• Title/Summary/Keyword: matured compost

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Performance Characteristics of Matured Compost Biofiltration of Ammonia Gas from the Agitated Composting (교반식 퇴비화 암모니아가스의 부숙퇴비를 이용한 탈취성능 특성)

  • 홍지형;박금주
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • Real sized open type biofilter system was manufactured to control the odor generated from the agitated composting system which composted swine manure and sawdust mixtures. The aim of this research was to develop a biofilter system using matured compost and to evaluate the performance of the biofilter system. Average ammonia reduction rate through the biofilter was 84% during about two month period of composting. The maximum ammonia concentration after filtering was 45ppm lower than allowable value of 50ppm. It was concluded that compost can be used as a biofilter materials.

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Heavy Metal Contents of Compost from Household Food Waste (음식쓰레기 퇴비화과정 중 중금속함량 변화)

  • Seo, Jeoung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 1996
  • The heavy metal concentration in mixed and separately collected household food waste, and their compost during the composting period was analysed. The mixed and separately collected food waste had Cd content of 8 mg/kg in spring and its content of 13 mg/kg in winter respectively. Its content was higher than by-product compost limit value(5 mg Cd/kg). Cd concentration in separately collected food waste in a house was higher in January, February, April and May than by-product compost limit value (5 mg Cd/kg). When Cd concentration in the initial composting material was higher than 5 mg/kg, its concentration in the compost of household food waste during the composting period was higher than by-product compost limit value, but it was not accumulated in the compost during the composting period. Fly ash was added to separately collected household food waste to adjust its moisture content for composting. Its addition had moisture conditioning and Cd concentration reducing effect in the compost. The average one month composted fresh compost from the mixed collected household food waste was matured in a pile out of doors for 7 months with turning the pile once a month and its heavy metal concentration was examined. Accumulation of the heavy metals in the compost did not occur during the composting period, because they were washed out during the rainfall.

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Evaluation of the Stability of Compost Made from Food Wastes by the Fermenting Tank (음식물찌꺼기 고속발효기에 의해 처리된 퇴비의 안정성 검토)

  • Kim, Pil Joo;Chang, Ki Woon;Min, Kyoung Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 1995
  • To evaluate the stability of the compost made from food wastes, which were treated in the fermenting tank for 96 hours and then composted additionally in the static pile, physico-chemical properties and phytotoxicities were investigated. When food wastes were treated in the fermenting tank for 96 hours at $55{\sim}60^{\circ}C$, there is the effect of decreasing about 60% of total weight and improving the storage and the handling. However, it is impossible to make the matured compost in the fermenting tank within 2~3 days, which is the operating condition recommended by manufacturers. To use compost in the agricultural field, after treating food wastes in the fermenting tank for 2~3 days, it needs to compost additionally in the staic pile under the suitable fermenting condition over 6 weeks.

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Wastepaper as a Bulking Agent for Butchery Wastes Composting (도축 폐기물의 퇴비화에 있어서 수분조절제로서 폐휴지 이용)

  • Lee, Suk-Young;You, Chang-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 1998
  • Changes of chemical and physical properties of the butchery waste compost were assessed when the wastepaper was used as a bulking agent (BP). Temperature of compost, with frequent turnover, was increased up to $83^{\circ}C$ even during the winter. Canon exchange capacity of the compost was increased with composting time, but pH, water content, total carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratio and salt concentration were decreased to the extents showing a convergency. Heavy metal contents of BP-192 were lower than the standard criteria. Germination rate of cucumber seed, when BP-34 and BP-96 composts were applied more than 15 g, was under 40%, but those of BP-143 and BP-192 were 100%, irrespective of the amounts of compost used. The C/N ratio of the matured compost was 8.6. Results indicated that wastepaper might be employed as a bulking agent for butchery wastes composting.

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Evaluation of Phytotoxicity of Food Waste During Composting (부숙과정중 음식물찌꺼기의 식물독성 평가)

  • Chang, Ki-Woon;Lee, In-Bog;Lim, Jae-Shin;Lim, Hyum-Teak
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.312-320
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    • 1996
  • This study was to investigate the changes of phytotoxicity of food waste during composting at an aerated static pile for 80 days. The concentration of sodium in the final compost increased by more than 30% and almost of the sodium was a water soluble type which corresponds to about 94% of the total concentration. Major volatile fatty acid(VFA) produced during the composting was acetic acid and also somewhat of butyric acid. High concentration of acetic acid during the composting was kept up for a month and then decreased progressively. It suggests that the phytotoxicity by the VFAs produced during composting of food waste could be removed through a stabilization process in a period of about 40 days. From the statistical analysis between germination index(G.I.) and VFAs. or G.I. and sodium, the phytotoxicity of food waste samples was more dependent in the changes of acetic acid concentration than that of sodium concentration. Considering low G.I. value in the final food waste compost which is matured completely, however. the agricultural utilization of the food waste compost may be to have a big problem due to excess sodium of the compost which is impossible to remove by composting and seriously inhibits growth of plants.

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Growth Characteristics of Herbaceous Plants by Soil Condition to Revitalize the Urban Agriculture (도시농업 활성화를 위한 토양조건별 초본식물의 생육특성)

  • Park, Won Jei;Han, Kyung Hwan;Kwon, Soon Hyo;Park, Mi Ok;Koo, Bon Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • This study is carried out to find the most optimal soil-plant combination in the urban agriculture by analyzing the association of soil base material which is being used in the urban agriculture with the growth of plants. 4 types of easily purchased soil (bed soil(A), animal vermicast soil(B), earth worm soil(C) and matured compost(D)) verified in aspects of effect and safety of soil in terms of growth of crop is selected as experimental soil and B, C, D type soils are mixed with granite soil at the ratio of 7 : 3. And granite soil(E) is set as a controlled soil and is compared to verify the effect of the experimental mixed soil. Herbaceous plants are classified into the fruit vegetables (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and Capsicum annuum L.), leafy vegetables (Brassica campestris L. ssp. Pekinensis and Lactuca sativa L.), medicinal vegetables (Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. latilobum and Liriope platyphylla F. T. Wang & T. Tang). The results of comparison of growth of herbaceous plants in different soil types showed that fruit vegetables and leafy vegetables in general had excellent growth in D type soil mixture and A type soil in general and had the poorest growth in E type (controlled) soil. 'Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. latilobum' had the excellent growth in D type, B type, C type mixed soil and A type soil and E type (controlled) soil are followed in order. In the case of 'Liriope platyphylla F. T. Wang & T. Tang', the difference in growth by each soil was shown to be insignificant. Therefore, the soil applied in the urban agriculture varies depending on each species of herbaceous plants, but it is considered effective to cultivate herbaceous plant which is economical and productive by using D type mixed soil which can be recycled and inexpensive compared with other experimental soils in the urban agriculture.

Distribution of Habitats and Ecology of Weedy Melons (Cucumis melo var. agrestis Naud.) in Korea (우리나라 야생잡초 참외의 자생지 분포지역 및 생태)

  • Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.652-655
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    • 2013
  • Natural habitats of weedy melons were distributed on the islands along and on the west and south coasts of Korean peninsula including Boryeong, Seosan (Taean), Seocheon, Okgu, Buan, Gochang, Yeonggwang, Muan, Shinan, Haenam, Jindo, Wando, Goheung, Yeocheon, Hadong, Namhae, Goseong, Tongyeong, Geoje, and Jeju islands including Jeju city, Bukjeju-gun and Nam Jeju-gun. Weedy melons were found growing wildly in or around the cultivated lands in these regions. Natural habitats of weedy melons were in and around the cultivated lands. Weedy melon plants were found most often in soybean fields, followed by fields of mungbean, sweet potato, pepper, sesame, cotton, and peanuts. The plants were also found growing wild in foxtail millet fields, rice paddy levees along the streams, upland field edges, watermelon fields, corn fields, vegetable gardens near farmhouse, orange fields, compost piles, fallow fields, roadside and home gardens. They inhabited in sunny and a little dry spaces in relatively low-height crop plant fields in general. The time of fruit maturity was from early July to late October with the most frequency in September according to post survey answer. Fruits dropped off from the fruit stalk when matured. This phenomenon was thought beneficial for perpetuation in the wild. The fruits were being used commonly for food and toys for children. It was thought that weedy melons were perpetuating through the cycle of human and animal feeding of the fruits, human and animal droppings, often mixed in compost, and application of the compost to crop fields by human.

Mineralization of Cattle Manure Compost at Various Soil Moisture Content (우분퇴비 시용후 토양수분 조절에 따른 질소 및 탄소의 전환)

  • Kim, P.J.;Chung, D.Y.;Chang, K.W.;Lee, B.L.
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 1997
  • To investigate the transformation characteristics of nitrogen and carbon from cow manure compost amended in soil under different moisture conditions, dynamics of nitrogen and carbon were determined periodically for 15 weeks of aerobic incubation at room temperature during July${\sim}$November, 1996. Cow manure compost matured with mixing saw dust was amended with the 4 ratios (0, 2, 4, 6%(wt/wt)) in Ap horizon soil, which collected from green house in Yesan, Chungnam. Moisture was controlled with 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 of mass water conte nt (${\theta}$m) to air dried soil, and water loss was compensated at every sampling. During incubation, soil pH was decreased continuously, that was caused by hydrogen generated from nitrification of ammonium nitrogen. And pH became higher with inclining cow manure compost amendment and water treatment, that meaned the increase of mineralization of organic-N to $NH_4\;^+-N$. Total nitrogen was reduced with increasing water content, but total carbon showed the contrast tendency with that of nitrogen. Therefore, C/N ratio slightly decreased in the low water condition (${\theta}$m 0.2) during incubation, but increased continuously in high water condition over ${\theta}$m 0.4. As a result, it was assumed that soil fertility is able to be reduced in the high water content over available water content. Nitrate transformation rate increased lasting in the low water content less than ${\theta}$m 0.3. Itdropped significantly in the first $2{\sim}3$ weeks of incubation over ${\theta}$m 0.4. In particular, nitrate was not detected in ${\theta}$m 0.5 of water content after the first $2{\sim}3$ weeks. In contrast, ammonium transformation was inclined with increasing water treatment. Nitrogen mineralization rate, which calculated with percentage ratio of (the sum of ex.$NH_4\;^+-N$ and $NO_3\;^--N$)/total nitrogen, was continuously increased in the low water content of ${\theta}$m 0.2 and 0.3. But it saw the different patterns in high water content over ${\theta}$m 0.4 that was drastically declined in the initial stage and then gradually inclined . From the above results, nitrogen transformation patterns differentiated decisively in water content between ${\theta}$m 0.3 and 0.4 in soil. Thus, it is very important for the maintain of suitable soil water content to enhance fertility of soil amended with manure compost. However, excess treatment of manure compost might enhance the possibility of contamination of small watershed and ground water around agricultural area.

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Effect of Organic Matter Application on Inhibition of occurrence of Root Rot of Red Pepper (고추역병(疫病)에 대(對)한 유기물시용(有機物施用) 효과)

  • Yun, Sei-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 1992
  • Results as follows are obtained from the pot experiment to examine effect of application of organic substances on inhibition of occurrence of root rot of red pepper. 1. As for effects of applicating organic materials on inhibition of red pepper root rot, it is more effective to apply in autumn than to apply in summer, when the temperature is high. In addition, organic substance which is not decomposed completely such as rice straw is more effective than matured compost types. As for effects of applicating organic substances on composition of soil microorganisms, increase of fungi and bacteria in view of numbers is remarkable, especially in case of applying rice straw. 2. From the examination of Phytophthora capsici in soil at the 1st cultivation period in autumn, no P. capsici can be isolated in early stage of growth of red pepper in nontreated soil and in soil applied compost. However, as the time goes on, P. capsici are detected. While in early stage of cultivation, P. capsici are detected in soil applied with rice straw, P. capsici are not isolated after middle stage of cultivation. 3. It is recognized that there are many differences according to the types of organic materials applied in the result of identification of fungi in each treatment. And, proportion of antagonistic fungi to total fungi in soil applied rice straw is proved to be significantly higher compared to other treatments.

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Production of liquid fertilizer from broken eggs and evaluation of its effect on lettuce growth

  • Kim, Bo-Ra;Lee, Jae-Han;Kim, Su-Hun;Choi, Ha-Yeon;Choi, Bong-Su;Oh, Taek-Keun;Lee, Chang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2020
  • Eggs are likely to be used in agriculture because they can provide enough nutrients for crop growth. Statistics show that a large number of eggs are lost due to breakage before reaching the final consumer. The purpose of this study was to make a natural liquid fertilizer as a substitute for chemical fertilizers using broken eggs as a resource and to evaluate the efficiency of the formulated fertilizer. To make the liquid fertilizer, the broken eggs and distilled water were mixed at ratios of 6 : 4 and 4 : 6. Then, effective micro-organisms (EM) and sugar were added, and the mixture was fermented. The temperature and electrical conductivity (EC) increased gradually with the fermentation while the pH decreased. When evaluated following the seed germination index method of the compost, it was found that the fertilizer matured 10 days after the beginning of the experiment. The growth experiment was conducted with lettuce in which the fermented liquid fertilizer was compared with a commercial liquid fertilizer. The 6 : 4 treatment produced plants with the densest fresh shoot and roots weighing 41.6 and 4.6 g, respectively. The number of leaves (12.3 per plant) was also the highest for the 6 : 4 treatment. Soil analysis showed that the soil pH was improved, and the soil organic matter was increased in the fermented liquid fertilizer treatment.