• Title/Summary/Keyword: management affects

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An emprical analysis on the effect of OTT company's content investment (OTT 사업자 콘텐츠 투자가 미치는 영향에 대한 실증 분석)

  • Kwak, Jeongho;Na, Hoseoung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2021
  • OTT service, which allows video content to be viewed as a streaming service on the Internet network, has recently attracted a lot of attention, and the number of users is also increasing rapidly. It would be a natural strategy for OTT companies to acquire more content to gain a competitive advantage in relations with traditional media companies and other OTT companies. However, there are research results to show that the investment in facilities by Internet service providers who must transport the increasing Internet traffic from OTT provider to end users should increase as the amount of Internet traffic originated by OTT services also increases. This study empirically analyzed how content investment by Netflix, a leading OTT company, affects its revenue growth and network investment by Internet service providers through a polynomial distributed lag model. And the analysis results show that Netflix's content investment contributes to the company's increase in revenue, and also has an effect on the increase in network investment by Internet service providers. This result confirms that OTT operators' content acquisition strategy is a valid management strategy, and empirically supports the study results that OTT operators need to share the cost of Internet network facility investment.

Analysis of the Difference Between Purchasing Decision Factors and Quality Satisfaction of Community Social Service Investment (지역사회서비스투자사업의 구매결정 요인과 품질만족 차이 분석)

  • Jang, Chun_Ok;Lee, Jung-Eun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2021
  • Currently, in the field of community service, it is expected that the demand will further increase in the future by enabling the form of providing various types of services. However, the local community service investment project is an abstract Although the structure for fair competition was created by introducing a market mechanism derived from the action or principle of psychology that affects human behavior in the field, systematic management and monitoring of the quality of social services is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between service selection factors and service quality in order to improve the quality of social services in the consumer's way to meet these environmental needs, and to utilize the research results for quality improvement. The research model to be used in this paper measures the five element areas of service satisfaction such as reliability, responsiveness, empathy, certainty, and tangibility, which are used to measure the quality of local community service investment projects. In addition, we are various strategic implications that can induce the quality improvement of local community service investment projects are presented by finding the main factors of the four research hypotheses of this study and utilizing the results.

A Study on the Satisfaction of Non Face to Face Real Time Education Focused on Firefighter in COVID-19 (코로나19 상황에서 소방공무원을 대상으로 한 비대면 실시간 교육 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin Chan;Baek, Min Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: After COVID-19, changes in the educational ecosystem take place and fire service academy education system have shifted from face-to-face into non fact-to-face. So, the educational effect of fire officials is decreased and the satisfaction level is also decreased. In this study, we want to examine the current status of non-face-to-face real-time remote education and supplement the problems to improve the educational methods, the educational environment, etc. Method: This study is an independent variable that affects non-face-to-face real-time remote education, consisting of education system environment, self-efficacy of computers, contents (education contents, structure, design, etc.), and proper interaction. A dependent variable was selected with satisfaction for non-face-to-face real-time remote education. In addition, it was selected and analyzed as an active property of learning motivation and learning attitude as control variables. Result: The better the content and the more active the learning motivation and the attitude toward learning, the higher the satisfaction of non-face-to-face real-time remote education, and the more active the learning motivation and the attitude toward learning, the more positive the computer self-efficacy and the satisfaction of learning Conclusion: In order to increase the satisfaction of non-face-to-face real-time education due to COVID-19, education designers or professors need to provide non-face-to-face education contents that can increase the aggressiveness of their learning motivation and learning attitude, and to increase the satisfaction of education for learners by increasing computer self-efficacy through pre-education of non-face-to-face education systems.

Effect of Demand for Labor On Investment in Education (노동에 대한 수요가 교육에 대한 투자에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Sukwhan
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine how demand for labor affects the job seeker's decision on the level of investment in education. In the current paradigm of economic growth in which innovations and technological developments generally weaken the strength demand for labor and increases the uncertainty related to employment, this paper provides a theoretical framework that can be used as a basic framework in understanding the decision of investment in education in varying conditions of demand for labor. The following are the findings of this paper. First, the level of investment in education can generally be regarded to be higher as the demand for labor exacerbates but for the job seekers with a certain characteristic. Second, the Arrow-Pratt absolute risk-aversion measure is the characteristic of the job seeker that determines in what direction the job seeker changes in the level of investment in education, For an arbitrary level of demand for labor there exists a certain threshold which determines the minimum degree of risk-aversion required for the job seeker's Arrow-Pratt should go over to increase the level of education as demand for labor weakens. Third, the job seekers lower the level of education even though the demand condition in labor markets weakens if the compensation function does not depend on the level of education. This is surprising because it turns out that one of the reasons why job seekers invest in education is that they want to be recognized in their compensation for their level of education even when more education still raises the probability of employment.

Relationships between Integration, Clinical Practice Stress, Department Satisfaction in Nursing Students (일 간호대학생의 통합성과 임상실습 스트레스가 학과만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Myung-Wha;Lee, Mi-Suk;Kim, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.543-551
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the integration and clinical practice stress of nursing students and to understand the relationship with department satisfaction. Data collection was from June to July 2021. Data were collected through questionnaires consisting of scales of integration, clinical practice stress, and departmental satisfaction, targeting 3rd and 4th grade nursing students who have had more than one clinical practice experience. A total of 394 copies were analyzed using the SPSS program to analyze the data. As a result of the study, integration showed a positive correlation with department satisfaction (r=.412, p<.01) and a negative correlation with clinical practice stress (r=-.193, p<.01). The predictive factors affecting the department satisfaction of nursing students were integration (β=.406, p<.001) and admission motivation (β=.166, p=.006), which accounted for 20% of the total variance. Integration Performance It was confirmed that the motivation for entering the nursing department affects department satisfaction. In order to increase the department satisfaction of nursing students, it is thought that it is necessary to operate an integration promotion program and department adaptation program from the early stage of admission.

A Study on Korea Land Use Information System Zoning Data Maintenance Plan (국토이용정보체계 용도지역지구 데이터 정비방안)

  • Lee, Se-won
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to explain the types and causes of errors in zoning data that occur in the topographic map notification procedure, and to prepare a data maintenance plan. In Korea, like the United States, law-based land use regulation is dominant. In other words, according to the land use regulation method in the Act, the government designates zoning for all lots in the country, and landowners check the land use regulations of their land through the Korea Land use Information System. The land use plan confirmation document is important land information that affects the results of administrative dispositions such as land transactions between individuals or permission for development activities. However, there are data errors that occur during the current topographic map notification procedure and data construction process. Therefore, four local governments that can verify data by type were selected in consideration of local government conditions. A number of errors are first, errors in data construction and management in the Korea Land use Information System, and second, errors in lack of expertise that occur while the local government officials maintain data. Third, it was analyzed as an error from the relationship between the serial cadastral map and the zoning DB. Based on the above results, it is hoped that the results of this study will be reflected in the establishment of the KLIP and the reform of the legal system, which is currently underway after the establishment of the 「3rd the Korea Land use Information System Construction Plan」.

Estimation of the Cost of Hypertension Disease Loss in 2010-2017 Using Cohort at Diagnosis Age and Treatment Time (진단나이 및 치료시점 코호트를 활용한 2010~2017년 고혈압 질환 손실비 추계)

  • Noh, Yun-Gon;Lee, Sang-Ho;Choi, Kyungsik;Song, Tae Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.782-793
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    • 2022
  • The rise in chronic disease not only has a negative effect on people's lives, but it also increases the cost of medical care owing to the increased usage of medical care as health and medical technology improves, life expectancy rises, and rapid population ageing. In such context, this study examined the difference in the disease cost of hypertension according to demographic information and the effect of the initial diagnosis age and treatment period on the cost. This study used the Korean Health Panel Survey from 2010 to 2017, and selected subjects based on health insurance beneficiaries between the ages of 30 and under 80. With the selected data, the direct and indirect costs of disease loss were calculated according to the cost of illness approach, and we constructed a disease-loss ratio cohort considering the age of diagnosis and time of treatment for hypertension. From the results of the study, the annual cost of disease loss for hypertensive patients differed by gender by 110,107 won, and it was found that the cost increased by 1.8 times as the treatment time increased. In addition, when comparing disease loss ratios between the same age groups, it was found that the disease loss ratios between those in their 60s and 70s were affected by treatment time. This study confirmed that hypertension significantly affects the cost of the disease, and not only requires early diagnosis and management, but also preventive efforts to lower the incidence of hypertensive disease must be strengthened.

Mediating Effect of Learning Time on the Effect of Academic Burnout on Self-esteem (학업소진이 자존감에 미치는 영향에서 학습시간의 매개효과)

  • Eun-Kyeong, Kwon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted to understand the mediating effect of learning time in the effect of academic burnout on self-esteem of middle school students. To this end, a survey of 1,045 middle school students in Gyeongsangnam-do was conducted on academic burnout, learning time, and self-esteem. It was analyzed in four ways through questionnaire responses. First, as a result of analyzing the differences according to the collective characteristics of academic burnout, learning time, and self-esteem, there was no difference between groups, and self-esteem was significantly different by gender and grade. Second, as a result of correlation analysis, academic burnout and learning time showed a negative correlation with self-esteem, and learning time and self-esteem showed a positive correlation. Third, as a result of regression analysis, all learning times were partially mediated in the effect of academic burnout on self-esteem. This not only directly affects the self-esteem of middle school students, but also indirectly through learning time. Fourth, in the analysis by gender, it was confirmed that male students had no statistically significant effect on self-esteem, but female students had a significant statistical effect on self-esteem, so only female students had a partial mediating effect. As a result of the analysis by grade, the effect of learning time on self-esteem was significant in the 1st and 2nd graders of middle school, but the effect of learning time on self-esteem was not significant in the 3rd graders of middle school. Through the survey of this study, it was suggested that education and counseling should be conducted in the middle school period, which is a rapid growth period, considering that academic burnout has a different effect on learning time and self-esteem by grade as well as gender approach.

Comparison of the Effects of Abdominal Massage and Lower Extremity Exercise using Survival Analysis in Rehabilitation Patients of Brain Injury (생존분석을 이용한 복부마사지와 하지관절운동의 뇌병변 재활환자 배변완화시기 효과 비교)

  • Young-Ji, Kim;Dong-Soon, Shin;Sung-Lim, Kim;Kyu-Ock, Park;Na-Ryeong, Do
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2023
  • Constipation is the most common digestive disorder, and it occurs frequently in the early stages and affects the prognosis on rehabilitation stage in the patients with brain injury. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the bowel habits of brain-injured patients undergoing enteral nutrition immediately after admission to rehabilitation and transmission, and to investigate the effects of abdominal massage and lower extremity exercise. The study design is a quasi-experimental study to investigate the effect of a bowel care intervention (abdominal massage and lower extremity exercise) applicable to patients with brain lesions. As a result of the study, the number of bowel movements was significantly higher in the intervention group (p=.030), and the use of suppositories in the control group was statistically significantly higher than that in the intervention group (p=.004). The time of constipation relief was 1.73 days for the experimental group and 4.61 days for the control group, indicating that there was a difference in the time of constipation relief between the two groups (p<.001). Abdominal massage and lower extremity exercise were effective as nursing interventions to relieve constipation and prevent constipation in patients with brain injury from the early stage of rehabilitation.

A Focus Group Interview(FGI) on Experience During Clinical Fieldwork of Students in Occupational Therapy (작업치료과 학생들의 임상실습 경험에 대한 포커스그룹 인터뷰)

  • Kang, Jin-Ho;Nam, Young-Ok;Oh, Myung-Hwa
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate about student's experiences in occupational therapy through clinical fieldwork, such as the change in perception of occupational therapy, the stress that students experience, and the satisfaction of clinical fieldwork. We conducted a focus group interview with 10 participants to see what they experienced during the clinical fieldwork. The contents of the interview were recorded and conducted, and the meaning was analyzed according to the focus group interview procedure through repeated listening. Components were psychological experience, professional experience, environmental experience, changes of values, and behavioral changes. In psychological experience, he experienced anxiety and burden. Experiential experience was the connection of theory and clinical experience and realization of major knowledge. In the environmental experience, we experienced clinical guidance management system, and the change of values experienced change of perception of occupational therapy and change of perception of disabled person. Finally, behavioral changes have experienced an active response through clinical practice experience. Clinical fieldwork is a basic element that prepares students to become occupational therapists. It affects the role of occupational therapist and perception performance through various experiences in new environment. It is thought that the efforts of the institution are needed. The results of this study will help occupational therapists to direct clinical fieldwork in the right direction in clinical fieldwork.