• Title/Summary/Keyword: natural stand

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Regeneration and Tending Practices for Natural Mixed Stands of Quercus mongolica-Abies holophylla II. Prediction of Futures Stand Structure using Rate of Increment (신갈나무-전나무 천연(天然) 혼효임분(混淆林分)의 갱신(更新) 및 무육방법(撫育方法) II. 생장률(生長率)을 이용(利用)한 미래(未來) 임분구조(林分構造)의 예측(豫測))

  • Shin, Man Yong;Lim, Joo Hoon;Chun, Young Woo;Ko, Yung Zu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.2
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    • pp.146-155
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    • 1992
  • The natural mixed stand in Jindong-Ri, according to a recent study, showed the possibility of selection cutting as a silvicultural system based on the stand structure such as DBH distribution and height distribution. However, volume structure per DBH class of this stand had not a mature stand of selection cutting. In this study, wherefore, the rate of increment for DBH and volume was used to predict the future stand structure including volume distribution per DBH class. The possibility of selection cutting was then discussed using the future stand structure. From the prediction of future stand structure for 30 years per every 10 years, it could be concluded that the stand will be induced to selection cutting forest because of enough number of trees in objective DBH class and above, total volume per hectare, and the volume of large DBH class which can be harvested every year. However, this stand still did not show the structure of typical selection cutting which has the rate of 1 : 2 : 7 in the number of trees per hectare and the volume rate of 5 : 3 : 2 for large, medium, and small DBH class. This problem could be improved by appropriate silvicultural treatments.

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Tree Species Assemblages, Stand Structure, and Regeneration in an Old-Growth Mixed Conifer Forest in Kawang, Western Bhutan

  • Attila Biro;Bhagat Suberi;Dhan Bahadur Gurung;Ferenc Horvath
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.210-226
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    • 2024
  • Old-growth mixed-conifer forests in Bhutan are characterized by remarkable tree species compositional heterogeneity. However, our knowledge of tree species assemblages and their structural attributes in these forests has been limited. Therefore, forest classification has been reliant on a single dominant species. This study aimed to distinguish tree species assemblages in an old-growth mixed conifer forest in Western Bhutan and to describe their natural compositional and stand structural characteristics. Furthermore, the regeneration status of species was investigated and the quantity and quality of accumulated coarse woody debris were assessed. Ninety simple random sampling plots were surveyed in the study site between 3,000 and 3,600 meters above sea level. Tree, standing deadwood, regeneration, and coarse woody debris data were collected. Seven tree species assemblages were distinguished by Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Indicator Species Analysis, representing five previously undescribed tree species associations with unique set of consistent species. Principal Component Analysis revealed two transitional pathways of species dominance along an altitudinal gradient, highly determined by relative topographic position. The level of stand stratification varied within a very wide range, corresponding to physiognomic composition. Rotated-sigmoid and negative exponential diameter distributions were formed by overstorey species with modal, and understorey species with negative exponential distribution. Overstorey dominant species showed extreme nurse log dependence during regeneration, which supports the formation of their modal distribution by an early natural selection process. This allows the coexistence of overstorey and understorey dominant species, increasing the sensitivity of these primary ecosystems to forest management.

Regeneration and Tending Practices for Natural Mixed Stands of Quercus mongolica-Abies holophylla I. Stand Structure and Silvicultural System (신갈나무-전나무 천연(天然) 혼효임분(混淆林分)의 경신(更新) 및 무육방법(撫育方法) I. 임분구조(林分構造)와 작업종(作業種))

  • Shin, Man Yong;Lim, Joo Hoon;Chun, Young Woo;Ko, Yung Zu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to provide basic information for deciding silvicultural system appropriate to a natural mixed stand in Jindong-Ri. For this, the stand structure such as DBH distribution, height distribution, and volume per DBH class were analyzed and the possibility of selection cutting as a silvicultural system was discussed. The DBH structure of the stand has reverse J-shaped diameter distribution which is typical in a selection cutting stand. The possibility of selection cutting is also accepted in the height structure by showing multi-storied height distribution of the stand. On the other hand, volume structure per DBH class did not show the mature stand of selection cutting due mainly to the lack of number of trees at 30cm DBH class and above. It seems that the unclear part of stand structure should be solved by further studies. Also, the rate of increment for DBH and volume should be estimated to predict the future stand structure.

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Effects of Surface-Applied Dairy Slurry on Herbage Yield and Stand Persistence : I. Orchardgrass, Reed Canarygrass and Alfalfa-Grass Mixtures

  • Min, D.H.;Vough, L.R.;Chekol, T.;Kim, D.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.758-765
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    • 1999
  • Comparative studies of the effects of rates and frequency of application of dairy slurry on herbage yield and stand persistence of alfalfa and various forage grasses have not previously been conducted. The results being reported here are part of a larger study having a primary objective of comparing the effectiveness of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), various grasses and alfalfa-grass mixtures for utilizing nutrients from applied dairy slurry. The objectives of this part of the study were to evaluate the effects of various rates and frequencies of application of slurry on herbage yield and stand persistence of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.), and alfalfa-orchanrdgreass and alfalfa-reed canarygrass mixtures managed as a 4-cutting management system. A randomized complete block design with treatments in a split plot arrangement with four replicates was used. The main plots consisted of 9 fertility treatments: 7 slurry rate and time of application treatments, one inorganic fertilizer treatment, and an unfertilized control. The sub-plots consisted of the two grasses and two alfalfa-grass mixture mentioned above. Slurry was composed from stored solids scraped from the alleyways of a free-stall housing barn and water added to form a slurry having about 8% solids. Manure was pumped from a liquid spreader tank into 10.4 L garden water cans for manual application to the plots. Herbage yields within species were generally unaffected by various rates of application in the first production year. Herbage yields of grasses and alfalfa-grass mixtures the second year were generally not affected by frequency of application for the same rate of slurry applied. Slurry application resulted in greater herbage yield increases in grasses than alfalfa-grass mixtures in the 4-cutting management system. In general, herbage dry matter yields of grasses from the dairy slurry treatments equaled or exceeded yields from the inorganic fertilizer treatment. Stand ratings of grasses and alfalfa-grass mixtures were not changed by manure application rates. In this study, the highest rate of slurry ($967kg\;total\;N\;ha^{-1}$ in 1995 plus $2,014kg\;N\;ha^{-1}$ in 1996) was not detrimental to herbage yields or stand persistence of any of the species. It was concluded that applying dairy slurry to these cool-season grasses and alfalfa-grass mixtures managed in a 4-cutting system is an acceptable practice from the standpoint of herbage yield and satnd persistence and by doing so the utilization of inorganic fertilizers can be reduced.

Effects of Surface-Applied Dairy Slurry on Herbage Yield and Stand Persistence: II. Alfalfa, Orchardgrass, Tall Fescue and Alfalfa-Orchardgrass

  • Min, D.H.;Vough, L.R.;Chekol, T.;Kim, D.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.766-771
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    • 1999
  • The first paper of this series compared the effects of rates and frequencies of application of dairy slurry on herbage yields and stand persistence of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.), and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-grass mixtures managed as a 4-cutting system. This paper compares the effects of rates and frequencies of application of dairy slurry on herbage yield and stand persistence of alfalfa, orchardgrass, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and alfalfa-orchardgrass mixture managed as a 5-cutting system. The results presented here are part of a larger study having a primary objective of comparing alfalfa, various grasses, and alfalfa-grass mixtures for utilizing nutrients from dairy slurry applied to established stands. A randomized complete block design with treatments in a split plot arrangement with four replicates was used. The main plots consisted of 9 fertility treatments: 7 slurry rate and frequency of application treatments, one inorganic fertilizer treatment, and an unfertilized control. The sub-plots were the forage species. Manure used for the study was composed from stored solids scraped from the alleyways of a free-stall dairy barn. Water was added to from a slurry having about 8 % solids. Slurry was pumped from the liquid spreader tank into 10.4 L garden watering cans for manual application to the plots. Herbage yields of alfalfa, tall fescue, and alfalfa-orchardgrass were generally not affected by slurry application rates and were not significantly different from the inorganic fertilizer treatment. Tall fescue significantly outyielded all other forage species at all manure and the inorganic fertilizer treatments in the second year when rainfall during the growing season was unusually high. Grasses generally had a greater response to manure applications than alfalfa and alfalfa-orchardgrass. Increasing rates of manure did not increase herbage yields of alfalfa and alfalfa-orchardgrass. Herbage yields within each species were not affected by frequency of application of the same total rate. Stand ratings of alfalfa, orcahrdgrass and alfalfa-orchardgrass were significantly lower for the very high manure application rate compared to the control treatment. Based upon the results of this study, multiple annual applications of slurry manure can be made onto these species at rates up to $1,700kg\;total\;N\;ha^{-1}\;yr^{-1}$ without detrimental effects on herbage yield and stand persistence.

Comparison of Growth Characteristics on Acer mono for. rubripes in Natural and Artificial Stand (붉은고로쇠나무 자생지와 조림지에서의 생장특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jun-Hyuck;Kwon, Su-Deok;Moon, Hyun-Shik
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to analysis the growth characteristics and the diameter at breast height (10 cm) reached ages in natural stand and platation for the optimal planting density and planting timing of Acer mono for. rubripes. There was high correlation between the DBH and crown diameter (E-W: r=0.82, S-N: r=0.76) in natural stand, and between the DBH and crown diameter (E-W: r=0.76, S-N: r=0.90) in plantation. In natural stand, average reached age on DBH 10 cm was $21.1{\pm}7.0$, and was $9.2{\pm}1.3$ in plantation. Therefore, the collectable timing of sap in artificial planting short approximately 2.3 times over the natural regeneration.

Analysis of Texture Information with High Resolution Imagery for Characterizing Forest Stand

  • KIM T. G.;LEE K. S.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.14-16
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    • 2004
  • Although there have been wide range of studies to characterize forest stands based upon spectral information of satellite image, it was not fully understood the texture information of forest stand using high resolution data. The objective of this study is to evaluate several texture measures for characterizing forest stand structure, such as species composition, diameter at breast height(DBH), stand density, and age. High resolution IKONOS satellite imagery data were acquired in August 200 lover the forested area near Ulsan, Korea. Primary forest types were plantation pine, mixed forest, and natural deciduous forest of stand age ranging from 10 to 50 years old. Several GLCM-based texture measures were compared with forest stand characteristics. In overall, a texture measure (contrast) calculated using red band were better to differentiate species and age group than other texture measures and near infrared bands.

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Comparison of Competition Indices by Silvicultural Systems Before and After Treatments for Natural Deciduous Forests in Pyeongchang (평창지역 천연 활엽수림의 산림작업별 시업전후의 경쟁지수 비교)

  • Choi, Hyun Kwon;Park, Byung Bae;Sung, Joo Han;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.4
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    • pp.515-521
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to estimate the changes of stand structure before and after applying the three different silvicultural treatments such as selection cutting system, two-storied system, and shelterwood system. This study has been conducted in the natural deciduous forests in Pyeongchang of Gangwon Province, Korea. Nine permanent sampling plots of 0.09 ha were established in the forests and each of the three silvicultural treatments was applied to three sampling points. Some tree variables were measured in each stand before and after the silvicultural treatments were applied. With these data, stand attributes were estimated in each stand before and after applying the silvicultural treatments. In this study, a competition index was used to analyze the differences among structures of stands managed by three different silvicultural treatments. Hegyi's distance-dependent competition index was estimated and compared to analyze the differences of stand structures among the stands before and after silvicultural treatments. A method using a height angle $50^{\circ}$ from the base of the subject tree was adopted as the selection method of competitor trees. Duncan's multiple range test and t-test were then employed to statistically analyze the difference of stand structure among the stands. The results revealed that competition status among trees in the stand seems to be improved after applying the silvicultural treatments. There are significant differences in the competition index between before and after silvicultural treatments for each stand. According to the evaluation of competition index, it was confirmed that spatial structure of the stands was improved by applying the silvicultural treatments.

Studies on Biomass for Young Abies koreana Wilson

  • Lee, Do-Hyung;Yoon, Jun-Hyuck;Woo, Kwan-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.2
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2007
  • This study was undertaken to compare the biomass of Abies koreana growing at two sites. A $10{\times}10m$ plot was established in each site of a natural stand in Mt. Jiri and a plantation in Gyeongsan nursery. Five trees of A. koreana were randomly selected in each site. The following traits were investigated from each tree : height, basal diameter, age, weight of stem, branches, and needles as above-ground traits and weight of total roots, horizontal roots, and vertical roots as below-ground traits. In Gyeongsan nursery, age of sample trees was negatively correlated with both height and weight of total stem, while height was highly correlated with weight of horizontal roots. There was high correlation between the basal diameter and weight of total stem, and between the basal diameter and weight of roots. In Mt. Jiri stand, most of the above-ground traits except age were significantly correlated with the below-ground traits. The linear regression equation between the cross section area of base (X) and the weight of total stem (Y) in Gyeongsan nursery was Y=12.66X-12.92, and correlation was significant ($R^2=0.89$). The linear regression equation between the cross section area of base(X) and the weight of total branches (Y) in Mt. Jiri stand was Y=25.51X+6.00, and correlation was highly significant ($R^2=1.0$).

Effects of Ditching on Seedling Stand in Wet Direct Seeding Rice Culture

  • Back, Nam-Hyun;Kang, Si-Yong;Kim, Sang-Su;Kwon, Tae-Oh
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2001
  • In order to develop more stable seedling stand method in wet direct rice seeding culture, the effect of making the drainage ditches was studied in both methods of broadcast seeding on floody paddy surface and puddled-soil drill seeding. In a broadcast seeding on floody paddy surface, the ditching after seeding using a tractor or small ditch maker improved the seedling stand, and reduced the floating seedling and herbicide injury by accelerating the drainage. Suitable ditching time was at 2 days after seeding (DAS) for the tractor and at 3 DAS for the ditch maker. In the puddled-soil drill rice seeding culture, the ditching before seeding with a ditch maker at 3 days after draining effectively improved the seedling stand due to quick draining through well formed the seeding furrows. In the puddled-soil drill seeding, seedling stand number showed higher in both ditching plots synchronized with seeding compared with both only draining treatment at 1 DAS without ditching and the flooding plot condition for 6 DAS. And the suitable ditching depth was 6 cm, as considered the ditching status and drained status. These results suggest that the ditching in wet direct rice seeding is an resonable practice for improving the seedling stand through the accelerating drainage of field.

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