• Title/Summary/Keyword: moment method

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Camera App of Smartphone with Multi-Focus Shooting and Focus Post-processing Functions (다초점 촬영과 초점후처리 기능을 가진 스마트폰 카메라 앱)

  • Chae-Won Park;Kyung-Mi Kim;Song-Yeon Yoo;Yu-Jin Kim;Kitae, Hwang;In-Hwang Jung;Jae-Moon Lee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2024
  • Currently, it is almost impossible to move the focus of a previously taken photo to a different location. This paper challenges a technology that can move the focus of a captured photo to another location after shooting. To achieve this goal, this paper proposed and implemented a method for taking photos with various focuses at the moment the camera took pictures and storing them in a single JPEG file to extract photos focused on the user's preferred location. In this paper, two methods are implemented: taking various photos by quickly moving the focal length of the lens from close to far away, and taking various photos focused on each object by recognizing objects in the camera viewfinder. Various photos taken are stored in a single JPEG to maintain compatibility with traditional photo viewers. At this time, this JPEG file used the All-in-JPEG format proposed in previous research to store a variety of images. This paper verified its practicality by implementing these technologies in an Android app named OnePIC.

Estimation of the Moisture Maximizing Rate based on the Moisture Inflow Direction : A Case Study of Typhoon Rusa in Gangneung Region (수분유입방향을 고려한 강릉지역 태풍 루사의 수분최대화비 산정)

  • Kim, Moon-Hyun;Jung, Il-Won;Im, Eun-Soon;Kwon, Won-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.697-707
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we estimated the PMP(Probable Maximum Precipitation) and its transition in case of the typhoon Rusa which happened the biggest damage of all typhoons in the Korea. Specially, we analysed the moisture maximizing rate under the consideration of meteorological condition based on the orographic property when it hits in Gangneung region. The PMP is calculated by the rate of the maximum persisting 12 hours 1000 hPa dew points and representative persisting 12 hours 1000 hPa dew point. The former is influenced by the moisture inflow regions. These regions are determined by the surface wind direction, 850 hPa moisture flux and streamline, which are the critically different aspects compared to that of previous study. The latter is calculated using statistics program (FARD2002) provided by NIDP(National Institute for Disaster Prevention). In this program, the dew point is calculated by reappearance period 50-year frequency analysis from 5% of the level of significant when probability distribution type is applied extreme type I (Gumbel distribution) and parameter estimation method is used the Moment method. So this study indicated for small basin$(3.76km^2)$ the difference the PMP through new method and through existing result of established storm transposition and DAD(Depth-Area-Duration). Consequently, the moisture maximizing rate is calculated in the moisture inflow regions determined by meteorological fields is higher $0.20{\sim}0.40$ range than that of previous study. And the precipitation is increased $16{\sim}31%$ when this rate is applied for calculation.

Review of a Plant-Based Health Assessment Methods for Lake Ecosystems (식물에 의한 호수생태계 건강성 평가법에 대한 고찰)

  • Choung, Yeonsook;Lee, Kyungeun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2013
  • It is a global trend that the water management policy is shifting from a water quality-oriented assessment to the aquatic ecosystem-based assessment. The majority of aquatic ecosystem assessment systems were developed solely based on physicochemical factors (e.g., water quality and bed structure) and a limited number of organisms (e.g., plankton and benthic organisms). Only a few systems use plants for a health assessment, although plants are sensitive indicators reflecting long-term disturbances and alterations in water regimes. The development of an assessment system is underway to evaluate and manage lakes as ecosystem units in the Korean Ministry of Environment. We reviewed the existing multivariate health assessment methods of other leading countries, and discussed their applicability to Korean lakes. The application of multivariate assessment methods is costly and time consuming, in addition to the correlation problem among variables. However, a single variable is not available at this moment, and the multivariate method is an appropriate system due to its multidimensional evaluation and cumulative data generation. We, therefore, discussed multivariate assessment methods in three steps: selecting metrics, scoring metrics and assessing indices. In the step of selecting metrics, the best available metrics are species-related variables, such as composition and abundance, as well as richness and diversity. Indicator species, such as sensitive species, are the most frequently used in other countries, but their system of classification in Korea is not yet complete. In terms of scoring metrics, the lack of reference lakes with little anthropogenic impact make this step difficult, and therefore, the use of relative scores among the investigated lakes is a suitable alternative. Overall, in spite of several limitations, the development of a plant-based multivariate assessment method in Korea is possible using mostly field research data. Later, it could be improved based on qualitative metrics on plant species, and with the emergence of further survey data.

Calculation of Unit Hydrograph from Discharge Curve, Determination of Sluice Dimension and Tidal Computation for Determination of the Closure curve (단위유량도와 비수갑문 단면 및 방조제 축조곡선 결정을 위한 조속계산)

  • 최귀열
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.861-876
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    • 1965
  • During my stay in the Netherlands, I have studied the following, primarily in relation to the Mokpo Yong-san project which had been studied by the NEDECO for a feasibility report. 1. Unit hydrograph at Naju There are many ways to make unit hydrograph, but I want explain here to make unit hydrograph from the- actual run of curve at Naju. A discharge curve made from one rain storm depends on rainfall intensity per houre After finriing hydrograph every two hours, we will get two-hour unit hydrograph to devide each ordinate of the two-hour hydrograph by the rainfall intensity. I have used one storm from June 24 to June 26, 1963, recording a rainfall intensity of average 9. 4 mm per hour for 12 hours. If several rain gage stations had already been established in the catchment area. above Naju prior to this storm, I could have gathered accurate data on rainfall intensity throughout the catchment area. As it was, I used I the automatic rain gage record of the Mokpo I moteorological station to determine the rainfall lntensity. In order. to develop the unit ~Ydrograph at Naju, I subtracted the basic flow from the total runoff flow. I also tried to keed the difference between the calculated discharge amount and the measured discharge less than 1O~ The discharge period. of an unit graph depends on the length of the catchment area. 2. Determination of sluice dimension Acoording to principles of design presently used in our country, a one-day storm with a frequency of 20 years must be discharged in 8 hours. These design criteria are not adequate, and several dams have washed out in the past years. The design of the spillway and sluice dimensions must be based on the maximun peak discharge flowing into the reservoir to avoid crop and structure damages. The total flow into the reservoir is the summation of flow described by the Mokpo hydrograph, the basic flow from all the catchment areas and the rainfall on the reservoir area. To calculate the amount of water discharged through the sluiceCper half hour), the average head during that interval must be known. This can be calculated from the known water level outside the sluiceCdetermined by the tide) and from an estimated water level inside the reservoir at the end of each time interval. The total amount of water discharged through the sluice can be calculated from this average head, the time interval and the cross-sectional area of' the sluice. From the inflow into the .reservoir and the outflow through the sluice gates I calculated the change in the volume of water stored in the reservoir at half-hour intervals. From the stored volume of water and the known storage capacity of the reservoir, I was able to calculate the water level in the reservoir. The Calculated water level in the reservoir must be the same as the estimated water level. Mean stand tide will be adequate to use for determining the sluice dimension because spring tide is worse case and neap tide is best condition for the I result of the calculatio 3. Tidal computation for determination of the closure curve. During the construction of a dam, whether by building up of a succession of horizontael layers or by building in from both sides, the velocity of the water flowinii through the closing gapwill increase, because of the gradual decrease in the cross sectional area of the gap. 1 calculated the . velocities in the closing gap during flood and ebb for the first mentioned method of construction until the cross-sectional area has been reduced to about 25% of the original area, the change in tidal movement within the reservoir being negligible. Up to that point, the increase of the velocity is more or less hyperbolic. During the closing of the last 25 % of the gap, less water can flow out of the reservoir. This causes a rise of the mean water level of the reservoir. The difference in hydraulic head is then no longer negligible and must be taken into account. When, during the course of construction. the submerged weir become a free weir the critical flow occurs. The critical flow is that point, during either ebb or flood, at which the velocity reaches a maximum. When the dam is raised further. the velocity decreases because of the decrease\ulcorner in the height of the water above the weir. The calculation of the currents and velocities for a stage in the closure of the final gap is done in the following manner; Using an average tide with a neglible daily quantity, I estimated the water level on the pustream side of. the dam (inner water level). I determined the current through the gap for each hour by multiplying the storage area by the increment of the rise in water level. The velocity at a given moment can be determined from the calcalated current in m3/sec, and the cross-sectional area at that moment. At the same time from the difference between inner water level and tidal level (outer water level) the velocity can be calculated with the formula $h= \frac{V^2}{2g}$ and must be equal to the velocity detertnined from the current. If there is a difference in velocity, a new estimate of the inner water level must be made and entire procedure should be repeated. When the higher water level is equal to or more than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water level and the crest of the dam, we speak of a "free weir." The flow over the weir is then dependent upon the higher water level and not on the difference between high and low water levels. When the weir is "submerged", that is, the higher water level is less than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water and the crest of the dam, the difference between the high and low levels being decisive. The free weir normally occurs first during ebb, and is due to. the fact that mean level in the estuary is higher than the mean level of . the tide in building dams with barges the maximum velocity in the closing gap may not be more than 3m/sec. As the maximum velocities are higher than this limit we must use other construction methods in closing the gap. This can be done by dump-cars from each side or by using a cable way.e or by using a cable way.

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A Study on the Stiffness of CBA(Corner Block with Anchor Bolt) Joint in Knockdown Type Table Furniture (조립식(組立式) 탁자(卓子)의 CBA접합부(接合部) 강성(剛性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, Woo-Yang;Lee, Phil-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.34-64
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    • 1989
  • Corner block with anchor bolt(CBA) joint method used in knock-down type table furniture manufacturing can reduce the packing and transporting cost. Unfortunately. it also has the disastrous defect to be loosend and unstable during the service life mainly due to fatigue and creep(repeated and prolonged loading). So 22 joint groups constructed were tested to evaluate the effect of some design factors related to the size of side rail(apron). block attachment to side rail. and the number of anchor bolt as well as the effect of the type of corner block(mitered type vs. rectangular type) Usable strength from the stiffness coefficients of each joint group were analysed with SPSS /PC+ and described as the criteria of CBA joint construction. The conclusions were as follows: The height of side rail(50, 75 and 100 mm) and the addition of polyvinyl acetate(PVAc) emulsion in the corner block attactment to side rail had the effect on raising the usable strength of CBA joint with remarkable high significance. And the effect of 2 - anchor bolts was also superior to that of 1 - bolt significantly. However. the thickness of side rail(22 mm vs. 25 mm) had no effect on the strengthening the table joint rigidity. Mitered type corner block joint appeared to he recommendable for CBA jointed table construction rather than the rectangular type one regardless of the method of block attachment to side rail. The best result identified from Duncan's multiple comparison was in the construction with 25 mm thick and 100 mm height of side rail fastened using 2 - anchor bolts in mitered type corner block. But it would be reasonable to use 22 mm thick & 75 mm high side rail and mitered corner block with PVAc emulsion & 2 bolts considering the productivity and production cost down in the MDF furniture manufacturing industries.

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A Study of material analysis and its experimentation of metamorphosis and its utilities in Copper Alloy plates for contemporary metal craft (현대금속공예용 동합금판의 재료분석과 형질변환 실험 및 응용에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Ock-Soo
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2004
  • In this research, the copper alloy plates C2200, C5210, C7701, C8113 were selected to make datum and to identify further usage of metal craft experimentation. For its experimentation, the general welding and TIG welding methods were researched; for 2nd experimentation, the Reticulation and Electroforming skill's differences in color and temperature were researched. With these methods 3 different kinds of works are introduced for sample studies. For this research, Dr. Lee, Dong-Woo who works in Poongsan Metal Co, supported 4 kinds of copper alloy metals. Which are Commercial bronze (Cu-Zn), Deoxidiged Copper(Cu-Sn-P), Nickel Silver (Cu-Ni-Zn), and White Bronze (Cu-Ni); they were applied partly and wholly by the method of Laminatin, Reticulation, Fusing, and Electroforming skills. In case of C2200, the brass, the A. C. TIG welding method is better under 2mm slight plate; the D.C. TIG welding is better upper 2mm plate; and 250~300$^{\circ}C$ is recommended for remain heat treatment. In case of C5210, not having Hydrogen in high temperature return period, doesn't need Oxygen in high temperature and hardening in comparative high temperature neither, it is good for welding. It contains Sn 2-9% ad P 0.03-0.4% generally; and in accordance with the growth rate of Sn contain amount, the harden temperature boundary become broad. In case of cold moment after welding, they are recommended that higher speed TIG welding, smaller melting site and less than 200$^{\circ}C$ for pre-heating temperature. In case of C7701, the 10-20% Ni, 15-30% Zn are widely used.. If it is upper 30% Zn, it become (${\alpha}+{\beta}$) system and adhesive power rate become lower, and the productivity become lower in low temperature but the productivity become higher in high temperature. Nickel Silver's resistance of electricity is well; and the heatproof and incorrodibility is good, too. Lastly, in case of C8113, good at persistence in salty and grind; high in strength of high temperature. In case of white brass, contain 10-30% Nickel and hardened in high temperature and become single phrase. For these reason, the crystallization particles easily become large, if the resistance become higher small amount of Pb, P, S separation rate become higher.

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Development of a Test Method for the Evaluation of DNA Damage in Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells

  • Jeon, Hye Lyun;Yi, Jung-Sun;Kim, Tae Sung;Oh, Youkyung;Lee, Hye Jeong;Lee, Minseong;Bang, Jin Seok;Ko, Kinarm;Ahn, Il Young;Ko, Kyungyuk;Kim, Joohwan;Park, Hye-Kyung;Lee, Jong Kwon;Sohn, Soo Jung
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2017
  • Although alternative test methods based on the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) are being developed to replace animal testing in reproductive and developmental toxicology, they are still in an early stage. Consequently, we aimed to develop alternative test methods in male animals using mouse spermatogonial stem cells (mSSCs). Here, we modified the OECD TG 489 and optimized the in vitro comet assay in our previous study. This study aimed to verify the validity of in vitro tests involving mSSCs by comparing their results with those of in vivo tests using C57BL/6 mice by gavage. We selected hydroxyurea (HU), which is known to chemically induce male reproductive toxicity. The 50% inhibitory concentration ($IC_{50}$) value of HU was 0.9 mM, as determined by the MTT assay. In the in vitro comet assay, % tail DNA and Olive tail moment (OTM) after HU administration increased significantly, compared to the control. Annexin V, PI staining and TUNEL assays showed that HU caused apoptosis in mSSCs. In order to compare in vitro tests with in vivo tests, the same substances were administered to male C57BL/6 mice. Reproductive toxicity was observed at 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg/day as measured by clinical measures of reduction in sperm motility and testicular weight. The comet assay, DCFH-DA assay, H&E staining, and TUNEL assay were also performed. The results of the test with C57BL/6 mice were similar to those with mSSCs for HU treatment. Finally, linear regression analysis showed a strong positive correlation between results of in vitro tests and those of in vivo. In conclusion, the present study is the first to demonstrate the effect of HU-induced DNA damage, ROS formation, and apoptosis in mSSCs. Further, the results of the current study suggest that mSSCs could be a useful model to predict male reproductive toxicity.

study of comparison between Nae-gyung(內經) and later physian's theory on In-yeong-gi-go Maek(人迎氣口脈) (인영기구맥(人迎氣口脈)에 대(對)한 내경(內經)과 후대(後代) 의가설(醫家說)과의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Tae-Eun;Kim, Tai-Hee
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.152-164
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    • 1994
  • In Nai-Gyung(內經), it is said that In-Yeong(人迎) means In- Yeong Maek(人迎脈), Gi-Gu m- eans Tson-Gu(寸口) or Maek- Gu(脈口), In-yeong, artery in the side of neck, is located before Yeong-Geun(瓔筋), called as Jok-Yang-Myung-Maek(足陽明脈),so the part of In-Yeong-Maek means In-Yeong-Hyul(人迎穴) of Jok-Yang-Myung- Wi-Gyung(足陽明胃經) showing the artery in the side of neck. The part of Tson-Gu-Maek is that of artery in Yo-Gol(橈骨), beating source of Soo-Tae-Eum-Maek (手太陰脈) Of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek, In-Yeong-Maek mainly consists of Yang(陽), Gi-Gu-Maek of Eum(陰), so In-Yeung means physical disease, short of extra Eum component. They said that if In-Yeong-Maek was more than Gi-Gu-Maek, it meant physical injury, while Gi-Gu-Maek was more than In- Yeo-ng-Maek, it meant internal injury. In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek is the one to distinguish the external and internal, the inside and outside, Eum and Yang, but there is no definite classification method to distinguish it, also it is difficult to grasp the comparison of 1sung(1盛), 2sung(2盛), 3sung(3盛), interrelation with 12-Gyung-Rak(l2經絡), change of maek phases, so necessary to set up the clear definition for In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek. For the two theories as to In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek according to Nai-Gyung, the one is to diagnose the maek by comparing the In-Yeong-Hyul with Tson-Gu of Soo-Tae-Eum-Maek as Gi-Gu in the both sides of neck part, he other is to divide the left and right of Gi-Gu-Maek in to In-Yeong and Gi-Gu afterwards, but today it is difficult to compare and explain the medical theory afterwards owing to insufficient consideration of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek at Nai-Gyung. The diagnosis of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek at Nai-Gyung to distinguish the surplus and shortage of Eum and Yang up to now since Nai-Gyung has so important and diagnostic value as to grasp the exact meaning. Herewith, this researcher com-pared Nai-Gyung and medical theory afterwards, reported it to consider the fixed position and changing process of viscera and entrails arrangement of literatures introducing In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek, examining the change of maek phases for normal maek and a-bnormal maek of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek, considering the 1 sung, 2 sung, 3 sung maek phases in In-Yeong-Gi- Gu-Maek. According to the above results, the conclusion was reached as follows. 1. In-Yeong as the outside indicates external disease(外感), showing the surplus and shortage of Yang symptom by having Boo-Maek(浮脈) as Py-ung-Maek(平脈), Gi-Gu as the inside indicates internal disease(內傷), showing the surplus and shortage of Eum symptom by having Chim-Maek(沈脈) as P-yung-Maek(平脈). 2. In Pyung-Maek of In- Yeong-Maek as Boo-Maek, g-radual sinking of more floated changing maek because of disease means the improvement of di-sease, in Pyung-Maek of Gi- Gu-Maek as Chim- Maek, gradual floating of more sunken changing maek because of disease means the improvement of disease. 3. They said that disease of Jok-Gyung-Rak(足經絡) is cha-nged to that of Soo-Kyung-Rak(手經絡) when Jo-Maek(躁脈) appears whether In-Yeong-Maek or Gi-Gu-Maek 4. With the exemples of 1 sung 2 sung 3 sung it was porned with the relation of Pyo-Ri-Soo-Jok(表裏手足). Therfore I can guess that this fact is a moment explained the Bu-You-Sa-Kyung(部有四經) mentioned in Nan-Gyung-18-Nan(難經 第18難). 5. I think that In-Yeong and Gi-Gu, as a diagnosis method which distinguish between the inside indicates internal disease and the outside indicates external disease, is required to study further researches.

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Method for increasing rail operation capacity of capital high speed rail with expanding the high speed railway service (고속철도 서비스 확대를 위한 수도권 고속철도 확충 방안 고찰)

  • Roh, Beung-Guk;Kim, Young-Bea;Shin, Dong-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1254-1268
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    • 2009
  • In 1998, because of the economic crisis called IMF Crisis in Korea, Kyungbu high speed railway project could run by modifying the original plan to open it as a 1st phase only by utilizing the existing railway lines from Seoul to Siheung and the other one from Daegu to Pusan. The modified plan includes that the line from Daegu to Pusan will be constructed as a second phase in next time. Starting railway operation with the changed plan, the combined application operation of high speed rail, passenger rail and freight rail was caused partly from Seoul to Siheung to run into capital area. As a result, the opinion for additional railway line construction is insisted continuously because the operation volume of passenger rail was forced to be reduced, the service quality of it was decreased and it became difficult to add new high speed services. Moreover, with regard to Honam high speed rail, the new construction plan of station in Kangnam metro area as a basement station for starting from Suseo was changed to the plan of turning out at Osong because of the economic effectiveness and this kept resident people in Kangnam metro area and southern Kyungki area unable to get the opportunity of high speed rail service benefit. After beginning of Kyungbu high speed railway operation, national transportation system developments are focused on high speed rail, and when the second phase construction of Kyungbu high speed rail, beginning operation of Kyungjeon line, Jeolla line double track construction, Honam high speed rail in 2014, is completed, the demand for high speed rail will be increased and it is unavoidable to make Kwangmyung station as a basement station and to reduce the number of passenger rail operation. At this moment, it is valuable to consider adding the railway line capacity in capital area to improve the transferring service for citizen who live in area without Kyungbu high speed rail station and to expand the service area from Kangbuk to Kangnam and southern Kyungki area. Accordingly, in this paper, the effective rail operation method, facility plan and the other issue to be reviewed for increasing capital high speed railway lines will be mentioned.

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Structural and Magnetic Properties of (Mn, Cr)xCo1-xFe2O4 Thin Films Prepared by Sol-gel Method (졸-겔 방법을 이용하여 제작된 (Mn, Cr)xCo1-xFe2O4 박막의 구조적, 자기적 특성)

  • Kim, Kwang-Joo;Kim, Hee-Kyung;Park, Young-Ran;Park, Jae-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2006
  • By substituting Mn or Cr for Co in inverse spinel $CoFe_2O_4,\;Mn_xCo_{1-x}Fe_2O_4\;and\;Cr_xCo_{1-x}Fe_2O_4$ and thin films were prepared by sol-gel method and their structural and magnetic properties were investigated. X-ray diffraction indicates that the cubic lattice constant increase for the Mn substitution while it hardly changes for the Cr substitution. Substitution of $Mn^{2+}$ for octahedral $Co^{2+}$ sites can explain the increase of lattice constant in $Mn_xCo_{1-x}Fe_2O_4$. On the other hand, Substitution of $Cr^{3+}$ for octahedral $Co^{2+}$ and subsequent reduction of $Fe^{3+}$ ion into $Fe^{2+}$ are expected to happen. Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements on $Cr_xCo_{1-x}Fe_2P_4$ indicate the existence of tetrahedral $Fe^{2+}$ ions that are created through reduction of tetrahedral $Fe^{3+}$ ions in order to compensate charge imbalance happened by $Cr^{3+}$ substitution for octahedral $Co^{2+}$ sites. On the other hand, no $Fe^{2+}$ ions were detected by Mossbauer spectroscopy for $Mn_xCo_{1-x}Fe_2O_4$. A migration of $Fe^{3+}$ ions from octahedral to tetrahedral sites In $Mn_xCo_{1-x}Fe_2O_4$ was detected by Mossbauer spectroscopy for x>0.47. Vibrating sample magnetometry measurements on the samples at room temperature revealed that the saturation magnetization increases by Mn and Cr substitution for certain range of x, qualitatively explainable in terms of the comparison of spin magnetic moment among the related transition-metal ions.