• Title/Summary/Keyword: market development strategy

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An Exploratory Research on the Improvement of Agricultural Food-related Public Organizations' Information Service : Based on the example of Okdab.kr's information service improvement strategy

  • Ham, Eunin;Lee, Jongtae
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2018
  • Development, availability and users' participation in the information service of agricultural food sector is slower than that of other sectors in Korea. This phenomenon comes from the lack of development strategies and comparative analyses with other sectors, as well as the agricultural food industry's own characteristics which is developed based on the offline market. In this research, we will discuss about how to improve the public information service of agricultural food sector based on the example of establishing service improvement strategy by the most representative Okdab. In this research, we have drawn the following implications for development strategy of Okdab service based on three core keywords derived from benchmarking KOSIS. Three core subjects for upgrading public information service are 'analysis information with expertise and differentiation,' 'user cooperation-oriented platform,' and 'intuitive nd effective UX,' and to strength B.I. as an integrated information service of agricultural food sector, we need to identify the users' satisfaction and needs for the existing service, establish an optimized operating strategy on a short-term, mid-term and long term bases, and implement them in a positive way. Based on this positive action, it can become a trustworthy information service for the users, and we can expect the improvement of the users' recognition for its consistent usability and efficiency.

A Case of Establishing Robo-advisor Strategy through Parameter Optimization (금융 지표와 파라미터 최적화를 통한 로보어드바이저 전략 도출 사례)

  • Kang, Mincheal;Lim, Gyoo Gun
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2020
  • Facing the 4th Industrial Revolution era, researches on artificial intelligence have become active and attempts have been made to apply machine learning in various fields. In the field of finance, Robo Advisor service, which analyze the market, make investment decisions and allocate assets instead of people, are rapidly expanding. The stock price prediction using the machine learning that has been carried out to date is mainly based on the prediction of the market index such as KOSPI, and utilizes technical data that is fundamental index or price derivative index using financial statement. However, most researches have proceeded without any explicit verification of the prediction rate of the learning data. In this study, we conducted an experiment to determine the degree of market prediction ability of basic indicators, technical indicators, and system risk indicators (AR) used in stock price prediction. First, we set the core parameters for each financial indicator and define the objective function reflecting the return and volatility. Then, an experiment was performed to extract the sample from the distribution of each parameter by the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method and to find the optimum value to maximize the objective function. Since Robo Advisor is a commodity that trades financial instruments such as stocks and funds, it can not be utilized only by forecasting the market index. The sample for this experiment is data of 17 years of 1,500 stocks that have been listed in Korea for more than 5 years after listing. As a result of the experiment, it was possible to establish a meaningful trading strategy that exceeds the market return. This study can be utilized as a basis for the development of Robo Advisor products in that it includes a large proportion of listed stocks in Korea, rather than an experiment on a single index, and verifies market predictability of various financial indicators.

A Study on the Strategy Highvalue-added in Italian Textile Industry - Focusing on Textile Design- (이태리 섬유산업(纖維産業)의 고부가가치화(高附加價値化) 전략(戰略)에 관한 고찰(考察) - TEXTILE DESIGN을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Oak
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1997
  • Over the past, the Korean Textile Industry has been able to establish as one of the most competent textile producer of the world. Today, however, with rapidly changing market requirements, the Korean Textile Industry is requested to improve systems for highvalue textile's market. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to propose suggestions for the strategy recommendations in the Korean Textile Design, researching on the highvalue-added Como Textile Design in Italy. As we analyzed them, the bases of their global success are as follows. 1) Participating in the making of the Global Trend in textile design market, Italian design companies lead to move international market influentially. 2) Dividing target depending on the country's textile market, Italian design companies build up their global marketing capability to increase design sale's effect. 3) Organizing and Participating in the international textile design show and fair, Italian companies attempt to set up Italian image creation as the global advertising. 4) Ensuring an adequate supply of human resource, Industry, Labor Unions, Government and Academy have a cooperative relationship to assist each other. In the basis of the above mentioned, we can suggest the strategies to accelate improvement and development in the Korean Textile and Textile Design Industry. 1) It needes to establish a monitoring system for current information in the International Textile Design Industry. 2) It needs to start building up Korean textile companies global marketing capability to produce adaptable design in market's request. 3) It needs to study and to find our traditional motifs continuosly for creating modern design following the recent Design Trend. Finally, It needs to have a close relationship between industry and education to establish human resource for the Korean Textile Industry's future success in the global market.

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Effect of the Design Management Strategy on the Industrial Craft Product Purchase Intention (디자인 경영 전략이 산업공예 제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2013
  • As craft is representing the historical culture of one country based on the old cultural characteristics and traditions of the regions in our life and is also representing the contemporary cultural culture, the interest in the crafts is becoming bigger and bigger as days pass by. However, despite this potentiality for growth, the craft that we encounter is not reflecting the ever-changing environment of the times, is failing to go beyond the folk art industry level of 1970s to 1980s. Although most of the industrial craft corporations have highly developed craft technology, but the products are not sublimated into marketable products. Also, so far schemes for development of industrial craft have not been many and studies on industrial craft in a sense of the design management have not been performed. Accordingly, this study intends to survey the effect of the design management strategy on the industrial craft product purchase intention in the industrial craft. The main contents comprehended in the study process are as follows. The design management strategy affects the industrial craft product purchase intention. Among the lower elements of the design management strategy, which are cost reduction-oriented design strategy, image-oriented design strategy and the market-oriented design strategy, the image-oriented design strategy and the market-oriented design strategy showed to affect the industrial craft product purchase intention. Especially, the image-oriented design strategy showed to affect the industrial craft purchase intention more than the market-oriented design strategy does.


  • Yong-Ho Kwon;Jae-Jun Kim;Suk-Hee Han;Jin-Sik Kim;Yoon-Sun Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2007.03a
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2007
  • The u-City construction project has become a hot topic in the construction market because it seems economic value-added field for construction firms. However, construction firms don't willingly participate in the u-City construction market because environments of the future business for the u-City are very uncertain. Scenario planning is a very powerful method in managing this uncertain planning situation and is based on scenarios that help each enterprise appropriately adapt itself to its own business environments. Therefore it is based on the main principles of systems thinking and multiple futures. For the purpose of dealing with such uncertainties, this paper attempts to develop the possible market scenarios of the u-City construction market in S.Korea through a scenario planning approach. From this perspective, we considered various aspects of the u-City construction such as market demands, technology development, policy level and management environment. After considering the relevant issues, we identified the main trends and key uncertainties. Finally, we developed three coherent u-City construction market scenarios. Construction firms can use these scenarios as a basic reference for market analysis and business strategy. Therefore, this paper is able to enhance the participation of construction firms in the u-City construction market.

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Dental hygienists' perspective and coping measures towards medical market opening (의료시장 개방에 대한 치과위생사의 인식과 대응방안)

  • Jung, Gi-Ok;Kim, Ho-Sun
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.503-511
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This research seeks to present the data needed for the development of coping strategy, following medical market opening by identifying dental hygienists' perspective and coping measures towards the opening. Methods : One hundred eighty-eight dental hygienists were targeted to identify their level of perception towards medical market opening, attitude towards medical market opening, question of whether they agree or not with the opening and reasons, and coping measures and benefits of the medical market opening. t-test, chi-square test and cross-tabulation analysis were used for the analysis Results : First, team leaders are more aware of the medical market opening and hold greater sense of crisis towards opening compared to the rank and file. Second, the reasons cited for agreeing with the medical market opening included improvement of medical services' quality and diversification of services. As for the reasons for disagreeing, they cited the increase medical expenses paid by public. Third, limitation of the hospital management technique was cited the most when it comes to the scope of Korean hospitals' management crisis, followed by the limitations of the diagnosis procedure, limitations of the medical services, limitations of the medical techniques and increase in the number of large hospitals, in the order cited. Fourth, team leaders perceive greater need to seek coping measures from the aspect of realizing medical insurance fee from the policy development, service and system level aspects when it comes to the coping measures depending on their ranks. Conclusions : Therefore, Dental Hygienist has a comparatively low awareness of medical market opening, coping measures need to be explored to cope with the medical market opening by ensuring the dissemination of accurate knowledge through the education on the fees for dental hygienist and seminars in relation to the medical market opening.

Value Articulation Strategy of Media and Content Company: Mainly Focused on Iconix's Animation 'Pororo' Case (미디어 콘텐츠 기업의 무형자산 중심 지식재산 가치 연결 전략: 아이코닉스 애니메이션 뽀로로에 대한 탐색적 사례연구)

  • Ko, Young-Hee;Lee, Seo-Hyun
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.181-206
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    • 2016
  • Under the influence of growing popularity of "hallyu" (Korean wave), corporates that have copyrights such as music, movie, drama as their core competitiveness are showing continuing growth. In Addition, they built on contents are rapidly growing, interests in protection and management of intellectual property rights linked to contents are growing. Global contents development corporates are making great efforts to create profits out of copyrights. They could utilize original contents to strengthen brand value use it to produce additional contents in current market. Also they take advantage of existing storyline of the contents and strong brand to explore new markets. This paper looks into Value articulation model by Professor James Conley and analyzed the firms that utilized intellectual property rights to extend the period of protection, strengthen their competitiveness and succeeded in breaking into new market by using the rights they possess. Also, this paper examines the usage of intellectual property rights and business expansion strategy of of Iconix, the Korean entertainment company, which gained tremendous popularity in last ten years using this model. In Value articulation model, Conley classifies the process of exploiting the portfolio of the single product's(or service's) intellectual property right for a period of time into three stages ; value transference, value translation, value transportation. Pororo's strategy of utilizing intellectual property right is suggestive to domestic entertainment companies. Under the influence of hallyu" (Korean wave), domestic contents such as movies, dramas and music are enjoying the high level of popularity recently not to mention animations. In reality, Korean entertainment companies who have no background or experience of Intellectual property rights are not creating enough added values compared to fast growing market. It is believed Iconix's intellectual property rights management strategy will suggest positive aspects to domestic companies. Moreover, I hope various intellectual property rights management strategies including Conley's value articulation are studied and they can make contributions to managing domestic entertainment companies.

A Study on the Development Strategies and Measuring Consumer′s Willingness to Pay for the Quality-Certificated Environmental-Friend Products - Focused on Rice, Lettuce, and Bean Curd at Cheonan-city (품질인증 친환경농산물의 소비자가치 추정 및 유통정책 방향에 관한 연구 - 천안지역의 쌀, 상추, 두부를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Chan-Wung;Heo, Seung-Wook;Kim, Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2003
  • The study must have standpoints for the stable market construction of the Environmental-Friendly agricultural products of the quality-certificated which has rapidly grown due to a discussion of the environment and agriculture, income increase and the interests on foods stability. The survey was conducted through face-to-face interview of 200 adults who are in their twenties or more in Cheonan-city. In this research, the Environmental-Friendly agriculture was a clean agriculture not using a fertilizer or chemicals and the agriculture which protects the environment by preventing the environmental pollution. In the analyses of the consumer's willingness to pay, the rice showed 69,851 won, and a lettuce and bean-curd showed 947 won and 1.412 won respectively. In terms of current issues of the policy, to establish the stable circulation structure and consumption strategy, there must be a clearness raise of the Quality Authentication (QA) Mark. To raise the trust through quality authentication, there must be transparency raise of information by distribution stages and the thorough post management of the official institutes. Also, to persue the competitive product differentiation, there must be the settlement of the product brand on the market, development of the new production technology and a classification of consumers by incomes. Finally to construct stable distribution and price system, there must be active participation of the local agricultural cooperatives in the distribution of the Environmental-Friendly agricultural products of the quality-certificated and the understanding of the proper price of the consumer market and flexible strategy of the price change.

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Development of Premium Denim Design for the Senior Generation - Hybrid Yarn Using Conjugated Dyeing - (시니어 세대를 위한 프리미엄 데님 디자인 개발 - 하이브리드 얀 커버링 복합사 직물을 활용하여 -)

  • Chung, Sam-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2011
  • As the development of denim products using new differentiated materials plays an important role regardless of their target age groups, there is an increasing need for the development of premium denim designs for senior women using various materials. As part of the strategy to develop such a design for the senior generation, a market survey was performed regarding commercially available premium denim products in the market, and the current trends in the denim market were researched and analyzed to make use of the results in design development. In addition, a differentiated material, hybrid yarn using conjugated dyeing (HYCD) was applied to use several washing techniques capable of highlighting the unique features of denim clothing. The design of four items including a jacket, vest, capri pants and long pants were suggested. These items were differentiated from other products by emphasizing their details such as stitching and pockets. In light of the current consumer trend to select denim jeans on the basis of their fashion-ability (e.g., silhouette or color) rather than practicality or price, it is considered meaningful to develop high value added, premium jean products for the senior generation using diverse materials and details. At the same time, performing further studies designed to demonstrate the stability and reliability of the developed products through consumers' comparative assessment is required.

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Hyundai Motor's Global Marketing Strategy: "New Thinking. New Possibilities."

  • Kang, Wooseong;Kim, Youngchan;Yoo, Changjo
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.215-228
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    • 2014
  • The automotive industry plays a significant role in the global economy. One of the reasons is that this industry compasses every aspects of the value chain - from raw materials to design and development, manufacturing, sales and services, and even disposal. Thus, the industry needs significant upfront capital investment and requires years of R&D and market development. As a result, this industry is dominated by a handful of global players and it is not easy for a new entrant to enter this industry. Furthermore, success is even more difficult to achieve. How did Hyundai Motor make it in this tough marketplace? Can it continue against all odds? The CAGR for last 5 years is 12% and it stands at 6th in the world. Compared to other global brands, Hyundai has geographically well-balanced sales portfolio. The quality improvement is outstanding. The brand performance follows these quality and sales improvements. Yet, the global competition is ever intensifying. Now, it is the time to step up once more. The next strategic goal needs fundamental shift toward brand and marketing-focus. In constructing global marketing strategy, Hyundai Motor's vision is "Lifetime partner in mobility and beyond" and its goal is global top 3 brand by year 2015 through modern premium brand image and selling 5 million vehicles. The target brand positioning of Hyundai Motor is the leading position in premium dimension and stylish/modern dimension. The global brand strategy framework is based on the brand direction of "Modern Premium" and is designed to deliver core brand identity (i.e., Simple, Creative, Caring) to customers. In order to manage brand performance, Hyundai's marketing platformalso includes marketing performance management, brand performance management, and market driven organization. From this diagnosis, Hyundai Motor is well posed to build a strong brand. Nevertheless, there are still challenges ahead from consumer, technology, competitor, and macro-environment perspectives. To overcome these threats, the bases of competition for all successful automotive brands are various differentiation factors, including technology, performance, value proposition, or heritage. Hyundai Motor is well prepared so far. However, it is not tested against time yet whether Hyundai can overcome these unforeseeable major threats. Hyundai is trying to find the solution from a strong brand, while believing in "New Thinking. New Possibilities."

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