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Ecological Characteristic of Clithon retropictus inhabitating in Yeoncho River in Southern Coastal Area (남해안 연초천에 서식하는 기수갈고둥의 생태적 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Kim, Mi-Jeong;Kim, Ji-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.591-602
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    • 2018
  • Clithon retropictus has been designated as an endangered wildlife Class II due to its high value as a biological indicator species capable of judging environmental quality such as salinity, water flow, and ground conditions. However, basic research on its physiological and ecological characteristics is still lacking. As such, this study intended to examine the impact of environmental conditions such as salinity and soil particle size on the size and density of Clithon retropictus at the Yeoncho river estuary. The investigation of the salinity, which is a key variable that affects the distribution of organisms in the estuary, showed that Clithon retropictus could grow at a salinity ranging from 0#x2030; (freshwater) to 25‰ (brackish water). The coarse gravel (19-75mm) tended to increase nearer the upper stream (under the Yeoncho weir), while the proportion of particles smaller than sand (less than 19mm) increased toward the downstream. The population and the size of the individuals decreased rapidly in the downstream where water stagnated near the Yeoncho weir, and the salt water joined. The results indicated that Clithon retropictus had a high tolerance to salinity, but the adaptability was weaker toward the extremes since the population, and the size tended to decrease as the salinity increased. The correlation analysis revealed that both salinity and soil particle size affected the population and individual size. The correlation between the individual size and salinity was -0.242 (P <0.01), indicating that the size decreased with increasing salinity. The correlation between individual size and coarse gravel having a particle size of 19mm or more was 0.420 (P <0.01), indicating that the size increased with increasing the particle size.

The Structural Relationships among Undergraduates' Individual Characteristics, Startup Education, Startup-Relevant Knowledge and the Entrepreneurial Intentions (대학생들의 개인특성, 창업교육, 창업관련지식 및 창업의지간의 구조적 관계 분석)

  • Jung, Yu Sun;Jung, Hwa Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2018
  • This study is to identify the structural relationships among undergraduates' individual characteristics(need for achievement, risk-taking propensity), startup education, startup-relevant knowledge and the entrepreneurial intentions. The mediating variables examined were startup education and startup-relevant knowledge. In results, the higher need for achievement the undergraduates get, as the individual characteristics of college students, the more active the entrepreneurial education is to receive. Students with a risk-taking propensity have a positive influence on their knowledge of entrepreneurship and expect to acquire any knowledge of entrepreneurship even if they are not actively receiving entrepreneurial education. However, risk-taking propensity showed that entrepreneurship education and need for achievement had no effect on entrepreneurial knowledge. On the other hand, entrepreneurship education itself shows that it can be a driving force to promote entrepreneurship. In addition, since entrepreneurship education positively affects the entrepreneurial will with the knowledge of entrepreneurship as a parameter, it is necessary for the students to increase entrepreneurial will by getting entrepreneurship education and improving the knowledge about entrepreneurship. In order to do this, the school should formalize regular business start-up education and acquire business startup-relevant knowledge. Therefore, although the individual characteristics of college students influence the will to start a business, it is necessary to find out the will and opportunity of the startup by implementing and acquiring the startup education and startup-relevant knowledge. In this study, some of the universities in the specific area have been studying on the startup education. However, the future study should be conducted on the schools that have startup education nationwide.

A Study on the Relationship between Level of Digital Informatization and Satisfaction Level of Elderly People: Focusing on community, meeting, and community involvement activities (장노년층의 디지털정보화 수준과 사회활동 만족도 수준과의 관계에 대한 연구: 커뮤니티, 모임, 공동체에의 참여활동을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyangsoo;Lee, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2019
  • Our society is evolving into an aging society. The purpose of this study is to investigate how digital informatization capacity of elderly people, one of the so - called information - neglected people, affects social activities. To this end, we analyzed the relationship between digital informatization level and social activity satisfaction level of old elderly people based on the results of the digital information gap survey in 2017. As a result, it was found that there was a positive relationship between digital access and satisfaction level of social activities, such as whether elderly people have wired / wireless information devices and internet accessibility. Second, it was found that digital information capacity level such as PC usage ability and mobile digital device utilization ability had a positive (+) relationship with only social activities. Third, the level of satisfaction with social activities increased as the level of digital information utilization increased, such as whether they were using wired and mobile Internet. This suggests that the government needs a policy to resolve various information gaps that can enhance the level of digital informatization of elderly people.

A Study on the Comparative Study on the Work Obstacles and Safety Culture Perceptions of Elderly Welfare Facility Employees in Korea and Japan (한·일 노인복지시설 종사자의 업무저해요인과 안전문화인식 비교)

  • Byeon, DO-Hwa;Choi, Hwa-Yeong;Back, Jong-Uk;Furukawa, Kazutoshi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.498-508
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    • 2019
  • This is a comparative descriptive research conducted to compare work obstacles and safety culture perceptions of elderly welfare facility employees in Korea and Japan. The number of subjects are total 680 including 460 Japanese employees, working at elderly welfare facility in city 'N', and 220 Korean employees in city 'A' and 'S' of province 'K'. This study had been conducted from April 1, 2018 to August 30, 2018 and the data was analyzed by x2-test, t-test, ANOVA. As a result, work obstacles were korea and japan, there were no statistically significant differences between two groups. In the safety culture perceptions, employees of elderly welfare facility in Korea showed significantly higher level of safety culture perception than employees of that in Japan. furthermore, it is revealed in both countries that the less work obstacles they have, the higher safety culture perceptions they get. And it is a work obstacles that affects safety culture perceptions. Lastly, it is expected that the result of this study can be used as basic data for the improvement of working environment and for the strategy development in human resource management to enhance the safety culture perceptions and to reduce work obstacles.

A Study on the Influence Differences of the Awareness and Attitude toward Climate Change on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention - Focused on the Comparison Between the Korean and Chinese Tourists- (관광객의 기후변화에 대한 인식과 태도가 만족도와 행동의도에 미치는 영향력 차이에 관한 연구 - 중국인과 한국인 관광객 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Sung-Sik;Hwang, Jung;Hwang, Yun-Seop
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.45-70
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    • 2017
  • Tourist industry has many sensitive issues with climate change and is worthy of study from an aspect that it could provide new opportunities and threats from the low-carbon - green- growth point of view. To study how the change of awareness and attitude of the customers due to climate change affects the tourism demand and tourism choices is very important. Even at present, the effect is ongoing. In this paper, diverse needs and changes of tourists, who are the subjects of tourism activities, have been grasped through the examination of psychological characteristics according to climate change after defining the influencing relations of tourism experience, tourism value, tourism risk factors, satisfaction, and behavioral intention, affected by awareness of climate change and their attitude toward it. Through this, the implications that are necessary for establishing marketing strategies could be provided. The results of this present paper are as follows: First, it was shown that awareness of climate change did not affect tourism risk factors while it had a significant influence on tourism experience and tourism value. Secondly, it was revealed that the Chinese tourists generally influenced more greatly than the Koreans. Thirdly, it was shown that the attitude toward climate change did not affect tourism value while it influenced significantly on tourism experience and tourism risk factors. Fourthly, it was revealed that tourism risk factors did not affect tourism satisfaction while tourism experience and tourism value had a significant influence on tourist satisfaction. Fifthly and last, it was shown that tourism experience, tourism value, and tourism risk factors did not influence behavioral intention respectively.

A Study on the Factors Influenced on the Performance of Korean Ventures - Focusing on International Entrepreneurship and Firm's Capabilities - (한국 벤처기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구 - 국제적 기업가정신과 기업역량을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Ki-Chang
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.445-474
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    • 2009
  • This study tries to investigate the factors influenced on the performance by top management team's(TMT's) international entrepreneurship(IE) and firm's capabilities(marketing capability and R&D capability) of Korean Ventures. The research model and hypothesis set that TMT's IE directly affect to the performance directly affects and TMT's IE indirectly affect to the performance through the capabilities(marketing capability and R&D capability) by research prior studies. To verify research model, 115 high-technology based Korean ventures survey to be as samples by structured questionnaires and the data is tested by SEM(structural equation modeling) analysis. The results of analysis are as follow. First, there was no relationship between TMT's IE and performance. Second, the IE positively affected to firm's capabilities(marketing capability and R&D capability). Third, firm's internal capabilities positively affected to performance. These results only few TMT's IE cannot sufficiently affect to performance but IE should be propagated to marketing and R&D departments and then firm's performance can improved. This study respect to provide a meaningful implication to globalization and performance of Korean Ventures.

Corporate Venture Capital and Technological Innovation: Effects of Investment Portfolio Composition (사내벤처캐피탈의 투자포트폴리오 운영성향과 기술혁신 효과)

  • Ahn, Hyunsoup;Yoon, Jeewhan
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.29-56
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this research is to examine whether investment portfolio composition affects the technological performance of corporate venture capital (CVC). The stages of investment are categorized from "start-up/seed", "early", and "expansion", to "later" stage. We posit and test that the investment stage composition in a portfolio is highly correlated with the growth potential and downside risk of the portfolio, which in turn influences an investor's innovation performance. To test this hypothesis, we used negative binomial panel regression with 21 years of deal data from 70 cases of CVC. The results show that there is an inverted U shaped relationship between investment portfolio composition and technological performance. This means that the more seed or early stage investment within the investment portfolio, the higher the innovation performance; however, if the amount of seed or early stage investment is over a certain level, the performance decreases. Further, this study finds that the external partners of a venture negatively moderate the inverted U shaped relationship between portfolio composition and innovation performance. We believe that corporate planners, venture capitalists, and policy makers will be helped by these results showing that companies can maximize their investment performance by considering the investment stage and progress of investments.

A Study on the Convergent Factors Related to Self-leadership of Female Freshmen in Health Majors Studying TOEIC (토익을 학습하는 보건계열 신입여대생의 셀프리더쉽과 관련된 융복합적 요인 분석)

  • Hong, Soo-Mi;Bae, Sang-Yun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzed convergent factors related to self-leadership of female freshmen in health majors studying TOEIC. The survey was conducted from April 29, 2019 to May 10, 2019 using unregistered self-administered questionnaire for 201 female freshmen in health majors and they were randomly selected from TOEIC class in college located in J city. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis show the following. The self-leadership of respondents turned out to be significantly higher in following groups: a group in which self-competence is higher, a group in which subdivision task self-efficacy and coping self-efficacy is higher, and a group in which subdivision chance of locus control from locus of control is lower. Their explanatory power was 49.7%. The results of the study indicate that the efforts to manage self-competence, self-efficacy, and locus of control are required to improve the self-leadership of female freshmen in health majors studying TOEIC. These results can be used for academic counseling guidance to enhance self-leadership of female freshmen in health majors studying TOEIC. In the future research, it is necessary to establish and analyze a structural equation model that affects self-leadership of male and female college students in health majors studying TOEIC.

The Impact of Industry-level Competition on the Excess Stock Returns due to Changes in Cash Holdings (산업 내 경쟁정도가 보유현금의 변화에 따른 초과수익률에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Jung Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2019
  • This study examined whether industry-level competition affects excess stock returns because of changes in cash holdings. Competitive inter-company threats increase the possibility of the manager's replacement, and function to induce management to make their best efforts, resulting in the amount and quality of the information provided by the enterprise increasing. Therefore, as competition intensifies, agency problems are reduced and stock returns increase because the company's cash holdings are expected to increase. However, there is a view that firms in industries with severe competition tend to have high information asymmetry because competitors may compete in more favorable positions by using detailed information disclosed by the competing firms. Accordingly, as market competition intensifies, the excess stock returns resulting from increased cash holdings are expected to decline. These results show that excess stock returns because of increases in cash holdings increase as the degree of competition in the industry intensifies, thus supporting the positive effect of market competition. Overall, the results of this study provide an understanding that market competition plays an effective external governance mechanism and that investors positively evaluate the cash held by companies with severe industry competition.

A Study on the Light Extinction Characteristics in the Main Channel of Nakdong River by Monitoring Underwater Irradiance in Summer (수중 광량 모니터링을 통한 하절기 낙동강 본류 소광 특성 연구)

  • Kang, Mi-Ri;Min, Joong-Hyuk;Choi, Jungkyu;Park, Suyoung;Shin, Changmin;Kong, Dongsoo;Kim, Han Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.632-641
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    • 2018
  • Algal dynamics is controlled by multiple environmental factors such as flow dynamics, water temperature, trophic level, and irradiance. Underwater irradiance penetrating from the atmosphere is exponentially decreased in water column due to absorption and scattering by water molecule and suspended particles including phytoplankton. As the exponential decrease in underwater irradiance affects algal photosynthesis, regulating their spatial distribution, it is critical to understand the light extinction characteristics to find out the mechanisms of algal dynamics more systematically. Despite the significance, the recent data have been rarely reported in the main stream areas of large rivers, Korea. In this study, the euphotic depths and light extinction coefficients were determined by monitoring the vertical variation of underwater irradiance and water quality in the main channel of Nakdong River near Dodong Seowon once a week during summer of 2016. The average values of euphotic depth and light extinction coefficient were 4.0 m and 1.3m1, respectively. The degree of light extinction increased in turbid water due to flooding, causing an approximate 50 % decrease in euphotic depth. Also, the impact was greater than the self-shading effect during the periods of cyanobacterial bloom. The individual light extinction coefficients for background, total suspended solid and algal levels, frequently used in surface water quality modeling, were determined as 0.305m1, 0.090m1/mgL1, 0.013m1/μgL1, respectively. The values estimated in this study were within or close to the ranges reported in literatures.