• Title/Summary/Keyword: migraine disorders

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Quality Characteristics of Bread Added with Gastrodia elata Blume Powder (천마분말을 첨가한 식빵의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Ju;Kang, Woo-Won;Moon, Kwang-Deog
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.437-443
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    • 2001
  • Gastrodia elata blume (GEB) is considered to be a useful herbal medicine in oriental countries for the treatment of headache, migraine, dizziness, childhood convulsion, epilepsy, rheumatism, hypertension, neuralgia and neurological disorders. This study was carried out to investigate the quality of bread added with the powder of GEB. The possibility of GEB wheat flour mixture as bread was studied by adding 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% of GEB powder to wheat flour. In Farinograph data, the dough stability decreased with the increase of GEB powder. Granular size of starches ranged from $36\;{\mu}m\;to\;60{\mu}m$, and the shape of them showed a long oval figure. Amylograph showed that the increase in the ratio of GEB on the doughs slightly elevated in the maximum viscosity. The loaf volume of 0.5% powder increased by 10.2% but that of 2.0% decreased by 16.8%. The moisture content was 43.57% in the control but it increased as the powder addition. The colors of crust and crumb were not significantly different among L, b and ${\Delta}E$, but 'a' value in crumb was increased as the powder addition. The addition of the powder had no significant effect on bread texture. In sensory evaluation, the moistness increased as the increase of the powder addition. The control bread was most excellent, and the bread made by mixing additives were better than just 0.5% GEB-wheat flour in terms of quality.

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