Kim, Dong-Joo;Kim, Su-Gwan;Moon, Seong-Yong;Yoon, Jung-Hoon
Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
This study compared the histological patency rates of anastomoses of the femoral artery. Twelve rabbits weighing about 2 kg were studied. Both the right and left femoral arteries were cut. The control group had no damage to the vessel, saline irrigation, and micro-anastomosis. Experimental group I had a crush injury to the vessel, saline irrigation, and micro-anastomosis. Experimental group II had a crush injury, saline irrigation, 100 U/ml heparin irrigation, and micro-anastomosis. Experimental group III had the same treatment as experimental group II plus the systemic application of 100 U/kg heparin iv. The histological patency rates were compared. The patency rates of the control group 30 min and 3 days after the anastomosis were 100 and 83%, respectively. The respective rates for experimental groups I and II 30 min and 3 days after the anastomosis were 100% in all cases. The respective rates in experimental group III were 100 and 83%. In this study, no significant correlation was observed between the patency rate and the effects of local irrigation or the systemic application of heparin on the microvascular anastomosis of the rabbit femoral artery. However, the patency rate tended to decrease concomitantly with an increase in surgery time. Increased bleeding was observed after the systemic application of heparin. Obvious damage to the crush-injured vascular endothelium was detected on histologic examination of the micro-anastomosed area. In addition, some vessels subjected to crush injury contained thrombi attached to the vascular endothelium. No preventive effect of heparin on thrombus formation was observed.
Microvascular anastomosis with suture technique is a basic skill but there are several problems such as stenosis, thrombosis and long operating time. Recently plastic surgeons have developed non-suturing mechanical coupling devices for microvascular anastomosis. The authors applied non-penetrating vascular clips (VCS clips) in the field of free flap surgery of head and neck area. Between August of 2004 and January of 2005, we performed 9 free flaps (16 vessels) using small-sized VCS clips. Four stay sutures were applied first and then VCS clips were placed between sutures about 1 mm apart. Vascular pedicle of free flap included the descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral vessel, thoracodorsal vessel, deep inferior epigastric vessel and cephalic vein. The recipient vessels were the superior thyroid artery, superficial temporal artery, internal jugular vein, external jugular vein, and superficial temporal vein. We performed 13 end-to-end (4 arteries and 9 veins) and 3 venous end-to-side anastomoses. No flap related complication occurred but we applied additional clips or sutures in two cases due to blood leakage after completion of anastomosis. Primary patency rates seemed to be good and more rapid anastomosis could be done than conventional suture technique. Advantages of VCS technique are high patency rate, low thrombogenecity and rapidity. Although the high cost of VCS instrument may be a problem, this clip could be applied safely in microvascular free tissue transfer.
Objective : Extracranial-intracranial(EC-IC) microvascular anastomosis was performed in 18 patients with hemodynamic cerebral ischemia and traumatic cerebral aneurysm, the aim of this retrospective study was to assess its value in neurosurgical field. Method : Of 18 cases, 17 case were hemodynamic cerebral ischemia and one was traumatic cerebral aneurysm. There were 14 superficial temporal artery(STA)-to-middle cerebral artery(MCA) anastomosis, 3 saphenous vein graft bypass(2 external carotid artery(ECA)-to-MCA, 1main trunk of the STA-to-MCA) and 1 radial artery bypass(ECA-to-MCA). Results : Bypass patency was confirmed by postoperative angiography in all cases except for two cases, postoperative cerebral blood flow of ischemic brain showed significant increased in all cases with good patency through bypass. Conclusion : Revascularization by EC-IC microvascular anastomosis to the ischemic brain eliminated ischemia and was associated with excellent good outcome and good patency rates.
Yim, Youngmin;Kwan, Ho;Oh, Deuk Young;Lee, Ji Yeon;Jung, Sung-No
Archives of Plastic Surgery
In the microsurgical era, replantation with microvascular anastomosis is considered as the most superior method in aspects of texture, color, shape in case of nose amputation. There are some reported cases of replantation in nose amputation historically, but most of them are composite graft cases rather than microvascular anastomosis. Only a few cases of successful nasal replantation with microvascular anastomosis have been reported due to the reason that the size of vessels is usually very small and identifying suitable vessels for anastomosis is difficult. Microanastomosis of artery and microanastomosis of vein are ideal in replantation, but identifying suitable veins is often difficult. Without venous anastomosis, resolving the venous congestion remains to be a problem. We can carry out arteriovenous shunt if we can find two arteries in amputee. However, the smaller the size of amputee is, the more difficult it is to find two arteries. Instead of arteriovenous shunt, we can try external venous drainage(frequently swab, pin-prick, stab incision, IV or local heparin injection, dropping, apply of heparin-soaked gauze, use of medical leech). Here, we present three cases of replantation with microscopical arterial anastomosis (one angular artery, two dorsal nasal arteries) and external venous drainage (stab incision, application of medical leech and heparin-soaked gauze) even though the size of amputee may be as small as $1.5{\times}1.0cm$. In all cases, surgical outcomes were excellent in cosmetic and functional aspects. This report describes successful replantation by microvasular anastomosis in case that suitable veins are not found.
In the assessment of patency of a small vessel anastomosis, micro-arteriography using dental X-ray and film was used as a method of testing the patency of arterial anastomoses in the rat. Micro-arteriography could lead to an objective evaluation of the patency in End-to-End and End-to Side anastomoses. The method used in this study is easily accessible for Oral and Maxillo-facial surgeon to practice the microvascular anastomosis, and requires materials available in every dental clinic.
Recently, diabetic patients are increasing in the field of microvascular surgery. Diabetes melltius is known to be related to arterial damage, platelet malfunction and thrombus formation. After microvascular anastomosis, delayed repair and vascular occlusion occurred more frequently in diabetic state. This study was performed to investigate the patency rate and process of endothelial healing after microvascular anastomosis of femoral artery in diabetic rat by scanning electron microscope. The animals were divided into two groups, 20 diabetic-induced and 20 non-diabetic groups. Diabetes was induced with a injection of Streptozotocin(50mg/kg b.w., Sigma Chemical Co.) to tail vein. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Macroscopically, anastomotic site was intact except a few cases showed minimal inflammatory sign around the wound site. But the inflammatory change was frequently occurred in diabetic-induced group. 2. The patency rate was 95% (19/20) in non-diabetic group and 65% (13/20) in diabetic-induced group. 3. In the non-diabetic group, anstomotic region was mostly endothelized by the alignment along the long axis of vessel but stitchs were not covered with endothelial cells. The thichkening of vessel wall was not observed. 4. In the diabetic-induced group, anastomotic region was not endothelized but covered with blood cellular components and connective tissue instead of endothelial cells. The thickening of the vessel wall was prominent in some diabetic-induced rats. These results suggest that diabetes was related to delayed regeneration of endothelium of vessels after microsurgical anastomosis.
Transactions of the KSME C: Technology and Education
The use of mechanical anastomosis coupler instead of sutures has been increasing in microvascular anastomosis surgery. However, non-biodegradable anastomosis coupler has problems such as not only inflammatory reaction but also remaining permanently in operation wound. Therefore, we fabricated biodegradable anastomosis coupler using injection molding process to overcome the limitation of non-biodegradable anastomosis coupler. In various injection molding process conditions, the shrinkage was calculated with different cylinder temperatures and injection molding pressures and anastomotic strength was measured. As a result, changes in shrinkage hole part larger than the pin part. In addition, the shrinkage in the cylinder at higher temperatures increase. However, the higher the injection pressure, shrinkage tends to decrease, respectively. In-vitro degradation behavior of PCL anastomotic coupler evaluated for 12 weeks, water uptake was increased and molecular weight was accompanied by a reduction in mass of the biological degradation and reduction of anastomotic strength was confirmed. However, decreased levels of anastomotic strength enough to exceed the requirements of preclinical surgery, PCL microvascular anastomosis coupler suitable candidate materials that could identify.
Free flap having been used for reconstruction of skin and soft tissue defect in various areas in a body is spreading up its application for not only functional reconstruction but also aesthetic reconstruction. Authors met with good results minimizing the demerits of anastomosis using suture through microvascular anastomotic device, hereupon, we intend to report this. We worked with 27 cases that used microvascular anastomotic device for venous anastomoses among patients who were processed free flap in our hospital. Age ranged from 12 to 63 (average 43.2), and there were 12 females and 15 males. As a result of a follow-up by 3 months - 5years (average 11.3 months), there was no particular complication in the anastomosed vein except 1 cases among 27 cases that sutured their veins through microvascular anastomotic device. Use of microvascular anastomotic device at free flap shortened the time required for vascular anastomoses to reduce ischemic time of tissue, and minimized the damage of intima during anastomoses and made easy anastomoses possible even in case the difference of diameters of blood vessels being sutured is wide. As well, even for survival rate of flap, satisfactory results were obtained compared with using suture. Consequently, it is concluded that use of microvascular anastomotic device in free flap is a useful way that can substitute existing anastomosis using suture.
Igde, Murat;Ozturk, Mehmet Onur;Yasar, Burak;Bulam, Mehmet Hakan;Ergani, Hasan Murat;Unlu, Ramazan Erkin
Archives of Plastic Surgery
Background Microvascular anastomosis patency is adversely affected by local and systemic factors. Impaired intimal recovery and endothelial mechanisms promoting thrombus formation at the anastomotic site are common etiological factors of reduced anastomosis patency. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a catechin derivative belonging to the flavonoid subgroup and is present in green tea (Camellia sinensis). This study investigated the effects of EGCG on the structure of vessel tips used in microvascular anastomoses and evaluated its effects on thrombus formation at an anastomotic site. Methods Thirty-six adult male Wistar albino rats were used in the study. The right femoral artery was cut and reanastomosed. The rats were divided into two groups (18 per group) and were systemically administered either EGCG or saline. Each group were then subdivided into three groups, each with six rats. Axial histological sections were taken from segments 1 cm proximal and 1 cm distal to the microvascular anastomosis site on days 5, 10, and 14. Results Thrombus formation was significantly different between the EGCG and control groups on day 5 (P=0.015) but not on days 10 or 14. The mean luminal diameter was significantly greater in the EGCG group on days 5 (P=0.002), 10 (P=0.026), and 14 (P=0.002). Intimal thickening was significantly higher on days 5 (P=0.041) and 10 (P=0.02). Conclusions EGCG showed vasodilatory effects and led to reduced early thrombus formation after microvascular repair. Similar studies on venous anastomoses and random or axial pedunculated skin flaps would also contribute valuable findings relevant to this topic.
Suture microvascular anastomosis is time-consuming and tedious and demands long and continuous training. Techinique of anastomosis of microvessel was presented interrupted suture and continuous suture. Recently the unilink instrument system is created as a fast and simple method to achieve high patency rates without long and continuous training in the anastomosis of small vessels. The author experimentally studied the femoral artery of 20 mice(0.5-1.0mm, av. 0.7mm), the femoral vein of 20 mice(0.8-1.6mm, av. 1.2mm) after anastomosis with interrupted suture in 20 cases and continuous sutre in 20 cases. For the unilink apparatus we used the carotid arteries of 15 cases in 14 rabbits(1.0-1.6mm, av. 1.3mm) and facial veins of 12 cases in 14 rabbits(0.9mm-2.2mm, av. 1.5mm). A total of 27 arterial and venous anastomoses were performed. We examined the postoperative patency at immediate, 2 weeks, and 8 weeks. The results were as followings, 1. In the arterial anastomosis the rate of patency was 90%(18/20) in interrupted suture, 90%(18/20) in continuous suture and 93%(13/15) in unilink apparatus. In the venous anastomosis the rate of patency was 90%(18/20) in interrupted suture, 80%(16/20) in continuous suture and 100%(9/9) in unilink apparatus. 2. The mean time for completion of the arterial anastomosis were 12.2 minutes in interrupted suture group, 10.3 minutes in continouous suture group and 8.5 minutes in unillnk apparatus group. The mean time for completion of the venous anastomosis were 13.6 minutes in interrupted suture group, 11.0 minutes in continuous suture group and 6.2 minutes in unilink apparatus group. 3. At the histological examination of suture group, hyperplastic reaction of middle layer and subintimal hyperplasia were observed. In unilink apparatus group, the endothelium layer was continued and the thickness of vessel wall was decreased due to moderate atrophy of the media and mild degree of nonspecific chronic inflammation were seen around the unilink apparatus. 4. No significants was noticied in foreign body reaction among the interrupted, continuous and unilink apparatus group. 5. A case of the arterial anastomosis was released with acting out at 15 minutes after operation. 6. The important factors in the technical problems were accurate apposition of the cut vessel edges in suture group and the proper selection of the ring size and optimal fitting between two rings in unilink apparatus group. Even though the outer diamater of vessel in suture group was different from that in unilink apparatus group the unilink method provides a very safe, fast, and simple way to perform microvascular anastomoses especially in anastomosis of vein. But howerver suture was needed in vessels below 1 mm outer diamater. In that situation continuous suture was benefit than the interrupted suture in operation time.
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② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.