• Title/Summary/Keyword: national defense

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Thought of ChunChu and a practical solution of Song Joon Kil (동춘당 송준길의 춘추정신과 현실 대응)

  • Kim, Moon Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.50
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    • pp.37-74
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    • 2016
  • Song Joon Kil(宋浚吉, 1606-1672) intended to establish the subjectivity of people as a "Great Justice". He declared that at that time "Great Justice" was meant to respect 'Ming(明)' and reject 'Ching'(淸). He understood 'Ching' as a country which destroyed the human community and reasoned that if we put Ching's uncivilized behavior out of our mind in favor of the pursuit of present existence and merits, a temporary peace may be got but eternal peace and stability would not be achieved. 'Ming' doesn't refer only to the name of a country, but a country with the capacity to perform 'humanity and justice' with a human culture. On the other hand, he considered 'Ching' to signify the uncivilised country that destroyed or repressed the humanity and peaceful order of the world. He thought the international order can only be maintained under the organization respectful and protective of humanity. He believed a country should act to unify the whole world guaranteeing life and stability. He possessed this cultivated spirit which acted to protect the civilised world from the perils of an uncivilised world. But because of the great famine for a lot of years and the international state(Ming was regressing, and Ching was continuing to make rapid strides) was timely unsuitable to revenge and to wash the shame off. So Song propeled to stabilize the government and to strengthen the national ethics. Song focused on administering the domestic affairs. To him a high priority was a internal affairs, and a low priority was a external affairs[military aggression]. Song considered 'providing for the welfare of the people'(安民) before 'pushing ahead with military aggression'(外攘). And a high priority was 'restoring the people'(養民), a low priority was 'the military affairs'(治兵). Song regarded 'domestic affairs'(內治) as a fundamental affairs. He putted 'to nurse people'(養民) and 'to straighten King's mind'(格君心) first, than 'to buildup military'. His foreign policy was 'respecting Ming' and 'rejecting Ching'. Song was bothered about defining Chosun dynasty's moral obligations to the southern Ming government(1644~46) at Nanjing at that time.

Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on the Antioxidant System in Blood and Liver of Laying Hens (산란계에서 Coenzyme Q10 급여가 혈액 및 간 조직의 항산화 작용에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Yang-Soo;Jang, In-Surk
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) sources on the antioxidant defense system in the blood and liver of laying hens. Thirty-six 40-wk old Lohmann Brown hens were randomly assigned to three groups based on body weight, with four cages with three layers each. Laying hens were divided into one of the following groups: control (CON), powdered CoQ10 (PCoQ, 100 mg/kg diet), and emulsified CoQ10 (ECoQ, 100 mg/kg diet). All hens were fed a control diet or a control diet supplemented with powdered or emulsified CoQ10 ad libitum for five weeks. There were no differences in body weight, weight gain, and organ weights among the treatment groups, including the liver and spleen. The blood total antioxidant power (TAP) in the ECoQ group increased (P<0.05) by approximately 2-fold compared to that in the CON group. However, there was no significant difference in blood TAP levels between the PCoQ and ECoQ groups, although a decreasing trend (P<0.13) was observed for levels of TAP in the ECoQ group. The mRNA expression and specific activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase in the liver were not affected by dietary CoQ10 or type of CoQ10. However, hepatic lipid peroxidation in the ECoQ group was lower (P<0.05) than in the CON group. In conclusion, emulsified CoQ10 increased blood TAP and decreased hepatic lipid peroxidation without affecting antioxidant enzymes, suggesting that emulsified CoQ10 might be more applicable as an active antioxidant supplement than powdered type in laying hens.

Chinese Maritime Dispute Strategy for territorialization in Korea's West Sea (중국의 한국 서해 내해화 전략 분석)

  • Lee, Eunsu;Shin, Jin
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.113-136
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    • 2022
  • China has been pushing for a systematic strategy for territorialization over a long period of time to invade Korea's West Sea (Yellow Sea) in order to create China's territorial water. China's strategy for territorializing the West Sea is an activity in which China curbs the use of South Korea and enforces the illegal use of China in order to dominate the West Sea exclusively. China aided Chinese fishing boats that engaged in illegal fishing in Korea's jurisdiction as a means to territorialize the West Sea, and is opposed to combined exercise and training of Korea and the United States Naval Forces in the West Sea, while intentionally entering KADIZ(Korea Air Defense Identification Zone). In addition, Beijing used 'scientific exploration and research' measures as a pretext for its strategies in order to encroach on Korea's West Sea. China is carrying out such work to announce to the world that China is a systematic and organized country while consistently attempting to dominate the West Sea. China's activities in the West Sea seriously infringe South Korea's sovereignty. In order to respond to China's strategies of territorialization in the West Sea stated above, I analyzed the rejection effect of the ROK-US combined military training in the West Sea and presented a 'proportional response strategy centered on the ROK-US combined forces'. Korea should be able to respond proportionally to China's activities in the seas around the Korean peninsula, and Korea should be able to neutralize China's attempt to a Fait Accompli. In addition, just as China installs buoys in the Korea-China Provisional Measures Zone, Korea should be able to install and actively utilize some devices in the West Sea and for the use of free and open West Sea. Korea should not just wait for the tragic future to come without preparing for China's gradual and long-term strategy, and Seoul needs to respond to China's maritime policy in the West Sea with a more active attitude than it is now. China has historically taken a bold and aggressive response to neighboring countries that are consistent with a passive attitude, on the other hand, Beijing has taken a cautious approach to neighboring countries that respond with an active attitude. It should not be forgotten that Korea's passive response to the Chinese strategy in the name of a 'realistic approach' such as Korea's economic dependence on China for economy will result in China's success for territorialization of the West Sea.

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Differences of news aspect about Asia and West in Korean newspapers and its reason: Focusing on news topic, amount of news, news tone and media sources (한국신문의 아시아와 서구에 대한 보도양상의 차이와 이유 연구: 뉴스주제, 보도량, 보도태도, 미디어 정보원을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Day-Young
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.61
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    • pp.74-97
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    • 2013
  • Asia is developing rapidly in 21st century. Human and material exchanges between Korea and Asian countries have greatly increased. Korea entered the multicultural society. It became important for Korean people to understand Asia more correctively. Korean media can play a key role for this. In this point, I analyzed 1786 news contents reported in 2011 by four Korean newspapers(Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, Hankyoreh newspaper, Kyungh Kyunghyang Daily News), to see differences of Asia and West news aspect and its reason, focusing on news topic, amount of news, news tone and foreign media sources. In amount of news, the percent of West(54.3%) was higher than that of Asia news(45.7%). In news tone, negative news were the most in Asia news, but the least in West news. Korean newspaper showed more positive attitude to West than Asia. 1786 news were classified into seven topics(morality and justice, politics, economics and science, society, diplomacy and national defense, human interest, people). In news amount of seven topics, Korean newspapers reported hard news like morality and justice more than soft news like human interest about Asia. However they reported many soft news about West besides hard news. In news topics and tone, hard news showed negative tone most and soft news showed neutral or positive tone most. As a result, Korean news showed the negative attitude to Asia and the positive to West. Among five main sources(media, government, private organization, individual and material), only media source affected the differences of news attitude to Asia and West. Asia media source took the more positive attitude to Asia than West. West media took the negative attitude to Asia most and the neutral attitude to West most. Korean newspapers used West media as main sources in the news of all areas except East Asia. As a result, Korean newspapers showed the West-centered-attitude and reported the negative news more than neutral and positive about Asia. It was suggested that Korean newspapers had better increase Asia news in diverse spheres by the direct reporting of the correspondent and the more use of Asia media through the internet.

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An Analysis of the Antibiotic Resistance Genes of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii (다제내성 Acinetobacter baumannii 의 항생제 내성 유전자 분석)

  • Lim, Jina;Lee, Gyusang;Choi, Yeonim;Kim, Jongbae
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2016
  • Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) is prevalent in hospital environments and is an important opportunistic pathogen of nosocomial infection. It is known that this pathogen cause herd infection in hospitals, and the mortality rate is remarkably higher for patients infected with this pathogen and already have other underlying diseases. Herein, we investigated the antibiotic resistance rate and the type of resistance genes in 85 isolates of multi-drug resistant A. baumannii from the samples commissioned to laboratory medicine in two university hospitals-in hospital A and hospital B-located in Cheonan and Chungcheong provinces, respectively, in Korea. As a result, blaOXA23like and blaOXA51like were detected in 82 stains (96.5%). These 82 strains of blaOXA23like producing A. baumannii were confirmed with the ISAba1 gene found at the top of the blaOXA23like genes by PCR, inducing the resistance against carbapenemase. The armA, AME gene that induces the resistance against aminoglycoside was detected in 34 strains out of 38 strains from Hospital A (89.5%), and in 40 strains out of 47 strains from Hospital B (85.1%), while AMEs were found in 33 strains out of 38 strains from Hospital A (70.2%) and in 44 strains out of 47 strains in Hospital B (93.6%). Therefore, it was found that most multi-drug resistant A. baumannii from the Cheonan area expressed both acethyltransferase and adenyltransferase. This study investigated the multi-drug resistant A. baumannii isolated from Cheonan and Chungcheong provinces in Korea, and it is thought that the results of the study can be utilized as the basic information to cure multi-drug resistant A. baumannii infections and to prevent the spread of drug resistance.

An Analysis of Body Composition and Physical Fitness of KAFA Female Cadets (공군사관학교 여생도의 신체조성 및 체력에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Sung Woo;Kwak, Jae Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1060-1068
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    • 2019
  • The physical fitness of the cadets of the Air Force Academy, which will protect the airspace of the Republic of Korea, is of paramount importance to fulfill the given mission. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to confirm the characteristics of body composition and physical fitness of female cadets of Air Force Academy and to verify their relationship with physical fitness according to body fat % level of total female cadets. To achieve the purpose of the study, 50 female cadets of the Korea Air Force Academy (1grade 13, 2grade 18, 3grade 9, 4grade 10) were measured in body composition (skeletal strength, body fat mass, body mass index, body fat %, abdominal obesity rate, basal metabolic rate) and physical fitness (muscle strength, muscular endurance, power, agility, flexibility and balance). One way ANOVA was performed for data processing to identify body composition and physical fitness characteristics by grade and to identify differences in physical fitness according to body fat rate levels. According to the study, the 1 grade was lower in body fat mass and body fat % among female cadets, the 2 grade was lower than the 3 and 4 grades, and the body mass index was lower than the third and fourth grades. Also, there was no difference in the physical fitness of the rest of the year. The intergroup physical fitness according to the body fat rate was higher than that of those with less than 20 percent of net worth and 25 percent to less than 25.1 percent to 30 percent, while those with less than 20 percent balance were higher than those with less than 25.1 to 30 percent. The results of this study showed differences in body composition by grade in female cadets, especially in power and balance according to body fat %. Therefore, female cadets of the Air Force Academy need to manage body fat to have the power and balance capability related to the airborne mission environment.

A Study Consequence Management System of the Terrorism (테러리즘의 대응관리체제에 관한 고찰 - "9. 11 테러"를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yi-Soo;Ahn, Byung-Soo;Han, Nam-Soo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.7
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    • pp.95-124
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    • 2004
  • It can be said that 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks' in 2001 were not only the indiscriminate attacks on innocent people but also the whole - political, economical and military - attacks on human life. Also, 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks' can be regarded as the significant events in the history of world, which were on the peak of the super-terrorism or new-terrorism that had emerged from the 1980s. However, if one would have analysed the developments of terrorism from the 1970s, they could have been foreknown without difficulty. The finding from this study can be summarized as the followings, First, in spite that the USA responsive system against terrorism had been assessed as perfect before 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks', the fragilities were found in the aspects of the response on the new-terrorism or super-terrorism. The previous responsive system before 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks' had the following defects as the followings: (1) it was impossible to establish the integrated strategy, because the organizations related to the response against terrorism had not integrated; (2) there were some weakness to collect and diffuse the informations related to terrorism; (3) the security system for the domestic airline service in USA and the responsive system of air defense against terrors on aircraft were very fragile. For these reasons, USA government established the 'Department of Homeland Security' of which the President is the head so that the many organizations related to terrorism were integrated into a single management system. And, it legislated a new act to protect security from terrors, which legalized of the wiretapping in spite of the risk of encroachment upon personal rights, increased the jail terms upon terrorists, froze the bank related to terrorist organization, and could censor e-mails. Second, it seem that Korean responsive system against terrors more fragile than that of USA. One of the reasons is that people have some perception that Korea is a safe zone from terrors, because there were little attacks from international terrorists in Korea. This can be found from the fact that the legal arrangement against terrorism is only the President's instruction No. 47. Under this responsive system against terrorism dependent on only the President's instruction, it is expected that there would be a poor response against terrors due to the lack of unified and integrated responsive agency as like the case of USA before 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks'. And, where there is no legal countermeasure, it is impossible to expect the binding force on the outside of administrative agencies and the performances to prevent and hinder the terrorist actions can not but be limited. That is to say, the current responsive system can not counteract effectively against the new-terrorism and super-terrorism. Third, although there were some changes in Korean government's policies against terrorism. there still are problems. One of the most important problems is that the new responsive system against terrorism in Korea, different from that of USA, is not a permanent agency but a meeting body that is organized by a commission. This commission is controled by the Prime Minister and the substantial tasks are under the National Intelligence Service. Under this configuration, there can be the lack of strong leadership and control. Additionally, because there is no statute to response against terrorism, it is impossible to prevent and counteract effectively against terrorism. The above summarized suggests that, because the contemporary super-terrorism or new-terrorism makes numerous casualties of unspecified persons and enormous nationwide damages, the thorough prevention against terrorism is the most important challenge, and that the full range of legal and institutional arrangements for the ex post counteraction should be established. In order to do so, it is necessary for the government to make legal and institutional arrangements such as the permanent agency for protection from terrorism in which the related departments cooperates with together and the development of efficient anti-terror programs, and to show its willingness and ability that it can counteract upon any type of domestic and foreign terrorism so that obtain the active supports and confidence from citizens.

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Balance of Power and the Relative Military Capacity - Empirical Analysis and Implication to North East Asia - (세력균형(power balance)에서의 군사력 수준과 동북아시아에 주는 함의)

  • Kim, Myung-soo
    • Strategy21
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    • s.38
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    • pp.112-162
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    • 2015
  • This study began to confirm or review the balance of power theory by applying scientific methods through experiential cases. Though there are several kinds of national power, this study supposes military power as a crucial power when it comes to war and peace. This research covered balance and imbalance through comparing relative military power between nations or nations' group. Comparison of relative military power can be achieved by statistically processing the values of which has been converted into the standard variables in same domain, then calculating the values of nation's power which has been synthesized different experiential factors. In addition, the criteria of experiential experiment is highly dedicated to European countries, USA, Japan prior to 1st and 2nd World War, as well as USA, Soviet Union and North East Asia during Cold War era. In addition, the balance of power theory has been redefined to review the action of the state upon the changes of power as mentioned in the theory. To begin with, the redefined theory states that relative level of military power between nations defines the consistency of peace and balance of power. If military power is enough to be on the range of level required to keep the power in equilibrium, peace and balance can be achieved. The opposite would unbalance the military power, causing conflicts. While the relative military level between nations change, nations seek to establish 'nations group' via military cooperation such as alliance, which also shift relative military power between nations group as well. Thus, in order to achieve balance of power, a nation seeks to strengthen its military power(self-help), while pursuing military cooperation(or alliance). This changes relative military power between nations group also. In other words, if there exists balance of power between nations, there is balance of power between nations group as well. In this theory, WWI and II broke out due to the imbalance of military force between nations and nations group, and reviewed that due to the balance of military force during the Cold War, peace was maintained. WWI was resulted from imbalance of military cooperation between two powerful states group and WWII was occurred because of the imbalance among the states. Peace was maintained from cooperation of military power and balance among the states during the Cold War. Imbalance among continental states is more threatening than maritime states and balance of power made by army force and naval force also is feasible. Also the outcomes of two variables are found military power balanced ratio of military power for balance is 67% when variable ratio of balance is 100% and standard value for balance is 0.86. Military power exists in a form of range. The range is what unstabilized the international system causing nations to supplement their military powers. These results made possible the calculation and comparison between state's military power. How balance of power inflicted war and peace has been studied through scientific reviews. Military conflict is highly possible upon already unbalanced military powers of North East Asian countries, if the US draws its power back to America. China and Japan are constantly building up their military force. On the other hand, Korean military force is inferior so in accordance to change of international situation state's survival could be threatened and it is difficult to achieve drastic increase in military force like Germany did. Especially constructing naval force demands lots of time; however but has benefit that naval force can overcome imbalance between continental states and maritime states.

Anti-wrinkle Activity of a Curdrania tricuspidata Extract on Ultraviolet-induced Photoaging (Hairless Mice를 이용한 광노화 모델에서 꾸지뽕나무 추출물의 피부주름 형성 억제효과)

  • Kim, Ok Kyung;Ho, Jin-Nyoung;Nam, Da-Eun;Jun, Woojin;Lee, Jeongmin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.608-614
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    • 2013
  • We investigated the anti-wrinkle activity of an 80% ethanol extract of Curdrania tricuspidata leaves (CTL80) on ultraviolet-induced photoaging in hairless mice. Skin wrinkles were induced by 10 weeks of UVB-irradiation on the back of Skh-1 hairless mice three times a week. Mice were divided into ten groups; normal control (-UVB), UVB irradiated control group (+UVB), dietary groups (UVB+ascorbic acid 0.1%, UVB+CTL80 0.1%, UVB+CTL80 0.25%) and topical application groups (-UVB+base lotion (BL), UVB+BL, UVB+ascorbic acid 1%+BL, UVB+CTL80 1%+BL, UVB+CTL80 2%+BL). Wrinkle formation, histological changes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, MMP-3 and MMP-9) were analyzed. Wrinkles for the +UVB groups formed as a pattern of deep furrows and thick crests. Wrinkles with CTL80 treatment formed as a pattern of shallow furrows and thin crests, with wrinkle areas were lower than the +UVB group. In an antioxidant analysis of mouse blood, SOD and GSH-Px activities were significantly higher in the CTL80 topical application group compared to the +UVB group. The mRNA expression of MMPs in the +UVB group was significantly higher than the normal control group, and significantly lower in the CTL80-treated group. In conclusion, CTL80 exerted anti-wrinkle activity on ultraviolet-induced photoaging by regulating antioxidative defense systems and MMPs expression.

Application of an empirical method to improve radar rainfall estimation using cross governmental dual-pol. radars (범부처 이중편파레이더의 강우 추정 향상을 위한 경험적 방법의 적용)

  • Yoon, Jungsoo;Suk, Mi-Kyung;Nam, Kyung-Yeub;Park, Jong-Sook
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.7
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    • pp.625-634
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    • 2016
  • Three leading agencies under different ministries - Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) in the ministry of Environment, Han river control office in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) and Weather Group of ROK Air Force in the Ministry of National Defense (MND) - have been operated radars in the purpose of observing weather, hydrology and military operational weather in Korea. Eight S-band dual-pol. radars have been newly installed or replaced by these ministries over different places by 2015. However each ministry has different aims of operating radars, observation strategies, data processing algorithms, etc. Due to the differences, there is a wide level of accuracy on observed radar data as well as the composite images made of the cross governmental radar measurement. Gaining fairly high level of accuracy on radar data obtained by different agencies has been shared as a great concern by the ministries. Thus, "an agreement of harmonizing weather and hydrological radar products" was made by the three ministries in 2010. Particularly, this is very important to produce better rainfall estimation using the cross governmental radar measurement. Weather Radar Center(WRC) in KMA has been developed an empirical method using measurements observed by Yongin testbed radar. This study is aiming to examine the efficiency of the empirical method to improve the accuracies of radar rainfalls estimated from cross governmental dual-pol. radar measurements. As a result, the radar rainfalls of three radars (Baengnyeongdo, Biseulsan, and, Sobaeksan Radar) were shown improvement in accuracy (1-NE) up to 70% using data from May to October in 2015. Also, the range of the accuracies in radar rainfall estimation, which were from 30% to 60% before adjusting polarimetric variables, were decreased from 65% to 70% after adjusting polarimetric variables.