• Title/Summary/Keyword: management affects

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The Effect of Media Image and Major Satisfaction on Nurse Image of Health and Non-health Students after COVID-19 (COVID-19 이후 보건계열과 비보건계열 대학생의 대중매체 이미지와 전공만족도가 간호사 이미지에 미치는 영향)

  • Yunju Lee;Hyeseon Lee;Jieun Park;Bomin Kwon;Haeun Choi
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2022
  • The study attempted to identify the factors affecting the image of nurses in health and non-health university students after COVID-19. The study was collected from November 15, 2021 to 2011 and 28th, 2021, from 133 health-related and 123 non-health-related students in four universities. This data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 22.0 program. As a result of the study, whether the nurse image according to general characteristics is in the first grade of health-related college students(t=2.82, p=.006) showed a statistically significant difference. The nurse image of college students showed a positive correlation with the mass media image and major satisfaction in both health and non-health fields. For health-related college students, the image of mass media, major satisfaction, and first grade influence the image of nurses (F=40.42, p<.001)In the case of university students in non-health departments, it was found that only the media image affects the nurse image. (F=20.13, p<.001). In order to improve the image of nurses, it is necessary to have continuous interest in contact with the media through new media and to approach it systematically.

The Effect of Hospital Mobile App Quality Factors on Users ' Continuous Use Intention: An Integrated Approach of Information Systems Success and Expectation-Confirmation Models (병원모바일앱 품질요인이 이용자의 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향: 정보시스템성공모형과 기대일치모형의 통합적 접근)

  • Min Soo Kim;Sang-Hyeak Yoon;Sae Bom Lee;Sung-Byung Yang
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.76-95
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    • 2023
  • As information and communications technology-based "smart hospitals" and "digital healthcare" have become a hot topic in the healthcare field, hospital mobile apps are gaining attention; but, the utilization rate is low due to lack of publicity, unstable systems, and late updates. In this situation, systematic research is needed to increase the utilization rate of hospital mobile apps, but related research has been rare. Therefore, this study integrates the information systems success model (ISSM) from the technical perspective and the expectation-confirmation model (ECM) from the cognitive perspective to demonstrate the influence mechanism on the continuous use intention of hospital mobile apps. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted among 181 Korean adults who have used hospital mobile apps. The results of the structual equation modeling showed that most of the quality factors have significant effects on expectation confirmation, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction. Additionally, expectation confirmation significantly affects perceived usefulness and satisfaction, and both perceived usefulness and satisfaction significantly affect the continuous use intention of hospital mobile apps. This study is of importance in that it integrates the ISSM and ECM and applies them to the context of using hospital mobile apps, which are underutilized in the healthcare field, and provides practical implications for increasing the utilization rate of hospital mobile apps and operating effective and efficient services through the findings.

Global Value Chain and Misallocation: Evidence from South Korea

  • Bongseok Choi;Seon Tae Kim
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - This paper empirically investigates the effect of a rise in the global value chain (GVC) on the industry-level efficiency of resource allocation (based on plant-level inefficiency measures) in Korea, with a focus on various channels through which a rise in the GVC can increase competition among firms and thus induce resources to be allocated more efficiently across firms. Design/methodology - We empirically investigate the relationship between the industry-specific importance of GVC and the industry-level allocative inefficiency that is measured as the dispersion of the plant-level marginal revenue of capital (MRK) as in Hsieh and Klenow's (2009) influential model. We compute MRK dispersion for industries sorted by various characteristics that are closely related to firm/industry sensitivity to the GVC. In other words, we compute the average industry-level MRK dispersion for industries sorted by industry-specific importance of GVC and compute the difference between the two groups of industries (higher vs. lower than the median GVC); we also calculate the difference between industries sorted by industry-specific export (import) intensity. This is our difference-in-difference estimate of the MRK dispersion associated with the GVC for the export (import)-intensive industry versus the non-export (non-import)-intensive industry. This difference-in-difference estimate of the MRK dispersion conditional vs. unconditional on firm-level productivity is then calculated further (triple-difference estimate). Findings - A rise in GVC is associated with a decrease in the MRK dispersion in the export-intensive industry compared to the non-export-intensive industry. The same is true for industries that rely heavily on imports versus those that do not (i.e., import intensive vs. non-intensive). Furthermore, the reduction in the MRK dispersion in the export-intensive industry associated with an increase in the GVC is disproportionately greater for high-productivity firms. In contrast, the negative relationship between GVC and MRK dispersion in the import-intensive industry is disproportionately smaller for high-productivity firms. Originality/value - Existing studies focus on the relationship between GVC and aggregate output, exports, and imports at the country level. We investigate detailed firm/industry-level mechanisms that determine the relationship between GVC, trade, and productivity. Using the plant-level data in South Korea, we investigate how GVC is related to the cross-firm MRK dispersion, an important measure of allocative inefficiency, based on Hsieh and Klenow's (2009) influential economic theory. This is the first study to provide plant-level evidence of how GVC affects MRK dispersion. Furthermore, we examine how the relationship between GVC and MRK-dispersion varies across export intensity, import intensity, and firm-level productivity, providing insight into how GVC can affect firms' exposure to competition in the global market differently depending on market conditions and thus generate trade-related productivity gains.

Impact of Periodic Auditor Designation on Audit Quality: Focusing on the Quality of Accruals in the DD Model (주기적 감사인 지정이 감사품질에 미치는 영향: DD모형의 발생액의 질을 중심으로)

  • Tae-Hyoung Mun
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2023
  • This study's purpose is to verify how the periodically designated auditor in the recently implemented periodic auditor designation system affects audit quality. In this study, hypotheses were established by reviewing previous studies, and 980 samples of 2019 and 2020 were selected for KOSPI-listed companies. Dechow & Dichev (2002)'s accrual quality was used as the dependent variable, and the effect of whether or not a company was periodically designated as an auditor and whether or not a Big 4 auditor was selected was empirically analyzed. As a result of the analysis and correlation analysis, a statistically significant difference was confirmed in the quality of the dependent variable accrual and the independent variable designated auditor (PA). However, as a result of the regression analysis model 1, it was found that the designated auditor was not significant, but it was confirmed that there was a significant difference in the control variables. Further analysis confirmed the difference in audit quality according to the Big 4 auditors. This study is significant in that it is a study that uses empirical data to study the effect of audit quality and the selection of regularly designated auditor companies after the introduction in 2019 and 2020. Due to the non-disclosure of government-designated companies, there is a limit that there may be a difference from the selection based on the researcher's published selection criteria.

A study on Discount in Prior Experience of AI and Acceptance: Focusing on AI Effect (인공지능 사전경험 무시 현상과 수용에 관한 연구: AI Effect를 중심으로)

  • Lee, JeongSeon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2022
  • Artificial intelligence is applied not only to the daily life of individuals but also to all industries, and it is no wonder that the age of artificial intelligence has arrived. Therefore it is important to understand the factors that influence the acceptance of AI. This study analyzes whether "AI Effect" which recognizes that commercialized or familiar artificial intelligence is no longer artificial intelligence, affects the acceptance of artificial intelligence and proposes an acceptance plan based on the results. Two experiments were conducted. The first experiment was conducted on 105 adults in the result it was found that 32.4% (34 people) had AI Effect, AI Effect existed in 43.6% (24 people) of women and 20% (10 people) of men, that is, the proportion of AI Effect exsitence in women is about twice as high.and AI Effect exists when the level of AI knowledge is low. The second experiment was conducted 240 adults and 85 participants with AI Effect were selected. We found the group that recognized experience of AI accepted AI more actively. Understanding of AI Effect is expected to suggest companies' views in order to enhance AI capabilities and acceptance. In addition, future studies are expected on considering individual differences or related to acceptance attitudes.

Seismic performance assessment of single pipe piles using three-dimensional finite element modeling considering different parameters

  • Duaa Al-Jeznawi;Jitendra Khatti;Musab Aied Qissab Al-Janabi;Kamaldeep Singh Grover;Ismacahyadi Bagus Mohamed Jais;Bushra S Albusoda;Norazlan Khalid
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.455-475
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    • 2023
  • The present study investigates the non-linear soil-pile interaction using three-dimensional (3D) non-linear finite element models. The numerical models were validated by using the results of extensive pile load and shaking table tests. The pile performance in liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil has been studied by analyzing the liquefaction ratio, pile lateral displacement (LD), pile bending moment (BM), and frictional resistance (FR) results. The pile models have been developed for the different ground conditions. The study reveals that the results obtained during the pile load test and shaking cycles have good agreement with the predicted pile and soil response. The soil density, peak ground acceleration (PGA), slenderness ratio (L/D), and soil condition (i.e., dry and saturated) are considered during modeling. Four ground motions are used for the non-linear time history analyses. Consequently, design charts are proposed depended on the analysis results to be used for design practice. Eleven models have been used to validate the capability of these charts to capture the soil-pile response under different seismic intensities. The results of the present study demonstrate that L/D ratio slightly affects the lateral displacement when compared with other parameters. Also, it has been observed that the increasing in PGA and decreasing L/D decreases the excess pore water pressure ratio; i.e., increasing PGA from 0.1 g to 0.82 g of loose sand model, decrease the liquefaction ratio by about 50%, and increasing L/D from 15 to 75 of the similar models (under Kobe earthquake), increase this ratio by about 30%. This study reveals that the lateral displacement increases nonlinearly under both dry and saturated conditions as the PGA increases. Similarly, it is observed that the BM increases under both dry and saturated states as the L/D ratio increases. Regarding the acceleration histories, the pile BM was reduced by reducing the acceleration intensity. Hence, the pile BM decreased to about 31% when the applied ground motion switched from Kobe (PGA=0.82 g) to Ali Algharbi (PGA=0.10 g). This study reveals that the soil conditions affect the relationship pattern between the FR and the PGA. Also, this research could be helpful in understanding the threat of earthquakes in different ground characteristics.

The Effect of Middle-aged People's Retirement Preparation on Successful Aging : Focusing on the mediating effect of social support (중장년층의 노후 준비가 성공적 노화에 미치는 영향 : 사회적 지지의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Seung-Gwon Jung;Hyun-Seung Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2023
  • Based on the perception that integrated retirement preparation in various areas is needed in preparation for increased old age, this study aims to identify the status and characteristics of retirement preparation of middle-aged people and reveal the relationship with successful aging. In addition, it aims to find out the mediating effect of social support in the relationship between retirement preparation and successful aging for the middle-aged. To confirm this, 1,037 men and women aged 50 to 64 who responded to the third, fourth, and fifth additional surveys of the Korean Retirement & Income Study (KReIS) conducted by the National Pension Research Institute were analyzed. When the preparation of middle-aged people for retirement affects successful aging, bootstrapping with IBM SPSS 26 Process Macro Model 4 was conducted to verify the mediating effect of social support. As a result of verifying the significance of independent variables on the parameters, preparation for retirement was positively (+) significant. In other words, it was verified that the higher the preparation for retirement, the higher the social support. Furthermore, it was discovered that social support, an independent variable, had a significant impact on successful aging, and social support, an independent variable, had a significant impact on successful aging. The results of this study suggest the need for social support for successful aging through the preparation of middle-aged people for retirement. It is intended to derive policy implications for preparing for retirement and provide them as basic data to increase the level of successful aging.

Design of Body Movement Program with the Application of Feldenkrais Method® - Foucing on Parkinson's Disease (펠든크라이스 기법®을 적용한 신체 움직임 프로그램 설계 - 파킨슨병 환자를 중심으로)

  • So Jung Park
    • Trans-
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    • v.14
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    • pp.35-63
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    • 2023
  • Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological disease that affects even basic daily life movements due to impairment of body function caused by a lack of dopamine, which is charge of the body movement. Presently, it is hard to cure Parkinson's disease entirely with medical technology, so movement therapy as a solution to delay and prevent disease is getting more attention. Therefore, this study aims at desiging and disseminating a body movement program that concentrates on individual self-care and balacing the state of body and mind by applying the Feldenkrais Method® to patients with Parkinson's disease. The Feldenkrais Method® is a mind-body perceptual learning method using body movements. It is a methodology that re-educates the nervous system by connecting the brain and behavior as a function of neuroplasticity. In this study, the body movement program developed and verified by the researcher was modified and supplemented with a focus on the self-awareness of the Feldenkrais Method®. A 24-session physical exercise program was composed of 5 stages to improve the self-management ability of patients with Parkinson's disease. The stages include self-awareness, self-observation, self-organization, self-control, and self-care. The overall changes recognize one's condition and improve one's ability to detect modifications in the internal sense and external environment. In conclusion, the body movement program improves the body movement program improves mental and physical functions and self-care for Parkinson's disease patients through the Feldenkrais method. The availability of the program's on-site applicability remains a follow-up task. Furthermore, it is necessary to establish a systematic structure to spread it more widely through convergent cooperation with the scientific field applied with metaverse as a reference for the wellness of the elderly.

An Analysis of Safety Zone Appropriateness of Urban Railway Box Structures by Adjacent Excavation Using Machine Learning Technique (머신러닝 기법을 적용한 인접굴착에 따른 도시철도 박스구조물의 안전영역 적정성 분석)

  • Jung-Youl Choi;Jae-Seung Lee;Jee-Seung Chung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the relationship between major parameters and numerical analysis results according to various excavations conducted around the urban railway, application of machine learning techniques and verified the scope of influence of the adjacent excavation on the existing urban railway box structure and the appropriateness of the safety area. This study targeted the actual negotiated adjacent excavation works and box structures around the urban railway, and the analysis was conducted on the most representative two-line box structures. The analysis confirmed that the difference in depth of urban railway, excavation depth of adjacent excavation, and depth of underground water level are important parameters, and the difference in excavation depth of adjacent excavation is the parameter that affects the behavior of underground box structures and is an important requirement for setting safety areas. In particular, the deeper the depth of the adjacent excavation work, the greater the effect on the deflection of the underground box structure, and the horizontal separation distance, one of the important requirements for determining the management grade of the existing adjacent excavation work, is relatively small.

A study about the effects of online commerce on the local retail commercial area (온라인 거래의 증가가 지역 소매 상권에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kangbae
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.54-95
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the effects of the increase in online shopping and its effects on real-world commercial outlets. The empirical analysis of this study is based on the results of "Census on Establishments" and "Online Shopping Survey" that cover 15 years, from 2002 to 2016. According to the results of this study, the increase in the number of online transactions affects the decrease in the number of stores in the real-world retail sector. However, non-specialized large stores and chain convenience stores showed an increase in the number of stores. In addition, the number of F&B stores increased the most in line with the increase in online transactions. This is because the increase in online transactions and in internet users led to the use of more delivery applications and the introduction of popular places on blogs or through social media. Street-level rents for medium and large-sized locations increased. In other words, it is seen that the demand for differentiated real-world stores that provide a good user experience increases, even though online transactions also increase. These results suggest that real-world stores should provide good user experiences in their physical locations with a certain size and assortment of goods.