• 제목/요약/키워드: logistic service

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A Study on the Violation of Probation Condition Determinants between Sex Offenders and Non-Sex Offenders (성범죄자와 일반범죄자의 보호관찰 경고장 관련 요인 비교)

  • Cho, Youn-Oh
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.43
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    • pp.205-230
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to compare the differences of crucial factors that are associated with probation warning tickets between sex offenders and non-sex offenders in South Korea. Serious high-profile cases have occurred in recent years which resulted in public and political conners for successful sex offender management and monitoring strategy through community corrections. The official response has been to initiate a series of legislative probation and parole measures by using GPS electronic monitoring system, chemical castration, and sex offender registry and notification. In this context, the current study is designed to explore the major factors that could affect the failure of probation by comparing the differences between sex offenders and non-sex offenders in terms of their major factors which are related to the failure of probation. The failure of probation is measured by the number of warning tickets which would be issued when there is the violation of probation conditions. The data is obtained from Seoul Probation office from January, 29, 2014 to February, 28, 2014. The sample number of sex offenders is 144 and the number of non-sex offenders is 1,460. The data includes the information regarding the offenders who completed their probation order after they were assigned to Seoul Probation in 2013. Furthermore, this study uses the chi-square and logistic regression analysis by using SPSS statistical package program. The result demonstrated that only prior criminal history was statistically significant factor that was related to the number of warning tickets in the sex offender group when other variables were controlled($X^2=25.15$, p<0.05, Nagelkerke $R^2=0.23$)(b=0.19, SE=0.08, p<0.05). By contrast, there were various factors that were associated with the number of warning tickets in non-sex offender group. Specifically, the logistic regression analysis for the non-sex offenders showed that demographic variable(marital status and employment type), offender-victim relationships, alcohol addiction, violent behavior, prior criminal history, community service order, and attendance order were statistically significant factors that were associated with the odds of warning tickets. Further policy implication will be discussed.

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Change Prediction of Forestland Area in South Korea using Multinomial Logistic Regression Model (다항 로지스틱 회귀모형을 이용한 우리나라 산지면적 변화 추정에 관한 연구)

  • KWAK, Doo-Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2020
  • This study was performed to support the 6th forest basic planning by Korea Forest Service as predicting the change of forestland area by the transition of land use type in the future over 35 years in South Korea. It is very important to analyze upcoming forestland area change for future forest planning because forestland plays a basic role to predict forest resources change for afforestation, production and management in the future. Therefore, the transitional interaction between land use types in future of South Korea was predicted in this study using econometrical models based on past trend data of land use type and related variables. The econometrical model based on maximum discounted profits theory for land use type determination was used to estimate total quantitative change by forestland, agricultural land and urban area at national scale using explanatory variables such as forestry value added, agricultural income and population during over 46 years. In result, it was analyzed that forestland area would decrease continuously at approximately 29,000 ha by 2027 while urban area increases in South Korea. However, it was predicted that the forestland area would be started to increase gradually at 170,000 ha by 2050 because urban area was reduced according to population decrement from 2032 in South Korea. We could find out that the increment of forestland would be attributed to social problems such as urban hollowing and localities extinction phenomenon by steep decrement of population from 2032. The decrement and increment of forestland by unbalanced population immigration to major cities and migration to localities might cause many social and economic problems against national sustainable development, so that future strategies and policies for forestland should be established considering such future change trends of land use type for balanced development and reasonable forestland use and conservation.

A Case Study of Successful Strategy for Farm's Franchise Commercialization through Local Agricultural Products - Focusing on the case of Jung Donuts Co. Ltd., in Yeongju, Gyeongbuk - (지역농산물을 이용한 농촌프랜차이즈 사업화 성공 사례연구 - 경북 영주시 (주)정도너츠 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Min-gyo;Hwang, Bo-Jun;Song, Ji-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this work is to analyze the case that Yeongju Municipality Government of Gyeongbuk and Jung Donuts Co., Ltd., a franchise company, activated local economy through Farm's Franchise Commercialization (FCC) and to establish the concept of FCC. As a food service franchise company, Jung Donuts specializes in making and selling glutinous rice donuts. In cooperation with Commodity Dept. of Yeongju Municipality Government, the company cultivates raw materials under contract. Such farm's franchise business has the following advantages: First, it is meaningful in the point that it contributes to opening a new market of local agricultural products in a stable way. In short, by using most agricultural products of Yeongju as raw materials, the business serves as a stable market for farmers. Secondly, it is possible to set a reasonable price through stable supply of raw materials. It is to advantages of both producers and consumers. Thirdly, the business brings about the effect of employment rise. It can cause increases in employment of franchise head office and its agencies, and of the Commodity Dept.. Lastly, it produces the promotion effect of local special products. By expanding its agencies across the country, a franchise business can promote the items of raw materials in terms of marketing. The successful FCC needs to meet three requirements as follows. The first one is to establish systematic logistic system. Stable logistic system is required in order to directly distribute and deliver products to nationwide agencies by a producing place. The second one is constant R&D activity. Through the activity of R&D of raw materials and equipment, they should be used most effectively. The third one is to build mutual trust relationship. For long-term business achievements, it is required to establish mutual trust relationship in which relevant entities share their visions with each other and cooperate with each other.

The characteristics related to the development of pressure ulcers in long term care facilities : the use of 2009 National Patient Sample (요양병원 입원 환자의 욕창 발생 현황과 관련 요인: 2009년 건강보험 환자표본 자료 이용)

  • Moon, Mikyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.3390-3399
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence rates of pressure ulcers depending on the types of healthcare organizations and to determine whether the characteristics of patients and facilities influence on the incidence of pressure ulcers in long term facilities. We analyzed data on 796,857 patients of the 2009 National Patient Sample which was extracted from to claims for medical fees to Health Insurance Review & Assesment Service(HIRA). A total of 3.2% of patients(n=25,339) had at least 1 pressure ulcer during their hospitalization. The pressure ulcer rates were highest in long term care facilities(8.2%, n=11,895) following general hospital(2.7%, n=8,052), hospital(1.7%, n= 5,059). According to logistic regression analysis, urinary incontinence (Odds ratio(OR)=2.462, 95% confidence interval(CI)=2.038-2.974), hypertension(OR=1.456, CI=1.400-1.515), peripheral vessel diseases (OR=1.357, CI=1.200-1.534) were significant predictors of pressure ulcers. As the number of diagnoses, age, and the number of doctors per 100 beds increased, the incidence of pressure ulcers increased. In addition, more number of beds was associated with fewer pressure ulcers.

Tobacco Use Increases Oxidative DNA Damage in Sperm - Possible Etiology of Childhood Cancer

  • Kumar, Shiv Basant;Chawla, Bhavna;Bisht, Shilpa;Yadav, Raj Kumar;Dada, Rima
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.16
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    • pp.6967-6972
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    • 2015
  • Background: Cigarette smoking and tobacco chewing are common modes of consuming tobacco all over the world. Parents need to be aware that germ cell integrity is vital for birth of healthy offspring as biological parenting begins much before birth of a child and even before conception. The present study was conducted to determine the etiology of non-familial sporadic heritable retinoblastoma (NFSHRb), by evaluating oxidative sperm DNA damage in fathers due to use of tobacco (smoking and chewing). Materials and Methods: We recruited 145 fathers of NFSHRb children and 53 fathers of healthy children (controls) in the study. Tobacco history was obtained by personal interview. Seminal reactive oxygen species (ROS) in semen, sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and 8 hydroxy 2' deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels in sperm were evaluated. The RB1 gene was screened in genomic blood DNA of parents of children with NFSHRb and controls. Odds ratios (ORs) derived from conditional logistic regression models. Results: There was significant difference in the levels of ROS (p<0.05), DFI (p<0.05) and 8-OHdG (p<0.05) between tobacco users and non-users. The OR of NFSHRb for smokers was 7.29 (95%CI 2.9-34.5, p<0.01), for tobacco chewers 4.75 (2.07-10.9, p<0.05) and for both 9.11 (3.79-39.2; p<0.01). Conclusions: This study emphasizes the adverse effect of tobacco on the paternal genome and how accumulation of oxidative damage in sperm DNA may contribute to the etiology of NFSHRb. In an ongoing parallel study in our laboratory, 11 of fathers who smoked underwent. Meditation and yoga interventions, showed significant decline in levels of highly mutagenic oxidised DNA adducts after 6 months. Thus our lifestyle and social habits impact sperm DNA integrity and simple interventions like yoga and meditation are therapeutic for oxidative damage to sperm DNA.

The Relationships between Health Status and Health Practices among Industrial Workers (산업장 근로자의 건강상태와 건강습관의 관련요인분석)

  • 이명선
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.48-61
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    • 1995
  • This study attempted to analyze the health habits affecting health status of industrial workers. Data was collected from 57 industries of 900 workers at Inchon. The research has been carried out through self-administered questionnaire and from the analysis of the health examination records and the results were as follows: 1. Among 861 respondents, men were 81.2%, women were 18.8%, 42, 6% were of the 30-40 age group, the married were 65.7%, the single were 32.5%, the high school graduates were 62.4% and 37.3% were of people who worked between 1 and 5 years. 2. As far as the seven health habits, current smokers were 54.9%, people who regularly exercise was 31.7%, 7-8 hour of sleep, on the average were 74.0%, people eating breakfast nearly every day were 8.0%, and people eating between meals almost every day were 54.2%. Heavy drinkers who drink 3-4 times or more per week were 13.2%, 1-2 times per week were 26.8% and the obese were 4.6%, 3. Health status of A and B, estimated by doctors in the health examination were 81.7% and C, D1, D2, the unhealthy were 18.3%. Men were reported more than women in unhealthy groups and the results regarding health status reflect gender, educational level and age, That is to say that, lower educational level group and over 30 years of age group perceive their health to be worse than the higher educational level and under 30 age group, And these differences were statistically significant. 4. The relationship between health habits and health status, expressed in terms of the odds ratio. Current smokers had a consistently worse health status than a nonsmokers with a 1.36 odds ratio. The workers who reported eating breakfast rarely or never were more associated with the unhealthy group than the regular breakfast eating group with a 2.48 odds ratio. One or more drink per week had a worse health status than a never or a little drinker with a 1.42 odds ratio. 5, The Health habits score and duration of work were selected as significant factors influencing health status based on logistic analysis. According to the results of this model, the odds ratio of good health status was 2.06 for good health habit score, 1.55 for population who worked seven years or more duration of work. As we have seen, good practices were found to be associated with better health and the effect of the health habits was cummulative;those who followed 6-7 health habits were in better health, even though they were older than those who failed to do so. Therefore, in order to provide the health promotion of workers it is necessary to establish a health management plan for an effective health education and health service. If we use this type of study as a prospective study design, we can get a precise basic data for health promotion and a management plan for industrial workers.

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Prognostic Factor, for Major Trauma Patients in the Emergency Medical Service System (응급의료전달체계의 각 요인이 중증외상환자의 예후에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Lim, Du-Ko;Chung, Tae-Nyoung;Lee, Chang-Jae;Jin, Su-Guun;Kim, Eui-Chung;Choi, Sung-Wook;Kim, Ok-Jun
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: A few studies have assessed the factors affecting the prognoses for major trauma patients and those improving the circumstances when dealing with the trauma system. In that light, we analyzed factors, such as pre-hospital factors, the time to admission, the length of stay in the emergency department (ED) and emergency operation, influencing the outcomes for trauma patients. Methods: The patients who visited our emergency department from April 1, 2009, to February 29, 2011, due to major trauma were enrolled in the study. The inclusion criterion was a revised trauma score (RTS) < 7 or injury severity score (ISS) ${\geq}$ 16. We used reviews of medical records, to analyze each step of emergency medical care with respect to patients' sex, age, visit time and visit date. Continuous variables were described as a median with an interquartile range, and we compared the variables between the survival and the mortality groups by using the Mann-Whitney U test. Fisher's exact test was used for nominal variables. Using the variables that showed statistical significance in univariate comparisons, we performed a logistic regression analysis, and we tested the model's adequacy by the using the Hosmer-Lemeshow method. Results: A total of 261 patients with major trauma satisfied either the RTS score criterion or the ISS score criterion. Excluding 12 patients with missing data, 249 patients were included in this study. The overall mortality rate was 16.9%. Time to ED arrival, time to admission, time of ED stay, RTS, ISS, and visit date being a holiday showed statistically significant differences between the survival and the mortality groups in the univariate analysis. RTS, ISS, length of ED stay, and visit date being a holiday showed statistical significance in the multivariate analysis. Conclusion: The mortality rate did not show a significant relationship with the time to ED arrival, use of 119, on time to admission. Rather, it elicited a quite significant correlation with the trauma scoring system (RTS and ISS), the time of ED stay, and the visit date being a holiday.

Conflict Management Strategy for Successful Logistics Outsourcing (성공적인 물류 아웃소싱을 위한 갈등관리 전략)

  • Hur, Won-Moo;Lee, Seung-Chang;Seo, Eung-Kyo;Shin, In-Yong;Lee, Wan-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.41-68
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    • 2006
  • Today, Manufacturing companies execute the logistics outsourcing that commits the non-core logistic function to the specialized logistics corporation, which makes the manufacturing company focus on its core competence, product development and marketing, reduces logistics cost and improves customer service level. Recently, Logistics outsourcing is developed into cooperative sourcing based on the partnership. Case study on the logistics outsourcing will provide the good guideline for planning of the outsourcing strategy. The objective of this research is making a sense about 4PL through the case of UPS-Samsung Electro-Mechanics and catching major issue to provide the guideline for the cooperation outsourcing strategy. We investigated historical backgrounds of the logistics outsourcing between UPS and Samsung Electro-Mechanics. We also investigated problems occurred in outsourcing process at the five dimensions-organizational problem, CEO's short-term views, cultural gap between two companies, integration of IT system, and different understanding about outcomes. We expect to give many implications to manufacturing companies which want to cooperate with specialized logistics corporation.

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The effect of smoking behavior on sleep quality in university students (대학생의 흡연행태가 수면의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Myung-Gwan;Kim, Seung-Dae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.346-352
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the quality of sleep of university students according to smoking behavior and to generate basic data for use in development of smoking prevention and smoking policies for university students and young adults in their 20s. The quality of sleep of 291 college students was measured based on smoking behavior and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire from May 29, 2017 to June 3, 2017. Multiple logistic regression analysis with step-wise analysis revealed that the quality of OR increased from 2.542 to 2.820 times as the grade increased, and that OR was 3.126 times higher than that of non-smokers and stop-smokers. The quality of sleep worsened with OR=12.388 times. Among general smokers, 72.4% of the students had poor sleep quality, but 82.6% of the students who did not have good sleep quality of electronic-cigarette or tobacco smokers had electronic-cigarette or tobacco worse than regular tobacco.Based on these findings, quitting smoking is essential to improve quality of sleep, but this can be difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to develop legal regulations and policies at the national level. Moreover, a system or service that can manage phased smoking cessation is needed.

Practical approaches to becoming the logistics hub of Northeast Asia (동북아 물류중심국가 추진전략에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Moon-Kap
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The Northeast Asian Logistic Hub strategy was established to create a national competitive advantage in northeast Asia. Countries in this region are competing fiercely to become the central base distribution port as the volume of container shipping continues to increase due to the northeast Asian (especially Chinese) economic growth. The primary method by which shippers are improving their customer service and distribution is enhancing profits by minimizing call ports on the key route through strategic affiliations and the use of large vessels. Each nation is planning large-scale investments in the construction of sea ports that can accommodate large vessels. This paper proposes ways by which the logistical strategies of domestic corporations can keep pace with changes in government policy concerning the Northeast Asian Business Hub policy. It examines the logistics system in the Northeast Asian region, analyzes the government's Northeast Asian Business Hub policy, and suggests logistical strategies for domestic corporations through an analysis based on a questionnaire designed to grasp domestic firms' needs and goals. Research design, data and methodology - The purpose of this study is to determine how shipping companies establish partnerships with third-party logistics providers and draws out the implications of the results. The survey methods used were personal interviews and questionnaires distributed to a sample population through e-mail, fax, mail, and telephone. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed, of which 165 were returned. Among these, ten were excluded due to insufficient content; ultimately, 155 were used for the sample. The statistical data collection process was analyzed through data coating and a statistical package program. Results - This study argues that greater flexibility in policies, administration, and systems will be needed to significantly improve established business practices. In this dissertation, we primarily identify that in order to become a center of northeast Asian logistics, Korea must adopt a new paradigm and abandon the existing systems that are based on the economic and social systems that have stemmed from bureaucracy, inflexibility, chauvinism, and equalitarianism. Flexible policies, administration, and systems will be necessary to improve business practices. Domestic corporations must establish a strategic logistics hub and related network while simultaneously pursuing value-added logistics businesses by increasing their manpower and building a logistics information system. This will strengthen their competitive edge and lead to system improvements. Conclusions - Domestic corporations must adopt a new paradigm and use more reasonable business laws, systems, and policies that are based on market-driven flexibility and transparency. Moreover, social norms and regulations should be established to help ensure political and social security. Korea must also develop a culture of tolerance for foreign companies. Finally, the paradigm defining the policy governing the development of the capital city and its satellite cities in this context must be changed.