• Title/Summary/Keyword: location parameter

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An Experimental Verification of the Moment Redistribution in Continuous Reinforced Concrete Members Depending on Bond Condition of Reinforcement (철근의 부착상태에 따른 철근콘크리트 연속보에서의 모멘트재분배에 대한 실험적 검증)

  • Yoon, Hyeong-Jae;Lee, Seung-Bae;Kim, Sang-Sik;Kim, Kang-Su;Jang, Su-Yuon
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2008
  • The moment redistribution in continuous reinforced concrete beams is very feasible phenomenon, by which the efficiency and the economy in designing reinforced concrete members can be enhanced. However, to understand the structural behavior by moment redistribution phenomenon, it is desirable to verify its mechanism experimentally considering tension stiffening effect, the relationship of moment redistribution and beam deflection, crack pattern, and effective stiffness. Six reinforced concrete continuous beam specimens were fabricated, and each specimen had a dimension of 250 mm $\times$ 350 mm and 7,000 mm long. The location of de-bonding was taken as the primary test parameter to investigate tension stiffening effect. The moment redistribution ratio of the specimens was different depending on the position of de-bonding, and in particular no moment redistribution was observed when de-bonding exist at both ends, the maximum negative moment region and the maximum positive moment region.

Development of a real-time surface image velocimeter using an android smartphone (스마트폰을 이용한 실시간 표면영상유속계 개발)

  • Yu, Kwonkyu;Hwang, Jeong-Geun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.469-480
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    • 2016
  • The present study aims to develop a real-time surface image velocimeter (SIV) using an Android smartphone. It can measure river surface velocity by using its built-in sensors and processors. At first the SIV system figures out the location of the site using the GPS of the phone. It also measures the angles (pitch and roll) of the device by using its orientation sensors to determine the coordinate transform from the real world coordinates to image coordinates. The only parameter to be entered is the height of the phone from the water surface. After setting, the camera of the phone takes a series of images. With the help of OpenCV, and open source computer vision library, we split the frames of the video and analyzed the image frames to get the water surface velocity field. The image processing algorithm, similar to the traditional STIV (Spatio-Temporal Image Velocimeter), was based on a correlation analysis of spatio-temporal images. The SIV system can measure instantaneous velocity field (1 second averaged velocity field) once every 11 seconds. Averaging this instantaneous velocity measurement for sufficient amount of time, we can get an average velocity field. A series of tests performed in an experimental flume showed that the measurement system developed was greatly effective and convenient. The measured results by the system showed a maximum error of 13.9 % and average error less than 10 %, when we compared with the measurements by a traditional propeller velocimeter.

Baseline Model Updating and Damage Estimation Techniques for Tripod Substructure (트라이포드 하부구조물의 기저모델개선 및 결함추정 기법)

  • Lee, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2020
  • An experimental study was conducted on baseline model updating and damage estimation techniques for the health monitoring of offshore wind turbine tripod substructures. First, a procedure for substructure health monitoring was proposed. An initial baseline model for a scaled model of a tripod substructure was established. A baseline model was updated based on the natural frequencies and the mode shapes measured in the healthy state. A training pattern was then generated using the updated baseline model, and the damage was estimated by inputting the modal parameters measured in the damaged state into the trained neural network. The baseline model could be updated reasonably using the effective fixity model. The damage tests were performed, and the damage locations could be estimated reasonably. In addition, the estimated damage severity also increased as the actual damage severity increased. On the other hand, when the damage severity was relatively small, the corresponding damage location was detected, but it was more difficult to identify than the other cases. Further studies on small damage estimation and stiffness reduction quantification will be needed before the presented method can be used effectively for the health monitoring of tripod substructures.

Study on Queue Length Estimation using GPS Trajectory Data (GPS 데이터를 이용한 대기행렬길이 산출에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Ju;Hwang, Jae-Seong;Lee, Choul-Ki
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2016
  • Existing real-time signal control system was brought up typical problems which are supersaturated condition, point detection system and loop detection system. For that reason, the next generation signal control system of advanced form is required. Following thesis aimed at calculating queue length for the next generation signal control system to utilize basic parameter of signal control in crossing queue instead of the volume of real-time through traffic. Overflow saturated condition which was appeared as limit of existing system was focused to set-up range. Real-time location information of individual vehicle which is collected by GPS data. It converted into the coordinate to apply shock wave model with an linear equation that is extracted by regression model applied by a least square. Through the calculated queue length and link length by contrast, If queue length exceed the link, queue of downstream intersection is included as queue length that upstream queue vehicle is judeged as affecting downstream intersection. In result of operating correlation analysis among link travel time to judge confidence of extracted queue length, Both of links were shown over 0.9 values. It is appeared that both of links are highly correlated. Following research is significant using real-time data to calculate queue length and contributing to signal control system.

A Thermal Time - Based Phenology Estimation in Kimchi Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) (온도시간 기반의 배추 생육단계 추정)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.333-339
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    • 2015
  • A thermal time-based phenology model of Kimchi cabbage was developed by using the field observed growth and temperature data for the purpose of accurately predicting heading and harvest dates among diverse cropping systems. In this model the lifecycle of Kimchi cabbage was separated into the growth stage and the heading stage, while the growth amount of each stage was calculated by optimal mathematical functions describing the response curves for different temperature regimes. The parameter for individual functions were derived from the 2012-2014 crop status report collected from seven farms with different cropping systems located in major Kimchi cabbage production area of South Korea (i.e., alpine Gangwon Province for the summer cultivation and coastal plains in Jeonnam Province for the autumn cultivation). For the model validation, we used an independent data set consisting of local temperature data restored by a geospatial correction scheme and observed harvest dates from 17 farms. The results showed that the root mean square error averaged across the location and time period (2012-2014) was 5.3 days for the harvest date. This model is expected to enhance the utilization of the Korea Meteorological Administration's daily temperature data in issuing agrometeorological forecasts for developmental stages of Kimchi cabbage grown widely in South Korea.

Parameter Optimization and Automation of the FLEXPART Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model for Atmospheric Back-trajectory Analysis (공기괴 역궤적 분석을 위한 FLEXPART Lagrangian Particle Dispersion 모델의 최적화 및 자동화)

  • Kim, Jooil;Park, Sunyoung;Park, Mi-Kyung;Li, Shanlan;Kim, Jae-Yeon;Jo, Chun Ok;Kim, Ji-Yoon;Kim, Kyung-Ryul
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2013
  • Atmospheric transport pathway of an air mass is an important constraint controlling the chemical properties of the air mass observed at a designated location. Such information could be utilized for understanding observed temporal variabilities in atmospheric concentrations of long-lived chemical compounds, of which sinks and/or sources are related particularly with natural and/or anthropogenic processes in the surface, and as well as for performing inversions to constrain the fluxes of such compounds. The Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART provides a useful tool for estimating detailed particle dispersion during atmospheric transport, a significant improvement over traditional "single-line" trajectory models that have been widely used. However, those without a modeling background seeking to create simple back-trajectory maps may find it challenging to optimize FLEXPART for their needs. In this study, we explain how to set up, operate, and optimize FLEXPART for back-trajectory analysis, and also provide automatization programs based on the open-source R language. Discussions include setting up an "AVAILABLE" file (directory of input meteorological fields stored on the computer), creating C-shell scripts for initiating FLEXPART runs and storing the output in directories designated by date, as wells as processing the FLEXPART output to create figures for a back-trajectory "footprint" (potential emission sensitivity within the boundary layer). Step by step instructions are explained for an example case of calculating back trajectories derived for Anmyeon-do, Korea for January 2011. One application is also demonstrated in interpreting observed variabilities in atmospheric $CO_2$ concentration at Anmyeon-do during this period. Back-trajectory modeling information introduced in this study should facilitate the creation and automation of most common back-trajectory calculation needs in atmospheric research.

Texture Transformations and Its Role on the Yield Strength of ($\alpha$+$\beta$) Heat Treated Zircaloy-4 (($\alpha$+$\beta$) 열처리된 지르칼로이-4에서 집합조직의 변화와 그 조직이 항복 강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Jong-Sung;Kim, In-Sup
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 1992
  • The texture changes and their effect on the 0.2% yield strength of Zircaloy-4 sheet were examined after quenched from the ($\alpha$+$\beta$) phase temperature. When the prior ($\alpha$+$\beta$) gram size was slightly larger than that of the $\alpha$-annealed, the observed texture was similar to the $\alpha$-annealed texture having an ideal orientation of the (0001) basal pole at 30$^{\circ}$away from the normal direction toward the transverse direction. When the prior ($\alpha$+$\beta$) grain size was twice as large as that of the $\alpha$-annealed, the location of maximum basal pole intensity was distributed between the transverse and the rolling direction making an angle 15$^{\circ}$from the normal direction, and the observed texture became isotropic. It was found that the Kearns texture parameter, fr, in the rolling direction increased steadily, and fr in the transverse direction increased slightly, while fr in the the normal direction decreased with increasing heat treatment time. With a small increase in fr, the 0.2% yield strength increased drastically. The influence of texture was analyzed by deriving the Schmid orientation factors and the resolved shear stresses for the deformation systems. It was found that the large increase in the 0.2% yield strength was attributed mainly to the microstructural changes and partly to the texture changes by the ($\alpha$+$\beta$) heat treatment.

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Analysis of Leaf Node Ranking Methods for Spatial Event Prediction (의사결정트리에서 공간사건 예측을 위한 리프노드 등급 결정 방법 분석)

  • Yeon, Young-Kwang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2014
  • Spatial events are predictable using data mining classification algorithms. Decision trees have been used as one of representative classification algorithms. And they were normally used in the classification tasks that have label class values. However since using rule ranking methods, spatial prediction have been applied in the spatial prediction problems. This paper compared rule ranking methods for the spatial prediction application using a decision tree. For the comparison experiment, C4.5 decision tree algorithm, and rule ranking methods such as Laplace, M-estimate and m-branch were implemented. As a spatial prediction case study, landslide which is one of representative spatial event occurs in the natural environment was applied. Among the rule ranking methods, in the results of accuracy evaluation, m-branch showed the better accuracy than other methods. However in case of m-brach and M-estimate required additional time-consuming procedure for searching optimal parameter values. Thus according to the application areas, the methods can be selectively used. The spatial prediction using a decision tree can be used not only for spatial predictions, but also for causal analysis in the specific event occurrence location.

Characteristic Analysis and Prediction of Debris Flow-Prone Area at Daeryongsan (대룡산 토석류 특성 분석 및 위험지역 예측에 관한 연구)

  • CHOI, Young-Nam;LEE, Hyung-Ho;YOO, Nam-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.48-62
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    • 2018
  • In this study, landslide of debris flow occurred at 51 sites around Daeryounsan located in between Chuncheon-si and Hongcheon-gun during July in 2013 were investigated in field and behavior characteristics of debris flow were analyzed on the basis of records of rainfall and site investigation. According to debris flow types of channelized and hill slope, location and slope angle of initiation and deposit zone, and width and depth of erosion were investigated along entire runout of debris flow. DEM(Digital Elevation Model) of Daeryounsan was constructed with digital map of 1:5,000 scale. Land slide hazard was estimated using SINMAP(Stability INdex MAPping) and the predicted results were compared with field sites where debris flow occurred. As analyzed results, for hill slope type of debris flow, predicted sites were quite comparable to actual sites. On the other hand, for channelized type of debris flow, debris flow occurrence sites were predicted by using stability index associated with topographic wetness index. As analyzed results of 4 different conditions with the parameter T/R, Hydraulic transmissivity/Effective recharge rate, proposed by NRCS (Natual Resources Conservation Service), predicted results showed more or less different actual sites and the degree of hazard tended to increase with decrease of T/R value.

Numerical Study on the Development of the Seismic Response Prediction Method for the Low-rise Building Structures using the Limited Information (제한된 정보를 이용한 저층 건물 구조물의 지진 응답 예측 기법 개발을 위한 해석적 연구)

  • Choi, Se-Woon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2020
  • There are increasing cases of monitoring the structural response of structures using multiple sensors. However, owing to cost and management problems, limited sensors are installed in the structure. Thus, few structural responses are collected, which hinders analyzing the behavior of the structure. Therefore, a technique to predict responses at a location where sensors are not installed to a reliable level using limited sensors is necessary. In this study, a numerical study is conducted to predict the seismic response of low-rise buildings using limited information. It is assumed that the available response information is only the acceleration responses of the first and top floors. Using both information, the first natural frequency of the structure can be obtained. The acceleration information on the first floor is used as the ground motion information. To minimize the error on the acceleration history response of the top floor and the first natural frequency error of the target structure, the method for predicting the mass and stiffness information of a structure using the genetic algorithm is presented. However, the constraints are not considered. To determine the range of design variables that mean the search space, the parameter prediction method based on artificial neural networks is proposed. To verify the proposed method, a five-story structure is used as an example.