• Title/Summary/Keyword: micro planning district

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A Study on Improvement Measures Related to District Unit Planning to Induce Landscape-Friendly Planning in Non-Urban Areas (비시가화지역의 경관친화적 계획 유도를 위한 지구단위계획 관련 제도 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Jin Hyo;Ra, Jung Hwa;Kwon, Oh Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in order to induce landscape-friendly various development plans established at the district level, the contents of landscape plans appearing in domestic laws and systems and related previous studies are reviewed and comparative analysis is performed to advance the district-level landscape plan. The main focus was to explore the institutional methodology for this. The summary of the research results is as follows. First of all, as a result of analysis of the landscape plan content prescribed in the National Territory Planning Act and the enforcement decree of the same Act, the landscape plan content for natural elements and the landscape plan content for artifacts appeared mixed. Next, looking at the analysis results of the landscape plan contents in the Landscape Act, the Enforcement Decree of the same Act, and the landscape plan establishment guidelines, it is analyzed that the content mainly intended to improve the artificial landscape in terms of aesthetics, such as color, lighting, and buildings. Became. As a result of analysis of the landscape plan contents in the district unit plan establishment guidelines, it was found that the contents of the landscape plan for the skyline, night view, color, advertisements, and viewpoints were presented. As a result of the analysis of the landscape plan contents in the preceding study, the plan contents for ecological, recreational, and micro-visual aspects were revealed, and all three aspects aim to establish a landscape plan within the range of minimizing damage to nature. there was. Appeared to be. The results of this study are considered to be able to induce more landscape and nature-friendly district unit plans being conducted at the district level.

A Study on the Institutional Aspects of Rural Spatial Planning System (농촌지역 공간계획체계의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이상문
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 1995
  • The drastic change of spatial structure in rural area and the recent rural development policies(related to settlement reorganization and plot rearrangement) make the rural space planning more important than ever. So this paper tries to evaluate the institutional aspects of rural spatial planning system focused on planning area. land use classification and hierachical order between existing plans. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the rural planning areas are classified into 4-tiers(e.g., Gun, Myon, District, Village). Second, the rural land use planning has 3-tiers(e.g., macro, mediate and micro zoning) from the viewpoint of land use classification system, but it doesn't have mediate-micro zoning system. Third, the spatial plans in rural area, positioned in local planning, were categorized into regional planning system and land use planning system. However there's no linkage between both sides of each hierachial planning order.

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A Study on the Evaluation of Urban Land Use by Urban Land Use Information System (도시토지이용정보체계에 의한 도시토지이용평가에 관한 연구)

  • 고준환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the urban land used by the Urban Land Use Information System (ULIS) which can supply the micro-level land usc information for the understanding of micro-level urban spatial structure and district-level planning and managements(such as urban design, redevelopment planning and district-level transportation planning, etc.). The study evaluates the current situation of urban land use database and suggests the prototype of urban land use database using GIS. The planning and management of post-modern city which has characterized by diversity and the mixture of land use, need more detail and quantitative information about land use. Recent redevelopment and reconstruction of existing physical condition are increasing the density of activity. It raises urban problems such as the shortage of infrastructure and traffic congestion, etc. In this process we need to construct information system which monitors current land use situation.

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The Development of Extended Urban Land Information System for Sustainable Urban Management

  • Koh, June-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2001
  • This study aims to develop the Extended Urban Land Information System (EULIS) which can support the sustainable urban management. Although the existing Urban Land Use Information system (ULUIS) that aids the micro-level land use information is a good means for the understanding of urban spatial structure and district-level planning and management (such as urban design, redevelopment planning and district-level transportation planning, etc.), it has some limitations in supplying the information for sustainable urban management, such as environmental and traffic analysis, urban infrastructure's carrying capacity analysis, etc. The EULIS is designed to efficiently supply the information for sustainable urban management. For the successful construction of EULIS, the followings have to be considered. 1) the integration of topographic maps which contain the building's footprints and cadastral maps which contain the parcel's boundary, 2) the integration of EULIS and FM (Facility Management) system for the full utilization of information about capacity analysis of infrastructure, 3) the construction of standardized georeferencing system and spatial unit for the combined use of environment and traffic census data. This study shows 1) why EULIS is needed for the sustainable urban management and which elements are needed for the system,2) the E-R data model for the EULIS, 3) the strategies for the construction of EULIS and 4) the conclusion.

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A Study of Land Use Changes and Direction of Development of Surrounding Area of KonKuk Subway Station According to Changes in Accessibility (접근도의 변화에 따른 역세권의 토지이용변화와 개발방향에 관한 연구 : 건대역을 사례로 하여)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.69-90
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    • 1997
  • The purposes of this study are to analyze changes in land value and land use of the surrounding area of Konkuk subway station and to suggest the direction of development of that area, which is designated as the micro planning district. KonKuk subway station which is one of nodes in subway line 2 will be completely connected to subway line 7 in 1998. Therefore, as a transfer station, the accessibility for KonKuk station would be increased very much due to the expansion of subway network system. This study analyzes land use types and land values within 200m from the four exits of the station and examines how subway station influences land use types and land values at surrounding areas. Based on the result of the current land use pattern and questionaire related to the direction for the future development of KonKuk subway area, this study suggests the effective and desired direction of development strategies in creating cultural environment appropriate for a university neighborhood.

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An Analysis on Micro-climate Characteristic of Apartments in Beijing, China Using ENVI-met Simulation (ENVI-met를 이용한 중국 베이징 아파트 하절기 미기후 특성 분석)

  • Wu, Jin-Dong;Lee, Jun-Hoo;Yoon, Seong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze outdoor thermal comfort of apartments planning characteristic of pedestrian height in Beijing, China. Selecting 322 apartment complexes with more than 1000 households and more than 10 buildings(including 10 buildings), mainly in Chaoyang District and Tongzhou District to select 32 basic layout types and then 12 typical layout types were select in 32 basic layout types. Finally, the simulation was conducted for the 12 typical layout types using the micro-climate model ENVI-met to evaluate the wind environment, the thermal environment and the comfort. The results of this study as follows: In the parallel arrangement, it has the best outdoor thermal comfort of Slab-East-Parallel(S/E/P). Next is Slab-South-Parallel(S/S/P), Tower-South-Parallel(T/S/P) in turn. In the stagger arrangement, Mixture-South-North and South Stagger-1(M/S/NSS-1) has the best outdoor thermal comfort and Slab-South-North and South Stagger(S/S/NSS), Tower-South-North and South Stagger(T/S/NSS), Mixture-South-North and South Stagger-3(M/S/NSS-3), Mixture-South-North and South Stagger-4(M/S/NSS-4), Mixture-South-North and South Stagger-2(M/S/NSS-2) in turn. In the cluster arrangement, Mixture-Mixture-Cluster-2(M/M/C-2) has the best outdoor thermal comfort and Mixture-Mixture-Cluster-3(M/M/C-3), Mixture-Mixture-Cluster-1(M/M/C-1) in turn. Due to the low wind speed and high air temperature, it is necessary to consider the layout types that can form the wind road at first, such as Mixture-South-North and South Stagger-1(M/S/NSS-1), Slab-South-North and South Stagger(S/S/NSS) and so on.

An Estimation of the Spatial Development Patterns based on the Characteristic City Indicators - The Case of Gangnam District - (도시특성지표 기반 공간개발 패턴 추정에 관한 연구 - 강남지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Jang, Seongman;Yi, Changhyo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2015
  • Most data used for urban planning is aggregated by administrative district. Thus, a fundamental limit to analysing the changes of micro-geographical units exists. The object of this study is to estimate spatial development patterns based on characteristic city indicators. Gangnam, an area that was analysed, was divided into hexagon polygons. The development density and characteristic city indicators were input into each polygon. Moreover, this study analysed the influence of characteristic city indicators on development density using multinomial regression analysis. According to the results, distance between a polygon and both a road and a bus stop led to a decrease of development density in the polygon. However, distance between a polygon and a river led to an increase of development intensity. The method of this analysis and the results can be used to disaggregate the zonal data in the urban planing area.

A Modified Digital Elevation Modeling for Stormwater Management Planning in Segmentalized Micro-catchment Areas

  • Lee, Eun-seok
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: Urban topology can be characterized as impervious, which changes the hydrologic features of an area, increasing surface water flow during local heavy rain events. The pluvial flooding is also influenced by the vertical structures of the urban area. This study suggested a modified digital elevation model (DEM) to identify changes in urban hydrological conditions and segmentalized urban micro catchment areas using a geographical information system (GIS). Methods: This study suggests using a modified DEM creation process based on Rolling Ball Method concepts along with a GIS program. This method proposes adding realized urban vertical data to normal DEM data and simulating hydrological analyses based on RBM concepts. The most important aspect is the combination of the DEM with polygon data, which includes urban vertical data in three datasets: the contour polyline, the locations of buildings and roads, and the elevation point data from the DEM. DEM without vertical data (DCA) were compared with the DEM including vertical data (VCA) to analyze catchment areas in Shin-wol district, Seoul, Korea. Results: The DCA had 136 catchments, and the area of each catchment ranged from 3,406 m2 to 423,449 m2. The VCA had 2,963 catchments, with the area of each ranging from 50 m2 to 16,209 m2. The most important finding is that in the overlapped VCA; the boundary of areas directly affected by flooding and the direction of surface water flow could be identified. Flooding data from September 21, 2010 and July 27, 2011 in the Shin-wol district were applied as ground reference data. The finding is that in the overlapped VCA; the boundary of areas directly affected by flooding and the direction of surface water flow could be identified. Conclusion: The analysis of the area vulnerable to surface water flooding (SWF) was more accurately determined using the VCA than using the DCA.

Effect of Green Buffer Zone in Reducing Gaseous Air Pollutants in the Shiwha Industrial Area (시화공단 완충녹지대의 대기오염물질 저감 효과 분석)

  • Song Young-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.6 s.113
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2006
  • The effects of a green buffer zone to protect a residential area from air pollution from industrial facilities and traffic was examined by analyzing the case of a green buffer zone in the Shiwha industrial complex. The green buffer zone is 175 m wide. The intent was to assess the dispersion patterns of atmospheric air pollutants and the reduction in concentration around the green buffer zone. To measure atmospheric sulfur dioxide$(SO_2)$ and nitrogen dioxide$(NO_2)$ concentration, badge-type passive samplers were used and set up at 76 locations in order to measure the concentration of air pollutants with respect to the spatial dispersion. The weighted mean values of $SO_2\;and\;NO_2$ concentration were $3\~57 ppb\;and\;18\~62 ppb$ and the differences among the green buffer zone, the industrial area and the residential areas were $0.7\~1.1 ppb$. Mean values of atmospheric concentrations of $NO_2$ were similar in industrial and, residential areas and the green buffer zone. Results of the study show that the effect of the green buffer zone on reducing the dispersion of air pollutants was very low. This study also recommends that micro-climate, i.e., wind direction should be considered as a factor for planning and design of green buffer zones.

Thermal and Electrical Energy Mix Optimization(EMO) Method for Real Large-scaled Residential Town Plan

  • Kang, Cha-Nyeong;Cho, Soo-Hwan
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.513-520
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    • 2018
  • Since Paris Climate Change Conference in 2015, many policies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas have been accelerating, which are mainly related to renewable energy resources and micro-grid. Presently, the technology development and demonstration projects are mostly focused on diversifying the power resources by adding wind turbine, photo-voltaic and battery storage system in the island-type small micro-grid. It is expected that the large-scaled micro-grid projects based on the regional district and town/complex city, e.g. the block type micro-grid project in Daegu national industrial complex will proceed in the near future. In this case, the economic cost or the carbon emission can be optimized by the efficient operation of energy mix and the appropriate construction of electric and heat supplying facilities such as cogeneration, renewable energy resources, BESS, thermal storage and the existing heat and electricity supplying networks. However, when planning a large residential town or city, the concrete plan of the energy infrastructure has not been established until the construction plan stage and provided by the individual energy suppliers of water, heat, electricity and gas. So, it is difficult to build the efficient energy portfolio considering the characteristics of town or city. This paper introduces an energy mix optimization(EMO) method to determine the optimal capacity of thermal and electric resources which can be applied in the design stage of the real large-scaled residential town or city, and examines the feasibility of the proposed method by applying the real heat and electricity demand data of large-scale residential towns with thousands of households and by comparing the result of HOMER simulation developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL).