• Title/Summary/Keyword: narrative schema

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Storytelling Model of Computer Games - Focused on Analysis of Starcraft by Greimas's Schema of Narrative Theory (컴퓨터게임의 스토리텔링 모델 - 그레마스의 설화도식을 이용한 스타크래프트 분석을 중심으로)

  • Park, Tae-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2007
  • This paper attempts to construct a storytelling model of computer games by using the Greimas's schema of narrative. Analysis target is multi-play of Starcraft, which has the non-linearity and interactivity. As a result, the process of manipulation and sanction, occurred in epistemological level at very short time and the process of competence had lots of small schema of narratives and repeated that small narratives. This model may be applied to other games, because it looks that most of games have very short process of manipulation and sanction at epistemological level and have long process of competence as main game play.

Semio-narrative constitution of exhibition discourse (전시 담화의 기호-서사학적 구성 )

  • Song Chi-man;Choi Kyung-jin
    • 기호학연구
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    • v.60
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    • pp.33-58
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the way meaning is generated by considering the exhibition as a discourse. In addition, we examine the way the narrative is transformed according to the characteristics of the genre in the syntactic aspect of the exhibition. In the process of generating meaning of the exhibition, the strategy of the enunciator is involved and the visitors are manipulated to interpret the exhibition discourse under the intention of the enunciator. Unlike the previous studies that pursue communication efficiency from a functional perspective, this study focuses on narrative structure. In order to analyze this exhibition discourse, the study adopts Greimas' narrative semiotics and took advantage of the semi-symbolic system presented by Jean-Marie Floch as a tool for visual text analysis. As the object of analysis, the special exhibition of Giacometti was selected. The exhibition theme based on the Giacometti's artistic identity is configurated by the enunciator's discourse strategy. As a result of the narrative analysis, the exhibition induces the alternative repetition of the accumulation of /knowing/ and interpretation of the texts. The visitor is required to actively interpret it in a special exhibition space as a utopic space where fundamental test takes place. This space is visualized through light, background music, and blocking wall. The semio-narrative study of the exhibition discourse is meaningful because it presents a possibility of applied semiotics.

A Study on The Retorical Characteristic mentioned in The Web-Graphics (웹 그래픽에 나타난 수사적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김민수
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to explore and understand correlation between an appearance of the web-graphics and rhetorical analysis. This paper was adopted semiotic approaches and four rhetorical tropes as follows metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony. The web-graphics are parts of the web-contents that are increased continuously in the web-space these days. To investigate cgaracteristic of individual web-graphic this study selected semiotic framework and analysis meaning of the rhetorical tropes. The results of this study can be founded as follows: · Rhetorical graphics we produced linguistic features between human and signs for the fundamental characteristic of the signification. · Rhetorical graphics offer to the users the due of the decoding precesses through the narrative structures to symbolic schema. besides, these are operated limited framework of condensation and displacement. · The web-graphics participate human's recognition processes and rhetorical codes in order to investigate the sign-vehicle of the deep-structures.

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