• 제목/요약/키워드: maul resident

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.017초

마을문화 활성화를 위한 방안, '마을기록관'을 제안한다 (A Suggestion to Establish Maul Archives to Improve Maul Culture)

  • 김덕묵
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제33호
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    • pp.39-84
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    • 2012
  • 오늘날 문화적으로 소외된 마을을 되살리고, 정체성을 강화하고 마을과 외부세계를 연결하고 소통시키는 기재로서 마을기록관의 중요성이 부각된다. 마을기록관이 설립되기 위해서는 주민들의 인식과 정부와 지자체의 지원, 학자들의 지속적인 관심과 이론적인 선도가 있어야 한다. 마을기록관의 설립과정은 위원회를 구성하고 선행사례에 대한 벤치마킹, 마을에 대한 기록화와 자료수집, 마을기록관의 설립, 마을기록관의 관리와 운영 순으로 고려되어야 한다. 마을기록관은 오래된 민가를 활용하는 것이 좋다. 민가를 리모델링해서 기록물을 전시하고 합리적인 보존을 통해 관리해야 한다. 또한 마을기록관에는 전시공간 외에도 자료의 보존공간, 관리공간, 교육공간, 휴식공간을 두기 위해서 민가의 각 공간을 적절하게 활용해야 한다. 마을기록관은 마을을 새롭게 의미화 시키고, 주민을 문화국민으로 향상시켜 삶의 질을 나아지게 하고, 마을과 외부세계를 소통하는 관문, 균형 있는 지역발전을 위한 방향으로 활용되어야 한다. 마을기록관은 전시, 교육, 연구 및 자료수집 활동을 하며 운영과 관리에 있어서는 민 관 학이 협력해야 한다.

주민워크샵 효율성 증진을 위한 마을만들기 이미지맵 활용연구 -광주광역시 남구 거점 확산형 주거환경개선시범지구 주민대상- (A study on the image maps for promoting efficiency of workshop with residents)

  • 정은정;이연숙;김주석
    • 한국주거학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국주거학회 2009년 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2009
  • For the past few decades, residential improvement projects have been mainly carried out after demolition of the original dwelling place. So far, interests and opinions of the existing residents have largely been ignored during the projects. However, citizen participation in local redevelopment has recently been regarded as essential part as progress in democracy and diversified public interests have offered more importance to citizen participation in the implementation of public policies. While the importance of resident participation has been increasingly emphasized in principle, there still has been more to do in its application in reality. We should develop the experience of collecting community opinion to make them reflected in public policy, if we are to achieve the resident and citizen-centered society. The purpose of this study is to develop an image map tool that can be applied to "Maul-Mandulgi" projects as a visualized method to facilitate the exchange of opinions and work toward agreements. The tool is supposed to assist the public discussion by visualizing the policies and reducing the possibility of misunderstanding, so that residents can properly respond to them. In addition, this study will verify the effectiveness of the tool in the application to local community workshops.

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주거지 정비지역 주민 워크샵을 통한 마을이미지 맵 제작도구의 효용성 연구 (Effectiveness of "Village Image Construction Tool Kit" in the Residents Workshop of a Housing Improvement Area)

  • 이연숙;김주석;정은정
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2010
  • Citizen participation in local redevelopment has recently been regarded as essential, since progress in democracy and diversified public interests have contributed to more importance being placed on citizen participation in the implementation of public policies. While the importance of resident participation has been increasingly emphasized in principle, in reality more effort is still required in its application. We need to develop practical strategies of collecting community opinion in order to reflect it in public policy, if we are to achieve a resident and citizen-centered society. The purpose of this study is to develop an image map construction tool that can be applied to the "Maul-Mandulgi" projects as a visualized method to facilitate the exchange of opinions and work toward agreements. The tool is intended to assist public discussion by visualizing policies and plans and reducing the possibility of misunderstanding, so that residents can properly respond to the plans. Second, this study will verify the effectiveness of the tool in the application to local community workshops. The main research method is participant observation method and field study. Major findings are as follows, First, every resident who had participated in previous workshops gathered together, used the tool and represented their opinions unusually more than once. Each resident tried to make sure that other participants appropriately understood his or her opinion. The workshop finished when all participants agreed and produced a consensus. The workshop took much less time, which is in stark contrast to previous workshops in which it took significantly more time to collect opinions. Second, it proved that residents in the redevelopment area can strike a broad agreement by themselves on a method and direction for residential improvement. In previous workshops, conflicts between residents developed over the choice between the two methods, of local improvement and total demolition prior to multi-housing construction. In this study, opinions of residents were not limited to the two methods by finding a winwin solution. Third, the use of the tool kit for image map became efficient for inactive residents to develop their own opinions in regard to the direction and orientations of the residential improvement process. In addition, for those who have either no or a slight understanding of the residential improvement projects, the tool can provide access to information and knowledge. This study concludes that the developed tool for imaging of the redevelopment projection like a design game, rather than using forms of text and speech, can be a useful tool in collecting opinions and forming an agreed opinion for forthcoming residential improvement plans.

귀촌형 공동체마을 단독주택의 개성화 - 남원 '작은마을'의 사례연구 - (Personalization of Detached Houses in the Back-to-countryside Community Village - Case Study of the 'Jagun-Maul' in Namwon -)

  • 박경옥;이상운;류현수;황진아
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the personalizing characteristics of detached housing that reflect the housing needs according to the residents' participation in the back-to-countryside community village. For this study, 15 households of Jagun-maul at Namwon in Jeonbuk provided responses to the semi-structured questionnaire on housing consciousness, housing needs, and views on lifestyle. In addition, 15 plans were analyzed about the shape of the plan, the composition of LDK, the type of access, and the type of special space. The results were as follows. 1) The number of households under the elementary education stage was larger than the number of households above the middle education stage. Most of the households revealed the housing consciousness of 'house as resting place'. Households under the elementary education stage showed a housing consciousness for family-oriented life and households above the middle education stage showed a housing consciousness to interact with neighbors. 2) Households under the elementary education stage preferred LK style while households above the middle education stage preferred LDK style. Most of the floor plans had a front entrance and sliding door for the access from living room to garden. 3) Special spaces such as a loft, 'Ondolbang' (room with underfloor heating), study, maru, 'Toenmaru' (narrow wooden porch), family room, workroom, and toilet with outside door were arranged on each floor plan.

전원마을조성사업에 의한 귀촌형 공동체마을의 주민참여 계획과정 특성 - 남원시 작은마을을 중심으로 - (Characteristics of Planning Process of Residents' Participation in Community Village Construction by the Rural Village Development Policy - Focused on the Jagun Maul of Namwon-city in Jeonbuk-do -)

  • 박경옥;이상운;류현수
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to make a proposal for the planning of the back-to-farming community village. For this study of a community village designed by residents, the information on the residents' participation and the role of a coordinator in the whole planning process of the community village were investigated, based on the rural village development policy. The community village studied here is located at Sannae-myeon, Namwon-city in Jeonbuk-do. Interviews were answered by 17 households and a process coordinator. The results are as follows. 1) The process coordinator participated in the project on the design of village, permission documentation, and construction from the beginning. The coordinator and residents met every month, and discussed the respective housing and the village environment regulation. 2) Every house has its own plan, but the architectural coordinator's counseling and coordination in the planning process resulted in higher participation. Function of common spaces were determined by residents' participation. Finally, common spaces consist of 2 buildings that one would have as much as open spaces to accommodate as many as residents' activities and the other have business facilities. 3) The political assistance is needed to activate construction of resident-participation typed community villages; development of the conflict coordination program and coordinator education program for operation & planning.