• 제목/요약/키워드: line estimation

검색결과 1,270건 처리시간 0.031초

A Study on the Characteristics of Observation seen in the Process of Perception and Recognition of Space (공간의 지각과 인지과정에 나타난 주시메커니즘 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Ha
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2013
  • This study has analyzed the process of space information perceived and recognized through the estimation of observation frequency and number according to the time range of observation data acquired from observation experiment with the object of hospital lobby. The followings are the results analyzed at this study. First, the continual observation of 3 and 6 times was attentive and conscious for probing to find an object rather than for acquiring exact information and that of 9 times could be regarded as the time for acquiring visual appreciation. However, the repetitive occurrence of high and low frequencies can be thought of repetitive acts for visual appreciation. Second, the continual observation of 3 and 6 times had the highest observation frequency of II, while that of 9 times had the highest observation frequency of III. In case of 3 and 6 times, the observation frequency had the tendency to become a little higher after being low since V, and in case of 9 times it had the repetition of becoming low and high and from IX it characteristically got higher. This feature can be thought to be the process that the subject repeats the fixation and movement of observation at a visual activity for perception and recognition. In the process of first observation, the observation frequency was the highest after 20 seconds or so, but since then, it gets lower and repeatedly gets higher and lower as time passes. After 90 seconds, the frequency showed the tendency of getting higher continuously. Third, the examination of changing features of frequency may show the characteristics of exploration for and attention to space but if the observation frequency is not associated with observation times for analysis there will a limitation that the features of observation frequency cannot be clarified. Accordingly, the simultaneous analysis of both is very effective for estimating the observation characteristics seen at the processes of perception and recognition. Fourth, the general analysis of the both revealed: with the progress of observation time the discontinuous space exploration decreased, and as the observation time got longer the fixed attention to a specific spot increased. Fifth, in order to estimate the observation characteristics by the change of time range the observation frequency and times by trend line was analyzed, which approach seems to be an appropriate technique that can comprehensively show the overall flow of time series data.

Inverse Estimation of Geoacoustic Parameters in Shallow Water Using tight Bulb Sound Source (천해환경에서 전구음원을 이용한 지음향인자의 역추정)

  • 한주영;이성욱;나정열;김성일
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2004
  • An inversion method is presented for the determination of the compressional wave speed, compressional wave attenuation, thickness of the sediment layer and density as a function of depth for a horizontally stratified ocean bottom. An experiment for estimating those properties was conducted in the shallow water of South Sea in Korea. In the experiment, a light bulb implosion and the propagating sound were measured using a VLA (vertical line array). As a method for estimating the geoacoustic properties, a coherent broadband matched field processing combined with Genetic Algorithm was employed. When a time-dependent signal is very short, the Fourier transform results are not accurate, since the frequency components are not locatable in time and the windowed Fourier transform is limited by the length of the window. However, it is possible to do this using the wavelet transform a transform that yields a time-frequency representation of a signal. In this study, this transform is used to identify and extract the acoustic components from multipath time series. The inversion is formulated as an optimization problem which maximizes the cost function defined as a normalized correlation between the measured and modeled signals in the wavelet transform coefficient vector. The experiments and procedures for deploying the light bulbs and the coherent broadband inversion method are described, and the estimated geoacoustic profile in the vicinity of the VLA site is presented.

A Study on Model Improvement using Inherent Optical Properties for Remote Sensing of Cyanobacterial Bloom on Rivers in Korea (국내 수계의 남조류 원격모니터링을 위한 고유분광특성모델 개선 연구)

  • Ha, Rim;Nam, Gibeom;Park, Sanghyun;Shin, Hyunjoo;Lee, Hyuk;Kang, Taegu;Lee, Jaekwan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.589-597
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was improve accuracy the IOPs inversion model(IOPs-IM) developed in 2016 for phycocyanin(PC) concentration estimation in the Nakdong River. Additionally, two optimum models were developed and evaluated with 2017 measurement field spectral data for the Geum River and the Yeongsan River. The used measurement data for IOPs-IM analyzation was randomly classified as training and verification materials at the ratio of 2:1 in all data sets. Using the training data set from 2015-2017, accuracy results of the IOPs-IM generally improved for the Nakdong River. The RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) decreased by 14 % compared to 2016. For the GeumRiver, the results of the IOPs-IM were suitable, except for some point results in 2016. Results of the IOPs-IM in the Yeongsan River followed the overall 1:1 line and MAE(Mean Absolute Error) was lower than other rivers. But the RMSE and MAE values were higher. As a result of applying the validation data to the IOPs-IM, the accuracy of the Nakdong River was reduced to RMSE 17.7 % and MRE 16.4 %, respectively compared with 2016. However, the MRE(Mean Relative Error) was estimated to be higher by 400 % in the Geum River, and the RMSE was more than 100 mg/㎥ of the Yeongsan River. Therefore, it is necessary to get the continuously data with various sections of each river for obtain objective and reliable results and the models should be improved.

Clinical Significance of Upregulation of mir-196a-5p in Gastric Cancer and Enriched KEGG Pathway Analysis of Target Genes

  • Li, Hai-Long;Xie, Shou-Pin;Yang, Ya-Li;Cheng, Ying-Xia;Zhang, Ying;Wang, Jing;Wang, Yong;Liu, Da-Long;Chen, Zhao-Feng;Zhou, Yong-Ning;Wu, Hong-Yan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.1781-1787
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    • 2015
  • Background: miRNAs are relatively recently discovered cancer biomarkers which have important implications for cancer early diagnosis, treatment and estimation of prognosis. Here we focussed on expression of mir-196a-5p in gastric cancer tissues and cell lines so as to analyse its significance for clinicopathologic characteristics and generate enriched KEGG pathways clustered by target genes for exploring its potential roles as a biomarker in gastric cancer. Materials and Methods: The expression of mir-196a-5p in poorly, moderate and well differentiated gastric cancer cell lines compared with GES-1 was detected by RT-qPCR, and the expression of mir-196a-5p in gastric cancer tissues comparing with adjacent non cancer tissues of 58 cases were also assessed by RT-qPCR. Subsequently, an analysis of clinical significance of mir-196a-5p in gastric cancer and enriched KEGG pathways was executed based on the miRWalk prediction database combined with bioinformatics tools DAVID 6.7 and Mirfocus 3.0. Results: RT-qPCR showed that mir-196a-5p was up-regulated in 6 poorly and moderate differentiated gastric cancer cell lines SGC-7901, MKN-45, MKN-28, MGC-803, BGC-823, HGC-27 compared with GES-1, but down-regulated in the highly differentiated gastric cancer cell line AGS. Clinical data indicated mir-196a-5p to beup-regulated in gastric cancer tissues (47/58). Overexpression of mir-196a-5p was associated with more extensive degree of lymph node metastasis and clinical stage (P < 0.05; x2 test). Enriched KEGG pathway analyses of predicted and validated targets in miRWalk combined with DAVID 6.7 and Mirfocus 3.0 showed that the targeted genes regulated by mir-196a-5p were involved in malignancy associated biology. Conclusions: Overexpression of mir-196a-5p is associated with lymph node metastasis and clinical stage, and enriched KEGG pathway analyses showed that targeted genes regulated by mir-196a-5p may contribute to tumorgenesis, suggesting roles as an oncogenic miRNA biomarker in gastric cancer.

A Feasibility Study on the Application of TVDI on Accessing Wildfire Danger in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 지역 산불 발생 위험도 예측에 TVDI 적용 가능성 고찰)

  • Kim, Kwang Nyun;Kim, Seung Hee;Won, Myoung Soo;Jang, Keun Chang;Choi, Won Jun;Lee, Yun Gon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제35권6_3호
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    • pp.1197-1208
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    • 2019
  • Wildfire is a major natural disaster affecting socioeconomics and ecology. Remote sensing data have been widely used to estimate the wildfire danger with an advantage of higher spatial resolution. Among the several wildfire related indices using remote sensing data, Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) assesses wildfire danger based on both Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST). Although TVDI has physical advantages by considering both weather and vegetation condition, previous studies have shown TVDI does not performed well compare to other wildfire related indices over the Korean Peninsula. In this study we have attempted multiple modification to improve TVDI performance over the study region. In-situ measured air temperature was employed to increase accuracy, regression line was generated using monthly data to include seasonal effect, and TVDI was calculated at each province level to consider vegetation type and local climate. The modified TVDI calculation method was evaluated in wildfire cases and showed significant improvement in wildfire danger estimation.

Optimized Mix Proportioning of Steel and Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Using Harmony Search Algorithm (화음탐색법을 이용한 강섬유 및 하이브리드 섬유보강 콘크리트의 최적배합 설계)

  • Lee, Chi-Hoon;Lee, Joo-Ha;Yoon, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2006
  • The guide line of the SFRC mix design was not established, and the convenience of the practical application on the spot is not so good. In this paper, hence, the program which is optimized to result the mix proportion by the flexural strength and toughness, was developed to apply to SFRC on the practical spot. This program could minimize the number of trial mixes and get an economical and appropriate mixture. In addition, the theoretical background on which the program is based, will be the basis of the embodied method to mixing SFRC. Additionally, new algorithm, in this paper, was used to develop the mix proportioning program of SFRC. The new algorithm is the Harmony Search which is the heuristic method mimicking the improvisation of music players, Musical performances seek a best state determined by aesthetic estimation, as the optimization algorithms seek a best state determined by objected function value. And, it was developed the program about single fiber reinforced concrete, beside to the hybrid fiber reinforced concrete that two kinds of steel fibers, which have the different geometry, was reinforced. This will be able to keep the world trend to study, hence, offers the basis of the next research about hybrid fiber reinforced concrete.

Heritability Estimation of Haematological Traits in Clonal Lines of Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, under Stressed and Hon-Stressed Conditions (스트레스와 비스트레스 조건에서 Clone 은어의 혈액성상에 대한 유전율 추정)

  • Han, Hyon-Sob
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2000
  • Four clonal lines of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, were produced through gynogenesis, mixed before hatching and reared communally. After 10 months, a randomly taken sample was subjected to a standardized shallow water stressor. Hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood cells count (RBC) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) were obtained from stressed and non-stressed fish. DNA fingerprinting was used to confirm the clonal nature of the organisms and to identified the clonal line to which each fish belonged. 1 observed significant differences between clona] lines mostly in the hematocrit and MCV measured under no-stress conditions. Such differences are suggested to represent mainly genetic variance, on account of the common environment provided to all the experimental groups. The stress response ratio was lower than expected, mainly due to some unexpectedly high non-stress values. Heritability values (h$^2$) were medium to high for the no-stress measurements (mean 0.238) and very low or zero for the stressed groups'traits (excepting one high value of 0.484). 1 conclude that the use of communally reared clonal lines represents a good tool for the characterization of the physiological traits, thus allowing for their utilization as genetic selection criteria.

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Stereoscopic Depth from 3D Contents with Various Disparity (화면 시차로부터 지각되는 3D 컨텐츠의 입체시 깊이)

  • Kham, Keetaek
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2016
  • This study was investigated whether the perceived depth was changed depending on the measurement methods. In the method of direct comparison, virtual object with one of the various binocular disparities was presented in the frontal space with LEDs which were used for depth estimation for a binocular stimulus, while in the method of indirect comparison, visual object was presented in the frontal space but the LEDs were placed rightward at the angle of 45 degree from the mid-sagittal line. In these experimental setup, the depth of binocular stimulus was directly matched that of LED in direct comparison condition. In indirect comparison condition, however, observer estimated the depth of binocular stimulus, turned one's head rightward to the array of LEDs and turned on the LED which was supposed to be the same depth as binocular stimulus. Additionally, it was investigated whether the perceived depth was different depending on observer's stereo acuity. The results showed that perceived depths measured in the direct comparison were more similar to the depth predicted from geometry than those in the indirect comparison, and that the perceived depths from observers with high stereo acuity were similar to the predicted depth from geometry those from observers with low stereo acuity. These results indicated that stereoscopic depths of the binocular stimuli would vivid and compelling when binocular stimuli was simultaneously presented with real objects in the same visual space, like a mixed reality.

Study on Estimation of Genetic Parameters for the Meat Production Traits and the Standard Growth Curve in the Inbred Line of Korean Native Pig (한국 재래 돼지 근교 계통 돈의 산육 형질에 대한 유전모수 및 표준 성장 곡선 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, M.J.;Cho, K.H.;Jeon, G.J.;Kim, Y.H.;Park, J.C.;Jung, H.J.;Kim, I.C.;Kwon, O.S.;Jin, H.J.;Kim, J.H.;Lee, H.K.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2007
  • Records on 546 Korea native pigs for average daily gain (ADG), age at 70 kg (D70 kg) and backfat thickness (BF) made between 2001 and 2006 in herds on National Institutes of Animal Science in Korea were used to estimate genetic parameters. The data was analyzed by the DF-REML (Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood) program of Boldman using a single-trait animal model. Heritabilities were 0.26, 0.09, and 0.29 for ADG, D70 kg and BF, respectively. The phenotypic correlations of ADG with D70 kg and BF were -0.71 and 0.30. The phenotypic correlation of D70 kg with BF was -0.15. The genetic correlations of ADG with D70 kg and BF were -0.11, 0.41, respectively. The genetic correlation of D70 kg with BF was -0.16. The data of weights and measurements on body length, body height and chest width after age at 11 months (days to 330) were shown scarcely less differences compare to data of age at 11 months.

Nondestructive Estimation of Lean Meat Yield of South Korean Pig Carcasses Using Machine Vision Technique

  • Lohumi, Santosh;Wakholi, Collins;Baek, Jong Ho;Kim, Byeoung Do;Kang, Se Joo;Kim, Hak Sung;Yun, Yeong Kwon;Lee, Wang Yeol;Yoon, Sung Ho;Cho, Byoung-Kwan
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • 제38권5호
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    • pp.1109-1119
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we report the development of a nondestructive prediction model for lean meat percentage (LMP) in Korean pig carcasses and in the major cuts using a machine vision technique. A popular vision system in the meat industry, the VCS2000 was installed in a modern Korean slaughterhouse, and the images of half carcasses were captured using three cameras from 175 selected pork carcasses (86 castrated males and 89 females). The imaged carcasses were divided into calibration (n=135) and validation (n=39) sets and a multilinear regression (MLR) analysis was utilized to develop the prediction equation from the calibration set. The efficiency of the prediction equation was then evaluated by an independent validation set. We found that the prediction equation - developed to estimate LMP in whole carcasses based on six variables - was characterized by a coefficient of determination ($R^2_v$) value of 0.77 (root-mean square error [RMSEV] of 2.12%). In addition, the predicted LMP values for the major cuts: ham, belly, and shoulder exhibited $R^2_v$ values${\geq}0.8$ (0.73 for loin parts) with low RMSEV values. However, lower accuracy ($R^2_v=0.67$) was achieved for tenderloin cuts. These results indicate that the LMP in Korean pig carcasses and major cuts can be predicted successfully using the VCS2000-based prediction equation developed here. The ultimate advantages of this technique are compatibility and speed, as the VCS2000 imaging system can be installed in any slaughterhouse with minor modifications to facilitate the on-line and real-time prediction of LMP in pig carcasses.