• Title/Summary/Keyword: muscovite stability

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Petrological Characteristics of Two-Mica Granites : Examples from Cheongsan, Inje-Hongcheon, Yeongju and Namwon areas (복운모 화강암의 암석화학적 특징 : 청산, 인제-홍천, 영주 및 남원지역의 예)

  • 좌용주
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.210-225
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    • 1997
  • From their general natures of peraluminous, S-type and ilmenite-series granites, two-mica granites in the Cheongsan, Inje-Hongcheon, Yeongju and Namwon areas were originated from crust-derived granitic magma and solidified under reducing condition. Each two-mica granite in Inje-Hongcheon and Namwon districts was differentiated from the the residual magma of porphyric biotite granite and high Ti/Mg biotite granite, respectively. The genetic relationships between two-mica granite and porphyritic biotite granite in Chenongsan district and between two-mica granite and biotite granodiorite in Yeongju district are ambiguous. In Namwon district granitic magmas were water-saturated and possible water solubilities in magmas were more than 5.8wt.%. In Yeongju district two-mica granitic magma was nearly water-saturated and showed possible water solubilities between 2.4~5.8wt.%. Two-mica granitic magmas in Cheongsan and Inje-Hongcheon districts were water-undersaturated. Pressure-dependent minimum melt compositions (0.5~2kb) and petrographic textures of two-mica granites in Inje-Hongcheon and Yeongju districts represent that the granites intruded and solidified at shallow level, whereas those in Cheongsan and Namwon districts exhibit relatively deeper level of granitic intrusion (2-3kb). The intersection of granite-solidus/muscovite stability indicates that magmatic primary muscovite can be crystallized from the water-saturated magma above 1.6kb (ca. 6km), but below the pressure muscovite can be formed by the subsolidus reaction. On the other hand, more pressure would be necessary for the crystallization of primary muscovite from the water-undersaturated magma. This pressure condition can explain the occurrence of primary and secondary muscovites from the two-mica granites in the areas considered. The experimental muscovite stability must be cautious of the application to examine the origin of muscovite. The muscovite stability can move toward high temperature field with adding of Ti, Fe and Mg components to the octahedral site of pure muscovite end member.

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Preparation and Characterization of Muscovite Mica/UV Coating Materials for Steel

  • Cheong, In-Woo;Kim, Hyeon-Seok;Hwang, Dong-Seop;Yoo, Hye-Jin;Kim, Jin-Tae;Lee, Jae-Ryung
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.265-269
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes the exfoliation and surface modification of muscovite mica for UV coating formulation. For the exfoliation of the mica, hydrothermal process was used in the presence of lithium nitrate ($LiNO_3$). After the cation exchange with $Li^+$ ions, the surface of the mica was modified with several amphiphilic substances to increase compatibility and storage stability in UV coating formulation. Such a hydrophobic surface modification affected colloidal stability as well as dispersibility of the exfoliated mica in UV coating solution. Anticorrosive property of mica/UV coated steel plates was tested by salt spray test (SST) and compared with sodium montmorillonite ($Na^+$-MMT)/UV coated steel plates.

Formation of Illite in the Natural $K_2O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-H_2O$ System in the Hydrothermal Clay Deposit of the Bobae Mine, Korea (보배광산의 열수변질 점토광상의 $K_2O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-H_2O$계에서의 일라이트 형성)

  • Choo, Chang-Oh;Kim, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.6-13
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    • 1992
  • Thermodynamic data of mineral reactions were used to construct a phase diagram for the formation of illite from andalusite at one bar and 325${\circ}C$ in the hydrothermal alteration. Based on chemical compositions, the free energy of formation of illite coexisting with andalusite was calculated by assuming the ideal mixing ina bunary system consisting of muscovite and pyrophyllite components. For illite with structural formula $K_{0.86}Al_{2.93}Si_{3.03}O_{10}(OH)_2$, its free energy of formation is -1147.727 kcal/mole at the condition under consideration. The stability area of illite is more narrow than that of end-member muscovite and prefers lower activity of silica. Illite was formed by hydration of andalusite while pyrophyllite decomposed. Illitization took place preferentially at margin and/or along fractures of andalusite.

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Geochemical Characteristics of the Mineral Water in Taegu Area. (대구지역에 분포하는 약수의 지구화학적 특성)

  • 김종근;이재영
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.56-65
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    • 1997
  • Chemical analysis, statistical analysis and geochemical study were carried out to investigate the influence of the geology on the chemical characferistics of the mineral water in Taegu area. A simple comparision between the chemical components of the mineral water and their bedrocks indicates that the bedrock types in the catchmerit area control the chemical characteristics of the surface water. However more objective evidences for the mineral water-bedrock relationship come from the statistical analyses(cluster analysis and factor analysis). The results of the statistical analyses suggest that the bedrock type factor explains the data variation seven times as much as pollution does, which evidently indicates that the bedrock in the study area mainly control the mineral water chemistries. The results of comparision of the statistical analyses results with the mineral weathering reactions and mineral stability diagrams can be summarized as follows: 1. Plagioclase weathering to kaolinite provides SiO$_2$ , Ca$^{2+}$ and Na$^+$, and muscovite weathering to kaolinite provides K$^+$, and amphibole and mica minerals weathering to kaolinite provides F to the mineral water. Most of Ca$^{2+}$ and Mg$^{2+}$ in the mineral water are the products of carbonate mineral dissolution. SO$_4^{2-}$ may be the byproduct of sulfide oxidation. 2. The weatering of silicate mineral produces Ca-rich smectite and kaolinite, but Ca-rich smectite is unstable and will be transformed to more stable kaolinite because of the continuous dilution of the mineral water by precipitation. By Hashimoto's Mineral Balance Index, S-10 and S-12 mineral spring water were evaluated tasty and healthy water, S-9 and S-11 mineral spring water were evaluated tasty water and S-7, S-8 and S-13 mineral spring water were evaluated healthy water.

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Geochemical Reactive Experimental and Modeling Studies on Caprock in the Pohang Basin (포항분지 덮개암에 대한 지화학적 반응 실험 및 모델링 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-ok;Wang, Sookyun;Lee, Minhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.371-380
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to identify the mineraloical and petrographical characteristics of caprock from drilling cores of Pohang basin as a potential $CO_2$ storage site. Experiments and modeling were conducted in order to investigate the geochemical and mineralogical caprock effects of carbon dioxide. A series of autoclave experiments were conducted to simulate the interaction in the $scCO_2$-caprock-brine using a high pressure and temperature cell at $50^{\circ}C$ and 100 bar. Geochemical and mineralogical alterations after 15 days of $scCO_2$-caprock-brine sample reactions were quantitatively examined by XRD, XRF, ICP-OES investigation. Results of mineralogical studies, together with petrographic data of caprock and data on the physicochemical parameters of brine were used for geochemical modeling. Modelling was carried out using the The Geochemist's Workbench 11.0.4 geochemical simulator. Results from XRD analysis for caprock sample showed that major compositional minerals are quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar, and muscovite, pyrite, siderite, calcite, kaolinite and montnorillonite were included on a small scale. Results from ICP-OES analysis for brine showed that concentration of $Ca^{2+}$, $Na^+$, $K^+$ and $Mg^{2+}$ increased due to dissolution of plagioclase, K-feldspar and muscovite. Results of modeling for the period of 100 years showed that the recrystallization of kaolinite, dawsonite and beidellite, at the expense of plagioclase and K-feldspar is characteristic. Volumes of newly precipitation minerals and minerals passing into brine were balanced, so the porosity remained nearly unchanged. Experimental and modeling results indicate the interaction between caprock and $scCO_2$ during geologic carbon sequestration can exert significant impacts in brine pH and solubility/stability of minerals.

Hydrogeochemical Research on the Characteristic of Chemical Weathering in a Granitic Gatchment (水文化學的 資料를 통한 花崗岩質 流域의 化學的 風化特性에 關한 硏究)

  • Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1993
  • This research aims to investigate some respects of chemical weathering processes, espcially the amount of solute leaching, formation of clay minerals, and the chemical weathering rate of granite rocks under present climatic conditions. For this purpose, I investigated geochemical mass balance in a small catchment and the mineralogical composition of weathered bedrocks including clay mineral assemblages at four res-pective sites along one slope. The geochemical mass blance for major elements of rock forming minerals was calculated from precipitation and streamwater data which are measured every week for one year. The study area is a climatically and litholo-gically homogeneous small catchment($3.62Km^2$)in Anyang-shi, Kyounggi-do, Korea. The be-drock of this area id Anyang Granite which is composed of coarse-giained, pink-colored miner-als. Main rock forming minerals are quartz, K-Feldspar, albite, and muscovite. One of the chracteristics of this granite rock is that its amount of Ca and Mg is much lower than other granite rock. The leaching pattern in the weathering profiles is in close reltion to the geochemical mass balance. Therefore the removal or accumulation of dissolved materials shows weathering patterns of granite in the Korean peninsula. Oversupplied ions into the drainage basin were $H^+$, $K^+$, Fe, and Mn, whereas $Na^2+$, $Mg^2+$, $Ca^2+$, Si, Al and $HCO-3^{-}$ were removed from the basin by the stream. The consumption of hydrogen ion in the catchment implies the hydrolysis of minerals. The surplus of $K^+$ reflects that vegetation is in the aggravation stage, and the nutrient cycle of the forest in study area did not reach a stable state. And it can be also presumed that the accumulation of $K^+$ in the top soil is related to the surplus of $K^+$. Oversupplied Fe and Mn were presumed to accumulate in soil by forming metallic oxide and hydroxide. In the opposite, the removal of $Na^+$, Si, Al resulted from the chemical weathering of albite and biotite, and the amount of removal of $Na^+$, Si, Al reflected the weathering rate of the bedrock. But $Ca^2+$ and $Mg^2+$ in stream water were contaminated by the scattered calcareous structures over the surface. Kaolinite is a stable clay mineral under the present environment by the thermodynamical analysis of the hydrogeochemical data and Tardy's Re value. But this result was quite different from the real assemblage of clay miner-als in soil and weathered bedrock. This differ-ence can be explained by the microenvironment in the weathering profile and the seasonal variation of climatic factors. There are different clay forming environments in the stydy area and these differences originate from the seasonal variation of climate, especially the flushing rate in the weathering profile. As it can be known from the results of the analysis of thermodynamic stability and characteristics of geochemical mas balance, the climate during winter and fall, when it is characterized by the low flushing rate and high solute influx, shows the environmental characteristics to from 2:1 clay minerals, such as illite, smectite, vermiculite and mixed layer clay minerals which are formed by neoformation or transformation from the primary or secondary minerals. During the summer and spring periods, kaoli-nite is a stable forming mineral. However it should consider that the other clay minerals can transformed into kaolinite or other clay minerals, because these periods have a high flushing rte and temperature. Materials which are directly regulated by chemical weathering in the weathered bedrock are $Na^+$, Si, and Al. The leaching of Al is, however, highly restricted and used to form a clay mineral, and that of Si falls under the same category. $Na^+$ is not taked up by growing veget ation, and fixed in the weathering profile by forming secondary minerals. Therefore the budget of $Na^+$ is a good indicator for the chemical weathering rate in the study area. The amount of chemical weathering of granite rocks was about 31.31g/$m^2+$/year based on $Na^+$ estimation.

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