• Title/Summary/Keyword: management affects

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The Mediating Effect of CEO's Innovation Direction on the Impact of Market Environment Favorability on Sales Growth Rates : Focused on Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Companies (시장환경 호의성이 매출성장률에 미치는 영향에서 최고경영자 혁신지향성의 매개효과 : 중소제조기업을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jong-chan
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2021
  • Environmental deterministic perspectives and resource-based perspectives have different perceptions on the factors that determine corporate performance. While the environmental deterministic viewpoint sees the external environment as having a significant impact on corporate performance. On the other hand, the resource-compliant viewpoint believes that it is important to obtain the necessary resources through appropriate decision-making in order to overcome the uncertainty of the environment. Although the external environmental impact on corporate performance is important, the study is in the position that efforts within the company to cope with environmental uncertainty are necessary. This study identified the role that factors within the company play in the process of affecting the external environment of the company's performance. This study looked at whether the CEO's innovation direction plays an mediating role in the market environment favorability affecting sales growth rate. The data was collected using a survey method. We collected data from 138 small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Gyeongin area. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 22 packages. According to the analysis, market environment favorability positively affects sales growth rate, and the CEO's innovation direction plays a mediating role between market environment favorability and sales growth rate. The results of this study showed that depending on the market environment, the CEO's interest and willingness to innovate, present a vision for innovation, and institutionalize innovation activities increase management performance through innovation.

Strategies for Managing Dementia Patients through Improving Oral Health and Occlusal Rehabilitation: A Review and Meta-analysis

  • Yeon-Hee Lee;Sung-Woo Lee;Hak Young Rhee;Min Kyu Sim;Su-Jin Jeong;Chang Won Won
    • Journal of Korean Dental Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.128-148
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    • 2023
  • Dementia is an umbrella term that describes the loss of thinking, memory, attention, logical reasoning, and other mental abilities to the extent that it interferes with the activities of daily living. More than 50 million individuals worldwide live with dementia, which is expected to increase to 131 million by 2050. Recent research has shown that poor oral health increases the risk of dementia, while oral health declines with cognitive decline. In this narrative review, the literature was based on the "hypothesis" that dementia and oral health have a close relationship, and appropriate oral health and occlusal rehabilitation treatment can improve the quality of life of patients with dementia and prevent progression. We conducted a literature search in PubMed and Google Scholar databases, using the search terms "dementia," "major neurocognitive disorder," "dentition," "occlusion," "tooth loss," "dental prosthesis," "dental implant," and "occlusal rehabilitation" in the title field over the past 30 years. A total of 131 studies that scientifically addressed dementia, oral health, and/or oral rehabilitation were included. In a meta-analysis, the random effect model demonstrated significant tooth loss increasing the dementia risk 3.64-fold (pooled odds ratio=3.64, 95% confidence interval [2.50~5.32], P-value=0.0348). Tooth loss can be an important indicator of cognitive function decline. As the number of missing teeth increases, the risk of dementia increases. Loss of teeth can lead to a decrease in the ascending information to the brain and reduced masticatory ability, cerebral blood flow, and psychological atrophy. Oral microbiome dysbiosis and migration of key bacterial species to the brain can also cause dementia. Additionally, inflammation in the oral cavity affects the inflammatory response of the brain and the complete body. Conversely, proper oral hygiene management, the placement of dental implants or prostheses to replace lost teeth, and the restoration of masticatory function can inhibit symptom progression in patients with dementia. Therefore, improving oral health can prevent dementia progression and improve the quality of life of patients.

The Effects of Highlighted Review Type on Consumer's Perception and Behavior: Focusing on Review Usefulness and Skepticism (강조된 리뷰 노출 방식에 따른 소비자 행동 연구: 리뷰의 유용성과 회의감을 중심으로)

  • Junho Kim;Il Im;Taeyoung Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.25-50
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    • 2021
  • Though there have been a lot of studies about online product review, the effects of highlighted reviewhave not been examined enough. Highlighted review is a type of review that the platform designer changes its size or position in order to highlight without any sponsorship or incentive. The main subject of this study is about how highlighted review type affects consumer's perception and behavior in online information acquisition. We collected data from 171 subjects to test hypotheses. Using three different types of screen captures, we compared three groups - general review group, positive highlighted review only group, and both positive and negative highlighted review group. As a result, disclosing both of positiveand negative highlighted review was perceived more useful than disclosing only positive highlighted review. However, correlation between highlighted review type and review skepticism was not statistically significant. The impacts of review usefulness and skepticism on platform credibility were statistically significant, and the correlation between platform credibility and usage intention was also significant. All of results is almost similar across two product types, search goods and experiential goods. This research provides practical implications to online shopping platform designers when they design review systems to make people use their platforms.

The Effect of Marketing Mix Factors on Sales: Comparison of Superstars and Long Tails in the Film Industry (마케팅믹스 요소가 매출액에 미치는 영향: 영화산업에서 슈퍼스타와 롱테일의 비교)

  • Jung-Won Lee;Choel Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2022
  • Researchers are making contradictory claims through the concept of superstars and long tails about how the development of IT technology affects demand distribution. Unlike previous studies that focused on changes in demand from a macro point of view, this study explored whether the relationship between a company's marketing activities and consumer response differs depending on the product location (i.e., superstar vs. long tail) from a micro point of view. Based on the marketing mix framework, hypotheses were developed based on the relevant literature. In the case of empirical analysis, 2,835 daily data from 63 Korean films were tested using the quantile regression method. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the influence of marketing mix factors on sales varies depending on the location of the product. Specifically, the appeal breadth of the film and the effect of owned media are enhanced in superstar products, and the effect of acquisition media in long-tail products is enhanced and the negative effects of competition are mitigated. Unlike previous studies that focused on macroscopic changes in demand distribution, this study suggested marketing activities suitable for practitioners through microscopic analysis.

The Impact of Location-based Mobile Curation Characteristics on Behaviors of Art Gallery Visitors (위치기반 모바일 큐레이션 특성이 미술관 관람객의 관람행태에 미치는 영향)

  • Sangwoo Seo;Taeksoo Shin
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.167-199
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    • 2020
  • The ICT-based curation as a series of experiences with the mobile exhibition-guide applications or guide programs in art galleries helps visitors fully immersed in the exhibition and allows them to have more informative and convenient guide experience at art galleries. This study aims to verify how the factors of ICT-based curation affects the commitment and satisfaction of visitors at art galleries, figure out whether the visitors' commitment has effects on their satisfaction, and then finally test the impact of their commitment and satisfaction on their revisit intention. In order to validate the cause-and-effect relationships between these factors, the ICT-based curation in this paper is categorized into five factors - gamification, quality of image/video information, quality of sound/text information, contextual offer, and instant connectivity. The main results of the study are as follows. First, only the gamification has significantly positive effects on the commitment of art gallery visitors, while other two factors - the instant connectivity, and the quality of sound/text information - have significantly positive effects on the satisfaction of visitors. Second, the commitment of visitors also has significantly positive effects on their satisfaction. Third, the commitment of the visitors don't have significantly positive relationship with their intention of revisit, but the satisfaction of the visitors have significantly positive relationship with their intention of revisit.

Study on the Influencing Factors of Business Performance and Loyalty in O2O Industry: Focusing on the Food Delivery Apps (O2O 플랫폼 품질이 자영업자의 디지털 전환에 미치는 영향: 배달앱을 중심으로)

  • Dae Yong Hyun;Sun-Young Kim;Byungheon Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.193-207
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    • 2024
  • Purpose - With the increase of non-face-to-face activities due to the spread of COVID-19, O2O industry has grown rapidly which reduces contact points between suppliers and consumers. O2O platform is now recognized as an indispensable channel of distribution, but the voice is getting louder that it is necessary to check how it contributes to the performance of suppliers or how its fee system or contract terms affects the expansion of O2O industry as the leading companies tend to monopolize the market. Design/methodology/approach - In this study, the scope was limited to the restaurant industry in which transactions are the most active among the O2O industry and a regression analysis was done on 775 businesses that had used guarantor service from the Seoul Credit Guarantee Foundation. Findings - Analysis on the impact of O2O platform system, information, and service quality on the business performance of the sole proprietors revealed that the system quality represented by ease of use and the information quality determined by level of timely, accurate and reliable information provided to the consumers have a statistically significant effect on the improvement of business performance. In addition, the effect of business performance on the loyalty measured by the likelihood of users continuing to use the service as well as recommending it to others was moderated by the satisfaction with contract terms, not by the fee system. Research implications or Originality - Although the number of O2O platform providers has increased manyfold, the membership rate is no more than 20%, which means that the small business owners are still struggling with digital transformation. In order for the O2O industry, which is now commonplace, to form a healthy ecosystem that satisfies both suppliers and consumers, the standard contract guidelines that are acceptable to both parties must be established and the O2O providers must offer services that help suppliers to improve performance.

The Role of Psychological Distance and Relative Optimism in Information Security Decision Making (정보보호 의사결정에서 정보보호 침해사고 발생가능성의 심리적 거리감과 상대적 낙관성의 역할)

  • Jongki Kim;Jiyun Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.51-71
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    • 2018
  • Many studies in the field of information security reveal the need to increase awareness. However, although awareness of information security has been raised to a considerable extent, actual security behavior has been shown to fall short of that. Therefore, we wanted to identify the role of psychological factors in making information security decisions by conducting a experimental study. The results show that there are differences in perception of information security risks according to the probabilistic distance and the degree of relative optimism due to social distance. In relation to their relative optimism and intention of information security, they reduced the level of perceived risk compared to those close to them and found that their influence varied according to their probabilistic distance. This study has made valuable attempt in terms of methodology and it is meaningful that the psychological factor is taken into consideration for the information protection behavior, so that the range of relative optimism that actually affects the perception of risk is narrowed. It is expected to contribute to the improvement of information security level of information technology users and protection of information assets by empirically identifying necessity of various approaches to decision making process for information security.

An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between SNS Use during a Task and Task Performance: An Analysis of Task Complexity Difference (작업 수행 중 SNS 사용과 작업 성과의 관계에 관한 탐색적 연구: 작업의 난이도에 따른 차이 분석)

  • Jinyoung Min
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 2017
  • Although the relationship between social networking sites (SNS) use and performance has been widely studied, most of these studies have focused on comparing the SNS users' overall performance with that of non-SNS users instead of examining how using SNS midway of a task affects one's task performance. To address this research gap, an experiment was conducted to examine SNS use during a task and its influence on the performance of that task. In this experiment, the role of SNS in various situations was examined by reviewing the literature on break and performance as well as the types of breaks and tasks. Owing to its exploratory nature, this study used various types of data, such as electroencephalography interpretation data generated from a brain-computer interface, self-reported data, and data recorded by a computer. Those participants who used SNS showed an improved performance compared with those who took a short break while doing a simple task. Further analysis showed that the degree of SNS usage and engagement with SNS had positive effects on the participants' simple task performance, while social presence and reassurance of self-worth had negative and positive effects on the participants' complex task performance, respectively.

Do Users Always Trust More when Blog Posts are Related to the Blog's Theme?: The Degree of Relevance and Its Effect on Message Credibility (블로그의 포스트가 블로그의 테마와 관련이 있을 때 항상 더 사용자의 신뢰를 받는가?: 관련성의 정도가 메시지 신뢰성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jiyeol Kim;Cheul Rhee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.163-188
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    • 2018
  • When people try to find restaurant information via search engine results, they look at posts not only from sites with solely restaurant reviews but also from sites with restaurant unrelated contents. This study aims to investigate whether relevance between post and blog type affects users' trust toward a review. This study also attempts to check if the above effects interact with age. We designed a restaurant review post for two different blogs: one featuring restaurant review and another that does not feature restaurant reviews. After our participants visited one restaurant review post, they answered our questionnaire. We conducted an online survey on 206 participants to test our research model. Results show that 1) the effect of relevance between post and blog type on message credibility, which is users' trust toward restaurant reviews, is not greater when posts are consistent with the theme of a blog. 2) Among users who are over 30 years old, relevance between post and blog type moderates the relationship between media skepticism, which is users' feeling of mistrust toward blog, and belief in expertise, that is, users' belief that the review post provides sufficient restaurant information. 3) Users' perceived value of the restaurant review post mediates the relationship between users' belief in the expertise in a post and users' intention to seek additional information.

Smartwork Application & Effects: Empirical Test for the Extended Work Design Theory (스마트워크 적용과 효과: 업무 설계 이론을 중심으로)

  • Hyejung Lee;Jun-Gi Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 2018
  • Under ubiquitous work environment, innovative changes occur in work process with ICT. The work process for collaboration through mobile devices and network should be investigated. The research model consists of two major antecedents: autonomy and interdependence as a task characteristic and job satisfaction as ultimate consequence followed by work design theory. To elaborate work design theory, smartwork application (app) use, communication extent, and work-life balance were reviewed from the literature. Data were collected from three ICT firms, which adopted certain smartwork app, and a partial least squares analysis was made on 175 data points. The analysis results show that task interdependence exerts a statistically significant effect on the level of smartwork app usage. Communication extent directly affects job satisfaction and work-life balance. The remarkable point is that smartwork app usage does not affect employees' work-life balance; the former can only affect the latter indirectly by increasing communication extent. This study attempts to explain the organizational impact by considering smartwork app and the effects simultaneously. We proposed and empirically tested the extended work design theory including information technology and its environment. Based on the results, other theoretical and practical contributions are discussed at the end with limitations and further studies.