• Title/Summary/Keyword: moment problems

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Research about CAVE Practical Use Way Through Culture Content's Restoration Process that Utilize CAVE (가상현실시스템(CAVE)을 활용한 문화 Content의 복원 과정을 통한 CAVE활용 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Yul;Ryu, Seuc-Ho;Hur, Yung-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2004
  • Virtual reality that we have seen from the movies in 80's and 90's is hawing near based on the rapid progress of science together with a computer technology. Various virtual reality system developments (such as VRML, HMD FishTank, Wall Type, CAVE Type, and so on) and the advancement of those systems make for the embodiment of virtual reality that gives more sense of the real. Virtual reality is so immersive that makes people feel like they are in that environment and enable them to manipulate without experiencing the environment at first hand that is hard to experience in reality. Virtual reality can be applied to the spheres, such as education, high-level programming, remote control, surface exploration of the remote satellite, analysis of exploration data, scientific visualization, and so on. For some connote examples, there are training of a tank and an aeroplane operation, fumiture layout design, surgical operation practice, game, and so on. In these virtual reality systems, the actual operation of the human participant and virtual workspace are connected each other to the hardware that stimulates the five senses adequately to lend the sense of the immersion. There are still long way to go, however, before long it will be possible to have the same feeling in the virtual reality as human being can have by further study and effort. In this thesis, the basic definition, the general idea, and the kind of virtual reality were discussed. Especially, CAVE typed in reality that is highly immersive was analyzed in definition, and then the method of VR programming and modeling in the virtual reality system were suggested by showing the restoration process of Kyongbok Palace (as the content of the original form of the culture) that was made by KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) in 2003 through design process in virtual reality system. Through these processes, utilization of the immersive virtual reality system was discussed and how to take advantage of this CAVE typed virtual reality system at the moment was studied. In closing the problems that had been exposed in the process of the restoration of the cultural property were described and the utilization plan of the virtual reality system was suggested.

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Development of Automatic Loading Equipment of Seedling Tray for Automatic Process of Raising Seedlings in Plant Factory (식물공장 육묘공정 자동화를 위한 육묘트레이 자동적재장치 개발)

  • Park, Sang-Min;Min, Young-Bong;Lee, Gong-In;Kim, Dong-Ouk;Kang, Dong-Hyun;Moon, Sung-Dong
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to develop an automatic loading equipment that can load seedling trays on loading position of the seedling bed driving on enclosed-type rail installed for interconnecting each process of raising seedlings in plant factory. The experiment of transferring the seedling tray by monorail pusher was carried out to figure out the required transfer force and problems during push type device of transporting the plastic seedling trays, that has completed its sowing process, which are installed onto the board of different materials. From the results of this experiment, the loading equipment which can exactly load three of the seedling trays orderly on the loading position of the seedling bed was designed and made. When three sowed trays on every board are transferred by pusher with the speed is at 30 cm/s, the maximum peak transfer force with maximum overshooting at initial transient state and the maximum transfer force at stead state are were respectively 32.8 N, 29.4 N on rubber board, 29.7 N, 22.5 N on a wooden board, 26.9 N, 19.6 N on a acrylic board, and 27.6 N, 19.1 N on an iron board. Changes in the transfer force occurred its maximum at the moment when the pusher collided with the tray, after the collision gradually decreased until it became stable. When two or three trays placed it in order of widthwise are transferred, it is occurred the overlapping of the tray's external bracket. The developed automatic loading equipment with PLC controller did not make any operation error through 100 times of tests, its maximum seedling tray loading speed was 2 sec/tray and its maximum error of transferred location of the tray was 0.5 cm.

Water droplet generation technique for 3D water drop sculptures (3차원 물방울 조각 생성장치의 구현을 위한 물방울 생성기법)

  • Lin, Long-Chun;Park, Yeon-yong;Jung, Moon Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents two new techniques for solving the two problems of the water curtain: 'shape distortion' caused by gravity and 'resolution degradation' caused by fine satellite droplets around the shape. In the first method, when the user converts a three-dimensional model to a vertical sequence of slices, the slices are evenly spaced. The method is to adjust the time points at which the equi-distance slices are created by the nozzle array. In this method, even if the velocity of a water drop increases with time by gravity, the water drop slices maintain the equal interval at the moment of forming the whole shape, thereby preventing distortion. The second method is called the minimum time interval technique. The minimum time interval is the time between the open command of a nozzle and the next open command of the nozzle, so that consecutive water drops are clearly created without satellite drops. When the user converts a three-dimensional model to a sequence of slices, the slices are defined as close as possible, not evenly spaced, considering the minimum time interval of consecutive drops. The slices are arranged in short intervals in the top area of the shape, and the slices are arranged in long intervals in the bottom area of the shape. The minimum time interval is pre-determined by an experiment, and consists of the time from the open command of the nozzle to the time at which the nozzle is fully open, and the time in which the fully open state is maintained, and the time from the close command to the time at which the nozzle is fully closed. The second method produces water drop sculptures with higher resolution than does the first method.

Analytical Psychology-Based Interpretation of a Russian Fairy Tale Entitled "Seven Stars" (러시아 민담 '일곱 개의 별'에 대한 분석심리학적 해석)

  • Myeong-Sook Hwang
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.31-66
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    • 2015
  • A study on a Russian fairy tale entitled "Seven Stars" was conducted from the perspective of analytical psychology. The plot goes as follows. Once upon a time, a village in Russia was suffering from severe drought. Villagers were dying of thirst, and crops were withering day by day. One night, a little girl left their house carrying a wooden dipper to find water for her sick mother by herself. However, water was nowhere to be found. She felt tired and fell asleep. When she woke up, the moon was already over her head, and the dipper had been filled with water. On her way home to give the water to her mother, she found a dog lying on the ground. The dog was also dying of excessive thirst, so she gave the dog a handful of water. Then the wooden dipper suddenly turned into a silver dipper. When she had finally arrived home and her mother has drunk the water, the silver dipper changed into a golden dipper. At that moment, an old man showed up and asked for water. The little girl gave him water. When the old man stared at the water, she realized that there were seven diamonds twinkling like stars in the dipper. The water never ran out. Surprisingly enough, the seven diamonds suddenly soared up into the sky and eventually formed a constellation of the Big Dipper. The water was shared with the other villagers who, then, recovered their strength. The severe drought came to an end, and the villagers danced together with joy. In this fairy tale, the severe drought symbolizes devastation caused by a unidirectional stream of consciousness while the little girl represents a new function, which shows the value of women who can heal and restore from that devastation. Symbolized in a fairy tale character such as 'a daughter' or 'a little girl', the new function eventually reaches up to the value which leads and affects the group as well as individuals. To conclude, this new function represents the unconscious process whose role is to revitalize the maternity and resolve the problems posed to a group as well as individuals.

Radioimmunoassay Reagent Survey and Evaluation (검사별 radioimmunoassay시약 조사 및 비교실험)

  • Kim, Ji-Na;An, Jae-seok;Jeon, Young-woo;Yoon, Sang-hyuk;Kim, Yoon-cheol
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2021
  • Purpose If a new test is introduced or reagents are changed in the laboratory of a medical institution, the characteristics of the test should be analyzed according to the procedure and the assessment of reagents should be made. However, several necessary conditions must be met to perform all required comparative evaluations, first enough samples should be prepared for each test, and secondly, various reagents applicable to the comparative evaluations must be supplied. Even if enough comparative evaluations have been done, there is a limit to the fact that the data variation for the new reagent represents the overall patient data variation, The fact puts a burden on the laboratory to the change the reagent. Due to these various difficulties, reagent changes in the laboratory are limited. In order to introduce a competitive bid, the institute conducted a full investigation of Radioimmunoassay(RIA) reagents for each test and established the range of reagents available in the laboratory through comparative evaluations. We wanted to share this process. Materials and Methods There are 20 items of tests conducted in our laboratory except for consignment tests. For each test, RIA reagents that can be used were fully investigated with the reference to external quality control report. and the manuals for each reagent were obtained. Each reagent was checked for the manual to check the test method, Incubation time, sample volume needed for the test. After that, the primary selection was made according to whether it was available in this laboratory. The primary selected reagents were supplied with 2kits based on 100tests, and the data correlation test, sensitivity measurement, recovery rate measurement, and dilution test were conducted. The secondary selection was performed according to the results of the comparative evaluation. The reagents that passed the primary and secondary selections were submitted to the competitive bidding list. In the case of reagent is designated as a singular, we submitted a explanatory statement with the data obtained during the primary and secondary selection processes. Results Excluded from the primary selection was the case where TAT was expected to be delayed at the moment, and it was impossible to apply to our equipment due to the large volume of reagents used during the test. In the primary selection, there were five items which only one reagent was available.(squamous cell carcinoma Ag(SCC Ag), β-human chorionic gonadotropin(β-HCG), vitamin B12, folate, free testosterone), two reagents were available(CA19-9, CA125, CA72-4, ferritin, thyroglobulin antibody(TG Ab), microsomal antibody(Mic Ab), thyroid stimulating hormone-receptor-antibody(TSH-R-Ab), calcitonin), three reagents were available (triiodothyronine(T3), Tree T3, Free T4, TSH, intact parathyroid hormone(intact PTH)) and four reagents were available are carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), TG. In the secondary selection, there were eight items which only one reagent was available.(ferritin, TG, CA19-9, SCC, β-HCG, vitaminB12, folate, free testosterone), two reagents were available(TG Ab, Mic Ab, TSH-R-Ab, CA125, CA72-4, intact PTH, calcitonin), three reagents were available(T3, Tree T3, Free T4, TSH, CEA). Reasons excluded from the secondary selection were the lack of reagent supply for comparative evaluations, the problems with data reproducibility, and the inability to accept data variations. The most problematic part of comparative evaluations was sample collection. It didn't matter if the number of samples requested was large and the capacity needed for the test was small. It was difficult to collect various concentration samples in the case of a small number of tests(100 cases per month or less), and it was difficult to conduct a recovery rate test in the case of a relatively large volume of samples required for a single test(more than 100 uL). In addition, the lack of dilution solution or standard zero material for sensitivity measurement or dilution tests was one of the problems. Conclusion Comparative evaluation for changing test reagents require appropriate preparation time to collect diverse and sufficient samples. In addition, setting the total sample volume and reagent volume range required for comparative evaluations, depending on the sample volume and reagent volume required for one test, will reduce the burden of sample collection and planning for each comparative evaluation.