular examination during the treatment. A regular examination was statistically significant to the medical cure (P<0.05). f. The period of perfect cure was that $50.0\%$ of the respondents took from half a year to one year, $25.2\%$ took below half a year and $16.2\%$ took from one year to one year and a half. g. The rate of the respondents who abhored to let anyone know their disease was $93.1\%$. 8. Knowledge related with Tuberculosis: a .$63.3\%$ of the respondents answered that Tuberculosis is a communiable disease. b. $89.9\%$ of the respondents answered that there is a preventive method of Tuberculosis. Among them, $28.4\%$ answered that it is B.C.G. vacination. c. $96.8\%$ of the respondents belived they can be cured perfectly. d. $42.4\%$ of the perfect curer answered that they had have permanent immunity of Tuberculosis. According to the results of above study, it is desired to be practiced X-ray mass examination to the total middle school students. Nurse teachers and the responsible persons who participated to the helping of disease management to the Tuberculosis patients must make an offer knowledge of Tuberculosis to the Tuberculosis patients. And also, it will be very helpful to the cure of Tuberculosis patients if they do their best and to have a mental supporter.

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관상동맥 우회술 환자를 위한 Critical Pathway개발 (Development of a Critical Pathway for Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)

  • 김기연
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a critical pathway for case management for patients who have received Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) because of Ischemic Heart Disease(IHD) which is a factor of rising medical expenses. For this study. a conceptual framework was developed through a review of the literature including six critical pathways which are currently being used in USA. In order to identify the overall service contents required by these patients and to draw up a preliminary critical pathway, 30 cases of medical records of patients who had CABG because of IHD between January, 1995 to June. 1996 at the Cardiovascular Center of Yonsei Medical Center in Seoul were analyzed. An expert validity test was done for the preliminary critical pathway and clinical validity test was also done using seven IHD patients with CABG between November 11 and 23, 1996. After these processes. the final critical pathway was developed. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. The vertical axis of the critical pathway includes the following eight items : tests, nutrition, medications, consultations, activity, assessments, treatments, education discharge planning and the horizontal axis includes the time from the start of hospitalization to discharge. 2. Analysis of the 30 medical records indicated that the average length of stay was 20.2days with the average length of stay from hospitalization day to operation day being 6.2 days, and the average length of stay from operation day to discharge day was 13. 9 days. Analysis of the service contents showed that the horizontal axis of the preliminary critical pathway was set from hospitalization to the 14th post operation day and the vertical axis was set to include eight items, the contents which ought to have occurred, according to the time frames of the horizontal axis. 3. As a result of the experts validity, it was found that among the total of 571 items. there was over 83% agreement for 482 items, less than 83% for 89 items, which were then deleted and a revision of the critical pathway was done. 4. A clinical validity test was done using seven IHD patients with CABG. During the process, three patients were deleted because they were out of the criteria the investigator set. Finally, four patients were used. The result of study indicated that only one patient was discharged on the tenth post operation day, which was one day later than the expected day. Three patients were discharged later than the expected day from three days to nine days. All the cases progressed on schedule until the operation day and the first post operation day, but from the second post operation days, there were differences between the critical pathway and the actual practice. The differences came from tests, assessments, and treatments. 5. On the basis of the results of the clinical validity test. the following revisions in the final critical pathway were made : the transfer from ICU to step down ward would be the second post operation day, and the transfer to a general ward, the fifth post operation day, for patients who complained of lack of sleep from the fifth post operation day to discharge, a sleeping pill would be prescribed, skin observations would be performed routinely from immediately after the operation until the third post operation day, and would continue if there was a sign of skin injury on the fourth post operation day, and assessment of chest pain would be done from the third post operation day, and the “stairs climbing” item, expected to be done on the ninth post operation day would be deleted. In conclusion, this critical pathway is partially applicable to the care of patients with CABG but there are some parts needed to be further investigated.

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병원 호스피스센터-보건소 연계를 통한 지역사회 재가암환자 관리 프로그램 평가 (Evaluation of a Community-Based Cancer Patient Management Program: Collaboration between a Hospice Center and Public Health Centers)

  • 이해숙;박선희;정영순;이부경;권소희
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.216-224
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    • 2010
  • 목적: 본 연구는 말기 재가암환자 관리를 위한 병원호스피스센터와 보건소 간의 연계 프로그램을 평가함으로써 보다 효율적이고 효과적인 재가암환자 관리체계를 구축하고자 시도되었다. 방법: 호스피스센터-보건소 재가암관리 연계 사업은 1) 협약체결, 2) 재가 말기암환자 발굴 및 등록, 3) 가정호스피스 방문 서비스 제공, 4) 만족도 조사의 단계로 전개되었다. 일 호스피스센터와 지역의 3개 보건소가 협약을 체결하였고, 2009년 2월 1일에서 12월 31일까지 11개월 동안 43명의 환자에게 605건의 가정호스피스 방문을 실시하였다. 방문기록지 분석을 통해 서비스 대상자의 특성과 제공된 서비스의 종류와 내용을 분석하였고, 이 중 20명에게 서비스 만족도 조사를 실시하였다. 결과: 대상자의 76.7%가 60세 이상이었고, ECOG 전신 수행상태 점수는 0점과 1점이 각각 37.2%, 39.5%이었다. 환자가 병식이 있는 경우는 90.7%, 호스피스 동의서에 서명한 경우는 62.8%였다. 초기방문 시 환자의 주 호소는 전신쇠약감(86.0%)과 식욕부진(72.1%)이 가장 많았다. 평균 총 서비스 기간은 144.42일이었고, 총 605건의 방문 중 간호사 방문이 371회로 가장 많았다. 각 방문중 정서적 지지와 건강상담이 가장 빈번하게 제공되었고, 서비스 전반에 대한 만족도는 5점 척도로 측정하였을 때 평균 4.45점이었다. 결론: 본 연구는 지역사회 내에서 실제적이고 체계적인 재가 말기암환자 관리 프로그램 구축을 위한 중간평가로서의 의미가 있다. 본 연구에서 의뢰된 대상자는 입원형 호스피스보다 기능 상태가 양호하고 서비스 제공기간이 길었으며, 서비스에 대한 만족도, 특히 정서적지지와 환자상태 설명에 대한 만족도가 높았다. 그러나 방문횟수와 빈도, 임종기 관리, 병원입원 재입원하는 환자관리에 대한 기준과 서비스 표준마련은 앞으로의 과제로 제시되었다.

병원종사자의 조직갈등 및 조직몰입에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 (A study on the interrelation of influential factors in organizational conflict and organizational commitment)

  • 김영훈;김한중;조우현;이해종;박종연;이선희
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.41-63
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the interrelation of influential factors in organizational conflict and organizational commitment. The data for this study were collected through a self-administered survey with a structured Questionnaire to 1,167 subjects from several nursing staff members, administration staff members and medical technicians of six hospitals. In this analysis frequency test, t-test, ANOVA, hierarchical multiple regression and structural equation model were used. The main findings of this study are as follows. 1. Factors which influence organizational conflict were analyzed. The type of occupation and the year of service were socio-demographic variables which influenced organizational conflict positively. Adjusted R square was 0.03. Perceptions on organizational structure and organizational culture were analyzed with two- level variables that were added. The findings were as follows. Adjusted R square increased to 0.25. The year of service, internal process culture and rational goal culture were positive variables. The design of organizational structure, human relations culture and open system culture were negative variables. 2. Variables which influence organizational commitment were analyzed. Age and the year of service were positive variables, while academic background based on high school education was a negative variable. Adjusted R square was 0.16. Perceptions on organizational structure and organizational culture were analyzed with two-level variables that were added. The findings were as follows. The characteristics of organizational structure, human relations culture and organizational culture were positive variables. Adjusted R square increased to 0.55. The variables of organizational conflict were added in 3 steps. Findings were as follows. The variables of hierarchical conflict showed negative influence and were included in two-level influential variables. Adjusted R square increased to 0.56. 3. Structural equation model was analyzed in order to examine the relation between organizational structure and the variables of organizational culture, organizational conflict and organizational commitment. Thirteen path coefficients out of seventeen path coefficients were significant. Age had negative influence on organizational conflict and positive influence on organizational commitment. The year of service had positive influence on organizational conflict and organizational commitment. The design of organizational structure, human relations culture and open system culture had negative influence on organizational. conflict. They had positive influence on organizational commitment. Internal process culture and rational goal culture had positive influence on organizational conflict. Organizational conflict had negative influence on organizational commitment. The squared multiple correlation of this model was 25.1% in organizational conflict and 52.7% in organizational commitment. The conclusion of this study is as follows. Factors in organizational structure and organizational culture, rather than socio-demographic factors, had a stronger influence on the organizational conflict and organizational commitment of hospitals. In order to decrease organizational conflict, to increase organizational commitment and to maximize the effectiveness of hospital management, it is necessary to understand the overall relation between organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational conflict and organizational commitment, with the effort of improving personalized factors and individual factors of organization management.

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