• Title/Summary/Keyword: lookism tendency

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Appearance Orientation and Body Shape Management of Adolescents in Daejeon (대전시 일부 청소년의 외모지향성과 체형관리 실태조사)

  • Lee, Gayoung;Park, Jooyung;Lee, Joonho
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.461-479
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    • 2017
  • This study was to investigate the appearance orientation and body shape management of adolescents in Daejeon. A survey was performed from December 16th~28th 2015 and 355 respondents were collected for analysis. 45.9% of the subjects were middle school students, whereas 54.1% of them were high school ones. The female and high school students tended to show higher ratings in lookism tendency and interests in beauty care, whereas male and middle school students tended to show higher ratings in physical satisfaction than the others. More than 40% of the respondents perceived them fatter than the standard weight, in particular, girls and the ones with opposite-sex friend perceived them fatter than their actual conditions. On body shape satisfaction, female and high school students indicated lower satisfaction. For body shape management, 75% of the female and 40% of the male students had tried weight control. The frequency and the duration time of exercise had higher for boys than girls, and the ones with opposite-sex friend than without. For methods of weight control, girls were more likely to do diet control, whereas boys were more committed to exercise. In general, students with high appearance orientation tended to control taking snacks and fast food or did diet control for body shape management. Conclusively, continued interest and guidance, not only at home but also in school, is required for students so that they can do proper body shape management to fulfill their appearance orientation and they will improve academic performance by gaining confidence through their appearance satisfaction.