• Title/Summary/Keyword: kinds of patterns

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RAPD Fingerprinting for the Species Identification of Animals

  • Huang, Mu-Chiou;Horng, Yan-Ming;Huang, Hsiu-Lin;Sin, Yen-Long;Chen, Ming-Jaw
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1406-1410
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    • 2003
  • The studies were based on the RAPD fingerprinting for the species identification of animals. The genomic DNA samples of ostriches, Taiwan local chickens, Aboracres broilers, Leghorn chickens, quails, doves, emus, Beltville small white turkeys, pheasants, Chinese geese, mule ducks, Holstein cattle and Landrace pigs were amplified with random primers by RAPD-PCR for fingerprinting. The results showed that the varied band patterns of DNA fingerprints were generated from templates depending on the kinds of primers or animal species. The same primer applied to the same breed, all of the main bands are similar, but which were different among species. In order to try to identify the species from the mixture of meat by RAPD fingerprinting, the meat of ostrich and cattle was mixed in different ratios for this study. The results showed that it could be easily and precisely distinguished according to the band distribution of RAPD patterns.

Cloning and Characterization of Liver cDNAs That Are Differentially Expressed between Chicken Hybrids and Their Parents

  • Sun, Dong-Xiao;Wang, Dong;Yu, Ying;Zhang, Yuan
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.1684-1690
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    • 2005
  • Using mRNA differential display technique, we investigated differential gene expression in hybrids relative to their parents in a diallel cross involving four chicken breeds in order to provide an insight into the molecular basis of heterosis in chicken. The results indicated that there was extensive differential gene expression between chicken F1 hybrids and their parents which was classified into four kinds of patterns as following: (1) bands only detected in hybrid F1; (2) bands only absent in hybrid F1; (3) bands only detected in parent P1 or P2; (4) bands absent in parent P1 or P2. Forty-two differentially expressed cDNAs were cloned and sequenced, and their expression patterns were confirmed by Reverse-Northern dot blot. Sequence analysis and database searches revealed that genes showed differential expression between hybrid and parents were regulatory and functional genes involved in metabolism, mRNA splicing, transcriptional regulation, cell cycles and protein modification. These results indicated that hybridization between two parents can cause changes in expression of a variety of genes. In conclusion, that the altered pattern of gene expression in hybrids may be responsible for heterosis in chickens.

Evaluation of Elementary School Lunch Menus Based on Maintenance of the Traditional Dietary Pattern (식생활의 전통성 유지 측면에서의 전국 초등학과 급식 식단 평가)

  • 정현주
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.216-229
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the degree of maintenance of traditional dietary patterns in school lunch menus based on cooking methods. One week of school lunch menus for April and October and 3 dishes with high preference were obtained from school food service dietitians in 353 schools representing all of Korea's provinces and major cities. Based on cultural characteristics, a total of 992 different kinds of dishes were classified into 6 types (Korean, Western, Eastern, modified Korean, modified Eastern, modified Western). The dishes were also divided into 24 categories by cooking method. The most frequently served dish type was 'Korea' (78.4%) and the most frequently served meal followed the pattern 'rice+soup+kimchi+side dishes'. The percentage of 'Korea' side dishes other than rice, soup, an kimchi on menus was 76.3% and that for desserts was 50.8%. These figures indicate that traditional dietary patterns have been changing in the categories of side dishes and desserts. A total of 44.3% of the dishes fell under the 'Korean' category. Among the meals served, the percentage of 'Korean' dishes was relatively low, indicating that students prefer foreign foods or dishes made according to foreign cooking methods. These results suggest that in order to improve the quality of school food services, it will be necessary to search for common ground between the traditional diet and student preferences.

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Biochemical Characteristics and Antibiotic Resistant Patterns of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Klebsiella pneumoniae 분리균의 생화학적 특성과 항생물질 내성유형 연구)

  • Lee, Hun-Ku;Kim, Ki-Sang;Lee, Bok-Kwon;Chung, Tae-Hwa;Lee, Hyung-Hoan
    • The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.427-433
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    • 1987
  • One hundred and thirty-six strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated from clinical specimen taken from pediatric patiants at 6 different hospitals and identified, characterized and investigated on the patterns of antibiotic resistance. The 136 strains showed the positive reactions in the 17 tests; Voges-Proskauer, ONPG, cirate utilization, KCN degradation, productions of lysine decarboxylase, acid and gas from glucose, utilizations of malonate, manitol, rhamnose, salicin, sucrose, raffinose, arabinose, lactose, sucrose, inositol and raffinose, but the strains showed the negative reactions in the 8 tests; production of $H_2S$, indole, arginine dehydrolase, ornithine decaraoxylase, phenylalanine deaminase, motility, methly red and gelatin liquefaction. 41 did not utilize dulcitol, and 32 did not utilize adonitol. The 36 out of them produced klebecin. The 136 strains were resistant to ampicillin, 2 to gentamicin, 14 to cephalothin, 16 to chloramphenicol, 8 to kanamycin, 13 to streptomycin, and 17 to tetracycline. Twenty strains were resistant to 2 kinds of antibiotics 5 strains to 3, 4 to 4 and 1 to 6 and 7.

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Development of Air Force Winter Service Uniform Shirt Pattern and Automatic Pattern Drafting Program for MTM Production (MTM 생산을 위한 공군 동약정복 셔츠 패턴 제도법 및 자동 제도 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, In-Hwa;Nam, Yun-Ja;Kim, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.1271-1284
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    • 2011
  • This study improves the fitness of Air Force winter service uniforms through the development of a shirt pattern drafting method and automatic pattern drafting program for MTM production. A calculation formula is formed through a correlation analysis and regression analysis using Size Korea 2004 3D measurement data after analyzing 4 kinds of existing shirt pattern drafting methods and 3 types of shirt patterns currently used for the Air Force service uniform. The results of this study are as follows: The developed pattern drafting method has 4 parts that use calculated dimensions: neck base width, front interscye, back interscye and scye depth. Other body measuring parts that have a high correlation with calculation parts are inserted into regression analysis as independent variables to create dimension calculation formulas. The result of the final study patterns were better than existing winter service uniforms in nearly all items for the appearance evaluation and motion adaptability evaluations. The method was converted into an automatic pattern drafting program using C++ after the completion of pattern drafting method development.

Pattern Recognition of Meteorological fields Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM)

  • Nishiyama Koji;Endo Shinichi;Jinno Kenji
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2005
  • In order to systematically and visually understand well-known but qualitative and rotatively complicated relationships between synoptic fields in the BAIU season and heavy rainfall events in Japan, these synoptic fields were classified using the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm. This algorithm can convert complex nonlinear features into simple two-dimensional relationships, and was followed by the application of the clustering techniques of the U-matrix and the K-means. It was assumed that the meteorological field patterns be simply expressed by the spatial distribution of wind components at the 850 hPa level and Precipitable Water (PW) in the southwestern area including Kyushu in Japan. Consequently, the synoptic fields could be divided into eight kinds of patterns (clusters). One of the clusters has the notable spatial feature represented by high PW accompanied by strong wind components known as Low-Level Jet (LLJ). The features of this cluster indicate a typical meteorological field pattern that frequently causes disastrous heavy rainfall in Kyushu in the rainy season. From these results, the SOM technique may be an effective tool for the classification of complicated non-linear synoptic fields.

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Analysis of the DC Resistance of the Butt Joint using the Random Contact Patterns of Strands

  • Lee, Ho-Jin;Lee, Sang-Il;Lee, Bong-Sang
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2004
  • The butt joint was verified to satisfy the thermal stability of the ITER magnet system through the ITER CS model coil test. Since the contact area in the butt joint is limited to the cross section of the cable, it is necessary to analyze and control the joining parameters precisely for improving the DC resistance. It is difficult to simulate the cables, which are composed of a lot of strands, as three-dimensional models using the commercial code. The random numbers were used to simulate many kinds of contact patterns of the strands on the bonding surface for calculating the bonding area and the DC resistance of the butt joint. The calculated DC resistance decreases with an increase of cable filling factor in terminal. The calculated DC resistance of a 0.9 cable filling factor is about 0.48 n-Ohm, which is about one-tenth of that in the CS model coil test when not considering the electrical contact resistance. From this difference, the electrical contact resistance between the strands and copper sheet was calculated.

Some Considerations on the Problems of PSA(Pulse Sequence Analysis) as a Partial Discharge Analysis Method (부분방전 해석 방법으로 PSA(Pulse Sequence Analysis)의 문제점에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jeong-Tae;Lee, Ho-Keun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.327-330
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    • 2004
  • Because of its effectiveness for the PD(partial discharge) pattern recognition, PSA(Pulse Sequence Analysis) has been considered as a new analytic method instead of conventional PRPDA(Phase Resolved Partial Discharge Analysis). However, PSA has a big problem that can misanalyze patterns in case of data missing resulting from poor sensitivity because it analyses the correlation between sequential pulses, which leads to hesitate to apply it to on-site. Therefore, in this paper, the problems of PSA such as data missing and noise adding cases were investigated. For the purpose, PD data obtained from various defects including noise adding data were used and analysed, The result showed that both cases can cause fatal errors in recognizing PD patterns. In case of the data missing, the error depends on the kinds of defect and the degree of degradation. Also, it could be noticed that the error due to adding noises was larger than that due to some data missing.

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Comparative Study on Korean Traditional Pocket and French Pocket - During 16th Century to 20th Century - (한국과 프랑스의 전통주머니 비교연구 - 16세기부터 20세기 초까지를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Ji-Na;Lee, Sang-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2006
  • The definition of the 'Pocket', according to the Korean encyclopedia, is an accessory that a person puts in small belongings or money and carry on waist or holds with a hand. Since the pockets were not attached to the clothes at that period of time, the portable bag or pocket had been used without distinction of age or sex for carrying personal belongings. The pocket in France was also used in a similar manner, where it was used as a handbag to carry purse, comb, or a key by women during the middle ages. The pockets were decorated, made of quality material such as velvet, silk, or satin with splendid embroidery or beads. This study closely examines the history of the pocket from late 16th century around Renaissance to early 20th century in France and during the mid Cho-Sun dynasty in Korea and compares the different kinds of patterns, symbolism, and the purpose of the pockets. In addition, the relationships between the pockets, belongings, and ornament are examined as well by thoroughly investigating the unique characteristics of the pocket of each country.

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A Study on the Usage Patterns of Medicine Information Through Web Log Analysis (웹로그 분석을 통한 의약품 정보 검색 주제별 이용 패턴에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Kyoung-Won;Woo Young-Woon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2005
  • There are lots of medicine information on the internet recently. But there is no specific research result about search patterns or acquisition methods of medicine information on web pages for lay people until now. In this paper, 1 analyzed the web log files of a certain company providing medicine information using the WiseLog tool. I analyzed three kinds of statistic result of the web log files such as the status of web page usage by types of users, the status of web page menu usage, and the status of search menu usage. As results, I proposed methods of supplement and improvement for companies providing medicine information on the internet.

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