• Title/Summary/Keyword: man-made lakes

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Studies on the Phisical Environmental Factor Analysis for Water Quality Management in Man-made Lake of Korea (국내 인공댐호의 물리적 환경인자에 의한 호수특성 고찰에 관한 연구)

  • 김좌관;홍욱희
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 1992
  • First, We classified man-made lakes in Korea as 4-type lakes, that is, there were River-run lakes, Dendritic lakes, Reservoir-lakes, River-mouth lakes, We studied on the environmental factors of 3-type lakes except River-mouth lakes, compared these lakes with natural lakes in foreign country. Environmental factors were watershed area, lake storage, mean depth, hydraulic retention time. As a results, 3-type lakes in Korea had remarkable differences one another according to above-mentioned environmental factors. First, We recognized that River-run lakes had higher nutrient loading according to having wider watershed area than natural lakes, and had lower algal growth rate according to shorter hydraulic retention time than natural lakes. Dendritic lake had higher nutrient loading than natural lakes, longer retention time than River-run lake. Reservoir-lakes had environmental factors between Dentritic lakes and River-run lakes. Therefore, If this studies had no quantitative results about various factors, We recognized that man-made lakes in korea had different environmental factors as compared with natural lakes, and had clear classification among 3-type lakes.

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The Status and Prospect of Lake Eutrophication Control Technologies in Korea (호소 부영양화 방지기술의 현황과 전망)

  • 류재근
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 1992
  • This paper included the preventive measures and the prospect of lake eutrophication in korea. All pollution control techniques must be applied after the characteristics of the lakes are surveyed sufficlenty, Most of Korean lakes are the large man-made ones and their characteristics are different from those of natural ones in foreign nation. Some of many techniques for natural lakes can be applied in our lakes also, others must be revised. Lake water quality can be ameliorated only by systematic researches and technologies because lake ecosystem is very complicated. It is impossible to improve water quality with fragmentary and shortterm projects.

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The Study of Current Status of Conservation and Management Policy on Wetlands in Korea (우리나라 습지 보전 현황과 향후 관리방향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Don
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2003
  • Conservation of wetlands are important because wetlands are hatcheries for fishes and habitat for migratory birds and mammals. Wetlands also function as a filter for polluted water and material and transition zone for harboring numerous species of plants and animals. This paper reviewed the importance of wetland conservation and policy on management of wetlands in Korea. Wetland Conservation Act(1999) and Maritime Management Act(1999) are two legislation for conservation of wetlands. Wetland Conservation Act is issued by both Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The definition of wetlands are so diverse, but this paper categorized wetlands as both natural and man-made lakes, mud flat areas and inland wetlands. Management application was considered for each wetland categories.

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Suggestion for Trophic State Index of Korean Lakes (Upper Layer) (한국 호소 상층부의 영양상태지수 제안)

  • Kong, Dongsoo;Kim, Bomchul
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.340-351
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the relationship between trophic state indices was analyzed based on the monthly or weekly water quality data of 81 lakes (mostly man-made) in Korea between 2013-2017. Carlson's $TSI_C$ and Aizaki's $TSI_m$ were calculated using the summer (Jun.-Sep.) average data at the upper water layer. The previous Korean trophic state index ($TSI_{KO}$) and the newly suggested index ($TSI_{KON}$) was calculated using the annual average data at the whole layer and at the upper layer, respectively. While previous trophic state index (TSI) such as Carlson's TSI included logarithmic function, we devised newly Monod-type $TSI_{KON}$(Chl) that is 50 when half-saturation concentration of chlorophyll ${\alpha}$ ($Chl.{\alpha}$) measured by UNESCO-method is $10{\mu}gL^{-1}$. MMF-type $TSI_{KON}$(TP) was derived based on the relationship between TP and $Chl.{\alpha}$. A comprehensive $TSI_{KON}$ was decided as the larger one of the two $TSI_{KON}$ values. The range of previous TSI was usually 40-50 for the mesotrophic state, which seemed narrow to discriminate trophic characteristics of the class. The upper limits of $TSI_{KON}$ for oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic state were set to 23, 50 and 75, respectively. Classification by $TSI_C$ and $TSI_m$ showed higher frequency of eutrophic class compared to $TSI_{KO}$ and $TSI_{KON}$. This means that the estimation by TSIs developed in foreign natural lakes can lead to distorted results in the classification of the trophic state of Korean lakes. This is due to the decrease of transparency by non-algal material and the reduction in phosphorus availability to algal growth, particularly in Monsoon period.

The Impact of Monsoon on Seasonal Variability of Basin Morphology and Hydrology (호수 지형 및 수리수문학적 변화에 대한 몬순 영향)

  • An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.4 s.92
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2000
  • This paper demonstrates the influence of intensity of the monsoon on morpho-hydrological fluctuations in Taechung Reservoir during 1993${\sim}$1994. During the study, hydrological variables including rainfall, inflow, and discharge volume showed distinct contrast between 1993 and 1994. Interannaul differences in rainfall occurred during the monsoon in July${\sim}$August monsoon and influenced inflow, discharge, and water residence time (WRT). Total inflow in 1993 was four times greater than that of 1994, and summer inflow in 1993 was 8 times greater than summer 1994. Annual Mean WRT was 93.2 d in 1993 vs. 158.6 d in 1994 and the largest differences occurred between monsoons of 1993 and 1994. Morphometric variables reflected the interannual contrasts of hydrology, so that in 1993 surface area, total volume, shoreline development, and mean depth increased consistently from premonsoon to postmonsoon and over this same period in 1994 they decreased. This outcome indicates that the area of shallow littoral zones in 1993 was greater than in 1994. Also, the drainage area to surface area (D/L) at 80 m MSL was 60.7 which was much greater than values in Soyang and Andong reservoirs and natural lakes world-wide. The morpho-hydrodynamic conditions seemed to influence in-reservoir nutrient concentration which is one of the most important factors regulating the eutrophication processes. I believe, under the maximum hydrodynamic fluctuations in Korean waterbodies during the monsoon, applications of mass balance models to man-made lakes for assessments of external loading should be considered because the models can be used under the seasonally stable inflow and water residence time.

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Historical Contemplation on the Korean Landscape Characteristics as Affected by Religious Environment (시대 및 종교적 환경과 한국의 조경 경관형성 소고)

  • Shim, Jai-Sung;Bae, Jeong-Kwan;Seo, Byung-Key;Choi, Jong-Myung
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.85-101
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    • 2002
  • Landscape civilization in Korea originated in Cochosun(Ancient Chosun) era, this again succeeding to the period of the Three States - Koguryo, Baekje and Silla. The distribution of this culture showed great progress with the association of two particular religions - Buddhism and Confucianism.. Landscape development in Korea has greatly changed during specific times of both cultural and political upheaval in various societies. Religion has had a great deal of influence on landscape development. Traditionally Korean people have had a tendency to favor more natural landscape than man-made structures in landscape : This trend was a quite different concept from that of other oriental countries, not to mention of western countries. In particular, Buddhism influenced natural landscape, far from artificial craftsmanship in landscape. Oriental garden is a typical 'tabloid edition' of natural landscape which consists lakes, islands, ponds, stone monuments, and fruit trees, quite often raising animal in parks and courtyard style house. This style of garden influenced in Chosun Dynasty landscape. Landscaping was usually for royal gardens, cemetery parks or high level of officer's residence. However, landscaping in Chosun Dynasty which had established Confucianism as a state religion gave us a specific designation. It was neither ethnic imitation of the garden style of both China and Japan : People were used to enjoy nature-friendly landscape or sink into the ecstasy of natural scenery itself. The trend that landscape or establishing garden had been aimed at royal family- or bureaucrat-centered formatives was to become an obstacle to the development of landscape techniques in Korea. An example represented in a beautiful garden with fabulous decoration which established in places. This was completely not fit for the nation's feeling.

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