• Title/Summary/Keyword: network (ANN)

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Maximum Torque Control of IPMSM with Adoptive Leaning Fuzzy-Neural Network (적응학습 퍼지-신경회로망에 의한 IPMSM의 최대토크 제어)

  • Chung, Dong-Hwa;Ko, Jae-Sub;Choi, Jung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 2007
  • Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor(IPMSM) has become a popular choice in electric vehicle applications, due to their excellent power to weight ratio. This paper proposes maximum torque control of IPMSM drive using adaptive learning fuzzy neural network and artificial neural network. This control method is applicable over the entire speed range which considered the limits of the inverter's current and voltage rated value. This paper proposes speed control of IPMSM using adaptive learning fuzzy neural network and estimation of speed using artificial neural network. The back propagation neural network technique is used to provide a real time adaptive estimation of the motor speed. The proposed control algorithm is applied to IPMSM drive system controlled adaptive learning fuzzy neural network and artificial neural network, the operating characteristics controlled by maximum torque control are examined in detail. Also, this paper proposes the analysis results to verify the effectiveness of the adaptive learning fuzzy neural network and artificial neural network.

Application of expert systems in prediction of flexural strength of cement mortars

  • Gulbandilar, Eyyup;Kocak, Yilmaz
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2016
  • In this study, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) prediction models for flexural strength of the cement mortars have been developed. For purpose of constructing this models, 12 different mixes with 144 specimens of the 2, 7, 28 and 90 days flexural strength experimental results of cement mortars containing pure Portland cement (PC), blast furnace slag (BFS), waste tire rubber powder (WTRP) and BFS+WTRP used in training and testing for ANN and ANFIS were gathered from the standard cement tests. The data used in the ANN and ANFIS models are arranged in a format of four input parameters that cover the Portland cement, BFS, WTRP and age of samples and an output parameter which is flexural strength of cement mortars. The ANN and ANFIS models have produced notable excellent outputs with higher coefficients of determination of $R^2$, RMS and MAPE. For the testing of dataset, the $R^2$, RMS and MAPE values for the ANN model were 0.9892, 0.1715 and 0.0212, respectively. Furthermore, the $R^2$, RMS and MAPE values for the ANFIS model were 0.9831, 0.1947 and 0.0270, respectively. As a result, in the models, the training and testing results indicated that experimental data can be estimated to a superior close extent by the ANN and ANFIS models.

Tensile strength prediction of corroded steel plates by using machine learning approach

  • Karina, Cindy N.N.;Chun, Pang-jo;Okubo, Kazuaki
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.635-641
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    • 2017
  • Safety service improvement and development of efficient maintenance strategies for corroded steel structures are undeniably essential. Therefore, understanding the influence of damage caused by corrosion on the remaining load-carrying capacities such as tensile strength is required. In this study, artificial neural network (ANN) approach is proposed in order to produce a simple, accurate, and inexpensive method developed by using tensile test results, material properties and finite element method (FEM) results to train the ANN model. Initially in reproducing corroded model process, FEM was used to obtain tensile strength of artificial corroded plates, for which surface is developed by a spatial autocorrelation model. By using the corroded surface data and material properties as input data, with tensile strength as the output data, the ANN model could be trained. The accuracy of the ANN result was then verified by using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). As a result, it was confirmed that the accuracy of the ANN approach and the final output equation was developed for predicting tensile strength without tensile test results and FEM in further work. Though previous studies have been conducted, the accuracy results are still lower than the proposed ANN approach. Hence, the proposed ANN model now enables us to have a simple, rapid, and inexpensive method to predict residual tensile strength more accurately due to corrosion in steel structures.

Filtering Random Noise from Deterministic Underwater Signals via Application on an Artificial neural Network

  • Na, Young-Nam;Park, Joung-Soo;Choi, Jae-Young;Kim, Chun-Duck
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.3E
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    • pp.4-12
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    • 1996
  • In this study, we examine the applicability of an artificial neural network(ANN) for filtering underwater random noise and for identifying underlying signals taken from noisy environment. The approach is to find a way of compressing the input data and then decompressing it using an ANN as in image compressing process. It is well known that random signal is hard to compress while ordered information is not. The use of a limited number of processing elements(PEs) in the hidden layer of an Ann ensures that some of the noise would be removed in the reconstruction process. Two types of the signals, synthesized and measured, are used to examine the effectiveness of the ANN-based filter. After training process is completed, the ANN successfully extracts the underlying signals form the synthesized or measured noisy signals. In particular, compared with the results form without filtering or moving averaged, the ANN-based filter gives much better spectrograms to identify underlying signals from the measured noisy data. This filtering process is achieved without using and kind of highly accurate signal processing technique. More experimentation needs to be followed to develop the ANN-based filtering technique to the level of complete understanding.

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Comparison of machine learning algorithms to evaluate strength of concrete with marble powder

  • Sharma, Nitisha;Upadhya, Ankita;Thakur, Mohindra S.;Sihag, Parveen
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, functionality of soft computing algorithms such as Group method of data handling (GMDH), Random forest (RF), Random tree (RT), Linear regression (LR), M5P, and artificial neural network (ANN) have been looked out to predict the compressive strength of concrete mixed with marble powder. Assessment of result suggests that, the overall performance of ANN based model gives preferable results over the different applied algorithms for the estimate of compressive strength of concrete. The results of coefficient of correlation were maximum in ANN model (0.9139) accompanied through RT with coefficient of correlation (CC) value 0.8241 and minimum root mean square error (RMSE) value of ANN (4.5611) followed by RT with RMSE (5.4246). Similarly, other evaluating parameters like, Willmott's index and Nash-sutcliffe coefficient value of ANN was 0.9458 and 0.7502 followed by RT model (0.8763 and 0.6628). The end result showed that, for both subsets i.e., training and testing subset, ANN has the potential to estimate the compressive strength of concrete. Also, the results of sensitivity suggest that the water-cement ratio has a massive impact in estimating the compressive strength of concrete with marble powder with ANN based model in evaluation with the different parameters for this data set.

Power consumption prediction model based on artificial neural networks for seawater source heat pump system in recirculating aquaculture system fish farm (순환여과식 양식장 해수 열원 히트펌프 시스템의 전력 소비량 예측을 위한 인공 신경망 모델)

  • Hyeon-Seok JEONG;Jong-Hyeok RYU;Seok-Kwon JEONG
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2024
  • This study deals with the application of an artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict power consumption for utilizing seawater source heat pumps of recirculating aquaculture system. An integrated dynamic simulation model was constructed using the TRNSYS program to obtain input and output data for the ANN model to predict the power consumption of the recirculating aquaculture system with a heat pump system. Data obtained from the TRNSYS program were analyzed using linear regression, and converted into optimal data necessary for the ANN model through normalization. To optimize the ANN-based power consumption prediction model, the hyper parameters of ANN were determined using the Bayesian optimization. ANN simulation results showed that ANN models with optimized hyper parameters exhibited acceptably high predictive accuracy conforming to ASHRAE standards.

Training an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to Control the Tap Changer of Parallel Transformers for a Closed Primary Bus

  • Sedaghati, Alireza
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1042-1047
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    • 2004
  • Voltage control is an essential part of the electric energy transmission and distribution system to maintain proper voltage limit at the consumer's terminal. Besides the generating units that provide the basic voltage control, there are many additional voltage-controlling agents e.g., shunt capacitors, shunt reactors, static VAr compensators, regulating transformers mentioned in [1], [2]. The most popular one, among all those agents for controlling voltage levels at the distribution and transmission system, is the on-load tap changer transformer. It serves two functions-energy transformation in different voltage levels and the voltage control. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been realized as a convenient tool that can be used in controlling the on load tap changer in the distribution transformers. Usage of the ANN in this area needs suitable training and testing data for performance analysis before the practical application. This paper briefly describes a procedure of processing the data to train an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to control the tap changer operating decision of parallel transformers for a closed primary bus. The data set are used to train a two layer ANN using three different neural net learning algorithms, namely, Standard Backpropagation [3], Bayesian Regularization [4] and Scaled Conjugate Gradient [5]. The experimental results are presented including performance analysis.

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An artificial neural network residual kriging based surrogate model for curvilinearly stiffened panel optimization

  • Sunny, Mohammed R.;Mulani, Sameer B.;Sanyal, Subrata;Kapania, Rakesh K.
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.235-251
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    • 2016
  • We have performed a design optimization of a stiffened panel with curvilinear stiffeners using an artificial neural network (ANN) residual kriging based surrogate modeling approach. The ANN residual kriging based surrogate modeling involves two steps. In the first step, we approximate the objective function using ANN. In the next step we use kriging to model the residue. We optimize the panel in an iterative way. Each iteration involves two steps-shape optimization and size optimization. For both shape and size optimization, we use ANN residual kriging based surrogate model. At each optimization step, we do an initial sampling and fit an ANN residual kriging model for the objective function. Then we keep updating this surrogate model using an adaptive sampling algorithm until the minimum value of the objective function converges. The comparison of the design obtained using our optimization scheme with that obtained using a traditional genetic algorithm (GA) based optimization scheme shows satisfactory agreement. However, with this surrogate model based approach we reach optimum design with less computation effort as compared to the GA based approach which does not use any surrogate model.

Pile bearing capacity prediction in cold regions using a combination of ANN with metaheuristic algorithms

  • Zhou Jingting;Hossein Moayedi;Marieh Fatahizadeh;Narges Varamini
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.417-440
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    • 2024
  • Artificial neural networks (ANN) have been the focus of several studies when it comes to evaluating the pile's bearing capacity. Nonetheless, the principal drawbacks of employing this method are the sluggish rate of convergence and the constraints of ANN in locating global minima. The current work aimed to build four ANN-based prediction models enhanced with methods from the black hole algorithm (BHA), league championship algorithm (LCA), shuffled complex evolution (SCE), and symbiotic organisms search (SOS) to estimate the carrying capacity of piles in cold climates. To provide the crucial dataset required to build the model, fifty-eight concrete pile experiments were conducted. The pile geometrical properties, internal friction angle 𝛗 shaft, internal friction angle 𝛗 tip, pile length, pile area, and vertical effective stress were established as the network inputs, and the BHA, LCA, SCE, and SOS-based ANN models were set up to provide the pile bearing capacity as the output. Following a sensitivity analysis to determine the optimal BHA, LCA, SCE, and SOS parameters and a train and test procedure to determine the optimal network architecture or the number of hidden nodes, the best prediction approach was selected. The outcomes show a good agreement between the measured bearing capabilities and the pile bearing capacities forecasted by SCE-MLP. The testing dataset's respective mean square error and coefficient of determination, which are 0.91846 and 391.1539, indicate that using the SCE-MLP approach as a practical, efficient, and highly reliable technique to forecast the pile's bearing capacity is advantageous.

A surrogate model-based framework for seismic resilience estimation of bridge transportation networks

  • Sungsik Yoon ;Young-Joo Lee
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2023
  • A bridge transportation network supplies products from various source nodes to destination nodes through bridge structures in a target region. However, recent frequent earthquakes have caused damage to bridge structures, resulting in extreme direct damage to the target area as well as indirect damage to other lifeline structures. Therefore, in this study, a surrogate model-based comprehensive framework to estimate the seismic resilience of bridge transportation networks is proposed. For this purpose, total system travel time (TSTT) is introduced for accurate performance indicator of the bridge transportation network, and an artificial neural network (ANN)-based surrogate model is constructed to reduce traffic analysis time for high-dimensional TSTT computation. The proposed framework includes procedures for constructing an ANN-based surrogate model to accelerate network performance computation, as well as conventional procedures such as direct Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) calculation and bridge restoration calculation. To demonstrate the proposed framework, Pohang bridge transportation network is reconstructed based on geographic information system (GIS) data, and an ANN model is constructed with the damage states of the transportation network and TSTT using the representative earthquake epicenter in the target area. For obtaining the seismic resilience curve of the Pohang region, five epicenters are considered, with earthquake magnitudes 6.0 to 8.0, and the direct and indirect damages of the bridge transportation network are evaluated. Thus, it is concluded that the proposed surrogate model-based framework can efficiently evaluate the seismic resilience of a high-dimensional bridge transportation network, and also it can be used for decision-making to minimize damage.