• Title/Summary/Keyword: mutual exclusivity

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Monolingual 2- to 3-Year-Old Children's Understanding of Foreign Words (단일 언어 사용 2-3세 아동의 외국어 단어에 대한 이해)

  • Lee, Hyuna;Kim, Eun Young;Song, Hyun-joo
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2016
  • Objective: This study investigated the age at which monolingual children can understand that different languages are different conventional systems of communication. In particular, we investigated when children can suspend using the mutual exclusivity (ME) assumption that a label solely refers to one category when interpreting novel words from foreign languages. Methods: Two-year-olds (n = 16) and 3-year-olds (n = 16) participated in the procedure, which consisted of three blocks. In the first block, a Korean speaker taught the children a novel word, muppi, referring to a novel object. The children were presented with two objects, muppi and another novel object. The Korean speaker then asked the children to find a referent of either muppi or the other novel Korean label, kkati. In the second block, a foreign language (either English or Spanish) speaker asked children to find the object for a foreign novel word, sefo, presenting two objects: muppi and the third novel object, which had not been presented before. The procedure of the third block was identical to that of the first block. Results: Three-year-olds exploited the ME assumption when interpreting a Korean novel word but not when interpreting a foreign novel word. In contrast, 2-year-old children did not use the ME assumption when interpreting native and foreign words. Conclusion: Children acquire an understanding that native and foreign languages have different words for an object at least by 3 years of age.

A Model for Machine Fault Diagnosis based on Mutual Exclusion Theory and Out-of-Distribution Detection

  • Cui, Peng;Luo, Xuan;Liu, Jing
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.2927-2941
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    • 2022
  • The primary task of machine fault diagnosis is to judge whether the current state is normal or damaged, so it is a typical binary classification problem with mutual exclusion. Mutually exclusive events and out-of-domain detection have one thing in common: there are two types of data and no intersection. We proposed a fusion model method to improve the accuracy of machine fault diagnosis, which is based on the mutual exclusivity of events and the commonality of out-of-distribution detection, and finally generalized to all binary classification problems. It is reported that the performance of a convolutional neural network (CNN) will decrease as the recognition type increases, so the variational auto-encoder (VAE) is used as the primary model. Two VAE models are used to train the machine's normal and fault sound data. Two reconstruction probabilities will be obtained during the test. The smaller value is transformed into a correction value of another value according to the mutually exclusive characteristics. Finally, the classification result is obtained according to the fusion algorithm. Filtering normal data features from fault data features is proposed, which shields the interference and makes the fault features more prominent. We confirm that good performance improvements have been achieved in the machine fault detection data set, and the results are better than most mainstream models.

Qualitative Validation of a U-City Services Typology Using Expert Heuristic (U-City 서비스 분류체계의 적합성에 관한 질적 휴리스틱 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Woo;Kim, Ha-Hyun;Lee, Min-Jung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 2012
  • KUbiquitous city(U-City) is a recent trend in urban planning and management across the globe. Currently, several typologies were developed and presented classifying U-City services, but validation research of these typologies are scarce. In this study, efforts were made to qualitatively validate the usability and practicality of a typology of u-city services. Using 228 U-City services identified in previous studies, classifying exercises were conducted against a typology. Three experts were involved in this expert heuristic exercise, against a most popularly used and comprehensive typology of U-City services. Findings indicates that the selected typology is high on comprehensive exhaustiveness, and empirical applicability while low on mutual exclusivity, simplicity and theoretical contribution. Implications for the typology improvement are suggested followed by limitations and directions for further research.

Can't See the Trees for the Forest? Why IS-ServQual Items Matter

  • Rabaa'i, Ahmad A.;Tate, Mary;Gable, Guy
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.211-238
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    • 2015
  • Despite longstanding concern with the dimensionality of the service quality construct as measured by ServQual and IS-ServQual instruments, variations on the IS-ServQual instrument have been enduringly prominent in both academic research and practice in the field of IS. We explain the continuing popularity of the instrument based on the salience of the item set for predicting overall customer satisfaction, suggesting that the preoccupation with the dimensions has been a distraction. The implicit mutual exclusivity of the items suggests a more appropriate conceptualization of IS-ServQual as a formative index. This conceptualization resolves the paradox in IS-ServQual research, that of how an instrument with such well-known and well-documented weaknesses continue to be very influential and widely used by academics and practitioners. A formative conceptualization acknowledges and addresses the criticisms of IS-ServQual, while simultaneously explaining its enduring salience by focusing on the items rather than the "dimensions." By employing an opportunistic sample and adopting the most recent IS-ServQual instrument published in a leading IS journal (virtually, any valid IS-ServQual sample in combination with a previously tested instrument variant would suffice for study purposes), we demonstrate that when re-specified as both first-order and second-order formatives, IS-ServQual has good model quality metrics and high predictive power on customer satisfaction. We conclude that this formative specification has higher practical use and is more defensible theoretically.

Research Framework for International Franchising (국제프랜차이징 연구요소 및 연구방향)

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Lim, Young-Kyun;Shim, Jae-Duck
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.61-118
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to construct research framework for international franchising based on existing literature and to identify research components in the framework. Franchise can be defined as management styles that allow franchisee use various management assets of franchisor in order to make or sell product or service. It can be divided into product distribution franchise that is designed to sell products and business format franchise that is designed for running it as business whatever its form is. International franchising can be defined as a way of internationalization of franchisor to foreign country by providing its business format or package to franchisee of host country. International franchising is growing fast for last four decades but academic research on this is quite limited. Especially in Korea, research about international franchising is carried out on by case study format with single case or empirical study format with survey based on domestic franchise theory. Therefore, this paper tries to review existing literature on international franchising research, providing research framework, and then stimulating new research on this field. International franchising research components include motives and environmental factors for decision of expanding to international franchising, entrance modes and development plan for international franchising, contracts and management strategy of international franchising, and various performance measures from different perspectives. First, motives of international franchising are fee collection from franchisee. Also it provides easier way to expanding to foreign country. The other motives including increase total sales volume, occupying better strategic position, getting quality resources, and improving efficiency. Environmental factors that facilitating international franchising encompasses economic condition, trend, and legal or political factors in host and/or home countries. In addition, control power and risk management capability of franchisor plays critical role in successful franchising contract. Final decision to enter foreign country via franchising is determined by numerous factors like history, size, growth, competitiveness, management system, bonding capability, industry characteristics of franchisor. After deciding to enter into foreign country, franchisor needs to set entrance modes of international franchising. Within contractual mode, there are master franchising and area developing franchising, licensing, direct franchising, and joint venture. Theories about entrance mode selection contain concepts of efficiency, knowledge-based approach, competence-based approach, agent theory, and governance cost. The next step after entrance decision is operation strategy. Operation strategy starts with selecting a target city and a target country for franchising. In order to finding, screening targets, franchisor needs to collect information about candidates. Critical information includes brand patent, commercial laws, regulations, market conditions, country risk, and industry analysis. After selecting a target city in target country, franchisor needs to select franchisee, in other word, partner. The first important criteria for selecting partners are financial credibility and capability, possession of real estate. And cultural similarity and knowledge about franchisor and/or home country are also recognized as critical criteria. The most important element in operating strategy is legal document between franchisor and franchisee with home and host countries. Terms and conditions in legal documents give objective information about characteristics of franchising agreement for academic research. Legal documents have definitions of terminology, territory and exclusivity, agreement of term, initial fee, continuing fees, clearing currency, and rights about sub-franchising. Also, legal documents could have terms about softer elements like training program and operation manual. And harder elements like law competent court and terms of expiration. Next element in operating strategy is about product and service. Especially for business format franchising, product/service deliverable, benefit communicators, system identifiers (architectural features), and format facilitators are listed for product/service strategic elements. Another important decision on product/service is standardization vs. customization. The rationale behind standardization is cost reduction, efficiency, consistency, image congruence, brand awareness, and competitiveness on price. Also standardization enables large scale R&D and innovative change in management style. Another element in operating strategy is control management. The simple way to control franchise contract is relying on legal terms, contractual control system. There are other control systems, administrative control system and ethical control system. Contractual control system is a coercive source of power, but franchisor usually doesn't want to use legal power since it doesn't help to build up positive relationship. Instead, self-regulation is widely used. Administrative control system uses control mechanism from ordinary work relationship. Its main component is supporting activities to franchisee and communication method. For example, franchisor provides advertising, training, manual, and delivery, then franchisee follows franchisor's direction. Another component is building franchisor's brand power. The last research element is performance factor of international franchising. Performance elements can be divided into franchisor's performance and franchisee's performance. The conceptual performance measures of franchisor are simple but not easy to obtain objectively. They are profit, sale, cost, experience, and brand power. The performance measures of franchisee are mostly about benefits of host country. They contain small business development, promotion of employment, introduction of new business model, and level up technology status. There are indirect benefits, like increase of tax, refinement of corporate citizenship, regional economic clustering, and improvement of international balance. In addition to those, host country gets socio-cultural change other than economic effects. It includes demographic change, social trend, customer value change, social communication, and social globalization. Sometimes it is called as westernization or McDonaldization of society. In addition, the paper reviews on theories that have been frequently applied to international franchising research, such as agent theory, resource-based view, transaction cost theory, organizational learning theory, and international expansion theories. Resource based theory is used in strategic decision based on resources, like decision about entrance and cooperation depending on resources of franchisee and franchisor. Transaction cost theory can be applied in determination of mutual trust or satisfaction of franchising players. Agent theory tries to explain strategic decision for reducing problem caused by utilizing agent, for example research on control system in franchising agreements. Organizational Learning theory is relatively new in franchising research. It assumes organization tries to maximize performance and learning of organization. In addition, Internalization theory advocates strategic decision of direct investment for removing inefficiency of market transaction and is applied in research on terms of contract. And oligopolistic competition theory is used to explain various entry modes for international expansion. Competency theory support strategic decision of utilizing key competitive advantage. Furthermore, research methodologies including qualitative and quantitative methodologies are suggested for more rigorous international franchising research. Quantitative research needs more real data other than survey data which is usually respondent's judgment. In order to verify theory more rigorously, research based on real data is essential. However, real quantitative data is quite hard to get. The qualitative research other than single case study is also highly recommended. Since international franchising has limited number of applications, scientific research based on grounded theory and ethnography study can be used. Scientific case study is differentiated with single case study on its data collection method and analysis method. The key concept is triangulation in measurement, logical coding and comparison. Finally, it provides overall research direction for international franchising after summarizing research trend in Korea. International franchising research in Korea has two different types, one is for studying Korean franchisor going overseas and the other is for Korean franchisee of foreign franchisor. Among research on Korean franchisor, two common patterns are observed. First of all, they usually deal with success story of one franchisor. The other common pattern is that they focus on same industry and country. Therefore, international franchise research needs to extend their focus to broader subjects with scientific research methodology as well as development of new theory.

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