• Title/Summary/Keyword: living style

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Study as to Formative Characteristics of High Tech Furniture Design -Laying Stress on Correlation between Technology Art and Furniture Design-

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2008
  • High Tech Design manner is a design concept that had been constantly discussed in constitution process of the West art history and modem ideology and had been experimented in industry, having started from futurism and structuralism in the early 20th century through Kinetic Art & Technology Art and up to now. High Tech Design had a great influence also on Post Modernism and more important is that this manner of design will be existing continually in the future too. From the modem times when machine civilization started, the artist and designers expressed a utopia will showing the future world with help of High Tech Design and modem people are realizing technology images as a utopia, in the space and material presented by this high tech design. And this utopia imply the images of dynamic power, speed making a voyage in universe, dream of future, hope, mass production, earth's environment, wealth etc. High Tech furniture was lightly designed by using thin steel wire, structure stressing the metallic characteristic and tempered glass, and it was used for presenting a convenient interior space visually, and with that it can make a unified sense in High Tech interior space, and a contrary effect compared with minimal space. High Tech Design equipped with glass and metal materials looking inappropriate for our interior space due to their sharp and cold image has been regularly used as living furniture, not only decoration function, and then there must be reasons for that. This study intends to research how High Tech Design has been changed and developed in the design history & West art history from the early 20th century, and to present it's value of development as data orienting, namely a direction for the industry of the next-generation and furniture design.

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A Study on Body Painting according to Nature Art Types (자연미술 유형에 따른 바디페인팅 연구)

  • Park, Jeongshin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2014
  • Unlike other body arts, body painting illuminates the value of art using eco-friendly formative activity and natural environment and highlights the need of eco-friendly activity. However, although body painting has focused on forming right relationship between human beings and nature, there are few researches which are linked with nature art. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to argue the need to study body painting as nature art in connection with natural environment and analyze body painting according to nature art types. The study methods included both theoretical review and empirical review. The theoretical review examined the concept and characteristics of nature art through previous researches and literature and the empirical review looked into the types and works of nature art and applied them to body painting works. The results were as follows. First, an installation type was possible by arranging and attaching certain materials to the body. Second, a physical type was possible by representing body itself as the part of nature. Third, a symbolic type was possible by making body appearance as a some symbol based on artist's idea. Fourth, a sound type was possible by stimulating auditory hallucination using the nature of objects and sensing a sound. Fifth, an ecological type was possible by conveying the message of living things in nature to the body. Sixth, an interior type was possible by inducing indoor installation of works. Seventh, a poetic type was possible by making one feel a poetic inspiration expressed in nature using the mystery of the sea and a simple sequential pattern of floral leaves. Eighth, a drawing type was possible by adding artist's intentional hand with a pictorical technique. Ninth, a indigenous type was possible by reproducing South American indian's primitive style. The review of this study suggests that body painting works have been expressed in experimental and temporary arrangement like nature art in nature and can be applied according to nine types of nature art.

Digital Home Network Product Design Process & the Design Proposition (디지털 홈 네트워크 제품디자인 프로세스와 디자인 제안)

  • Lee, Dae-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.118-127
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    • 2009
  • The current global spread of communal residential culture and the trend of continuing increase of newly built apartment environment are increasing the demand of home network products for each residential space and among households. The continuing advancement of ubiquitous and the introduction and development of home network system are promoting the demand for the product design. The residential culture change and the apartment interior design change are having mutual effects on the lifestyle of residents and the product design and demand new product design. Coordination with interior products, interior style and products, product and fashion design and reconstruction and fusion between the products and their element factors are the core element of this design study. Based on this, integrated design strategy and concept research and analysis were studied for the design process, and have been expressed in three dimension design through which the design functionality and the external aesthetical design can correspond to each other. It's because the aspect of the future development prospect can be predicted in detail by presenting practical design plan.

Looking at 'Well-Being' in Terms d Lifestyle: Healthy or Trendy? (생활양식으로서의 웰빙(Well-Being): 이론과 적용의 뿌리 찾기)

  • Lee, Mee-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.477-484
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    • 2004
  • This paper is an attempt to discuss theoretical and empirical issues embedded in a rapidly dispersing well-being lifestyle in Korea. Increase of people's interests in health and well-being reflects the fact that Korea has been developed socially and economically to the level for common people to pursue the quality of life beyond survival or basic standards of life. The term, well-being life style, was first constructed and has been dispersed through mass media. Media contributes to popularize health issues and to deliver the importance of lifestyle for health promotion to the general public. Well-being lifestyle, initiated by media and joined with commercialism, however, reveal certain negative sides as well. Health or healthy lifestyle in Western societies has been rooted theoretically in the change of health paradigm and the political emphasis on the lifestyle for health promotion in policy implications. Well-being lifestyle in Korea, in lack of theoretical and institutional foundations, is being substantially formed into distorted consumerism. Based on the sociological theories of stratification, it might be necessary to discuss the well-being consumerism in respect of tension among people with different consuming power and the destruction of solid market principles. Considering well-being consumerism as a risk factor to societal well-being, it is also necessary to examine conflicting or misleading information about well-being and to explore the scientific knowledge and principles. All these discussions and examination need to be done with interdisciplinary efforts. Especially, tasks for developing application principles for everyday life are on hands of researchers in living sciences.

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Women's Skin Care Factors Affecting Korean Women's Skin and Beauty Industry Market

  • CHOI, Jong-Won;YOO, Ho-Gil;KWON, Young-Eun;KWON, Lee-Seung
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study aims to explore women's beauty industry market and growth development by identifying the main factors of women's perception of skin health care. Research design, data, and methodology - The survey was conducted on women aged 20 to 60 living in Seoul. For the statistical analysis, frequency analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted, and significant differences in p<0.05 were tested through the multiple range test of the Scheffe. The factor analysis was conducted to verify the validity of questions, and the reliability was determined by the coefficient of Cronbach's α. Results - The lower the age, the higher the perception of the skin, and women pay a higher price for skin health as a provisional customer. 'Acne care' was the most common skin condition (32.8%), 'life style' (79.8%) was the most important part of skin care. Final education was the highest level of skin care for women with a professional background (M=3.41) (F=4.028, p<.05). Conclusions - The differences in the recognition of health knowledge by age, marital status, and household monthly income were significant, but there was no difference between jobs and final education. Customers who use less skin care than customers who frequently use the skin care center were more aware of skin health, and women who have a high awareness of skin are more interested in aging and regenerating due to the skin care.

A Study on Formative Style of Silla Bell

  • Lee, Jaehyuck;Kim, Cheeyong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1214-1229
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    • 2013
  • Maintaining our tradition makes us have pride for our nation and plays important role for recognition and establishment of identity for our unique culture in the world. Contrast to the western scientific technique, the scientific technique of Silla Bell absorbed in the life of our nation is the fruit of wisdom science found through rich life and experience by harmony between our nation and nature. Today, ideological backgrounds for many cultural heritages weren't be found and there are many overflowing hypothesis. Silla Bell is the plastic art including cumulative utopia of the racial spirit. So there would be the information of the racial spirit including symbolization, artistry, creativity, and historicity. However, unlikely with the words, it is the profoundly concentrated shape, so the meaning can be diluted or distorted in later generation. The efforts to figure out the symbolization in Korean bells, especially Silla bell according to its exclusive shape, but no hypothesis was accepted as an established theory of academia by gaining extensive agreements. Thus this paper traces the symbolic meaning accumulated in the shape and prepares for the theoretical background accessing to the artistic spirit of forebears who created super-humanity formativeness. Also regarding the Silla bell which is regarded as the best Buddhist metal craft that people believe they can be free from the anguish at the time of listening to its sound, we studied the symbolization of the bell as the religious ritual custom as well as the possibility to utilize the bell as a motif of living art in the aspect of formative expression.

The Effective Security Management Scheme against the loss in Hypermarket (대형 할인매장의 안전관리 방안에 관한 고찰)

  • Choi, Sun-Tae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.5
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    • pp.327-350
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    • 2002
  • We, in Korea, have over two hundred hypermarkets and the number is continuously increasing. We drop into a hypermarket for merchandise, which is an integral part of our life style. So, we should consider safety for employees as well as customers because hundreds of thousands of people use the hypermarket every day. In addition to this consideration, the government should also be a political support relating to accidents that occur in the hypermarket because security and safety matters are important to all of us. But even now, Our security conditions do not match our ideal goal and we take countermeasures after accident or loss. This is a result of not having a security management expert coupled with a chief executive officer that has no idea about security awareness and loss prevention. In addition, we do not have specific laws to address these matters. We also lack reasonable ideas to prevent accident and loss. Now is the right time to revamp the laws and ordinances to improve the quality of civilian life. Prevention of accidents is a needed investment for all security personnel. The best solution for businesses is prevention of accidents. This will increase profits and cost-effectiveness as well as increase customer satisfaction. The company should form a security management department for comprehensive protection of assets. The goal of security management employees should be productive and effective security management. Every employee should have responsibility in mind to prevent accidents in his or her work. In addition, The company should have a systematic organization in place and regular training sessions. The most effective security management comes from cooperation of all members. In the 21st century, we pursue a high standard of living which is a result of our cooperation against any accident and loss. Sennewald says The value of security is better measure by what does not happen rather than what does.

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A study of Creation of Hair-by-night Styles Using Art Nouveau Patterns (아르누보 문양을 응용한 헤어바이나이트 디자인 개발)

  • Lee, Jin-Hui;Jeon, So-Ri;Lee, Jae-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.601-609
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    • 2014
  • This kind of goal orientation in Art Nouveau has provided nature-friendly designs to modern people living in a post-industrial society. For these people who want to have their own style in a natural and comfortable space and take a break from daily hectic daily routines for a moment, hair-by-night styles were created by adding the images of Greek goddesses to the nature-friendly features of Art Nouveau patterns known as 'flower pattern', 'wave pattern', and 'vine pattern'. In terms of the scope of this paper, four designs (Eos, Hestia, Artemis and Demeter) were created by using Art Nouveau patterns which are connected with flowers in an organic manner based on Rene Lalique and Emile Galle patterns.

The Characteristics of the Floor Plan on Small-sized Apartments in DaLian-city, China (중국 대련시 소형아파트 평면특성)

  • Chen, Yi-Yang;Park, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2014
  • This research is aimed to analyze the basic characteristics of the 16 floor plans of 4 small-sized apartments in DaLian-City. Recently, there are increasing that a small-sized apartments for new younger generation in China. The younger ages intend to got a new floor plan types apartments according to own's life style. Also, a lot of construction company showed the many types of new residential space design during the last about 10 years, in DaLian City. The research results are summarized as follows: First, all of the floor plan types were '-' shape, 'L' shape. Second, there were several co-relational types of space plan between living room, kitchen and dining space. Those are LDK, L K, L DK, LD K. Third, the bedroom of the 30m230m2-floor plan size has an open-space design but over the size of 40m240m2-floor plan the space is closed design. Fourth, The number of bathrooms in all the floor plans is just 1 and it's placed beside the entrance except for B3, C4. The basic equipments of the lavatory was a toilet, a washbowl, a shower. A bathtub is installed in the floor plans greater than 60m260m2. Fifth, almost all of the characteristics of the spatial interrelation - each room position order - based on the location of the entrance. In particular, almost all of the bedrooms are furthest from the entrance for the most privacy.

The Current Status of Elementary School Students' Computer Game Addiction and the Relationship of Computer Game Addiction with Self Control and Adjustment to School Life (초등학생의 컴퓨터 게임 중독: 중독 실태와 자기통제 및 학교생활적응과의 관계)

  • Jang, Gwan-Young;Jo, Mi-Heon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2008
  • Most of elementary school students possess computers at home, and learn about ICT in their school. But the extreme use of computer games may have negative effects on students' learning and life style. In this research, we analyzed the current status of 5th and 6th graders' computer game addiction in Daejeon, ChoongchungNam-Do and ChoongchungBuk-Do areas. And we have also investigated the relationship of students' computer game addiction with their self control abilities and the abilities to adjust to their school life. As the results of the research, we discovered that 15.6% of respondents showed strong possibilities of computer game addiction. Boys, students living in rural areas and students with relatively low grade showed strong possibilities of game addiction. In addition, it was found that as students showed high scores in their self control abilities and the abilities to adjust to school life, they demonstrated less possibilities to be addicted to computer games.

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