• Title/Summary/Keyword: modified ${\Gamma}$ distribution model

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A study on non-response bias adjusted estimation for take-all stratum (전수층 무응답 편향보정 추정법에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Hee Young;Shin, Key-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.409-420
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    • 2020
  • In business survey, modified cut-off sampling is commonly used to greatly increase the accuracy of the estimation while reducing the number of samples. However, non-response rate of take-all stratum has increased significantly and the sample substitution is not possible because the non-response in the take-all stratum affects the accuracy of the estimation. It is important to adjust the bias appropriately if non-response is affected by the variable of interest. In this study, a bias adjusted estimation is proposed as an appropriate method to deal with a non-response in the take-all stratum. In particular, the estimator proposed by Chung and Shin (2020) was applied to the bias adjustment for the take-all stratum; therefore, we suggest a new method to adjust properly for the take-all stratum. The superiority of the proposed estimator was examined through simulation studies and confirmed through actual data analysis.