• 제목/요약/키워드: large scale seismic test

검색결과 91건 처리시간 0.023초

실시간 하이브리드 실험법을 이용한 대형 MR감쇠기의 제진 성능평가 (Performance Evaluation of a Large-scale MR Damper for Controlling Seismic Response using a Real-time Hybrid Test Method)

  • 정희산;이성경;박은천;윤경조;민경원;이헌재;최강민;문석준;정형조
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2007년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.655-660
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents real-time hybrid test method of large-scale MR damper applied to a building structure under seismic excitation. The real-time hybrid test using an actuator for the control performance evaluation of a MR damper controlling the response of earthquake-excited building structure is experimentally implemented. In the test, the building structure is used as a numerical part, on which a large-scale MR damper adopted as an experimental part was installed to reduce its response. At first, the force that is acting between a MR damper and building structure is measured from the load cell attached on the actuator system and is fed-back to the computer to control the motion of the actuator. Then, the actuator is so driven that the error between the interface displacement computed from the numerical building structure with the excitations of earthquake and the fed-back interface force and that measured from the actuator. The control efficiency of the MR damper used in this paper is experimentally confirmed by implementing this process of experiment on real-time.

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실시간 하이브리드 실험법을 이용한 대형 MR감쇠기의 제진 성능평가 (Performance Evaluation of a Large-scale MR Damper for Controlling Seismic Responses Using a Real-time Hybrid Test Method)

  • 박은천;이성경;윤경조;정희산;이헌재;최강민;문석준;정형조;민경원
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents real-time hybrid test method of large-scale MR damper applied to a building structure under seismic excitation. The real-time hybrid test using an actuator for the control performance evaluation of a MR damper controlling the response of earthquake-excited building structure is experimentally implemented. In the test, the building structure is used as a numerical part, on which a large-scale MR damper adopted as an experimental part was installed to reduce its response. At first, the force that is acting between a MR damper and building structure is measured from the load cell attached on the actuator system and is fed-back to the computer to control the motion of the actuator. Then, the actuator is so driven that the error between the interface displacement computed from the numerical building structure with the excitations of earthquake and the fed-back interface force and that measured from the actuator. The control efficiency of the MR damper used in this paper is experimentally confirmed by implementing this process of experiment on real-time.

축소모델과 실모델 면진베어링의 성능실험에 관한 연구 (A Study on Testing of 1/4-scale and Full-size Seismic Isolation Bearings)

  • 정민기;정지만;김두훈
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 1996년도 춘계학술대회논문집; 부산수산대학교, 10 May 1996
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    • pp.194-202
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    • 1996
  • An approach to increase the seismic resistance of large structures is to reduce the seismic forces, to which structures are subjected by base isolation systems. The anti-seismic performance of base-isolated beatings has been verified experimentally by shaking table tests. However, it may be difficult to perform the tests for the full-scale beatings of base-isolated structures. Therefore, the test program was designed to evaluate the reliability and properties of the beatings under a range of loading conditions including axial stress, loading frequency and direction, and temperature. The effects of scale were also evaluated by comparing the results of the 1/4-scale beatings with those from the full-scale bearings, and the ultimate behavior of both types of bearings with evaluated through a series of roll-out tests. This report draws comparisons among the different tests and bearings to determine the importance of various factors including load history, axial stress, and frequency. Comparisons between the 1/4-scale bearings were difficult because of the scaling effects in manufacturing and thermal radiation, but qualitative results from the 1/4-scale bearings can certainly be extrapolated the full-scale bearings.

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Use of large-scale shake table tests to assess the seismic response of a tunnel embedded in compacted sand

  • Zhou, Hao;Qin, Xiaoyang;Wang, Xinghua;Liang, Yan
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.655-665
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    • 2018
  • Shield tunnels are widely used throughout the world. However, their seismic performance has not been well studied. This paper focuses on the seismic response of a large scale model tunnel in compacted sand. A 9.3 m long, 3.7 m wide and 2.5 m high rigid box was filled with sand so as to simulate the sandy soil surrounding the tunnel. The setup was excited on a large-scale shake table. The model tunnel used was a 1:8 scaled model with a cross-sectional diameter of 900 mm. The effective shock absorbing layer (SAL) on the seismic response of the model tunnel was also investigated. The thickness of the tunnel lining is 60 mm. The earthquake motion recorded from the Kobe earthquake waves was used. The ground motions were scaled to have the same peak accelerations. A total of three peak accelerations were considered (i.e., 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 0.4 g). During the tests, the strain, acceleration and soil pressure on the surface of the tunnel were measured. In order to investigate the effect of shock absorbing layer on the dynamic response of the sand- tunnel system, two tunnel models were set up, one with and one without the shock absorbing layer of foam board were used. The results shows the longitudinal direction acceleration of the model tunnel with a shock absorbing layer were lower than those of model tunnel without the shock absorbing layer, Which indicates that the shock absorbing layer has a beneficial effect on the acceleration reduction. In addition, the shock absorbing layer has influence on the hoop strain and earth pressure of the model tunnel, this the effect of shock absorbing layer to the model tunnel will be discussed in the paper.

다중거동 복합형 감쇠장치를 적용한 철골골조의 내진성능실험 (Seismic Performance Test of a Steel Frame with Multi-action Hybrid Dampers)

  • 노지은;허석재;이상현
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effectiveness of a multi-action hybrid damper (MHD) composed of lead rubber bearing (LRB) and friction pad was verified in terms of seismic performance improvement of a frame structure. The LRB and the friction elements are connected in series, so the LRB governs the intial small deformation and the friction determines large deformation behavior. Cyclic loading tests were conducted by using a half scale steel frame structure with the MHD, and the results indicated that the structure became to have the stable trilinear hysteresis with large initial stiffness and first yielding due to the LRB, and the second yielding due to the friction. The MHD could significantly increase the energy dissipation capacity of the structure and the hysteresis curves obtained by tests were almost identical to the analytically estimated ones.

준능동 MR감쇠기가 설치된 실물크기 구조물의 분산제어 알고리즘 성능평가 (Performance Evaluation of Decentralized Control Algorithm of a Full-scale 5-story Structure Installed with Semi-active MR Damper Excited by Seismic Load)

  • 윤경조;박은천;이헌재;문석준;민경원;정형조;이상현
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2008
  • In this study, seismic response control performance of decentralized response-dependent MR damper which generates the control force using only the response of damper-installed floor, was experimentally investigated through the tests of a full-scale structure installed with large MR dampers. The performance of the decentralized control algorithm was compared to those of the centralized ones such as Lyapunov, modulated homogeneous friction, and clipped-optimal control. Hybrid mass damper were controlled to induce seismic response of the full-scale structure under El Centro earthquake. Experimental results indicated that the proposed decentralized MR damper provided superior or equivalent performance to centralized one in spite of using damper-installed floor response for calculating input voltage to MR damper.

진동대실험을 통한 축소 아치구조물의 고유진동주기 분석 (Natural Vibration Period of Small-scaled Arch Structure by Shaking Table Test)

  • 김기철;강주원
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2015
  • Large spatial structures can not easily predict the dynamic behavior due to the lack of construction and design practices. The spatial structures are generally analyzed through the numerical simulation and experimental test in order to investigate the seismic response of large spatial structures. In the case of analysis for seismic response of large spatial structure, the many studies by the numerical analysis was carried out, researches by the shaking table test are very rare. In this study, a shaking table test of a small-scale arch structure was conducted and the dynamic characteristics of arch structure are analyzed. And the dynamic characteristics of arch structures are investigated according to the various column cross-section and length. It is found that the natural vibration periods of the small-scaled arch structure that have large column stiffness are very similar to the natural vibration period of the non-column arch structure. And in case of arch structure with large column stiffness, primary natural frequency period by numerical analysis is very similar to the primary natural frequency period of by shaking table test. These are because the dynamic characteristics of the roof structure are affected by the column stiffness of the spatial structure.

Performance of an isolated simply supported bridge crossing fault rupture: shake table test

  • Xiang, Nailiang;Yang, Huaiyu;Li, Jianzhong
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.665-677
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    • 2019
  • This study utilizes large-scale shake table test to investigate the seismic performance of an isolated bridge with lead rubber bearings crossing an active fault. Two transverse restraining systems with and without shear keys are tested by applying spatially varying ground motions. It is shown that the near-fault span exhibits larger bearing displacement than the crossing-fault span. Bridge piers away from the fault rupture are more vulnerable than those adjacent to the fault rupture by attracting more seismic demand. It is also verified that the shear keys are effective in restraining the bearing displacement on the near-fault span, particularly under the large permanent ground displacement.