• 제목/요약/키워드: mechanical behavior

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Study on Crashworthiness of Icebreaker Steel: Part II Ship Side Structural Behavior Due to Impact Bending (쇄빙선의 내충격 특성에 관한 실험적 연구: 제2부 선체 구조의 충격 굽힘 특성)

  • Noh, Myung-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Yik;Han, Donghwa;Choung, Joonmo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2016
  • The first part of this study found the tendencies of the mechanical properties of two arctic structural steels (EH32 and FH32). In the second part, the crashworthiness of stiffened panels scaled down from the side frame structure of a Korean research icebreaker was determined. A procedure for designing the shapes and sizes of the stiffened panels, mass and shape of a drop striker, and a large temperature chamber, and then manufacturing these, is introduced in detail. From impact bending tests for the stiffened panels, the residual permanent deformations and deformation histories over time were captured using manual measurement and video image analyses. Numerical simulations of the impact bending tests were carried out for three different finite element models, which were mainly composed of shell elements, solid elements, and solid elements, with welding beads. It was proven from a comparison of the test results and numerical simulation results that the solid element model with the welding bead consideration approached the test results in terms of the residual deformations as long as the strain rate effect was taken into account.

Experimental verification of leverage-type stiffness-controllable tuned mass damper using direct output feedback LQR control with time-delay compensation

  • Chu, Shih-Yu;Yeh, Shih-Wei;Lu, Lyan-Ywan;Peng, Chih-Hua
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.425-436
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    • 2017
  • Vibration control using a tuned mass damper (TMD) is an effective technique that has been verified using analytical methods and experiments. It has been applied in mechanical, automotive, and structural applications. However, the damping of a TMD cannot be adjusted in real time. An excessive mass damper stroke may be introduced when the mass damper is subjected to a seismic excitation whose frequency content is within its operation range. The semi-active tuned mass damper (SATMD) has been proposed to solve this problem. The parameters of an SATMD can be adjusted in real time based on the measured structural responses and an appropriate control law. In this study, a stiffness-controllable TMD, called a leverage-type stiffness-controllable mass damper (LSCMD), is proposed and fabricated to verify its feasibility. The LSCMD contains a simple leverage mechanism and its stiffness can be altered by adjusting the pivot position. To determine the pivot position of the LSCMD in real time, a discrete-time direct output-feedback active control law that considers delay time is implemented. Moreover, an identification test for the transfer function of the pivot driving and control systems is proposed. The identification results demonstrate the target displacement can be achieved by the pivot displacement in 0-2 Hz range and the control delay time is about 0.1 s. A shaking-table test has been conducted to verify the theory and feasibility of the LSCMD. The comparisons of experimental and theoretical results of the LSCMD system show good consistency. It is shown that dynamic behavior of the LSCMD can be simulated correctly by the theoretical model and that the stiffness can be properly adjusted by the pivot position. Comparisons of experimental results of the LSCMD and passive TMD show the LSCMD with less demand on the mass damper stroke than that for the passive TMD.

The nano scale bending and dynamic properties of isolated protein microtubules based on modified strain gradient theory

  • Benmansour, Djazia Leila;Kaci, Abdelhakim;Bousahla, Abdelmoumen Anis;Heireche, Houari;Tounsi, Abdelouahed;Alwabli, Afaf S.;Alhebshi, Alawiah M.;Al-ghmady, Khalid;Mahmoud, S.R.
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.443-457
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    • 2019
  • In this investigation, dynamic and bending behaviors of isolated protein microtubules are analyzed. Microtubules (MTs) can be considered as bio-composite structures that are elements of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells and posses considerable roles in cellular activities. They have higher mechanical characteristics such as superior flexibility and stiffness. In the modeling purpose of microtubules according to a hollow beam element, a novel single variable sinusoidal beam model is proposed with the conjunction of modified strain gradient theory. The advantage of this model is found in its new displacement field involving only one unknown as the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, which is even less than the Timoshenko beam theory. The equations of motion are constructed by considering Hamilton's principle. The obtained results are validated by comparing them with those given based on higher shear deformation beam theory containing a higher number of variables. A parametric investigation is established to examine the impacts of shear deformation, length scale coefficient, aspect ratio and shear modulus ratio on dynamic and bending behaviors of microtubules. It is remarked that when length scale coefficients are almost identical of the outer diameter of MTs, microstructure-dependent behavior becomes more important.

Preparation of Waterborne Polyurethanes Containing Polycarbonate Component and Their Applications to the Impregnation Finishing for Artificial Leathers (폴리카보네이트 성분을 포함하는 수분산 폴리우레탄의 제조와 인공피혁 함침가공에의 응용)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Woo;Ko, Jae-Hoon;Shim, Jae-Yun;Kim, Young-Ho
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2009
  • Waterborne polyurethanes (WPUs) based on isophorone diisocyanate and mixed polyols of poly(tetramethylene glycol) (PTMG)/polycarbonate diol (PCD) were synthesized. The variation of mechanical and dyeing properties and alkali resistance of the WPU films were analyzed according to the polycarbonate (PC) content. The tensile strength of the films increased and the elongation at break decreased with the PC content in the WPU film. The incorporation of PC component in the WPU film did not affect the alkaline hydrolysis behavior. The synthesized WPU solutions were used as impregnating resins for the production of PET artificial leathers. The prepared WPU resins showed the good color fastness to washing, rubbing, and light of the artificial leather fabrics. The improvement of the properties became greater with the PC content in the WPU resin.

Failure and Deformation Analyses of 3-ply Mg/Al/STS Clad-Metalin Bending (굽힘시험시의 Mg/Al/STS 3층 클래드재의 변형 및 파단특성 분석)

  • Kim, In-Kyu;Song, Jun-Young;Hwan, Oh-Ki;Hong, Sun Ig
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2012
  • A three-point bending test was performed on roll-bonded Mg/Al/STS clad-metal plates under two different testing conditions (Mg layer in tension, or STS in tension) and their mechanical response and fracture behavior were investigated. Bending strength was found to be greater under the condition of Mg layer in tension. Heat treatment at $200^{\circ}C$ increased the bending formability, suggesting the interfacial strength increased at $200^{\circ}C$. Under the condition of Mg in tension, the clad heat-treated at $300^{\circ}C$ and $400^{\circ}C$ fractured in two steps, with the first step associated with the interfacial fracture between Mg and Al, and the second the fracture of the Mg layer. STS/Al layers were found to be bent without complete fracture. Under the condition of STS in tension, the clad heat-treated at $300^{\circ}C$ and $400^{\circ}C$ exhibited a very small load drop at the displacement, which is similar to that of the first load drop associated with the interfacial fracture under the condition of Mg in tension. In this case, no interfacial cracks were found and the complete cut-through fracture of clad was observed at low temperature heat treatment conditions, suggesting excellent interfacial strength. When the heat treatment temperature was higher than $300^{\circ}C$, interfacial cracks were observed. The local stress condition and the position of the interface with respect to the surface were found to have a great influence on the fracture behaviors of clad metals.

Stabilization of PAN Nanofibers Using Electron Beam Irradiation and Thermal Compression Technique (전자선 조사와 열압축공정을 이용한 PAN 나노섬유의 안정화 및 특성분석)

  • Kim, Du Yeong;Jeun, Joon Pyo;Shin, Hye Kyoung;Kang, Phil Hyun
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.55-59
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    • 2012
  • Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based carbon fibers have been widely used due to their unique chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties. Electron beam irradiation has been extensively employed as means of altering properties of polymeric materials. Electron beam irradiation can induce chemical reactions in materials without any catalyst. Electron beam irradiation may be useful in accelerating the thermal compression stabilization of PAN nanofibers. To investigate the irradiation effect on PAN fibers, PAN nanofibers were irradiated by electron beam at 1,000~5,000 kGy. Irradiated and non-irradiated PAN nanofibers were heated at 180 and $220^{\circ}C$ without applying pressure for 15 min. Then 1 metric ton has been applied for 5 min. SEM images have been found that the fiber kept its morphological behavior after the hot pressing up to electron beam irradiated 1,000 kGy. DSC thermograms showed that the peak temperatures of the exothermic reactions were found to decrease with increasing electron beam irradiation doses and temperature. FT-IR spectra have been found to decrease $C{\equiv}N$ stretch band with increasing the electron beam irradiation dose. These results indicate that the modification of PAN via reactions such as cyclization is significantly enhanced by electron beam irradiation and thermal compression technique.

Fracture Toughness Evaluation of a Solid Propellant Considering Viscoelasticity (점탄성을 고려한 고체추진제의 파괴인성 평가)

  • Ha, Jaeseok;Kim, Jaehoon;Jung, Gyoodong;Park, Jaebeom;Yang, Hoyoung;Seo, Bohwi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2013
  • A crack in a solid propellant increases the area of burning surface, which leads to excessive burning that causes motor failure. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate fracture toughness of solid propellants. However, it is very difficult to measure fracture toughness of solid propellants because of the nonlinear mechanical behavior. In this study, evaluation of fracture toughness on a solid propellant was carried out under the assumption that the solid propellant is a linear viscoelastic material. Actual displacements from fracture toughness tests using CCT specimens were converted into pseudo-elastic displacements by using stress relaxation characteristics and fracture toughness was evaluated using ASTM E399 standard. Also, effects of test temperature and speed on the fracture toughness were considered.

Coupled solid and fluid mechanics simulation for estimating optimum injection pressure during reservoir CO2-EOR

  • Elyasi, Ayub;Goshtasbi, Kamran;Hashemolhosseini, Hamid;Barati, Sharif
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.37-57
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    • 2016
  • Reservoir geomechanics can play an important role in hydrocarbon recovery mechanism. In $CO_2$-EOR process, reservoir geomechanics analysis is concerned with the simultaneous study of fluid flow and the mechanical response of the reservoir under $CO_2$ injection. Accurate prediction of geomechanical effects during $CO_2$ injection will assist in modeling the Carbon dioxide recovery process and making a better design of process and production equipment. This paper deals with the implementation of a program (FORTRAN 90 interface code), which was developed to couple conventional reservoir (ECLIPSE) and geomechanical (ABAQUS) simulators, using a partial coupling algorithm. A geomechanics reservoir partially coupled approach is presented that allows to iteratively take the impact of geomechanics into account in the fluid flow calculations and therefore performs a better prediction of the process. The proposed approach is illustrated on a realistic field case. The reservoir geomechanics coupled models show that in the case of lower maximum bottom hole injection pressure, the cumulative oil production is more than other scenarios. Moreover at the high injection pressures, the production rates will not change with the injection bottom hole pressure variations. Also the FEM analysis of the reservoir showed that at $CO_2$ injection pressure of 11000 Psi the plastic strain has been occurred in the some parts of the reservoir and the related stress path show a critical behavior.

Cyclic test for solid steel reinforced concrete frames with special-shaped columns

  • Liu, Zu Q.;Xue, Jian Y.;Zhao, Hong T.;Gao, Liang
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.317-331
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    • 2014
  • An experimental study was performed to investigate the seismic performance of solid steel reinforced concrete (SRC) frames with special-shaped columns that are composed of SRC special-shaped columns and reinforced concrete beams. For this purpose, two models of two-bay and three-story frame, including an edge frame and a middle frame, were designed and tested. The failure process and patterns were observed. The mechanical behaviors such as load-displacement hysteretic loops and skeleton curves, load bearing capacity, drift ratio, ductility, energy dissipation and stiffness degradation of test specimens were analyzed. Test results show that the failure mechanism of solid SRC frame with special-shaped columns is the beam-hinged mechanism, satisfying the seismic design principle of "strong column and weak beam". The hysteretic loops are plump, the ductility is good and the capacity of energy dissipation is strong, indicating that the solid SRC frame with special-shaped columns has excellent seismic performance, which is better than that of the lattice SRC frame with special-shaped columns. The ultimate elastic-plastic drift ratio is larger than the limit value specified by seismic code, showing the high capacity of collapse resistance. Compared with the edge frame, the middle frame has higher carrying capacity and stronger energy dissipation, but the ductility and speed of stiffness degradation are similar. All these can be helpful to the designation of solid SRC frame with special-shaped columns.

An Analysis of Mechanism of Auto-Sensing Breaker's Automatic Impact (지능형 브레이커의 자동타격 메카니즘 분석)

  • Park, Sung-Su;Noh, Dae-Kyung;Lee, Dae-Hee;Lee, Geun-Ho;Kang, Young-Ky;Cho, Jae-Sang;Jang, Joo-sup
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to identify the core technology for the automatic impact of the auto-sensing breaker that is one of the construction machinery which do not have a notable development success case yet in Korea. The study has been carried out as follows. Firstly, an analysis model was developed after determining the interconnection of pressure receiving area, opening area and port. And then, a simulation of situation that hard rock and soft rock are mixed was carried out to verify if it is possible to switch between long impact mode and short impact mode continuously. Lastly, the dynamic behavior of automatic control valve induced by the change of impact mode was analyzed based on the analysis result to decipher the core principle of automatic impact control.