• Title/Summary/Keyword: land surveying system

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Coastal Erosion Time-series Analysis of the Littoral Cell GW36 in Gangwon Using Seahawk Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR Data (씨호크 항공수심라이다 데이터를 활용한 연안침식 시계열 분석 - 강원도 표사계 GW36을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jaebin;Kim, Jiyoung;Kim, Gahyun;Hur, Hyunsoo;Wie, Gwangjae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1527-1539
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    • 2022
  • As coastal erosion of the east coast is accelerating, the need for scientific and quantitative coastal erosion monitoring technology for a wide area increases. The traditional method for observing changes in the coast was precision monitoring based on field surveys, but it can only be applied to a small area. The airborne bathymetric Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) system is a technology that enables economical surveying of coastal and seabed topography in a wide area. In particular, it has the advantage of constructing topographical data for the intertidal zone, which is a major area of interest for coastal erosion monitoring. In this study, time series analysis of coastal seabed topography acquired in Aug, 2021 and Mar. 2022 on the littoral cell GW36 in Gangwon was performed using the Seahawk Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR (ABL) system. We quantitatively monitored the topographical changes by measuring the baseline length, shoreline and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) changes. Through this, the effectiveness of the ABL surveying technique was confirmed in coastal erosion monitoring.

Survey of actual status of ecological environment elements of certification schools of environment friendly architecture (친환경건축물인증학교의 생태환경요소에 대한 실태조사)

  • Song, Byung-joon;Cho, Jin-il
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest improvement of certification standards of environment friendly architecture in ecological environment field by surveying and analyzing actual status of actual certification schools of environment friendly architecture per ecological environment elements through extracting ecological environment elements which is possible to analyze in quantity certification standards of environment friendly architecture. As contents of the study, first, certification as an examination on certification system of environment friendly architecture, summary of certification system of environment friendly architecture, ecological environment elements which is possible for quantitative analysis of ecological environment certification standards were extracted. Second, actual status of ecological environment elements per school grade, region, and population increase by collecting actual data of certification schools of environment friendly architecture. Third, using analysis data of ecological environment elements, ecological area ratio of certification schools of environment friendly architecture per weighted values of space types was calculated and the results were analyzed as the follows. (1) In case of preliminary certification out of total objects of investigation schools was average 34.06% but in this case of certification, it was reduced to 33.07%. However, it is difficult to make judgment as actual evidence data since ecological area ratio of actual preliminary certification is data based on drawing planes. Therefore, in case of this certification, elementary schools was investigated at average 33.11%, middle schools 34.81%, and high schools 31.28% and middle school showed the highest relatively. (2) Besides, average composition ratio of ecological area ratio was 63.04% in case of this certification regardless of school grade and region and it was analyzed that about 70% of ecological area ratio is composed of the natural based green area including pure natural based green land and 6.89% of ecological learning institute.

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A Study on Analysis of Defect Types and Measures for Reduction of Tile Construction for Apartment Houses (공동주택 타일공사의 하자 유형 분석 및 저감 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun Jung;Eom, Yong Been;Jeong, U Jin;Kim, Dae Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.701-712
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    • 2021
  • As the domestic housing supply problem has been resolved, the apartment construction market has shifted to a consumer-oriented market that wants high quality, and in particular, expectations in the area of finishing quality have increased. Looking at the status of complaints regarding apartment housing defects supplied by Korea Land and Housing Corporation, tile-related complaints are the type occurring the most frequently. While the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MOLIT) is making an ongoing effort to reduce complaints related to defects, through approaches such as drafting amendments to 「Investigation of defects in apartment houses, calculation of repair costs, and standards for determining defects」, the provision of preventive measures has been insufficient. In addition, by reviewing studies, there has been insufficient research to construct a classification system after deriving the characteristics of each type using the qualitative knowledge of experts, various quantitative indicators, and suggesting measures for reduction according to the causes of each type. Therefore, this study will reflect qualitative indicators to use the AHP analysis that makes it easy to identify the relationship between defects by surveying construction experts. Then, by visualizing the weight of 'Possibility of recurrence after repair,' 'Degree of difficulty in repairing defects' and 'Fault frequency' using a radial graph, we will analyze the characteristics of each type of tile construction defect and establish measures for reduction according to the cause. This will improve the quality of the living environment and contribute to the establishment of a system for smooth defect management and reduction of defects in apartment tile construction.

Detecting Cadastral Discrepancy Method based on MMAS (MMAS 기법에 의한 지적불부합지 탐색기법)

  • Cho, Sung-Hwan;Huh, Yong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2015
  • This paper suggests the MMAS(Map Matching using Additional Surveying) method to improve the cadastral discrepancy search algorithm that currently does not include corrections of mis-represented parcel data. The MMAS is a method to search for cadastral discrepancy after correcting mis-represented parcel data using nearby anchor points confirmed by surveys. The MMAS first transforms the coordinate system of the digital cadastral map by overlaying anchor points obtained in the field surveying process over the corresponding edges of buildings and facility points on the digital topographic map. Then, it searches for cadastral discrepancy by checking if the area differences exceed the tolerance limit. This method improves the current method for searching for cadastral discrepancy by performing the process after correcting extortion of the digital cadastral map. This helps to identify cadastral discrepancies that are not detectable within the distorted digital cadastral map. With our experiment, this method identified more discrepancies compared to the method without the correcting the distortion of the digital cadastral map. We believe this method will be able to help the national cadastral re-survey by identifying potential cadastral discrepancy more accurately.

Development of a Water Sampling System for Unmanned Probe for Improvement of Water Quality Measurement (수질측정 방법 개선을 위한 무인 탐사체의 채수장치 개발방안)

  • Jung, Jin Woo;Cho, Kwang Hee;Kim, Min Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop unmanned equipment that can automatically move to the desired point and measure water quality at the correct depth. For this purpose, we constructed a water sampling lift and water sampling container, an unmanned vessel equipped with a VRS-GPS, an acoustic echo sounder, and a water quality sensor. Also, we developed an automatic navigation algorithm and program, an automatic water sampling program, and a water quality map generation program. As a result of the experiment in the detention pond, the unmanned vessel sailed along the planned route with an accuracy of about 93% within the error range of 3m. In addition, the water quality sensor installed in the lift was able to acquire the water quality of the target area in real time and transmit it to the server via wireless Internet, and it was possible to monitor the water quality of each site in real time. Through field experiments, the water sampling lift was able to control the desired length with an accuracy of about 94%. The stretch length accuracy experiment of the water sampling lift was impossible to measure directly in the water, so it was replaced land-based experiment. We also found some unstable problems due to the weight of the water sampling lift and the weight of the air compressor to operate the water container. Except these two problems, we accomplished purpose of this study. An automated water quality measurement method using an unmanned vessel can be used to measure the quality of water in a difficult to access area and to secure the safety of the worker.


  • Sunkyu Woo;Seongsu Jeong;Esmond Mok;Linyuan Xia;Muwook Pyeon;Joon Heo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.869-875
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    • 2009
  • Safety is a big issue in the construction sites. For safe and secure management, tracking locations of construction resources such as labors, materials, machineries, vehicles and so on is important. The materials, machineries and vehicles could be controlled by computer, whereas the movement of labors does not have fixed pattern. So, the location and movement of labors need to be monitored continuously for safety. In general, Global Positioning System(GPS) is an opt solution to obtain the location information in outside environments. But it cannot be used for indoor locations as it requires a clear Line-Of-Sight(LOS) to satellites Therefore, indoor location monitoring system could be a convenient alternative for environments such as tunnel and indoor building construction sites. This paper presents a case study to investigate feasibility of Wi-Fi based indoor location monitoring system in construction site. The system is developed by using fingerprint map of gathering Received Signal Strength Indication(RSSI) from each Access Point(AP). The signal information is gathered by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, which are attached on a helmet of labors to track their locations, and is sent to server computer. Experiments were conducted in a shield tunnel construction site at Guangzhou, China. This study consists of three phases as follows: First, we have a tracking test in entrance area of tunnel construction site. This experiment was performed to find the effective geometry of APs installation. The geometry of APs installation was changed for finding effective locations, and the experiment was performed using one and more tags. Second, APs were separated into two groups, and they were connected with LAN cable in tunnel construction site. The purpose of this experiment was to check the validity of group separating strategy. One group was installed around the entrance and the other one was installed inside the tunnel. Finally, we installed the system inner area of tunnel, boring machine area, and checked the performance with varying conditions (the presence of obstacles such as train, worker, and so on). Accuracy of this study was calculated from the data, which was collected at some known points. Experimental results showed that WiFi-based indoor location system has a level of accuracy of a few meters in tunnel construction site. From the results, it is inferred that the location tracking system can track the approximate location of labors in the construction site. It is able to alert the labors when they are closer to dangerous zones like poisonous region or cave-in..

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  • Yeh Ta-Kang;Chen Chun-Sung;Wang Cheng-Gi;Liou Yuei-An;Wang Chuan-Sheng
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.353-356
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    • 2005
  • In Taiwan, there are more the one hundred GPS tracking stations maintained by Ministry of the Interior (MOI), Academia Sinica, Central Weather Bureau and Central Geological Survey. In the further, they may be instead of the GPS controlling points after giving the lawful status. In other words, the engineers don't need to survey on the reference points when they are surveying in the field. They only need to download the GPS data via internet and process the observations in their company. The precise coordinates of the unknown points will be obtained. Therefore, the data qualities of the tracking stations are more and more important. In this study, six data quality indexes were adopted as follows: observations, cycle slips, multipath on L1, multipath on L2, clock offset and frequency stability. Besides, the relationships of the indexes and the positioning precision were found. The frequency stability of GPS receiver is the most important index, the cycle slip is the second index and the mutlipath is the third index. According to the results, the auto-analytical system of GPS data quality was established and the tracking stations were monitored. When the receiver got some problem or the station's environment changed, we hope to find and resolve the problems earlier to make sure the high data quality of the tracking stations. Moreover, we try to design a data quality verification to help users and let the engineers have more and more confidence when they use the data of GPS tracking stations.

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Analysis of the Feasibility of GNSS/Geoid Technology in Determining Orthometric Height in Mountain (산악지 표고결정에 있어서 GNSS/Geoid 기술의 활용가능성 분석)

  • Lee, Suk Bae;Lee, Keun Sang;Lee, Min Kun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of using Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS)/Geoid technology in determining orthometric height in mountain. For the study, a test bed was set up in and around Mount Jiri and GNSS surveying were conducted. The orthometric height of 39 benchmarks was determined by applying the EGM2008, KNGeoid13, and KNGeoid14 geoid models and the accuracy was estimated by comparing with the offical Benchmarks orthometric height value issued by National Geographic Information Institute(NGII) and finally, the results were analyzed with the Aerial Photogrammetry Work Regulations. As a result of the study, it was found that the accuracy of the orthometric height determination by GNSS/Geoid technology was ${\pm}7.1cm$ when the KNGeoid14 geoid model was applied. And also, it can be confirmed that it is usable for the less than 1/1000 plotting scales as a vertical reference point for the aerial triangulation in Aerial Photogrammetry.

Development of the Digital Map Updating System using CAD Object Extracted from As-Built Drawings (준공도면에서 추출된 CAD 객체를 이용한 수치지형도의 갱신 시스템 개발)

  • Yang, Sung-Chul;Choi, Jae-Wan;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2009
  • Digital map should have the up-to-dateness as well as the accuracy to perform a role as the national spatial data. As digital mapping process require aerial photograph, surveying, and field working, it consumes a lot of time and cost. So there is a limit to maintain the up-to-dateness. If we updates the digital map frequently by using the as-built drawings, we can prevent the waste of national budget by reuse of existing drawings and make accuracy updates from existing survey results. In spite of this advantages, due to insufficiency of CAD drawing standard, inconsistency of file types of as-built drawings and digital maps, and topology relations between input features and original features, so the frequent updates using the as-built drawings is on the difficult situation to perform. In this research, first, CAD features extracted from as-built drawings land the new/update whether original features exist or not and generate topology from spatial relation of features. Second, suggest the efficient partial-update-plan performing integrity test. As a result, guarantee the accuracy and the up-to-dateness of digital map.

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The Technical Benefits of Future GNSS for Taiwan

  • Chiang, Kai-Wei;Yang, Ming;Tsai, Meng-Lun;Chang, Yao-Yun;Chu, Chi-Kuang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2006
  • The next decade promises drastic improvements and additions to global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Plans for GPS modernization include a civilian code measurement on the L2 frequency and a new L5 signal at 1176.45 MHz. Current speculations indicate that a fully operational constellation with these improvements could be available by 2013. Simultaneously, the Galileo Joint Undertaking is in the development and validation stages of introducing a parallel GNSS called Galileo. Galileo will also transmit freely available satellite navigation signals on three frequencies and is scheduled to be fully operational as early as 2008. In other words, a dual system receiver (e.g., GPS+GALILEO) for general users can access six civil frequencies transmitted by at least fifty eights navigation satellites in space. The advent of GALILEO and the modernization of GPS raise a lot of attention to the study of the compatibility and interoperability of the two systems. A number of performance analyses have been conducted in a global scale with respect to availability, reliability, accuracy and integrity in different simulated scenarios (such as open sky and urban canyons) for the two systems individually and when integrated. Therefore, the scope of this article aims at providing the technical benefits analysis for Taiwan specifically in terms of the performance indices mentioned above in a local scale, especially in typical urban canyon scenarios. The conclusions gained by this study will be applied by the Land Survey Bureau of Taiwanese as the guideline for developing future GNSS tracking facilities and dual GNSS processing module for precise surveying applications in static and kinematic modes.

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